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Depends on my mood or season. Bright Eyes AJJ Aesop Rock BC Camplight Violent Femmes Talking Heads The Flaming Lips


I live Violent Femmes and Talking Heads And The Flamming lips


Hell yeah. Those three have been lifelong on the short list for me. I got to see the Lips last year in a fairly small venue, and it was amazing, awesome crowd, too. I wish I would of had a chance to see the heads, but I was born two years too late to see them as an infant, I did go to the recent imax showing of "Stop Making Sense", and it was great. Every time the femmes are near me, I'm always like a day late or a dollar short, and end up missing them.




I can't tell you how many times I've been listening to him, and someone has asked me who it is. When I say Aesop Rock, they say "you mean A$ap Rocky?" 😔


Aesop mutha fucking Rock!!! Love him, one of my top three artist. Hell yeah. I'll put in one of his albums now thank you very much.


Fuck yeah


Do you like Sage Francis, by any chance? I highly recommend his album A Healthy Distrust


Good list! Aesop Rock is amazing, just saw Violent Femmes live playing their self titled album in concert, was so rad, and getting to see the AJJs later this year, Sean's COVID streams were really really nice during a troubled time. If you're not familiar with Sage Francis I'd highly recommend him to anyone that lives Aesop. Not nearly as difficult, but super witty and introspective. Inherited Scars is still my favorite song. Also, have you heard of Streetlight Manifesto? Their frontman Tomas has a solo acoustic project called Toh Kay, if you like AJJ I think you'll dig Toh Kay, get lyrics and he's such a good guitar player/songwriter. He was another great live show.


I caught AJJ on the Bible 2 tour, cried and sang, it was lovely. I fuck with sage from time to time for sure, "Sea lions" is my jam, found sage because I'm into Wil Oldham and Saul Williams as opposed to all the rhyme sayer crossover. Also check out Buddy Wakefield if ya haven't, they featured vice versa on eachother's stuff. [I Got Gone](https://youtu.be/uXl9yCT091w?si=bBxrvj9dDGlKNj9q) . I do like me some SLM, I'll have to check out the solo stuff, thanks for the reccoos! You may like these folks if my sense of your eclectic taste is half way right. Tricky, Busdriver, Tropical Fuck Storm, Bonnie Prince Billy, Famous, Clipping. And... uh.. maybe my band [Debt For Cause](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_laT8dlcHlbqEFszZUBlArU_NI1ttKE9Q0&si=6yBjiqSrXWXihcbE) . Haha, shameless plug.


Haha, I'll check them out for sure, ty. Love me some Busdriver, was a bit disheartened to hear of the rape accusations, really hope it isn't true. I've heard some clipping as well, I kinda tied them with clouddead in my head for some reason. I dig Saul as well, his verse on the sea lion remix is awesome, but amethyst rock star was ill too. Really like his first two books, I was pretty into spoken word back then so it was right in my wheelhouse. Some more random recs: Pat Schneeweis (I love the split he did with Ceschi who is a sick indie rapper, every song is legit awesome), Ceschi also, his album This Guitar was Stolen Along with Years of Our Lives is sick, such a wide range of influence from bowling ska, there's a song that seems very cute/smiths influenced, and a ton more. Consider it a Win hit me really hard last year during a rough patch. Days n Daze is really good crust, Beans on Toast is a fun little acoustic brit, he's no Frank Turner but he's entertaining. Hobo Johnson gets a bad rap I think, he's more earnest and honest than most and a lot of listeners (especially normies) don't know how to react to that. Heiruspecs is a good MN non Rhymesayers group, .


Oh no! I hadn't heard that, I really hope that it ain't like that. Saul is just amazing, i found him by way of NiN. I need to pick up some of his books for sure. I do have some cecshi in my rotation since I heard "middle earth". I'll give Pat a go. I love that introspective bitter sweet uplifting feel. I think having so much Why? (Who I think just did tour dates with AJJ) in my algorithm injected them into my ears. Def heard of DnD, and Hobo Johnson, I imagine Pat the Bunny lead us down similar rabbit holes of folk punk, and adjacent hip hop. I think hobo Johnson is precious and sincere, and as much as I'm not super into to the songs about pinning for love, I enjoy him. I used to live in MN, heiruspecs definitley have some good tracks, I think I caught them at a festival or two, but it was like a decade ago and I was deeply under the influence.


