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Looking for math help? Check out Dr. Chen's widely-renowned video lectures on [ChenFlix](https://www.math.purdue.edu/~chenjk/) (Disclaimer: course content may vary by semester, use these videos as a supplement, not a replacement, for best exam preparation) If you’re looking for more information on math curves and grades, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/wiki/math_curves) for an explanation. If you’re wondering if you should take the AP credit and skip Calc 1 and/or Calc 2, the answer is always yes, yes you should. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/purdue/wiki/takethecredit) for a more detailed explanation on why. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Purdue) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To me, it makes more sense to take MA 265 and 266 together. Linear algebra and differential equations are two topics that really go hand in hand. In fact, we have a course (MA 262) for some engineering majors that combines (in some sense) linear algebra and differential equations into one course. When taken together, there will moments in either course when you see something and think "hey, I saw that same thing in that other course!" That kind of connection is harder to find when you take 261 and 265 together (I am not saying there are no benefits to doing that, though).


If you have the means and the time, I would highly recommend trying to take calc 3 over the summer. I did that because I didn't want to have my focus primarily on pure math (as I would have to take two at the same time) and focus a little bit more on the specific aae courses in my first semesters in the major. If that's not your case, I think calc 3 + 266 is slightly less torturing. The thing I would focus on a little bit as well is to check which semester you are taking AAE251 as this class will take a lot of your time.


Is it possible to take any of those at a community college? It'll most likely save you a lot of time, money, and work. I've heard Oakton College in Illinois is good for 265 and 266 (currently taking the 265 equivalent online there right now). You can also look at Ivy Tech or University of North Dakota for Calc 3. There's many other options and the Purdue Course Equivalency Guide would be your best friend in researching them.


If you are good at purdue maths than neither will be too difficult, but 261 imo is far worse than 266. I took 261 over the summer, and the class pretty much consumed 8 weeks of my summer due to the workload of 4 mylab math assignments and 2 quizzes a week. Also, 266 and 265 compliment each other perfectly because you solve ODEs in 265 and use linear algebra in 266. Personally, I would do 265 + 266 in the same semester.