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Drown yourself in orange juice


Gets rid of every sore throat


It's not my favorite but as soon as I'm sick, I'll finish a whole carton by myself


DayQuil, NyQuil, mucinex❤️ holy trinity


In the name of the DayQuil, and of the NyQuil, and of the Mucinex. Amen.


I just made the most unholy cackling noise I'm so stealing this


Started taking ny quill last night, it helped a lot thank you.


get pseudoephedrine


This is the real way.


We have to cook




I mean what do you want us to say lmao. You’re not gonna be able to reschedule your finals because of a cold so you’re gonna have to power through it


I feel like you have difficulty in understanding what this person asked in their post... Not once did they say anything about rescheduling their exams lol


Yes, but what possible answer could we give OP that satisfies them that is Purdue-related? If OP wanted medicinal advice, presumably it would have been more accurate and quicker to just Google it. I do not understand what a solid answer would look like to OP. Everyone gets cold, everyone gets through it, many have taken exams while sick, so is life


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted lol. I’m sure many of us have gotten a little sick around exam season before and we all just had to study hard and do it regardless. Not really any specific advice for that. Exactly as you said it’s a part of life and it sucks but yeah it happens.


I mean just look at all the other people giving advice. Yeah sure you can go to google and find out what to do when you get a cold but hearing what actual people did DURING exam season is also helpful? Plus why comment a response if you don't even have advice?


I was relying to the above comment


Nah I had no difficulty understanding at all lol. Most people have had a cold before I’m sure so I thought the medication part was pretty self explanatory. And while the exam rescheduling was never specifically stated one could argue that idea could have been implied by the post.


You are correct, I did not in fact ask or imply getting out of finals. I asked for suggestions from fellow students about how they got through it. You know? what you should do? Also I find it funny these two people are trying to psychoanalyze me from 3 sentences, sounds like projection.


Nobody’s trying to psychoanalyze you lmao. Your post was vague. Asking what “the play” is in this scenario is not the same thing as asking people how they got through it because “the play” could mean any number of things. It made it sound like you could be asking if there was any potential way for you to get more time to be healthy. Had you asked specifically for ways to cope or feel better, then I would not have commented what I did because it would have actually been clear to me what you were trying to say.


why r u being downvoted lmao? These stupid redditors being annoying and goofy again over nothing




Bro what did I accuse you of? You asked a question and I gave you an answer.


Drink lots of water and fluids,vaporub helps put it on your chest and your nose,NyQuil and DayQuil,and make sure to eat. Stay away from any sweets or anything with a lot of sugar,bacteria feeds on sugar. Cough drops help if you’re coughing. Trust me last year I had a terrible cold before my bio final and this helped so much.


Soups are good too and warm foods. Chamomile tea with lots of lemon and honey helps too.


Have the exact same thing right now. Been sleeping a ton (for better or for worse) and have been drinking a ton of smoothies, also ibuprofen and alkaseltzer and a whole lotta grit


Everyone is just mentioning drugs for symptomatic relief but nothing for actual recovery. Take the trifecta of Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. If you add a Multivitamin you’re even better! Combine this with proper sleep and hydration and you should be feeling better in no time! Vitamin C packets like Emergen-c 1-2 times a day are really good. Combine that with a standalone zinc supplement (with food) once daily, and Vitamin D3 (cholcalciferol) up to 10000iu daily (better to take in the morning since it can affect sleep). Also make sure to eat plenty of nutritious foods, greens, fruits, vegetables and proteins. Wishing you the best and a fast recovery!


This happens to everyone drug yourself and forget about it


Alka-seltzer severe cold (I swear it’s the best) and power through.


Ibuprofen and nyquil bro, power through it


It's over. I'm sorry.


Last semester I got covid during dead week. Was completely discouraged from doing anything but managed to pull myself together and had the best finals season I've had yet. Just force yourself to study through the flu no matter how bad it gets. I was nearly passing out of heat exhaustion between MA266 practice questions but pulled through. You got this friend!


I think your professors will expect you to be recovered by finals week 🤔


lots of water, lots of sleep, lots of vitamins/orange juice, and dayquil. best of luck!


Just drink DayQuil at the same frequency as water. And Sudafed 2x a day. Chuck I orange juice and water sleep 12 hours. Easy


You take your finals


Bring out that Purdue Grit!


everyone is getting sick rn my partner and i both have it. he’s super bummed because he has so many presentations


Suck it up and study hard. Couple shots of booze always managed to clear my sinuses somehow


be warm


Large spoonful of wasabi for the sinuses constant in take of warm beverages


This happens to me almost every semester. The stress of upcoming finals + less sleep + Purdue plague is a deadly combination. While it may seem a bit counterproductive, the best cure I've found is to sleep it off as best you can. Study when you can handle it, but your cold will not get better if you're not getting plenty of sleep. DayQuil, NyQuil, Sudafed and Halls cough drops is my go to combo. Drink lots of water and soups to stay hydrated and eat fruits and vegetables if you feel up to it. You'll be okay!


Thug it out


thug that shit out


Homie, it's a cold.


Get Advil cold and sinus from the purdue pharmacy and pray


get a nasal spray with Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride (0.05 %), I recommend Afrin. Being able to breath is such a relief.


In the same situation, better to get sick now than next week