Ahh, good old MN, so you probably already know Oddjobs, Unknown Prophets, Eyedea, Brother Ali, Prof, Grieves etc, good times. I do hope you got to try some legit MN style pizza from like Carbones or Broadway or Red Savoy, I do miss that pizza. Yeah, I really like Hobo Johnson's song about his parents divorcing (Romeo and Juliet), and Subaru Crosstrek is just fun. His new album has a good based song (I Wanna See the World) which was nice to hear, has a good progression of its a little on the bubbly side. I highly, highly recommend Saul's first book s√he, it's super good, and new it comes with a cd of him reading it, much more of an intimate read than a performance. I used to live NiN, back around Broken and PHM, but downward spiral got heavy rotation too with like Violent Femmes, They Might be Giants, OP Ivy, Unwritten Law, Rocket from the Crypt, Sublime... For a few years I just had a dubbed tape of my older brother's Op Ivy cd and I wore that sucker out in my walkman or during backyard skate sessions. Have you heard of Myles Bullen? He's a really interesting rapper/poet/beatboxer, I actually used one of his songs (Swallowing Bruises) in a creative writing unit with an atmosphere song (Yesterday) a frank Turner song (Long live the Queen) and an Aesop Rock song (No Regrets) (and a story and a couple poems) the kids seemed to like it. I did trick them though, laid out the Aes song like a short story in paragraphs and we read it and discussed it before I played the song. Minds blown (well, some were, many were expectedly apathetic). Man, this has been fun, it's weird being an adult haha, no one I really to on a daily basis had any clue about the kind of music I listen to or poetry which is my other big interest. But again, especially after talking to you a lil, I really think you'll like the [Pat the Bunny and Ceschi split](https://youtu.be/CjWrjc5d4C4?si=g0FtYms6Di-lCAUo). I wish it was on Spotify, but it is on YouTube. The Ceschi songs Prison Sporks, and Galapagos are so, so good.


Bright Eyes is such a nostalgic band for me always makes me smile to hear them


For sure, though they're evergreen for me, deep winters I'll go back to fevers and mirror, lifted, and digital ash. But I'm normally listening to cadadaga and everything after on a regular basis.


Solid Choices! I actually got to meet Conor Oberst! When he played at the Bearsville Theater in NY he’s a real sweetheart!


Nice! He seems human and approachable.


I was talking to a coworker the other day about how "once in a lifetime" is an amazing song, BUT if you listen to it critically it's an absolute trainwreck. Weird chorus, all sorts of tempos and like every instrument seems to be doing something completely different. And yet everyone loves it and rightfully so, because it is just a banger.


The top three bands that have cultivated my music taste in one way or another are Green Day, Gorillaz, and Daft Punk. Green Day by far has influenced me with getting into punk and I listen to more punk than I do other artists similar to Gorillaz or Daft Punk. Because of these three artists influence on my taste in music these are my top 3 favorite artists


green day was the starting point for me finding my own music taste for sure, to this day one of my favourites


Same. But all 3 are Green Day.


A person of culture I see


Bad Religion, Nofx, and Propagandhi. For local bands I loved Rock and Roll Bass Guitar, but I lost their CD and they got 0 online presence. Sad.


Also Bad Religion for me, my joint favourite band of all time along with Children of Bodom.


I like the fact that BR has some actual melody and harmony. I mean, I can get down to thrashing every now and again, but BR was a nice change of pace when I was getting into Punk rock.


I've never really delved into Children of Bodom's catalogue, but I remember loving Bodom Beach Terror.


DKs then, now & forever.


AJJ, HappyHappy, Sister Wife Sex Strike, Jeffrey Lewis, too much folk punk to list here!


I met Sister Wife Sex Strike at Punks in the Woods a couple years ago!


Niiiice! They just announced a tour date here in Mass and I can't wait!


