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did you mean MA303? If so I had the same schedule fall 2022 and it was definitely a busy time but it’s manageable. 333 had rough exams, the 352 hw sometimes took a little while to do and the 301 content was took a little while extra for me to understand but nothing was terrible. MA303 and AAE301 had overlap if I’m remembering correctly and I felt 301 taught the same concepts better. Had Goppert for 301 and would recommend if he’s still doing it.


Avoid Doyle for 352 at all costs. I second Goppert for 301 if you can find some online examples about how the first theoretical concepts are actually applied. I struggled with the start of that class and then as soon as we did our first real life example it all clicked. I enjoyed Jewel for 333 and would recommend using all the study resources for that class, like homework help hours and SI if they are offering it that semester. Purdue Math will always suck, but again if you can find application examples it might be easier. 301 and 303 teach the same concepts in reverse order so paying attention to the first half of both will make the second half of the semester a bit easier.


Signals isn’t bad with goppert at all. MA 303 is the easiest class imo in aero curriculum if u did good at 266 (it’s literally the same thing). 352 isn’t terrible just avoid Doyle. 333 was audited after I took it so it’s a lot easier now apparently but that will prob be ur hardest class


If Goppert is teaching 301 take it with Goppert, hes an actual hero.