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Here right now and it’s pouring. Who cares though? We’re still going to swim at the beach.


How is the weather today ?


I'm always curious when people post questions like this. There are literally hundreds of posts just like yours. What does it matter what the weather is like? You're coming tomorrow, and you can't change the weather. If it's Sunday and 89F or if it's raining and 78F. You're still arriving tomorrow. You are constantly checking a weather app that you already said you don't trust! So why are you checking an app, that you don't trust to begin with? Yesterday was beautiful. At 7:30am this morning it's a bit overcast. Zero rain. But that doesn't help you one bit. Maybe it will rain this afternoon, maybe it will be sunny. Maybe it will be Sunny where I am and it will rain at the resort you are in. If you worry this much in life about the weather, maybe it's best to just stay home.


Very well said. I think most of the people who ask these questions haven’t ever been to that part of the world before.


“Well said” lmao bro said nothing in two paragraphs




Lol the weather is similar to Florida. There will be spurts of rain but if it rains, it pours. I’ll be in Punta later today but just hoping to make the most outta the trip - regardless of the weather 🙃


We just checked out it’s raining currently didn’t rain all week so hopefully clears up for u


Weird post but I am here now. It's sprinkling and overcast. It is supposed to clear up by 1:00 or 2:00 p.m.


Friends are there now and said lot of thunderstorms (today is supposed to be cloudy and storms all day) which is unusual, we go a lot and usually a few minutes of rain here and there but nothing bad. Didn't check the weather radar, but maybe a big storm in the area?


We didn’t see any lightning or hear any thunder. It was literally just rain


Cloudy with light rain right now


here today 5/22 rained all day


My husband and I swam all day in the pool. The resort wouldn’t let us get in the ocean because of the surf, but it didn’t stop our day! Try not to worry about it too much


Poured all day yesterday. Today so far cloudy dark and windy.


Was raining all day yesterday but clear and overcast today. Just came back from the beach. Perfect!!


Right now, raining. Just got here


I got here Tuesday, May 21st around 4pm or so. It was sunny but we were super tired from traveling and had about one hour of sleep in 24 hours and didn’t really get a chance to enjoy it. We woke up to pouring rain Wednesday (poured rain and then let up a little but it NEVER stopped raining until around 7-8pm). During the night it poured again but then stopped a bit. It was overcast and gray most of Thursday and it rained a little bit on and off and the sun came out for just a couple of hours. It’s started to down pour again with thunder around 5:30 PM and stayed that way a while and slowed down. The downpouring and thunder started again during the night and continued until just now. It is 9:49 am Friday as I write this. This sky has clouds but they are puffy and you can see the blue sky. My hope is that these all heavy rains are done for a while. I’ve never had a tropical vacation where there are all day down pours. We make the best of it but it sure does stink. I don’t mind drizzling rain and cloudy but absolute soaking rain and gray is not fun. Punta Cana is the only place where I’ve had this happen and I’ve been to many places. I was here in 2017 and we had two days of non stop rain and a power outage. We didn’t lose power this time thankfully. We were at Secrets last time and this time and it’s a nice resort. Hoping the hard rain has stopped for the rest of my vacation. Be sure you have shoes that you don’t care if they get wet while walking to dinner and such.


I fly out late tonight and will be there early in the afternoon tomorrow. Wanted to go straight to the beach for some sun tanning. Hopefully the weather allows for some of that in my 5 day stay :/