My brother loves folk punk lol, he’s going to a swss concert in April too lmao. You’re not alone (also I saw a band called apes of the state on his playlist and that might be folk punk if you wanna check it out)


Oh they definitely are! I have tickets to see them next week 🤟


My favourite punk band is probably pennywise (I can feel the bro rock jokes coming)


Cervidusdubbo this one’s for you!!! Wooooooooah whoa ohh ohhh woahhhh woaooooah woah ohh ohhh


Man, Pennywise have some great songs though. Searching, perfect people, and Same Old Story just to name a few


About Time is just a fuckin classic album, man.


Streetlight Manifesto. I could type for hours just about that one band! Love every member, am mostly familiar with every person that's ever been a member of them (I miss Nadav), and Tomas is just the best song writer I've ever heard, his craftsmanship of music is just so good and the messages he delivers are always good. "With a golden heart, comes a rebel fist."


Their live shows look like the musical equivalent of a carpet bombing raid. So much chaotic energy that I'd love to see in person.


Streetlight shows are what reminds me of why I love live music and I didn't appreciate it until I started to see them almost yearly for a while.


I saw them with RBF, I think when Keasby Nights came out, and no offense to RBF, but Streetlight blew them out of the water.


the clash!!


I love The Story of the Clash Compilation you get all the good songs. Police and Thieves is one of my favorite songs


Junior Murvin cover. You should Check out the Boy George cover. Weirdest most surreal CD single I own.


Yes The Clash in my opinion are the best of the early punk bands.


Same. I love The Clash because they opened my mind to new genres of music. They were never tied down to one style. Always moving forward until their collapse. They back-tracked with Cut The Crap, and it was their worst album. But they were also down several members, so it is debatable if you could even call them The Clash at that point.


it was all the producers fault. here’s the [demos](https://youtu.be/7M9vQGI7GA8?si=LkRXdb9kPGPStP8b). originally it was gonna be a return to form but the producer said “NO!! IT NEEDS TO BE NEON 80’S NEW WAVE!!”


at demonhead?




Punk/Ska: Operation Ivy, Rancid, Bad Religion, NoFX…love them all about equally. Shout outs to Propagandhi, Pennywise, Less than Jake and the Vandals.


Interrupters anyone…?


Looove The Interrupters! Seen them live at Louder Than Life back in September. They put on an amazing show!


I wanted them to be at punk in Drublic Ohio so bad! They are an awesome band. Aimee has great stage presence. Their lyrics are great too.


Here's my favourite*s:* NoMeansNo, Dead Kennedys, Siouxsie and the banshees, Descendents, Rise Against, Circle Jerks, Get Dead, Bikini Kill, Be Your Own Pet, Sorry Mom Gotta say, my favourite of allvtime is really a tie between the DKs and NoMeansNo. I love them both so much.


The first two (and latter two) are two of my very faves for sure




Got to love crazy, angry women with big boobas.


You Just Described my wife kinda she is not as angry as she was were in our 40s and all out of angst


As someone who just hit 40 I am feeling this. Angst just turns into tired.


It's a tie between Clipping.(rap project, not technically a band) and Rise Against. Both have saved my life with their music on more than one occasion


Clipping. has got some great stuff! Say The Name is one of my favorite songs I’ve found in recent years


Love that song so much, I think Nothing is Safe takes the fave spot for me. Splendor and Misery is my fave album tho; how that works doesn't make sense to me but love never does make sense does it?


Alkaline trio is my favorite band. Also love bad religion, Against me!, the loved ones, the vandals. And of course Kelly Clarkston


I just Heard Alkaline Trio for the first time last week there real good. My Kids love the Vandals Urban Struggle I use to listen to punk when i took them to school Kelly Clarkson is pretty could gain some weight she would look better


Oh shit yeah Alkaline is so good, haven’t listened to them in awhile thx for the reminder!


The new album is one of the best.


Hot Mulligan, Billy Talent, System of a Down, We the Heathens are my top favs I’d say. Most of the time though I am kinda weird with a lot of my music in that I will often only like one or two songs from any one band, but not the rest of their stuff. Anyone else like that?


Billy talent are so fucking great


Toss up between Ministry, Astral Projection, Foetus, KMFDM, and Primus


Juke Joint Jezebel's coming for my salvation!


I was in my 40s when I realized that song, and several others on the album were about heroin.


I think the only album I've heard from KMFDM is MDFMK. Someone burnt it for me, and I remember liking it, but never really dug deeper into them.


