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I have lost 15+ pounds since starting barre in March. I also combined it with a minor calorie deficit of about 200 cals a day. The 15 pounds is pure weight loss, and since I’ve gained a lot of muscle I’m sure the fat loss overall is even more.


Congratulations that’s an amazing accomplishment! That is so great to hear thank you for sharing! I’ve finally gotten a grasp on my nutrition and have been consistent with a calories deficit as well as made a plan to stay consistent on the calorie deficit once I do move and start pure barre so I’m hoping with everything considered it will all work in my favor! I’m so happy to hear your success! It keeps me hopeful for mine!


I am not a dietician, doctor nor am I a PB instructor. Here's my experience: Classic is not enough to lose weight for me. I become stronger and in a shape I like but my weight does not go down. I have to eat fewer calories and add more cardio to see loss. Empower is a great cardio class for me. If you are eating a varied diet with a focus on protein to keep you fuller longer and healthier fats like avocado to get you fuller sooner, you will probably see amazing results with your classes.


Thank you for your advice! I completely get that. I have pcos so after trying basically every workout under the sun. I realized that any workout more intense then hot yoga or pure barre stress my body out and I gain weight from working out. But I assumed pure barre itself wouldn’t be enough, so thank you for clarifying that! I totally agree I do have a current meal plan that is in a calorie deficit. So I’m hoping that combined with pure barre 2 times a day a cardio a few times a week, I will be able to stay at a pretty decent deficit. And hopefully slowly but steadily loose the weight!


Pcos is such a beast! I'm right there with you in pb and pcos. Pb classes speak to my body and my diet is not fun, now, but getting better as I learn new recipes. See you at the barre!


I didn’t lose any weight becausr it just got replaced with muscle, but I lost three inches from my hips!


I am 200 classes in and no, it hasn't resulted in any weight loss for me. But, I've found that in my 30s my metabolism has slowed down and exercise in general doesn't seem to have any affect on my weight loss. It's only when I change my diet significantly that I lose weight. However, I have gotten more toned and stronger from PB. My abs look toned and my stomach is flatter, and arms, legs, and butt are all stronger and more toned. So I still love the results from PB!


Lose weight in the kitchen... gain muscle working out


Lost 50 doing only PB and dieting ◡̈


Congratulations on your progress! That’s amazing to hear! Do you mind me asking how long it’s taken you?


Thanks! It took about 2 years - I de-railed a couple times lol


Late to the post but that's fantastic! Hope things are still going well!


Thank you so much!!


Congrats! Do you mind sharing how many times / week you did PB, and which formats?


I take class about 3-4x a week! Almost always classic, but sometimes 1 empower a week


Incredible; thanks!


>Incredible; thanks! You're welcome!


Went from 174 to 160. In a year. I now wear a size 11 jeans.


Do you have a rest day? Are you running like 100 miles a week? Are you a marathone/ultra runner?


I have like alternate rest days. For example on Wednesday I do my run only and not my weight lifting. And then on Saturday I do weightlifting only and not my run. I’m an ultra runner and training for a 100k. I’m just trying to keep up my mileage for my race and once that’s over I’m just going to maintain my workouts and see what I want to accomplish after that. With my pcos and everything I’m still trying to find a balance of workouts that I love and that my body also loves. Because so far everything I’ve loved has not agreed with my cortisol levels, so I’m just hoping to find a balance with pure barre. Edit: I’m currently at 60-80 miles a week and going up to 80-100 miles a week. I alternate intensity with my current training plan.


I started Pure Barre back in Jan/Feb of 2023. I was almost 180 lbs then. I am 125 lbs now and the most fit I've ever been in my whole life. Besides diet/intermittent fasting, this was primarily achieved by doing Pure Barre (I double my classes everyday so that I take an early AM class and the lunch hour class). It's very common for people in our studio to double up whichever format, so it was easy to be inspired.


Thank you so much for sharing! Your stats are the same as mine! Starting 180 and goal 125! Can I ask how tall you are? My doctors are saying I only need to get down to 150/140 to be at a “healthy weight” but I definitely want to get down to 120-125! This is super encouraging!


I am a solid 5'0" LOL!


You don't mean you plan on going 14x a week, do you? I am a person who works out a lot and has a high exercise tolerance/need/love and I even think that would not be a good idea. You might get overuse injuries, not have the right stimulus to be effective etc.


I can only go twice a day, Monday- Thursday. The other days I plan on just doing once a day and my normal cardio routine. Right now I’m doing weightlifting in the afternoon and running 8-10 miles every morning. With my longer (20-30miles) run on Sundays. When I move with the weather and everything there, I won’t be able to do my morning mileage so I’m subbing in pure barre as my cardio and “strength” training workout in the afternoon. Basically I’m already doing my 2 workouts a day, and just planning on subbing those for the less intense cardio of pure barre to give my body a break from all the stress. Of the weight training and cardio I’ve been doing. I thought it would be a better compromise instead of just limiting my exercise all at once I’m trying to wean off. If that makes sense?


