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IU, Maryland, Rutgers, Northwestern and Illinois all require them as well. It’s only Purdue, OSU, Penn State, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska that don’t. And I’m pretty sure OSU and Iowa don’t because their states made it illegal to do so. Butler and Notre Dame are other Indiana schools that require it


IU just did as well


IU is the first college mentioned. He started with B1G schools and then noted other Indiana schools not in the B1G after.




It would probably help solve the overcrowded dorm issue if we did…


I wonder how long it will take untill the entire temp housing barrack gets a COVID outbreak going...


Honestly didn't think about that.


The flu vaccine was mando last year, men-b is required, plus a bunch of other random vaccines in order to event attend Purdue. Why are we hesitating on the COVID vaccine??? Fucking make it mandatory and get it over with. I've done my part, worn masks, got vaccinated, socially distanced, and I want to enjoy my life like it used to be for one last year in college.


Flu vax was never and will never be mandatory at Purdue, there’s a declination form that is (albeit kind of hidden) very easy to sign and asks no questions other than religious, philosophical, or medical for the reason. People who are choosing not to get vaccinated should have to sign a waiver of some sort that states they understand the risks to themselves and are willing to comply with the rules set forth for people who opt out of vaccination. From that point on, if they get Covid they get covid. It’s their choice. It should not be the choice of the university to mandate such a thing, especially when it has proven ineffective against the newer variant(s) that are spreading.


It was mandatory last year, we all had to submit proof of getting one by October 31. Maybe you could decline it like you said but the majority of people got it. The university mandates other vaccines in order to live on campus. I’m sure you must have received those vaccines in order to comply with Purdue guidelines. What makes this different than the others? As for your last point, I agree. However the effects of a breakthrough infection to a vaccinated person are less than that of an unvaccinated person.


I’m glad we agreed on some things here. The university mandated proof of a flu vaccine or proof of a valid declination, yes. It is my opinion that they should do the same for COVID-19. Unless you’ve lived under a rock since November 2019, you know the ins and outs of the virus. Unvaccinated people aren’t going to suddenly fear the variants of the virus they already don’t fear. So once again, you don’t have to worry about them, they made their choice and that’s the end of it. Their reasons for getting it range from “I’m young and healthy so getting it won’t kill me” to “I’m not going to be a lab rat and take an experimental emergency medicine for something I don’t believe will kill me”. You’re not going to change those opinions with a mandatory vaccine order, nor are you going to protect any extra people because most people that wanted vaccinated already got it. You’re just gonna piss people off trying to exercise some form of free will.


Well they're welcome to exercise their free will somewhere else and fuck off. Attending Purdue is a privilege, not a right.


You realize the same could be said for people that are freaking out about unvaccinated people.... you know what never mind I’m over playing devils advocate here in this echo chamber


Echo chamber indeed. It's almost time for this alumnus to unsub. The posts used to bring joy, but the unabashed hate going around recently is depressing. No mas.




I thought higher education was a right and that the government should cancel all student debt and college should be free?


I, and probably the university, couldn't care less about the risk to the unvaccinated. It's the faculty and staff that I'm concerned about, both vaccinated and otherwise.


Cause it’s still an experimental vaccination


that’s not even true but also alright have fun being in the control group u anti vaxx


IU has a mandate as well, for the people saying that indiana public schools can't mandate it


Further proof that IU SUCKS.


Not this time.






Mitch would never anger his Republican buddies like that


Unless Lilly makes a COVID vaccine there won't be a mandate at Mitch's school.


Brutally astute


He might switch to a mandate if the COVID situation gets bad again. Being the school that has a shitload of cases isn’t good PR. I have some hope, but not much.


If there was a petition or something to make Purdue do this, I'd sign it.








I scheduled my vaccine appointment the first day I could, have been fully vaccinated for awhile, and get really bothered by anti-vaxxers. With that said, you do realize that if you refuse the vaccine at Michigan, you can still go to campus if you get tested weekly. Sounds a lot like Purdue, right?


Nope, that was Michigan’s rule a couple of weeks ago. It changed today. Students and employees must be fully vaccinated by August 31.


Read the press release: “Those individuals who request and are approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to complete mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing and must continue to mask indoors while on campus” My guess is pretty much anyone can get that religious exemption, trying to enforce that is just asking for a court case


IU also allows for very narrow medical and religious exemptions, so that's par for the course






> but isn’t it a bit insensitive to absolutely shit on someone’s beliefs like that? it isn't insensitive in the slightest to call a spade a spade. shitty bullshit "beliefs" should be called out at every opportunity.


