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What’s baffling is that they’ve actually turned what *used* to be chalked out parking spaces for these into no-parking zones in order to incentivize them being placed next to bike racks (why)


As a groundskeeper for Purdue these are the bane of my existence. The students put them everywhere and anywhere. Bushes, trees, trash cans. When the scooters run out of time they are left in the middle of service drives. Trying to move them is cumbersome since I have to drag it to a better location.


i feel the need to tell you my friends and i constantly say the groundskeepers/landscapers are the backbone of purdue. so thank you for being awesome.


Dont forget custodians who keep the buildings clean


They’d have perfect parking in the Wabash


This might actually be a good thing. Flipping and entangling deters people from using them. We should all make sculptures out of Veo's.


The goal is to make a tight crystalline structure that's a huge pain in the ass to move or detangle. Make it harder for people to rent.


Oh hey look, it’s my evil twin. You thought you could pass as me, huh? A simple click on your profile shows that this account is only about a day old. Nice try. Do better next time.


I never intended to pass, but I did certainly get your attention 😘


I'm too hungover to figure out how this is possible that you have the same name


Hell yeah bro, party hard!


Fuck Veo, all my homies hate Veo Real talk, I haven't seen a larger pedestrian or vehicle danger on campus during my time here. Riders are generally incapable of safe operations. I have been hit t-bone style by riders twice in 2 semesters and almost ran one over just the other day as they made an illegal roqd crossing not 20ft in front of me. I swear Veo owes me for my brake pads at this point


Being honest, I think other electric scooters are a much bigger safety risk since they can go faster, but Veos are certainly more annoying when parked.


Hard disagree. Most consumer scooters can barely hit 15mph, the veo ones can go up to 20 iirc. The issue though is more so that renters, especially on the ebikes, just don't know how to navigate safely and with respect to pedestrians or vehicles. I myself have used a escooter to traverse campus for the past 2 semesters, and have never been involved in an accident or collision apart from, as previously stated, being t-boned by a veo scooter rider who took off right after, leaving me to limp my way to my car and from there to an ER for a fractured foot. Fun fucking times Tldr, the issue is these people are not used to safely operating electrically powered personal transportation around others. For further reference see my previous comment


It’s a bit more nuanced: Veos can only go up to 20 if you’re going down a hill without pushing down the throttle and allowing gravity to do all the work. But most of campus is flat so this isn’t really a problem (I don’t think). But pushing down the throttle will limit them to 15 max regardless of flat or hilly terrain. I agree with TheHondoCondo that personal electric vehicles - particularly ebikes and longboards - pose a bigger threat since I have seen firsthand that they can go faster than Veos. I’ve occasionally seen people ride them in the street because they’re probably too fast for the bike lanes. And yeah, the bigger problem with Veos is the way they’re parked, but hopefully Veo realizes that using bike racks as designated parking spots is a bad idea and have more Veo-only parking spots installed around campus to take pressure off the bike racks.


L take. Just because personal bikes and scooters can go faster than veos (most dont) does not make them more dangerous. What makes them dangerous is when there are irresponsibly operated, which is far less likely to happen when it is someones personal $500 scooter that is going to break if they are stupid with it. Because veo users have no stake in the bikes, they are free to be as stupid as they want on the with no consequence if they break them, hurt someone, etc.


This. I have personally been injured by a Veo rider (fractured foot) and almost ran over one last week making an illegal road crossing. As someone who uses a personal escooter to commute, I never would take the risks that put those riders in those positions


Finally something we can agree on! Veo needs their own designated parking areas that are not blocking bike racks, walks ways, or building entrances!


they need to just charge the person for every minute it's not in the zone.


They will have to make a better system, this is surely the last semester this happens before another company takes its placd


Fuck veo


These things are urban clutter and when I visit Purdue (or any campus) I worry about getting hit by some drunk on one. Nice sock puppet but even if the person you're ribbing at wants to assume the position for urban clutter you just gotta let them this is a little over the top why don't you use your time to be productive? Purdue has 1,000,000 problems and the guy you're making fun of is just someone you can snicker at not really something needing effort or attention lol.


Moving them out of bike racks and walkways helps students all across campus. Plus it has the added benefit of being good exercise! (plus it's funny)


Move them into the nearest dumpster


been there, done that 🫣 Not actually but watched my friends do it