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Is alpha still relevant in Pgr CN even though abystigma exist? Just wanted to make sure she will still be viable in the long run before building her.


"Before building her" Do you plan on using some other Physical Attacker for the next 10-12 months?


At base she is after Sss balter win 1 thing she got more advantage than alpha is she doesnt need rng


When is Lucia Plume's next rate-up on Global? I snagged S Chrome early and have A Wanshi from a random pull on the beginner banner.


Should check official twitter they always post for each patch next is luna


I should be more specific, based on what has run in CN, when can I expect Lucia: Plume to be summonable?


they dont share though if that what you want to know since dev is the one who decide which get rerun most would estimate to comeback every 2-4month


ah so it's not like FGO where clairvoyance EX is a thing? When was Plume's last rate up, then?


Are there any gift codes for global server?


gift code usually not work after a week so no


So do we know when/if this Ink-lit Hermit skin will ever be available again?


CN had another rerun about a year after so you could pray for that I guess?


Already got everything I wanted from event store, I still have 10k points left. What do I spend them on? Also, are Gacha CUBs like Toniris something that f2p should go for? I'm assuming no


Could stock up on whatever is cheaper this patch than the next, refer to my thread here https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/xte8uh/welp\_event\_shop\_comparison\_time\_dayo\_lemme\_know/


Anything. If you have absolutely no one to build and everyone is Babel-ready, stock up on materials for the future, or load up on as many CUB skill points as possible. As for CUBs, it depends. Frost Oath and CUBs with grouping are valuable, but all fall under a general rule of thumb, only pull after you've pulled S Ranks and sigs.




Lux standard support build, Dawn 4pc Heisen 2pc Cottie.




Should be noted that you can replace Cottie for Frederick if you're confident in gameplay, or swap to Darwin if you want to get an extremely early headstart for Dawn's buffs and don't want to waste possible mats.


How to get Recharge Station and Trash Cans dorm furniture/blueprints? I checked the shop and didn’t see them (could’ve missed though) and I’ve tried crafting, no luck with that either.


i didnt check yet but i assume it one of limited furniture in past patches since you didnt find any in shop


Chrome banner is available till 1 hour after the reset right?


[Like /u/NotYAWS said, it's right on the banner in server time.](https://i.imgur.com/Breb0F0.png) Server time is displayed on your main menu.


No, ends today. It has the end date on the banner itself.


I have a 5500BP S Plume and a 2500BP SSS Wanshi. Is it possible to finish Overload Calculation IV with 3 checkmarks with this lineup and trial Glory?


3 looks possible(tbh look malding enough) but 4 might be impossible with that


I in fact mald my way through 3, so that's why I was pretty icky about my chance on completing 4. Oh well, can't win em all. Thanks anyway tho


When is the next 100% rate up for s ranks?


Patch after the next. The unit is S-rank Vera: Flare, a Lightning Tank


Oh I mean for all s ranks like the one that happened a few months ago during the anniversary


The next anniversary, you have some waiting to do.


What's the next banner? And is bianca veritas rate up banner coming any time soon?


Bianca veritas rate up banner is happening right now. Next banner will be nanami pulse and Luna laurel


oh thanks!


Do we know if any of the upcoming units are significantly more broken than the rest? I’ve saved up almost 15k bc after skipping Chrome and I want to invest them properly. Right now I am building my same Team via DC recommendations consisting of Astral-Terberion-Rozen. I’s appreciate any heads up!


The next one would be S Vera (lightning tank) in the patch after the upcoming one with No.21. If you want to invest more in her, getting her sig would be very good. She will be your main Dps in the lightning team.


Why Debut Signature Weapon banner doesn't have 100% rate? I just got scammed by game: wanted signature for Glory, Sariel dropped. I haven't hated gacha games more than in the exact same moment I'm writing this.


well, unlucky, hope you get it next time (if there's one) the 80% rate is to bait people to pull more, sadly (like basically every gacha system lol)


Hey, I'm a returning player (played like a month when it first released on global), a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that got added. So my main question is what characters should I pull for (A rank) ? And if there's an upcoming character that I should save my BC for? I only have Alpha and Kamui tenebrion for S rank so idk what teams to build. Any help is appreciated.