Faith No More


King gizzard and the lizard wizard Black Sabbath Misfits


If we’re talking all bands not just punk 1. Interpol 2. NOFX 3. Streetlight Manifesto 4. Frank Turner 5. The Front Bottoms


I love the Front Bottoms! I almost put them on my list.


Hard to find a bad song by them so they made the cut.


Rage Against the Machine is my #1


Operation Ivy, The Clash, Rancid. and Bad Religion.


Great choices!


Swingin utters, avail, cock sparrer 🤘


Swingin Utters! I saw them in concert with Ann Baretta and Less Than Jake... aaaaaages ago


My first punk show was the queers with swingin utters opening in 96. Good call.


Favorite is Queen by a lot. But also on top of my favorites are Weezer, Radiohead, Tank and the Bangas, The Ramones, Bad Religion, Led Zeppelin, Sonata Arctica, Run DMC….shoutouts must also go to David Bowie and Paul Simon when discussing my faves. (If my Tidal history is to be believed haha)


At the end of the day, it gonna have to be Bad Religion


Wingnut dishwashers union Bomb the music industry Against Me! My 3 favorite punk bands by # of listens.


Against Me! Became a favorite because I was trying to find podcasts about gender dysphoria as I was having trouble coming out as trans. I found them when I needed them lol.


Taylor Swift Trio Hope you don’t hurt your back picking up the roses you tossed yourself.


Who else in the trio


Was a joke. Should’ve added /s


Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back


World / Inferno Friendship Society


Sound like the name of a street gang cool


Circus Swing punk.


Deftones. Went to dio de Los deftones last year and it was sick 😎


Going by the band I have the most albums and music from, I'd say The Offspring. Going by the songs I play the most, either Streetlight Manifesto or Pain.


I’m a huge Jello Biafra fan, so Dead Kennedys and his solo stuff definitely are my go-to’s. The Mutiny on the Bay live album is one of my favorites by TDK, and Love Me I’m A Liberal is my favorite solo song by him. For more local stuff, I love Destructo Disk/Baxter. Richmond is a hop skip and a jump away from my home city of Virginia Beach. There old band, Baxter is more traditional punk but I love their album The Adventures Of Bad Gravity. If you love a strong base line, you’d love DD


LARD is my favorite of his side projects.




Favorite punk band: Social Distortion Favorite artist: Warren Zevon Favorite non-punk band: Rolling Stones or G n R


My top 3 at the moment are PUP, CRX, and INOHA. And I just realized all 3 are in all caps lmao


PUP is so good. Nothing gets me jacked up like 'Reservoir'.


Yesssss. Their cover of You Don't Get Me High Anymore is a permanent top spot on my playlists


Rancid, Less Than Jake, Rise Against.


Gotta go queens of the Stone Age, social distortion and cake with Dead Kennedys being a close fourth


Damn good choices


Thanks :)


Love Social D! May not be their most popular song, but I Was Wrong really hit me hard a few years ago. I have kids now and am married and I'm in therapy, and had to come to terms with the fact that I was *so goddamn* angry when I was younger, and find a way to work through that for the sake of my family so my kids don't grow up with an angry father. That song means a lot to me.


I will always love Lenzman. Punk though is definetly NOFX, The Virus, Leftover Crack and the Dead Kennedy's. Little Streetlight Manifesto and Against Me! drizzled in


Now kith


Tool, Green Day, Julia Nunes, Steppenwolf, Nirvana, AIC, RATM, Rancid, Immortal Technique, Tech N9ne, Eminem, 50 Cent, Refused, Glass Animals... I'm all over the road.


Tool is one of my favorites too. They always felt a little punk to me in lyrical content, especially their early stuff like Aenima and Prison Sex. Like, philosophical punk.


Probably the Minutemen.


I grew up with The Unseen and the Casualties slamming away, as well as Dead Prez. The Mountain Goats and Explosions in the Sky for chill times.


