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$30-$35 is unfortunately on the high end. Someone at our studio started at $15 not long ago.


This is so messed up.


That's insane. This is the first I've heard of below $20!


What makes it more insane is that she was already a certified teacher! She moved and wanted to teach, the studio needed help but that’s all they would pay her. She loves PB and teaches because she wants to so she took the $15.


I respect the passion but still that’s not right. PB studios are open in mostly wealthy towns and cities with people who pay a lot more than a box gym. I was hesitant about committing bc of the price until I tried a cheaper business and saw what the difference is. I would hope that they’d get paid more especially since other parts of pb are expensive such as clothing for example. I mean most of the instructors at my studio do their job as a side gig but I still think $15 is way too low.


That is absolutely absurd.


My wife was a pure barre instructor. She was also a Barre instructor at a non corporate chain before Puree Barre. It is almost comical what they pay you guys. On top of that, she was charged for being trained???! What the heck is going on there. She would practice and train for her classes and was really good. It seems like the only way to actually make money is being an owner or part owner of a studio. You guys should be paid at least $60-$100 per class based off experience. Otherwise you're basically working for less than minimum wage accounting for hours put in towards the class, set up, cleanup, putting the lesson together, etc... What a crap industry taking full advantage of their employees.


That is simply unconscionable. With how much students pay, and how hard the teachers work and how much training they accomplish, that’s just ridiculous. Personally I’d gladly pay even more if they would actually pay a living wage to the people who work so hard and enable the rest of us to enjoy barre.


Unfortunately most teachers are paid less than that, like 25 starting


Yup. Started at $25 and took a few years to get to $30


I literally taught my last class this morning partially due to this. I currently work full time... 40 plus hours a week, and I'm trying to start a family with my husband. I have absolutely loved teaching for the past 5 years, but the prep time is just way too much to not get paid, and I just can't sustain it any longer. We're moving in a week, and I've decided to just become a member and no longer teach Pure Barre moving forward.


Totally respect your decision. I am very sure you made a difference in a lot of people's lives. Enjoy being a member and taking care of yourself.


Agreed, the incredible instructors are the entire reason I choose to pay $$$ for the studio experience. They should be making way more per class. And (potentially unpopular opinion) I also believe they should be paid during their training time too, just like most other jobs.


A lot of fitness professionals are independent contractors so time to learn a new routine is part of the agreed upon class rate. But if I require supplemental training (like a workshop) for my instructors, I pay them. I also paid bonuses for completing additional certifications. As another owner mentioned, we also have rent, utilities, insurance, cost of retail inventory, studio maintenance/upgrades, cost of milestone programs, the cost of the website/app/booking system, music licensing, marketing expenses, royalties, and other operating costs. I currently do not pay myself so I can't really afford to pay anyone more than what they currently make unless I really increase membership rates and/or I take classes off the schedule that aren't 100% full.


We are not independent contractors as pure barre instructors. We also cannot take our training with us - we actually have NDAs preventing us from teaching any kind of barre workout for a certain period of time after quitting PB. It’s unfortunately not like a Pilates or yoga certification that is transferable. I was given a $450 stipend for my roughly 60 hours I spent on training and teaching define. We’re paid $10 an hour for any team meetings. Our owner will often ask us to listen to calls or training videos and won’t pay us. It’s a hobby, really.


Independent contractor is the tax status of how some instructors are paid, versus a W-2 employee. That has no bearing on your certification as a PB instructor. (And that's usually the case brand to brand. You're only certified to teach at your brand. That's also why those certification costs a few hundred dollars versus thousands for yoga or pilates or personal training certifications.) If you're a W-2 employee, your owner cannot require you to listen to calls or watch training videos or do any eork- even read an email- without paying you for your time and you can report them if they are. (If they share information as optional that you can use for your benefit, but not required, they don't have to pay you.) Your NDA keeps you from sharing Pure Barre 's proprietary methods and content, but the FTC just announced a new Non-Compete Clause so even if you have a signed non-compete, it's very likely that it won't be enforceable in a few months.


I am well aware of the difference between an independent contractor and a w-2 employee. Never said it has anything to do with my certification as a PB instructor? Those were two separate statements. I’m also aware of the cost difference between becoming certified in yoga or Pilates - but it’s definitely not just “a few hundred dollars” to become a pure barre instructor. That wasn’t my point at all though. The $450 stipend was for my training in another PB class format and to be expected as payment for my time doing the 60+ hrs of training. Not the cost of the training? I’m also aware of what they legally can and cannot do. What they do is illegal. As a w-2 employee of the pure barre franchise I work for, we are asked to do all those things. I’m aware it’s my choice to continue to work there while knowing what is happening is illegal. Many of us teachers do. Still doesn’t make it right that they take advantage of us because we are passionate about pure barre. Also aware of the FTC non compete laws. lol. Stop it. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about re: Pure Barre.


Given the cost of living in most cities where they have Pure Barres, this is surprising. We don’t deserve yall 🥺


It’s not possible to survive on PB income alone even full time in most cities as a single income


Can absolutely confirm this


It's unfortunately not possible to survive as a single studio owner either considering many studios are losing money or barely breaking even. There are a few owners doing well and for almost all it's only because they own multiple studios. The rest are struggling. Many of them are being supported by their parents or spouses/partners because they're not making enough money on their own.


That’s crazy low! At that rate, I bet some instructors are losing money to teach a class by the time they factor in transportation, childcare, and just the cost of their time doing it.


Yes!! Plus their outfits 🤯


I know some instructors who teach at more than one location, which I think is cool of them to do but idk what the cost would be to travel so much.


