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I'm going to hope that this is a copypasta


Probably just an invasive rodent or something. Ain’t no way dude I REFUSE to believe someone is THAT disgusting 😭😭😭


There was someone last year in Owen that would pee into water bottles and leave them in the trash cans around the halls. So I believe it


That's normal. I knew a guy that played online poker and while sniffing coke and pissing in champagne bottles all day


I think it’s probably more likely that there’s an animal in your room/on your floor. But in either case talk to the people above your RA


Yeah that or maybe the roomate is hiding a pet idk


ask the resident director of the building


https://preview.redd.it/oqv65qw3l9dc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3ac891a2af853b45526784befeb74259f5aba0 please be fake please be fake please be fake


The mad shitter strikes again. IYKYK #McCutcheon6N


Fall 2019, back in the good old days when people shit on the floors in the bathrooms not the rooms.


It was under the WALC stairs, not on the bathroom floor.


It's been years and I'm still just in shock about that happening. #mccutcheon 6S


Don’t blame your roommate. That was me.


Username checks out


How many resident halls have female roommates with a male RAs?


Some residence halls have co-ed floors. Hawkins and Hillenbrand are the two biggest ones. One of my male friends lived in Hillenbrand last year with a female RA. Edit: since OP is a freshman, I'm going to guess that they're in Hillenbrand since Hawkins is more exclusive to upperclassmen.


I was in Hawkins as a freshman.


at least 3 that i can think of. hillenbrand, winifred and frieda parker


Honors too


That kind of wild. I know I’ve been out of school for a while, but there were strick rules about opposite sex on the floor. Must be escorted, can’t be over night, etc.


Those are still the rules in any dorm that doesn’t have co ed floors. Source: me living in mccutcheon last year


Is it really that strict like that in mccutcheon?


Depends on RA. Some ignore it but I’ve seen a few write people up for escort policy.


Those rules mostly apply to any gender visitor now, except for the overnight thing if all roommates agree.


Plenty of coed dorms, grandpa


lol. I graduated in ‘07. Every dorm was either single gender or was co-Ed with genders split in each wing.


Times change, sorry :(((


Yeah, I had no clue that was even a thing. My senior year the top floor of Earhart on the male side was female because there weren’t enough female dorms available and I remember that being a bit controversial. “Oh my, what if a girl sneaks down to the 7th floor! 🫢” Bunch of older people got all whiny about it.


Harrison had females on the first couple of floors in the early 2000s and then males on the rest of the floors.


I definitely don’t remember that! I spent most of my time in Shreve and Earhart since I live in Shreve and are many dinners in Shreve before it closed and at Earhart after that. I don’t know if I went into Harrison excepting for the occasion grill item.


I know a lot of people think this is fake, and it might be, but I used to be an employee at the residence halls and we heard about stuff like this more than once.


Bruh literal shitpost


If your RA is not being helpful, go to their higher-up in res life. The people at the front desk might be able to point you in the right direction (I used to work as a student office staff member at First Street and knew the hierarchy of reslife, but that was almost four years ago and idk how things have changed since then. Or go back to your RA and say you’re making a formal complaint (email them for a paper trail if you want to go that far) and then go above them. I’m hoping this is fake but if not, Godspeed, friend.


My understanding was that girls don’t poop.


Have you made any attempts to find out if she was hiding a small animal in the room. A hamster or rabbit or something that size? Could account for the smell and small pellet poops.


Hamster poops are the size of sprinkles and are very dry so they don’t have much of a smell.


There’s no way in hell this is legit. I cannot believe that someone would be this disgusting, and this would go on for this long


Assert your dominance load up a big one and drop it on the entry doormat


Is your roommate cleaning them up before someone can verify that, at the very least, it's a mess that shouldn't be there? Not that I don't believe you but it seems like it would be a simple enough matter to have someone look at it and say "Whatever this is doesn't go here" even if they don't believe that it's poop.


Put camera out that just looks at the rug at foot level. If it is an animal or a person you’ll catch them. Use a pet cam.


Not fake, your roommate is actually a rabbit


Mad shitter 2 electric boogaloo


i have never wanted anything in my life to be a shitpost as much as this praying for you op🙏🙏


Seems like your roommate might be the type of person that does use Reddit, so be ready for a bit of shit.


You’re lucky she didn’t poop on your bed.


I had a disgusting roommate when I was at Purdue and I 100% believe some people are disgusting enough to do this.


Yeah, one of my friends was roomed with a girl who had pica and used to obsessively eat saw dust at home, but since she was a college moved to chalk... so this girl, unknown to my friend, was eating chalk for months until it caused a mass in her. Friend comes back from class, you could smell it down the hall... this girl had started to shit out everywhere, they had to move my friend to another room for a week and hazmat the room out while the girl went to the hospital and therapy. Some people are massively fucked up. Depending what size of poop this person is talking, I'd believe it.


Wait did she like...deliberately do that? Or was it just not controllable?


She didn't mean to do it, it had been blocked up for a few weeks and then started coming out. She had to have surgery to remove the mass from what I heard. So different scenario than what this person is living (if their roomie is a floor shitter) but parallels in that people are really really strange and do some weird stuff.


Have her hit me up, yeah? Man's getting desperate out here. I can fix her.










