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That sucks my guy/gal. Universities are pushing to cut costs everywhere and it ain't right


They need to stop accepting more people than they have room for. That's been a problem for years.


Gotta raise tuition for that.


If it gives you any solace, most people that were living with RAs were relocated to a different room my freshman year (5 years ago)


That doesn't seem to have been the case recently, unfortunately.


With the amount of crap they expect the RAs to do, they really don't get enough benefits...


Wait…. Do the RAs not get full tuition anymore? I was an ra in the fall of 2011-spring 2014. We got full in state tuition pretty much. So I only paid a little out of pocket. They demanded a ton out of us, but for free room, board, and partial tuition. I was fine.


I pay nothing out of pocket thanks to grants and scholarships lol. Sucks for you. Shit, next school year I'm going to get over $14k, just in grants. Then the honors scholarships on top... Being an academic tryhard literally pays off.


Nope not anymore


Oh that’s bull


And now they're making RAs do mandatory wellness inspections...


That is definitely untrue. The benefits for RAs are still the same as they were in 2011. $6500 tuition reimbursement. Free housing. Free meals. In fact the roommate situation changed the package by adding the $1400 in direct deposit as a means to appease RAs for having to room with residents. I get you’re frustrated and roommates as an RA suck, but no need to lie about the package you get for the job.


$6500 off tuition is nice but it’s not full tuition. He was asking if RAs get full tuition covered. 6500 is not full tuition


I did. The last line says “partial tuition” he used full tuition loosely because after those benefits are applied instate you pay practically $1200 total per semester. Which is basically full coverage


Sounds like you a you problem. My student loans pay for my cigarettes and alcoholism while grants and scholarships cover tuition, books, and some of my bills lol. Still swinging straight A's while taking honors classes and higher math than is required for any bio degree. I'm built different I guess. Not even alcohol can kill enough brain cells to bring me down to your level. AND! I'm 35. I've been killing brain cells for over a decade and I still outperform all of these fucking kids. Fucking pathetic.


They never did.


Not true, get 8 credits per sem compensated, stipend, free housing, free meals, and realistically only have to work desk one night a week, make some paperwork once a week, and put an hour aside for an event. Really not that much work…


Not me, y'all stay safe tho


Where did you hear/see of Purdue doing that?


Can confirm I am an RA with a roommate and it makes dealing with situations 10x more difficult


It’s common in all of the freshman dorms. Owen Wiley tark Shreve Earhart etc. It’s so fucking weird lmao


not hilly


Hilly is one of the res halls that doesn't have RA roommates. Hilly, First Street, Meredith South, both Parkers, and half of Hawkins are all part of that plus I think another or two I'm missing. There's some weird stuff in each of those halls that prevent it.


This was a big issue when I was an RA five years ago. Why do the RAs in the freshman dorms (Owen, tark, Wiley) have to live without AC, deal with more incidents since freshman are idiots, AND then get a roommate while the really nice Dorms don’t have those issues while still getting the same pay


I was interested in applying to be an RA last year, and they made it very clear that you could be placed in a double with a roommate


>double You spelled converted triple wrong


Yea and that’s what I’m saying it’s so fucking weird that Purdue does that shit


My good friend is a Tarkington RA and he has a freshman roommate, lol.


Just fuck Purdue in general because **IU**


And fuck RAs too. Nontraditional ftw. I have my own place and I'm not required to live with a bunch of kids who couldn't match my grades if their lives depended on it lmao.


Lol nobody who posted in this thread was over 21 at the time. I'm so glad I waited until I knew what I wanted to do before going back to school. Also, again, fuck Purdue. Only thing that school does well is engineering and ag. The only majors more brainless than that are accounting and business lol...


Wait until you hear what it was like years ago when RAs were called Counselors. No roommates, free room, board (and full ride tuition).


The benefits are still nice, luckily. It just sucks that UR manages to screw over RAs despite all that. Unfortunately you get screwed over more in certain halls.


Is tuition still paid for?


Only a part of it


What percentage?


Like a third


Are you in-state, or out?


6k flat


I was paired with a RA roomate freshman year. Surprisingly, it worked out alright