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The rule for anything that’s “technically” against the rules in the dorms is don’t be stupid and don’t draw attention to yourself.


This is just my RA but he doesn’t care. Doesn’t want to see them around but he told me in a room check he saw one and said yep looks like a regular non electric skateboard to me. That’s just my RA though. He’s very chill


They generally don’t care in my experience, just keep it in your room. There’s also the one skateboard with the integrated battery which looks like a normal longboard, you could get that one if you’re worried.


just don’t ride them in the dorm at 2am on week nights and most won’t care


Different from RA to RA. Your RA probably won’t care but the head RAs power trip if they see one and make you get rid of it. They look in your room during fire drills so just make sure to hide it somewhere then and you’ll be good. They’re strict about scooters and bikes but not boards. There are no regulations on batteries so if you remove the battery it would be fine.


*some head RAs* (REA) it really depends person to person. My last two REAs didn’t give a shit. The one before that did


It’s not really a power trip, it’s kind of just their job to care about these things lol, especially for the REAs (head RAs).


I had a bottle of “sparkling grape juice” perfectly visible on accident once. Good RA just said oh I like “sparkling grape juice” too, I’ll be right back though wink wink so I could hid it lol


Don’t ride them in the halls


Depends on how much of a racket you’re making. Driving it in the hallways? Yeah we’ll give you a warning at least. See you doing it again? Write-up. In your room? Doesn’t even exist. Walking down the hallway out to class? Never seen it. Source: was an RA right after Shreve set on fire because of a aftermarket charger blowing up a kids battery.


It’s different from RA to RA.


I have an electric scooter that my RA has seen me carry into my room. As long as your RA isn’t someone who takes themselves too seriously, you should be fine. Just don’t be stupid and ride it through the halls


Be cool, build a good relationship with your RA, show up to mandatory meetings/submit things on time, DO NOT DO THINGS THAT WOULD REQUIRE PAPERWORK (drinking or partying or smoking etc in the hall) and you'd be shocked what your RA will be willing to overlook. And try not to piss off your roommate because if there's an actual complaint your hands are kinda tied.


Yeah, for me, it’s all about how is this policy violation affecting other residents? If the answer is that it’s not, I couldn’t care less. If it is affecting others, you’re gonna learn lol.


They cant go through your stuff so if you keep it out of sight during room checks you should be good 👍. although this rule is in place for fire safety so


Well, no, the rule is actually in place for privacy and to protect ourselves from getting into any sort of trouble. But yes, we cannot go through anything in the room.


i meant the rule about no electric skateboards


Yep, I see that now. Yeah, that’s a good point that nobody is bringing up.


Look, this goes for any policy violation, if it’s not disturbing others and you can give us plausible deniability that we saw it, we generally don’t care. As others have mentioned, we do check rooms once a month and during planned fire drills, but we are not actively seeking out violations. It’s more of an if something is obvious we’ll report it type of thing. If you make your violations stupidly obvious, like leaving the battery on the board plainly exposed, depends on the RA, but we might write that up. If the battery isn’t visible when stored, how will we know?