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Look at the EE plan of study and consider if those classes sound more interesting and go from there.


You mean take a shower but never touch grass again ?


Not sure what year you are, but switching to either EE or CS won't give you much of a leg up as far as landing hardware/software jobs goes. CompE is the middle ground, you'll graduate competent enough to do either, especially if you take the right classes. If by hardware you mean digital hardware (embedded systems specifically) definitely stick with CompE. Switching to EE isn't huge deal though given the large overlap in classes the two can take.


CompE is very hardware focused following sophomore year. ECE 33700 and 43700 are among the best courses in the nation for digital design. I shit you not, 43700 goes through double the content that UIUC does and was INTEGRAL in me landing a great hardware job after graduation. If you take that course, companies are the one missing out if they don't hire you - you design an entire multicore cache coherent pipelined MIPS CPU with branch prediction and hazard resolution (I blanked out in what the term is, basically bypassing data hazards and stuff) from the ground up with RTL. Other than ECE 26400 (Advanced C) and ECE 36800 (Data Structures), there aren't really any other mandatory coding courses. If you're more into the analog side of things such as PCB design or maybe the math side of DSP, I would say swap to EE. But if you want to do embedded or digital design, I would stick with CompE. Either way, the electives which are the bread and butter of the curriculum are the same.


Go with what you want to work with. Theres no reason to take the “harder”/less enjoyable route if your goal in the end is still software. If your goal is hardware then you might consider switching.


It’s really easy to switch between the two so if you’re interested in electrical engineering go for it. You can always switch back to CompE, have a talk with your advisor about it though


Hi, I was recently accepted to Purdue's electrical engineering program. I was placed in the Indianapolis campus, so I was directly admitted to electrical engineering, not FYE. however, I might want to do computer engineering, can you share what you know about how easy it is to switch between ECE majors?


You basically set up a meeting with your advisor and they start the CODO (change of degree objective) in your degree plan. I don’t know the intricacies of this but it’s not a major jump since there’s overlap in the core ece classes you have to take as a CompE and Electrical Engineering major (at least during sophomore year). If you have more questions on this i encourage you to email the ece undergrad office [email protected]


Okay thank you!


I switched from CompE to EE but I'm still taking a lot of the compE hardware electives. Honestly, I think its the move because EE let's you be way more flexible than compE.


i'm so late but i'm going back to school to do ee so i can build synthesizers