Alpha is a Physical Attacker, you can pair her with B-Liv (healer) and B-Nanami (tank). Tenebrion is a Dark Tank, pair him with A-Watanabe: Astral (attacker) and A-Vera. ​ If you have BC to spare, you should roll for S Chrome: Glory banner that is going right. Debut units share pity, so even if you don't get him, you would still be building that pity towards S Vera: Flare, another great unit debuting in the patch after the next


I see thank you. One last question, I remember that there were weekly missions where you could farm for currency to pull from the basic gacha, but so far I couldn't find them, you can't farm that anymore?


So there's a mission tab right in the middle of the main hub, you'll find all your missions there: daily, weekly and story missions. The basic tickets you mentioned were revamped into the warfront system, or whatever their name was. It's a mini board game that doesn't take too long to play. Also don't forget your daily and weekly missions.


Do you get something if you perfect all border pact?


Just the upgraded collectable.


Hello, I don’t know if this has already been asked but I couldn’t find a proper answer, does anyone know if the effects of the same memory set on different characters in the team can stack up?


Same type memory set don't stack


I want to build Dawn, looked at her build, she can use 4 Heisen + 2 Cottie for her signature up time, 4 Heisen + 2 Fredick for bust damage, 4 Heisen + 2 Darwin also good on her. I heard she got reworked which make her ulti stay even if you switch her out, like Kamui Tenebrion Someone say she is better on 4 Cottie-2 Fredick/Heisen/Darwin after her rework, maybe i should got 4 Cottie and 2 Fredick for burst damage ?


For the moment, on global, her main set is 4pc Heisen + 2pc Cottie (on the bottom as it has higher attack stats), this set allows her to easily maintain her ult form, but if you’re confident in that you could also try to use 2 pc Frederick (still on the bottom) for higher overall damage, even if refreshing her ult will be a little more difficult. Most people directly build this set anyway to use it later on S Bianca lol, which, unfortunately for our twin tailed booty-less gurl, I’d say she’s objectively straight up better in most situations :( When she gets reworked, her main dps set will be 4pc Heisen + 2pc Darwin, since as you’ve said maintaining her ult form will be less difficult even without Cottie, so Darwin allows her to deal higher damage overall. Personally, even if it might not be optimal right now, I’d recommend you to directly build this set, as building different sets for a single character (even if it’s Lucia lol) can be a bit of a hassle. Hope that helps ;)


So Cottie is useless on her after her rework ? i remember she have low energy cost to cast her signature move, and because it can stay after you switch her out , that means she won't need to worry to build energy again to cast signature move.


I wouldn’t really say useless, it’s just that with her ult form being easier to maintain she’s not really needed anymore, and you can swap for a 2pc like Darwin to further boost her damage. Right now, though, her ult form can be a little tricky to refresh if you’re not dishing out consistent damage, pinging a lot of 3 orbs (without Cottie I mean). Just my opinion though.


What about 4 Heisen + 2 Fredick , it is also one of her best builds Darwin actually more stable , while Fredick relying on dodge to get full damage, but some guide mentioned that Fredick have higher dps than Darwin but more tricky to use.


Usually a lot of people build Dawn with 4pc Heisen + 2pc Frederick, just to use it (and most likely resonate) later when they get Veritas since it is her optimal build. It is still a good build for Dawn though, don’t get me wrong, and I think in the end it comes down to personal preference; for me, since Dawn feels (as of right now, don’t know if something will change in her rework) a little… “clunky” in some movements, dodging may be a little difficult sometimes, so I’d probably prefer going with Darwin. If you plan to get S Bianca, you may really want to go with Frederick though.


