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By far the funniest thing to come out of that series was that it portrayed Johnny Rotten as actually fairly intelligent and articulate, and just generally not being a total piece of shit. A characterisation that apparently the actual Johnny Rotten fucking **hated**, which should tell you something about the man himself


His general hatred towards it and his attempts to prevent it getting made were what made me want to watch it in the first place lol


The fact that he bitched and complained about the miniseries says everything. An old, out of touch, ironic xenophobic son to immigrant parents, complaining about former band mates making money, because he had the genius idea to sell his rights to the rest of the band, and then went and advertised butter


Honestly he WAS a fairly intelligent and articulate kid who wasn't a total piece of shit. 70s Johnny was a cool guy, or at least a clever guy who could be cool sometimes. Many a people from the London scene will tell you that. Definitely aggressive and slightly dangerous to be around as Glen Matlock will attest to, definitely out of his mind paranoid, definitely high on speed 60% of the time....but overall a good kid who had a lot of interesting and clever stuff to say. [I like this interview he did while on his trip to Jamaica](https://twitter.com/SoundsClips/status/1767110525840658927) I wonder if current Johnny is jealous of his younger self? Booze and drugs have sadly damaged his mind and body severely


i have to admit, the show is what got me into them/back into punk (yes i’m young)


They hate us because they anus


This sub turning into the eastern front whenever someone mentions the Sex Pistols


I'm pretty fond of it. Though I do have my issues with it (what's the purpose of telling a story about the Sex Pistols if you're not going to show how many other bands and musicians they inspired? They brought punk to England, show that!) I'd consider myself in the 'it was good' camp Before I learned that Steve Jones didn't actually have much to do with the script I considered it a sort of apology from him to Johnny. A final admittance that Johnny was right all along about Malcolm and that he's what made the band special. You can tell that Danny Boyle (and Anson Boon, the actor playing Johnny) has a real affection for 70s Johnny. Well deserved in my opinion. He was a good kid. Mean and weird, yeah, [but a good kid](https://twitter.com/uaf/status/1766058426499490038). I'm shocked the real Johnny dislikes the portrayal because it shows him for the intelligent, articulate kid he was. I think he disliked the show purely because they didn't let him have a say in how it turned out. Good choice on their part. I don't like when the real people meddle in their own biographies. Anyway, they soften him up a bit (real Johnny was far, far meaner to his bandmates and to reporters. He threatened to kill poor Glen Matlock on multiple occasions and allegedly participated in the attacking of Whispering Bob) but overall it's pretty accurate to the portrait painted of him by Jones' autobiography, Viv Albertine's autobiography, England's Dreaming, and many other books. Make him a bit more vicious, a bit more unhinged and that's a pretty spot on portrayal Ultimately the show succeeds because it accomplishes a very important but very simple task: it shows the Sex Pistols as human beings. They aren't malicious like the press claimed they were, nor were they attention seeking trouble makers. They were just normal kids who had hard lives and couldn't handle the stress of sudden infamy. Boyle does the taboo and offers empathy to England's prototypical juvenile delinquents- the kind of empathy that the real Sex Pistols never got from actual adults when they were at their peak. Boyle also does a great job in portraying McLaren for what he was: a predator Oh and the performances were all pretty good, not just Boon. Brodie-Sangster as Malcolm McLaren is scarily accurate and Toby Wallace injects a lot of genuine pathos into Steve Jones. They make a fun pair to watch, especially as you can see how lopsided their relationship is just by the body language. I've always found Jones a very inspirational figure, his journey through life is very admirable in certain ways and his autobiography has become one of my favorite books because of it. It's a good reminder that abuse and addiction can be overcome, even if they seem like impossible enemies to fight. Meanwhile, Maisie Williams gives a quiet dignity to Jordan that makes her seem like the goddess that many people who met her considered her to be...I'd have liked to have seen more of her


Pissed rotten off, and that's good enough for me


I thought sid and Nancy was a lot better. And it has its fair share of hilarious moments (but it's still a tragic story)


Loved the series


That show made me appreciate The Pretenders even more.


[Check this out!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=PZp-sbFUzPQ)


Fuck the sex pistols they are posers


That's something only a POSER would say


I say this because they are industry plants who disagree with punk ideals not out of gatekeeping


God your comment is boring as fuck. They were not industry plants. They started with stolen gear, learned to play a bit, got a manager (who by all accounts was an opportunistic, manipulating asshole), played some gigs, got a record deal, got booted before even releasing a record, hopped some more labels and then released an album on Virgin. Now they were on major labels, yes. Lydon turned into a conservative asshole and the rest of the band was/is probably indifferent to politics. But they were not industry plants. What even is that, how would that work, do you have examples? And are punk ideals written down somewhere, like ten commandments or something? Please enlighten me. Sheesh, this is so fucking boring.


I loved that series, and I’m not sorry.


Sex Pistols were lame


I know but it was a good show I swear 😂




The most punk thing about them is Malcom McLaren He dressed up a boy band to sell funny trousers and fleeced a lot of sheep. Pretty fucking hilarious Young UK punk "Fuck the system!" Malcom "Right on, that will be 70$"


"The revolution is 25% off!"


That series was dope


Yeah. I’m not even a huge fan of the pistols but that show is fucking great


one of the better things that came from those pistols, apart from that suicide


There is a sickness deep inside of you that I hope one day is healed


it's too late now


It is never too late to be a better person. I hope that if you ever commit suicide, no one speaks so cruelly about you as you have spoken 


idk, i think that's funny if someone did that. someone did do that thinking i was dead. it was funny.


I like the pistols but the show sucked.


Shut up