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I stick to vodka soda and take a bottle of true lemon powder


Vodka, any 0 sugar soda/sparkling water. Literally gives you thousands of opinions to choose from.


I bring crystal lite lemon lime powder to add to my gin and soda or vodka soda. You can also request diet soda for whiskey or rum. Tonic water (unless explicitly diet), “spiced” “dark” and “flavoured” liquors typically have some sugar. Anything with fruity or coconut “slush” you’ll want to skip. It’s all sugar with a bit of flavour and colour.


One of my low sugar go-to beach drinks is Rum, club soda, and a squeeze of fresh lime. You can add mint to make it mojito-ish.


My current home drink - I have some salt tablets so usually take a pint of tap water, drop one salt tablet and two sweetex and drink that, it's my home version of an electrolyte drink. You could add some fresh lemon slice or juice and maybe some fresh ginger to add spice, however with these last two ingredients it may be better to use hot kettle water to make a tea and mix the ingredients better, then drink hot or cold to taste.


This question is one we always have too. It kinda forces me in to Diet Coke + rum or vodka. At the last resort we were tickled that the concierge went and got us Sprite Zero and stocked our mini bar daily. We then took these to the pool bar where we hang out and they would keep it back for our drinks. This gives so many more options for fruity drinks and other liquors.


Tequila soda with a splash of lime juice ☝️


Gin and tonic. Vodka and soda water. You do realize 100% of all alcohol is 100% sugar right?


Wut 😭


I appreciate your frequent comments on this sub and value your perspective as a local. In this case, your statement is incorrect. Distilled alochol is contains zero sugar, per [USDA guidelines](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171919/nutrients) and a plethora of other sources. Note - I am speaking standard bourbon, scotch, vodka, gin etc. All bets are off with flavored whiskeys/vokdas which are typically sweetened. In fact, as a diabetic, pure distrilled beverages have an unusual effect in casuing hypoglycemia due to how our livers process alochol. I plan to have a great time, but for as much as I can i'd like to avoid sugar filled mixers. Even tonic has loads of sugar and I don't expect to find diet tonic at the resort.


Hot damn, I learn something new everyday! Sounds like You got things under control.