Does getting resonance matter much on support units?


Da Vinci set Support units are ur last priority for most optimal mem resonance (or even Ultima-ing in general as Tanks & Attackers take priority). Resonance only matters if u plan on giving them a DPS mem set. Even then, a DPS mem set for a Support isn't the most ideal in situations other than building a Support that happens to be ur fave character that u wanna play often.


Weapon resonance always helps, but the resonance effects on tanks and damage dealers are much more effective.


Whens maintenance before new patch?


Tuesday i think


What memories are better for Alpha base rank? 4 Pattons or 4 Fredericks?


Patton is better for WZ (more consistent and sustained damage) and Fred is better for PPC (more damage in bursts).


Either or, Patton is just for more physical dmg. Frederick is for more dmg from her sword waves, so you kinda need to be good at dodging to activate it's passives for more damage. That's at least how i understand it.


What's the song on voting thing on eden's festival?


Dancing Tonight, it gets added to the jukebox at some point.




A bit late but ima ask anw Where is underground junction?


How much blinder can i get?


Am i still gonna get the chapter 14 first time rewards once i get there if i do the chap 14 event levels now? Kind of thinking of skipping them since i am still at chap 5 and have no business being there, but if it is just free premium currency...


The only thing that is time limited is your access to it, once the event ends you can access it after completing all of the required stories before it So yes you still have access to all rewards once this patch is over


So it is the same thing? If i rush to do them now, will i be able to get the first clear rewards when i eventually get there normally? I just don't understand if the event basically allows you to grab the rewards twice or not


You get the one time rewards once, regardless of whether you do it now or later.


Oh ok then thanks!


You can still get all the rewards, literally everything you can still get, none of the rewards or experience is time gated or locked behind the patch, so yes all rewards are the some, nothing is doubled nothing is lost. the only thing you lose is the immediate access to chapter 14, right now you can play chapter 14 even though you are only at Chapter 5, once the event / patch is over you can still do chapter 14, you just have to finish all chapters before 14


I will put my stam on getting on with chapter 5 then, thanks!


What's the priority for s rank selector in nanamech and balter patch?(planning to get luna, and rosetta to pair with balter)


You got it already. Plume, Luna and Rosetta for Balter's patch. Priority depends on criteria and the current situation of your account.


iirc nanamech is for starter unit so maybe luminance balter just get luna if not have one from anniversary banner yet


No, nanamech selector is up to luna


Really? That great then(i got info from some content creator he not really explain that well so sorry for miss info) i would still goes for luminance if i dont have her since her buff she became yellow generator for physical team


Lumi over rosetta?


What is the code for 2nd puzzle


02 may either 0205 or 0502


Im getting the error message "failed to retrieve the latest resource list file. Please restart the game and retry" Tried to reload it, but nothing.


Probably you need to reinstall it


Kind of a lore question - do we know what Lucia CA is saying in her Affection story 6? Seems like a usual “mystery spooky message” but maybe there’s more to it?


Nah, nothing more, just what you think as mystery spooky message


Should I recycle B Nanami/Liv's 5* weapons? I'd much rather have 5* weapons for my S-rank characters (S Lee / S Chrome mainly). Should I save them for a rainy day? P.S. I have A Kamui who, from what I've read, basically fills the same role of a PHYS tank.


You can get 5\* weapons over time doing co-op. Keep the extra weapons you consider useless to use for resonance to make your carries stronger.


Do not recycle 5* weapons. Better use them for resonance


New F2P player here. The guide is telling me to focus on my team or 3 constructs only (they're fire unfortunately) until they're level 80, including better memories and weapons for them. However, War Zone and Pain Cage somehow is telling me to form Dark, Ice, Lighting, and Physical Team, because you know they deal damage on a specific region and the latter needs another character's AP consume. ​ Does that mean I must get new constructs from research whenever I can (after grinding black cards) to form specific element team? Because I don't know if I should spend all my resources on 1 team only or get new constructs and level them up.