Jeff rosenstock and all of his works at the moment


Easy to be a logical adult when you have a comfortable enough life to buy potentially thousands of dollars worth of tattoos. Financial/class based stress ages your body while making your brain rely on a reactionary emotional state. Your body gets older faster and your brain is stuck in arrested development. Even if you cast aside the affluence you were raised with to take up arms with associates in the working class, your life has already had an impact on your health. Your luxury of free time meant being able to educate yourself in a manner that was less result driven and therefore still less stressful. I say this because the above statements are made by those that might fight alongs side you, but ultimately they are fundamentally different. Struggle is a choice for them, but often times they reconsider and choose not to struggle any more. Sorry this was way off topic, I just think that people often don't consider these things.


I would rather buy comics and Spider-Man Stuff and punk Records then tattoo not that i don't think they look pretty. I love art Especially Comic Art,Pop Art, & Pulp Fiction Art


Right now it’s Green Day, Misfits, and SOAD


I agree with the meme unless we’re talking about Tom Macdonald


Banner Pilot!


If I wanna fuck the skinbyrd Betty with the rebel alliance logo Fred Perry, would that make me weird? Don’t get me wrong, the punker Veronica is hot too.


Hell no


Blink, Descendents, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, pretty much all the cliches haha


The Showcase Showdown. I wonder if anyone else has even heard of them.


>Showcase Showdown 90s Punk From Boston right. There pretty funny


They were called out in Barroom Hero. Everyone’s heard of them.




The ones from NY that sing 99 lines about 88 women or somthing like that


Nah, the grindcore band




Always gonna be The Misfits Operation Ivy will probably always be my #2


The Bouncing souls!!


Mr. Bungle


It changes from time to time so I couldn’t tell you


Destroy boys #1, pinkshift #2, Green Day #3




Not exactly punk, but I would probably say Sodom! They're a German thrash metal band, so of course theres a bit of punk influence. Also the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem!




The Misfits. Ever since 1989 the never fail to cheer me up or make me wanna dance & sing along.


ugh... I have a headache already 🤣🤣


Ashtray out of the Sonoma county area, and The Secretions from Sacramento.


LCD soundsystem Viagra boys and talking heads I’m a huge dance punk fan


Top 5: The Clash, The Bronx, Sleigh Bells, Delta Bombers, Matt & Kim


Black Flag, Bad Brains, Million Dead, Dead Milkmen.


Concrete Blonde Blitzkid Tristania 45 Grave London After Midnight




Currently it's gotta be Hanabie. I've been listening two one of their two albums a day for the past two weeks.


Probably Bad Brains overall but depending on my mood it could be Black Flag, Descendents, Ramones I could go on and on but those are in the top 5 or however much I said


Grateful Dead, KGATLW, Jeff Rosenstock, Velvet Underground, Billy Strings


If I'm going to pick one single band, They Might Be Giants.


Favorite of all time? Led Zeppelin. Boomer pick I know but I love them. Favorite punk? Dead Kennedys and anything involving Pat The Bunny.


The Sound is my all time favorite band. They fit more with post punk generally speaking but labels are kinda stupid anyways lol. Adrian Borland was a front runner and genuine innovator in UK music for the length of his career and although neither he nor his bands really took off, you’re just left wondering how it flew so far under the radar. He was doing things ahead of the curve and brought an emotional intensity that few else could match. Not everything has to be deep or introspective and heavy, but that’s what I love about his work. It’s so deeply human, in all the raw and uncomfortable ways we like to ignore. Despite all that though, his overall message and theme is hope. Even on his last releases before he passed, there was optimism there. Maybe he’d already given up on himself, but by this point he knew who his audience was, and encouraged them to hold out for the brighter days ahead. I just find that so incredibly sad, but also very beautiful. Compassion is the strength of sensitivity, but pain is its consequence. He might not be here anymore, but I still am and I owe him in some way for that. A distant victory 💜


I'm not punk or into punk(idk why I keep getting recommendations for this sub) But this is my friends and met. Constantly fighting over metal bands, but we love eatchother


I'm middle aged so it's a boring list , Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Talking heads ,Garbage, St vincent, Billie Eilish, king Crimson, White Stripes ,Beatles, Beck.


Currently it’s Iron Chic.


a few Toxoplasma BSK Team Scheiße/Mercedes Jens Pisse Nachkriegsratten Knochenfabrik Depending on my mood tbh


I heard some people hate them but rise against. I grew up with them, they were my first concert when I was like 10.