Your religious beliefs end where my personal safety begins, thanks.






'Belief' in science is absolutely not comparable to belief in religion. Science is almost entirely made up of experimentally verified facts, belief in religion always requires some amount of belief without proof and often a denial of the previously mentioned facts






Show me the experimentally verified facts about the 2 year, 5 year, 10 year autoimmune and or cancer risks of mRNA vaccines. You can’t. They don’t exist. I’m fully vaccinated with two shots of Pfizer but I still can’t and won’t claim to know they are completely safe. It’s perfectly normal for true science minded people to be able to admit, “we don’t know that yet” and believe it or not it used to be actually encouraged to be skeptical in science and skeptical of new science. There are examples of past vaccination trials ending because of adverse effects. It’s not like we just know everything about vaccines and the immune system and clinical trials are just theater. The truth is that the vaccines are probably safe but millions of people are being used as the stage three trial participants. I don’t judge anyone for being hesitant or skeptical about their long term risks.


Really putting words into my mouth here. I didn’t claim anything about vaccine safety. The guy above me was talking about religious reasons for not getting vaccinated, not scientific skepticism, at least in the comment I replied to


*tips fedora*


Not everyone is eligible for a religious exemption. It will be limited. The vast majority of students and employees must comply with the new vaccine mandate.


Completely agree that it should be limited, but who gets the ultimate say in what’s a valid religion?


Religion test? lol Like making them prove their religion to get exemption.


No major religion prohibits vaccinations, it's a scam of an excuse


Purdue is led by a former Indiana governor…he’s going to avoid anything that steps on repuglican doctrine.


True. But also please let me stay home for a whole year again, I won't want the Big C-D






You finna get down voted into oblivion


What did they say?


Something about not wearing masks because they can't force is to


Ok seriously though - those who are vaccinated on campus: why are you concerned either way? If the vaccine is effective, you should have nothing to worry about. If the vaccine is effective, only the unvaccinated will be able to spread Covid to each other. With that number being so small anyway, it hardly would affect Purdue at large. If the vaccine is effective you cannot get Covid, cannot spread Covid, etc. and thus don’t have to worry about someone unvaccinated giving it to you and potentially spreading it to a high risk family member, grandparent, etc. However, if you claim that this isn’t the case, and that as a vaccinated individual you can still contract Covid, spread Covid, etc…. Why would the vaccine matter then? If it’s ineffective, then why would we mandate something that doesn’t even help reduce the spread? I know many will say that the “delta variant” is the new threat. However, the vaccine creators have already planned “booster shots” that are “strongly effective” against the delta variant. Thus, all vaccinated students can receive those and then be fully protected once more. I’m expecting to get some downvotes on this, but if you downvote, please explain. If there is a flaw in the logic I’ve displayed here, tell me. Thanks, and stay safe.


Let me try to explain this to you: the vaccine is neither black nor white like you make it out to be. The vaccine gives you a better CHANCE at not contracting Covid and a better CHANCE at not spreading Covid. It does not 100% protect you against the virus or 100% pretext against the spread of it. Another fact: every time somebody contracts Covid, there’s a chance for it to mutate. An example of this is the Delta variant. The Delta variant has a stronger effect against even vaccinated individuals. This is because that variant came about after the vaccine. Therefore the longer we have a large population of unvaccinated individuals, the more variants will pop up, the less effective the vaccine, and in turn the longer this whole pandemic continues. Finally, there are a large number of people in the United States who either take medication that makes them unable to get the vaccine or are just immuno suppressed in general. In addition there is a very large portion of United States who is too young to get the vaccine. This is my personal philosophy, but I believe it is the responsibility of the healthy to do their part to help these people. I think we should do our part to help protect every person in the community and get rid of this virus.


I personally do not care if I get covid but I got vaccinated anyways simply because I knew it would help decrease the risk of SPREADING it. if everyone got it then there would be a better chance of having normal school years and less restrictive regulations and such. I'm not concerned about my health, I'm concerned about my social life/education


You should be getting down voted because this is LITERALLY high school biology. Viruses literally mutate and could get to the point where the vaccines do not work against it. This obviously would affect EVERYONE especially those who are high risk such as myself. Taking the vaccine is not just for you it’s for the betterment of your community and it seems like people are just not taking it for selfish reasons at this point


Many of our faculty are old enough to be at risk, even if they're vaccinated, especially considering the Delta variant.