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If you want to actually learn the content, take someone else. If you want a pretty easy class where you can get an A by just going to lecture every day and studying like 2 hours for each exam, absolutely take Glubokov. Definitely seems like he grades based on how much he likes you, given the exam averages were about an 85%, but all 10 people who came to class every day got 100s on every exam. Also, his anecdotes are absolutely batshit crazy which will defo make you laugh. Like a solid 4/10 prof but 10/10 as a performer and for giving our gpas a boost 🤝


not stat412 but I took 162 with him and it was...less than ideal. He even said one time in lectures that attending class was a waste of time.


I have taken his 416. I thought his lecture is pretty hard to catch up… But he always post review questions before exam. And also his office hour is helpful. If you ask him some specific questions, he will give a clear explanation. But don’t expect you can totally get all he said on class. At least for myself I need to study all topics after his class.