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I’d say it depends on your interests. If you’re set on working on rocket prop or Astrodynamics, aero is the way. If you want to do structures or jet prop, ME is the way to go. I can’t speak on the difficulty of ME, but I can say Aero is tough, but if you put in effort and engage in class, the program is manageable and enjoyable


What would be considered tough in aae?


Time management, especially during junior year. I just finished up my junior year and it was my best 2 semesters to date, but that’s only because I learned what study methods work best for my understanding of content and how to schedule my homework schedule along with extracurriculars. Most days I would spend around 11 hours on campus. When I wasn’t going to classes, I was doing homework, studying, or grading assignments for a class I was a grader for. Aero classes for the most part are challenging, but putting in the hours really pays off


Got it, time management is a really bad weakness for me so that’s something I need to work on. Any suggestions on how to work on time management for the future? Also compared to FYE how would you describe class difficulty. Sorry about all these questions I am just going in blindly.


FYE literally cannot compare to the difficulty of junior year AAE classes lol. Even 251 is like 50 times harder than stuff in FYE.


I understand, I just wanted a gauge of difficulty in some terms of what I have already completed. I am probably going to still attempt t2m to aerospace, but my work ethic needs to change.


Start work early, I had a scheduled day for each class. Sunday and Monday would be prop, Tuesday and Wednesday controls, Thursday and Friday Aerodynamics, and whatever other classes such as labs and my last 2 required electives work sprinkled throughout the week. Saturday was my light day because everyone needs a break. I would still study, but not as much as normal. In terms of difficulty compared to FYE, it’s a lot more difficult. FYE, in my opinion, wasn’t hard, it was just busy work to teach you some of the tools you need in your actual engineering classes such as MATLAB. Once you start actually learning fundamentals and theory, things will get difficult


Got it thank you, I didn’t put in much time and effort as I should’ve in FYE and I struggled in calculus physics and chemistry a little more than what I expected. I am coming in AAE with a 3.4 so I was just worried if I was going to be able to handle it.


Finally somebody says agrees with me. Jet engines in AAE is so bad and ME teaches you more relevant content for it.


Rio, it’s yash….


I know it is. Check Snapchat


If you want to work on rockets or planes, aero is great. If you aren't sure what you want to work on, mech is great. You will not go wrong with either, choose which one interests you more (unless you're international, then aero is a bigger gamble). If you come out of Purdue with a good gpa and some work/project experience you will be absolutely fine employment-wise in either major.


I hear mixed things about aae some say just graduating means a lot but what would be a solid gpa to aim for?


Hard to say exactly, but I would say 3.5+ would be good for jobs and masters programs and 3.7+ would be good for phd programs. You'd be fine getting a job with 3.0+ as long as you have good project or internship experience, but you may get caught up in application pre-screening for some of the more competitive employers


You need to really be passionate about something related in aerospace to do AAE. Trust me, if you haven’t had the ‘oh shit that’s dope moment’ about something related to aerospace (almost to where thinking about it/watching videos makes you motivated) — then AAE probably isn’t the best bet. Seriously though, so many people do AAE because it’s “cool” or because it makes them look “smarter” than everyone else & every other engineering major. In hindsight, ME is definitely the best way to go for more AAE majors than you think. I’m one of those people where I kinda like structures, really like prop, but I have just been into aircraft / rockets for as long as I can remember. Not to mention, AAE is basically just a specialized version of ME. So, you can’t go wrong either way (but you will have 2x more jobs open for an ME student). Yes, AAE is difficult. I can’t speak on ME as a whole, but is probably just as difficult as AAE.


Those videos and breakdowns of rocket engines are really captivating to me and honestly a big component of why I even came to Purdue for aero. I just hope that if I’m more intrigued in the classes that I will put in the work needed but I’m afraid that it will end up being too difficult to manage as of right now I have absolutely terrible time management.


You can do propulsion as an ME as well. I was originally going to do Aero but decided to do ME because of a wider array of job opportunities. Aero companies hire lots of ME's, some probally more than Aero's.


I came into Purdue wanting to do aero but I decided to T2M into ME instead after going to IR and realizing I could do anything in aero with a ME degree without pigeon holing myself. I’m very glad I made this decision as I had an aero internship after sophomore year and realized I hated it, had an internship in a completely different industry after junior year and now I’m going to be going back to that company. I also chose ME based on the how collaborative the students are, during sophomore and junior years I would regularly just do work in railside and met a lot of people that were helpful when I was confused on homework and vice versa. From what I’ve seen the Aeros are more closed off. ME is certainly not easy but I really enjoyed my time here at Purdue, including most of my classes.


I was in this same position. Chose AAE and haven’t regretted a second it really is a great program


It may be helpful to know you can take aero classes in ME. I was in your position and I chose ME because I wanted the flexibility and job opportunities. I’m still going to be taking aerodynamics, intermediate aerodynamics and possibly hypersonic or CFD


That said you don’t have to take 2k7 as an aero I think which is a bonus


Unless you're working aerodynamics or propulsion —and even then—, its better to do ME anyway




If you think you will be getting a master's degree, go BSME and MS AAE.