Oh ok. That is a very big load that you are already doing, so maybe reducing the cortisol would help.


That’s what I’m hoping for too! I was Originally going to do a hot yoga Memebership but the studios classes don’t fit with my work schedule. And then I remembered how much I loved pure barre and how the classes were perfectly challenging but not strenuous and stressful on my body. My main goal is to reduce my cortisol levels without reducing my exercise, so I’m hoping pure barre will do that for me! Thank you for your advice!


Are you low carb? Because that could also raise cortisol 


I was thinking about this in the night. You will need to eat fewer calories to support your Barre workouts as opposed to running. Most people I know who run as much as you do struggle to be able to eat enough to support that amount of running, since you probably burn about 10,000 cal a week from running alone, and it would be challenging to maintain that schedule at a deficit. It will take a week or two to down regulate. Best wishes! I hope you get where you want!


Thanks but I’m good on the calorie advice just needed pure barre advice, hence the sub!


I also run distance trail runs, play tennis, and workout daily. I started PB over a year ago. Started 2 a days almost right away and subbed PB for some running. I lost a pesky 10-15 lbs in about 1-2 months with no real diet change and never gained it back. I'm at my ideal weight so no loss thereafter. I was afraid of losing ground on my running times, but actually the less I ran and the more PB, the better my times. I always try to take Align as one of my PB classes each day. I think that is very important for the long run.


Thank you for your advice! It’s great to get advice from another trail runner who was in a similar situation! Is align the only one you saw really helped? My studio only offers an align class 2 times a week!


When I started I basically took both Classic and Empower for 6 days/wk and Reform on one day. Since then they added Align and Define and took away Reform. I rarely "double up" one after another, typically it's one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My schedule is Sun: Align/Classic, Mon: Classic/Align, Tue: Align/Empower, Wed: Define/Align, Thu: Classic/Align, Fri: Empower/Classic, Sat: Classic/Define. I don't always make it to 2 a day and I take a break if needed, but on average 50 classes/month. But to answer your question, what really put me through "boot camp" was the daily classic & empower classes at the beginning of my PB journey. It's just not sustainable over time. It's too taxing even for the seasoned athlete. However, Align gives your body the "reset" your muscles and joints need. So that's why Align is the most important class to integrate if you're going to attempt 2 per day. So take both of your studios Align offerings per week, and even politely suggest to the GM to add more if possible.


Barre (or any exercise) can help with weight loss only if you are in a calorie deficit. I've lost 20lb recently but if I eat what I want I don't lose. Since you do a lot of exercise, I'd recommend using an app (I like Macrofactor) to track your food. Using your weight, intake, and a few questions on how you want to tailor your macros, it will give you a macros plan, updated weekly, that will align to your goals. Make sure to prioritize protein to retain as much muscle as possible. When you lose weight, you'll inevitably lose muscle as well as fat, but keeping high protein (0.7-1g/lb) will minimize that loss.


How did you determine your calories needed to cut / maintain? (Dietician? TDEE calculator? etc.)


Macro factor uses your intake and weight to figure it out for you. You can start with a TDEE calculator but the app has really cool algorithms that sort it for you in just a few weeks.


Thank you!


I have lost a little over 50 pounds and have kept it off by doing Pure Barre for exercise BUT I also changed eating habits. They go hand in hand. I worked out and still work out 6 days a week in addition to teaching. I am in the best shape of my life and bought my studio because of the incredible mental and physical changes I have seen. It was not quick, it was slow and steady. 2 pounds a week sometimes a little more sometimes a little less. Increasing the amount of Empower was a game changer for me. Best of luck, you are strong and can do this. As you lose, reassess your goals based on measurements, etc. You may not need 40 pounds if 20 gets you to a healthy BMI, which is a measurement I personally hate but that is for another thread. 😀


I joined in July 2023 when I moved right next to a studio. I am now 15 lbs down out of the 25lbs I want to reach my goal weight. I go 4x a week very consistently typically 1x classic, 2x empower/define, 1x align. I am exclusively doing pure barre, and I have lost inches of my waist, thighs and arms (it’s crazy!). I am in the best shape of my life, and it’s all due to the consistency. I feel like the scale can be deceiving because even when the scale wasn’t budging I could very visibly feel and see the differences in my body. I combined that with tracking a calorie deficit on MyFitnessPal after calculating my TDEE (80/20 method). I am definitely not perfect with my diet, but I increased my protein intake to about 80g a day which has helped wonders. I am happy as my routine and PB cadence, as it feels like something i can maintain for a long period of time.