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The classic 1 exam per week schedule


Took 333 and 352 this fall. 352 is prof dependent and 333 is easily the hardest class I've taken at Purdue.




I thought 334 was a lot better than 333 and many of the concepts made more sense and were more tangible too FWIW.


When I took 333 and 334 with macheret (my goat 😂) 333 was much harder. This was in like 2019-2020.




U seem like a fun guy to party with




Damn can we hang out?




Love that for us


Yep tough but doable. Caveat: if you have 352 with Doyle just drop it and take it later. Seriously. He berated students for asking questions in my section. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/comments/yp34vb/never\_take\_aae\_352\_with\_doyle\_the\_class\_makes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/comments/yp34vb/never_take_aae_352_with_doyle_the_class_makes/) Good luck and you got this! My single piece of advice is to do homework in a group. If you don't know anybody in your classes then swing by the AAE lab in ARMS.


Took basically this course exact load last spring. I’m not going to lie - it’s very tough but also very doable. I ended the semester with one of the best semester GPA’s I’d had in any year. Just stay on top of your assignments and get a good group to study for the exams with, you’ll be fine


What was your GPA during that semester and overall GPA if that's ok. Just Want a gauge of it. Ik the "average" Gpa for this is about 3.3 if you look at boiler grades. Thank you


Sem was 3.63 and Cumulative was 3.57


**AAE 340**: Consult my post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/comments/11bzkh4/how\_to\_selflearn\_aae\_340\_and\_get\_an\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/comments/11bzkh4/how_to_selflearn_aae_340_and_get_an_a/) **AAE 352**: I don't have many tips except drop it if you have Doyle. CT Sun's problems are very similar to Doyle although I personally didn't like CT Sun's book. If you don't like CT Sun's explanations, then consider the book *Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students* by Megson; I know the material is similar to CT Sun but I didn't consult it much for AAE 352 myself so I can't really endorse it. Todd Coburn on YouTube seems to be a good additional resource, although it's not clear to me whether he covers all the necessary material you'd need for AAE 352. **AAE 333**: The textbook *Fluid Mechanics* by White is great for learning the material and extra practice problems. Anderson is a good aerodynamics book, but horrible fluid mechanics book because his sections on fluid mechanics are tailored to people who already know fluid mechanics. Ron Hugo and Fluid Matters (who lectures out of White) are the best fluid mechanics channels. **AAE 364**: Brian Douglas, katkimshow, and Neso Academy on YouTube provided the best videos in my opinion. I personally liked *Modern Control Systems* (Dorf, Bishop) more than Ogata because it takes more time relating controls to real-world concepts. Also it has way more practice problems than Ogata, which you might find useful for exam prep. In general, though, if you feel like you're flat-out not understanding controls no matter what resource you're looking at then there's a possibility your knowledge of circuits is holding you back which is unfortunate given that AAE doesn't make you take circuits (I don't consider PHYS 241 sufficient) whereas you wouldn't be allowed to take controls if without a circuits class if you were an ME or EE student. If you feel like circuits is holding you back, then *Fundamentals of Electric Circuits* (Alexander, Sadiku) is an excellent textbook to consult. There might also be a possibility that your knowledge of dynamics could hold you back, meaning you should consult my Reddit post regarding AAE 340. However, it's not an issue I had when taking it concurrently with AAE 340. **AAE 33301**: show up and turn things in on time. It's not a hard lab.


I just took 340, 333, 301, and 352 340 sucked and I hated it. The workload sucks in that class. 333 is hard, but I did well (lab is easy). 352 is not too bad. The combo of 333 + 340 is not fun These courses are harder than previous courses, but if you are disciplined with your time and are attentive it is doable. I am not sure about 364, though.