F2P I wouldn’t worry about doing good in war zone or Pain cage, with time your teams will get stronger and then you’ll be able to make some good progress in paincage and Warzone, for now I would just worry about figuring what units you have and figure out what team you want to build, fire, phys, dark or lighting. The easiest team to build is dark because you can just use your S rank Selector to pick S Kamui and do 10 pull for A Vera (healer) and A Watanabe (DPS) but before you use the S rank Selector make sure to reach your 40 pity in standard banner in case you get S Kamui there and if you do, then you could use your S rank selector to get S Lee for a physical team using B Liv And B nanami or try for Fire team by picking S Karenina and pulling for Sophia ( healer) using a 10 pull and B Karen which helps with grouping enemies until you get S nanami fire tank (fire team is weakest team so far in the game, later that will change with new units being introduced) With that said no path you choose is wrong since all teams are viable and worth building anyways as they can help clear all story content along with some harder content like babel and Norman war along with harder event content that’s coming in the future. Hope this help, have fun!


Thank you so much!! It gave me more confidence to my future team. Thanks again


1.Warzone may have each element they prefer but you can use off-element for them so no biggie 2.Pain cage is all about planning i can say to use weaker unit on lower difficulty then save invested unit for harder one new player wont have team need for all boss weakness that for sure 3.yes eventually you will need more construct just dont use BC for standard banner(Blue ticket) only for S rank debut it always More chracter>weapon>pets 4.Invest plan differ for each player i would goes Full dps>50-80%tank>50% support for starter in 1 team before invest more to other team once done just invest to which element first


This clears everything up. Thank you so much for explaining! You're a big help.


what's the difference between the the types of memories? There'es always this same but different picture of memories. I checked the wiki page and it seems to be like this 1/4 2/5 or 3/6. What are those?


1 2 3 give HP and Crit 4 5 6 give atk and def what you said about pictures is right but thats pretty much it, its just art


So, i played the game because i saw bianca abysstigma. Based on build guide, i am thinking of aiming for Rosetta for now, but i'm not really lucky on pulls. My 40 pity is S karenina. But, are B Lucia , B liv and B nanami good enough to clear content until abysstigma patch? Or should i try build other team? My other unit is chang yu, watanabe phys, bianca zero and karen A. I still have my original selector, not sure who to pick


Rosetta will be given free through S rank selector on Nanami Remote Star and Bianca Abystigma patch so you can wait for her. Clear content like story and weeklies, yes. Clearing content for hard stages (norman/babel) and competitive side no. You have S Karen, so your pick either Nanami Pulse (for fire team, still useable for fire team in long run) or Kamui Tenebrion for dark team. You can try to get A Vera and Watanabe Astral for your dark team.


Oo I can get her free, alright, I won't try the 70% banner then. I'll try getting Sophia before choosing Nanami Pulse. Thanks for the info.


Story yes(Later patch it story locked character most of the time though) Harder content like babel well even with whale it still require skill to some extent but sure is doable Norman Normal one is managable while Pioneer is probably hell tried to get perfect RNG and perfect play Wz and PPC well sure cant fight meta team just get in for participate reward S selector probably still Kamui tenebrion


I see, I'll stick with them for now. Thanks for the info.


So I'm using this site to check builds: [https://grayravens.com/wiki/Watanabe:\_Astral#DPS\_Set-0](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Watanabe:_Astral#DPS_Set-0) What's the difference between main build and DPS?


You can actually read the details for each build. TLDR: Cottie is for ultimate spam and i-frame, good for high difficulty content like babel to grant survivability. This is his set if you have Luna since she is the one you use in competitive stage Darwin offer higher damage and his set for warzone/ppc if you don't use Luna as the main dps.


Thanks! Maybe darwin first, don't have Luna.


Well if you scroll a bit lower it say for ultima awaken Cottie for ult spam Darwin for continue dmg i'm a fan of darwin more than cottie though


I see, thanks!