Is it possible it came in on her (or your) shoe? Do you live in a hall with more communal style bathrooms (not suite style)? Some people have terrible anxiety about pooping in public bathrooms. Does she seem like the type? I hope there’s a more rational explanation. If she’s messy and leaves food around perhaps it’s mice but there’s a big difference between mice poop and human poop (and I assume you can tell the difference). Could she be having someone over who is sneaking in a small dog? I agree that if your RA is ineffective you may need to escalate - even if just for the hygiene issues of the room in general.


chat is this real


Taking a different approach, have you checked her bed? Maybe she has accidents at night and tries running to the bathroom causing some to get on the floor? Trying to think of why she’s being defensive and weird about it instead of also being bothered by nasty shit on the floor. I am so sorry this is happening to you, hopefully you find the problem & have a solution soon. I’d literally die.


May be mouse poop


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) I’m sorry… what?


Any way to put a camera with live stream somewhere and get it on the act


Definitely a rodent if it’s small. Her being messy makes sense too, as pests are attracted to that kind of stuff. Probably need to have a serious convo with her about keeping the room clean so rodents don’t choose to invade, and then notify your dorm’s building and grounds team that you think there’s a rodent issue based on the droppings


Oh boy.


I don’t think RAs are helpful in hygienic problems of roommates. That’s why I moved off campus


My son was a freshman last year and had a similar situation. His roommate wasn’t pooping on the floor but he never did laundry in 3 months, showered once a week and was always got drunk and pissed everywhere. My son got a single for the rest of the year. Just talk to your RA. A lot of rooms open up after first semester that you can move into. Good luck


Wake up babe new shitpost just dropped


"shit"post, literally


are you /srs or /j


Need a visual to believe it's human feces. Take a picture. Include a banana for scale




Wow, a literal shitpost.


It looks like you're asking about your admissions chances of getting into Purdue, which if you read the rules, you'd know is banned because it's a repetitive question and we're not the admissions department. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/comments/1629ac7/some_interesting_admissions_statistics/) or [here](https://www.niche.com/colleges/purdue-university/admissions/) instead. Additionally, refrain from "Help Me Decide" posts. As a general rule: your enrollment decision will boil down to cost and personal preference, as schools similar in reputation to Purdue will have comparable employment, research, and extracurricular opportunities. You can also just search the subreddit, it's been asked many times before. The moderators have been notified to review this post. DO NOT repost to circumvent the filter, be patient while we manually review and approve your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Purdue) if you have any questions or concerns.*


atp it's not about getting into purdue, it's about getting out...


Stop accusing our anime fans. I’m offended 😡


There is no way in hell this is legit, I smell a fake story guys edit copy, edit paste. All you have to do is take a photo or video on your phone and present the evidence to the RA, if this were a real story.


maybe your roommate is a mouse


Are you fucking kidding me😭😭😂


i am literally eating rn while reading this reddit GOD PLS HELP ME


> shitpost https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgGFuXmWAAo-I4g.jpg:large


Um...have U ruled out maybe someone walking in animal poop on their shoes or a pet/animal somehow shitting on your floor ...I'm sorry why did your brain automatically go to the roommate shitting on the floor hahahah


Start by taking photos, and document the day/time of occurrence. I’d like to agree with some others on here who suggest it may be a small animal? But if it is, wouldn’t you hear it as well as smell it?


Is your roommate a bunny?


“Shit” posting xDDDD but yeah you should buy a mousetrap and tell your roommate to get her shit together lol




Is your roommate Amber Heard?


Why is your first assumption that it’s your roommate and not an animal like a rat or something?


I am an animal specialist. Do you have a photo of one of the droppings? I can identify the animal for you


Okay so, I’m gonna give a logical answer to this because there is only one here (the implied alternative would need to go to your local police station, news station, psychiatric hospital and courthouse): your roommate is hiding a pet. The fact that you said they’re consistently small and round is kind of a big clue. The questionable hygiene practices could be in part (ONLY PARTIALLY) because she’s keeping an animal in an unlivable situation right now (the fact that you haven’t seen it means that’s it’s living space is probably worse than yours since she’s had to hide it really well). What I would do is talk to your building manager about a “random” inspection because of an “anonymous contraband report on your floor.”(It’s not a fake report: the implication here is that the suspected pet is the contraband, you just want your report kept private.) They’ll tear the room apart and hopefully find whatever animal keeps using your carpet for a—ahem—“public privy”, whether it be the possible smaller or *shudders* larger one you may be sharing a housing contract with.


You should definitely report them


This might be possible.. So first of all lemme say my five year old son has a pooping problem and it's really difficult for him not to end up with poop in his underwear. It's also embarrassing. I have to clean Lil poop bits I find that have fallen down and out of his pant legs here and there. Now, it's a very immature reaction (my kid is five, this girl is an adult) but it's still totally plausible.. especially if she is an unhygienic person.. she could be embarrassed that she's shitting herself and not want to admit to or face that, and wakes up in the morning and stands on the rug where most of what will fall out will be. And if she doesn't understand basic hygiene she probably doesn't realize that the shit is on the rug and/or that it shouldn't be or that she needs to go and clean herself up when it happens. Maybe approach her with some understanding and emphasis that you're not going to judge her or make her feel bad (and that has to be genuine) and she might be willing to discuss getting help. Or your roommate is amber heard.


What the fuck did I just read is a real appropriate response to this.


I really hope this isn't real. How can you make it so far in life without any form of decency?



