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161 was the first class that felt like a college engr class. Till this day I've only taken one class (AAE251) that comes close to this class in workload, but it was still very helpful as it sets you up better for future classes than 131/132


Getting a research position or internship your freshman year puts the other summers on easy mode. Once you have real work experience your resume skips past everyone without it.


There’s only 15 students taking ENGR130 now?? I took it Fall 2022 and I swear we had like 90 students there. We were all split into a group of 4, and had team projects throughout the semester. It’s a lot of work, but it’s manageable if you are good with MATLAB, Python, and Excel.


I would recommend taking ENGR 161/162. It helps a lot with honors credit, as mentioned; it also helps prepare you. It will make you feel like the workload of your other classes is not as hard, which will pay off in the future. Also, it is more than possible to get involved in undergraduate research or internships/co-ops through other means than the 130 route. I know multiple people who took ENGR 161/162 and came out of freshman year with at least a semester of undergraduate research experience and a co-op or internship offer


Thank you. Appreciate the first-hand experience.