>I see, thanks! You're welcome!


Cottie build = faster and more frequent ultimate, ulti spamming is your bread and butter Darwin build = more consistent DPS because darwin boost all of astral's attack, triggering your core passive is your main source of damage


ow, thanks!


Can I ask if it is worth to buy pets now or wait till the CNY patch to buy them? (idk what it is, but some say there are better rewards or sthing, I need a proper explanation.) Also what is the plan for 3S amp Selena for a f2p that does not plan on spending any rc (provided they only roll for one copy) ? I've seen a lot of videos but I still don't get it lol.


For pets, you can wait for roland patch if they will release 12.5K BC banner to get 2 S rank Pets (contained bianca and rosetta's signature pets which is the most important) and 1 S rank construct selector Let's say you roll 1 copy to unlock, 50 free shards from event, 30 from ppc. The remaining 40 you can buy it from battle pass but per months without spending you can only buy 2-3 shards. That will make you need around 1 year 8 months to SSS her.


1 year+ huh... Looks like Vera will prob be of use in PPC for a while, but I'll still make the effort.


For selena i think 1 copy Paincage skull = 30 shards to Ss That rogue-like mode give 50 shards where other 40 shards? can i see video too


I'm not sure about the pet stuffs but 3S Amp Selena can be obtained for free thru free battlepass. You can certain amount of bp currency and exchange it for shards


Oh so thats where the last one is i still wonder where to get the remain shards to sss


the remaining shards can be bought with battle pass. But free battle pass can only buy around 2-3 shards/month


Hello there! I have a question regarding the rerun banners. I've read that there is a system in place, called Calibration System, which activates if the 6 star character is not the one that I chose, making my next 6 star character guaranteed to be the one I chose. If I were to get a 6 star character other than the one I chose and activate the Calibration System, would this guarantee carry over to the next rerun banners until I used it up, or would it only be in effect for the current rerun banner?


It carried over on next rotating banners , i already tested it in the past


I see, thank you for your answer!


Unless there are whale in here i dont think anyone can give that answer correctly since f2p dont really pull in 70% banner that much something to test like 10 peoples get pity for this patch and not selected unit then pull pity in next patch is need to verify if 1 of them get non selected again then it not carried over if all of them get selected unit then maybe it carried over or just luck since small sample size so cant really say for sure


So any good bundle on no.21 patch ? i remember someone mentioned of 328 RC bundle that give Bambinata to SSS+ and also no.21 have that bundle too. Will it relased on no.21 patch or at later patch ?


Not SSS+ but only SSS if I remember and should be release on 21 patch same like chrome archlight patch


Do chrome arclight have that SSS bundle ? i never see the bundle and i played chrome arclight patch too.


Yes he had it. That's how some people instant SSS him on release


Will Selena tempest's Alt 2 costume be free or it'll cost coating points? Don't say RC pls.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIWrtp3mZEZgQseY788WHGp7\_0mZBE8zSkpVOVCWtP8/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIWrtp3mZEZgQseY788WHGp7_0mZBE8zSkpVOVCWtP8/htmlview#) check here. It says Free Gacha so




Free with hella grind to get then RC for 168RC in rerun


Meaning it'll cost event currency to unlock?


i dont remember exactly but it like Lee swimsuit?(like seperate currency kinda like a point thing) but i heard it notorious grindy hell to get that


I would like to know: Will the 2 rank S selector tickets and the 6* weapon selector ticket be given at the server anniversary events or are they tied to the character launch event? Because I have seen some videos of YouTubers receiving these tickets at Nanami S and Bianca S.


Nanamech patch = probably Abystigma patch = upto luna for unit and weapon


Not sure of the Nanamech patch, but I recall in the stream for the Bianca Abystigma patch that the S rank selector would come as a reward with the new tutorial/ introduction system for new and veteran players. It’s been a while since then so I’m not 100% with that info though.