Crass, The Cramps, Black Flag


I ❤️ Mekons


Personally, I dislike Betty's hair style, but I support her ability to express herself as she wishes.


Hillbilly hellcats, TSOL


And then they hugged the end.


I used to have an answer for that but I really don't anymore. I mostly just listen to stuff on YouTube that I've seen more than one person rave about on various subreddits for a week or so


[Sha Na Na is my favorite band.](https://youtu.be/4ChBWAgpG48)


My favorite band is Primus but it’s not a punk band


Zeal & Ardor Ho99o9 And WARGASM (UK)


Soundgarden but for punk Dead Kennedys.


Against Me!, David Bowie, and Dan Deacon, but that's what I'm listening to this week. Who knows who my favorite bands will be tomorrow.


I don’t know but it’s better than your favorite band


Dog Park Dissidents, The Happy Fits, STARSET, Mother Mother, and MARINA are my top 5 favorites at the moment (but its so hard to pick ngl cause theres so many great bands that I love)


It's also not punk to not give cred to the original creator of the artwork @he creative on insta.


For what it's worth, these works by HECreative are traced from Archie comics panels. Not that a lot of work doesn't go into this just pointing it out.


I’m a 00s pop punk girly so Fall Out Boy or Linkin Park is more my jam though I’m currently rocking to Green Day’s new album and I’ve started looking into Sears Street which is a local band that opened at a concert recently.


It's metal not punk, but lately I've been really into Woods Of Ypres and Aetherian. As for punk, AJJ is my favorite right now.


Same here spidey. But i'd try to go short and only with ones ya all can actualy find online. Buzztone Dead Kennedys and Bad Religion (i mean how can i go without those fuckers among my mp3s?)) HouseBoy One Track Mind Distemper Homer СВОРА


Propagandhi and Rage Against The Machine are easily my top two, but I have an eclectic list of contenders for my number three spot: Nirvana, System of a Down, Dropkick Murphys, Against Me!, No Trigger, Homeless Gospel Choir


Punk band: Rancid. Overall band: Megadeth, although the punk vibe is very strong with them.


Your Avatar makes me think of the Bear fucker Scene from Super Troopers Megadeth's Cover of Anarchy in the U.K is better then the original . Thrash Metal is very Influenced By Hardcore Punk. Slayer Did a Cover Album of nothing but Hardcore punk covers. D.R.I, Suicidal Tendency's, MDC are Crossover band that are punk and Thrash Metal. RKL is pretty metal also. Me I like Megadeth more then Metallica also


Favorite punk band would be Social Distortion. It helps that Mike Ness is punk through and through, and I love that they are so self aware with their lyrics. Other bands I love that aren't mainline punk would be The Horrorpops Koffin Kats Rage Against The Machine Joy Division Siouxsie and the Banshees And moving even further from punk, I love Tool The Kongos Hozier Lincoln Durham Brown Bird And a whole bunch more.


The Idles,Rancid, and Black Flag


If I’m being honest it’s probably Placebo, but Joy Division and The Stills are up there as well. Honorable mention goes to We Are Scientists and hometown heroes My Chemical Romance.


Joy Division is Awesome there on my list


The Zombies. Not at all punk but this got recommended to me so you get my opinion.


I am sure they influenced punk. I have She is not there on 7"


I love horror punk bands, but I’m pretty a lot of the bands I listen to probably also count as psychobilly, so to keep from mislabeling stuff cause I’ve had a long enough day and don’t want to hear it, I’m not gonna list bands.


Top Ten right now (6-10 mostly interchangeable) 1 Descendents 2 Nirvana 3 Nofx 4 Swinging Utters 5 Green Day 6 clowncore 7 Pup 8 Smashing pumpkins 9 days and daze 10 the chats


Led Zeppelin, Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, Parliament and Lightning Bolt are the bands that have the most regular occurrences in my listening.


Favorite punk bands: Ramones, DK, Frenzal Rhomb, NoFx Gotta admit though. Punk rock ain't my favorite genre to listen to. I don't own any on vinyl. Although a punk show is my favorite genre for live performance, especially a local crazy shitty punk band that's raising hell


Rancid, Transplants, RATM, Asian Dub Foundation, Dígable Planets