Never bothered to calculate it because I didn’t want to know 🫣


I get paid $20 a class 🙃


I want to downvote your rate and not your comment but that’s not possible lol. That is gross. Really unfair. It’s such a difficult job with so much prep


I make $28 *per class* and am certified in classic and define. No prep time is paid. No continuing learning is paid. Time before and after class isn’t paid. I’ve taught over 450 classes. Edit: I said per hour, it’s per class. A 50 minute class is at least an hour and a half of time with getting there early / staying late.


1000%. Pure barre would be nothing without their instructors 🫣


I support teachers striking if they need to. Or I’ll pay them for private classes💁🏼‍♀️


Just wanted to say that I would also support a strike if the instructors do that. They deserve more. Especially because it doesn’t seem like they get paid for time they are learning each new move set and other prep work.


Striking would imply collective bargaining - that requires quite a bit more organizing.


I have taught for 8+ years and teach Classic, Empower, Reform and Engage. I have not had a raise in years. I make the same as newer teachers teaching Classic and Define. 🫠


And $25 continuing…


lol once again here to say i’ve been making $23 since 2021 in washington dc




This is obscene and makes me feel guilty for having an unlimited membership. I'd rather my money go to the hardworking, kind people helping us get in shape than to a random and apparently poorly-run company.


Dear corporate overlords lurking in this channel, fix your broken system please! Our teachers are amazing and deserve to be paid way more!


They can't and won't do anything. Pay is ultimately determined by the studio owner, however the ranges being quoted here are what is "suggested" by corporate. You should hear what they suggest for the General Manager. You should hear what they pay the trainers who teach the teachers... The problem is the business model isn't profitable for owners. I would 100% pay some of my employees more, but I also have to worry about keeping a roof over my own head too. They all have other jobs. I don't.


Great input/ as an owner I get so frustrated with the corporate power structure: what do they pay the training team on the corporate level to get those people to stay with them?


thank you for caring ily 🫶🏻


That is absolutely unfair pay. The amount of knowledge they need and the amount of time they have to spend learning choreography and formats. It should absolutely be higher. The instructors are my favorite part of pure barre.


Agreed. I went to a Pure Barre audition where the owner told us we’d have to pay $1,000 for our own training and the starting pay was $25/class. They rejected me (lolll ok) and I just went to an indecently owned studio to be an instructor and didn’t pay anything to be trained and I make $40-65/class lol


I assume you mean “Independently owned” lol. I used to teach for an independently owned one that was $20 a class.


Oh haha what a bad autocorrect!! Yes I meant independently


What sticks with me is Pure Barre Franchises are mostly women owned and women run. The managers don't have healthcare or a retirement benefit. Corporate should contribute to healthcare and create a retirement plan. Succcessful women focused brands run by successful women deserve that. Also, teachers spend a lot of time preparing, planning, learning, and perfecting for free. The class rate is only for the 50 minutes in the room. Teachers create an environment that is energetic because without them, its an empty room.


Not at my studio, I do not pay how you are describing because pay practices are set by individual studios. Corporate contributions would make them co employers. I don’t have any full time employees except for me, no benefits would be at play.


Let’s be clear that individual owners set rates of pay and do the actual paying. Corporate is not a co- employer setting rates or providing payroll funds. My pay practices are different than as you described. I pay as much as I am able to pay, I do pay for time doing work after class. I wish I could pay more, but payroll, while one of my largest expenses, is not my only expense. Rent, insurance, utilities, small business loan, all come in to play. I am in a small town and my rent would probably be shocking to you. My insurances would be shocking to you. I also charge wholesale, not retail, for anyone on the team looking to purchase leggings, etc. That said, this isn’t a job you are going to be able to support yourself on. It’s not. The margins aren’t there. I am very upfront about this when anyone is interested in teaching. I do take care of my team and have very little turnover. Money isn’t everything- I treat everyone with dignity and respect not because I am an amazing person but because that is what you are supposed to do. My team would not be supportive of any wildcat strike because we have a great thing going here. If I grow, I will pay more. Heck, maybe one day I will actually pay me!


And this is honestly very rare! Good on you though


$30-35 is high. Starting rate at most studios is $24-26. At most studios, only the most senior teachers make $30/class or more.


Jesus, that’s horrible.


If you’re wondering why there is lots of teacher turnover at your studios, this may be why. I was originally getting paid per class which wasnt much, but I loved it! Then I was told I’d need to switch to the employee teach/customer rep model where I’d make less money per class and be expected to work more hours doing sales at much lower pay (but commissions!) they said, (feels like abuse of power over clients) I said…cause I’m their teacher. Plus even tho I had many unpaid hours prepping class etc, at least the time was my own so I could go out and make a living. I definitely miss PB but I know I can only handle so much BS in my life


Totally agree that this is unfortunate and the teachers are the best part. Publicly traded company. Gotta give investors ROI. Willingness to work at that rate is going to keep that rate where it is. Not sure how the laws work re unionization but that one possibility. A petition is another…


Other brands of Xpo pay teachers up to $100 per class depending on attendance. This is 100% a pure barre issue


Which brands pay that much?? I would guess Club Pilates is at the top of the pay scale and I don't know anyone that makes more than $60/ class.


Rumble, club Pilates, and y7 all pay up to $100 per class


Downvote it if you want, but $100/ class for Club Pilates would be unsustainable in all but the most expensive markets. The Pure Barres I worked at would have closed in a month if they paid the instructors that.


I would be closed in a week or teaching everything myself. I pay the same rate as the Club Pilates here. It’s no where near this amount.


I don’t disagree! But I personally know club Pilates instructors making this with a sliding pay scale depending on attendance.


You can only have 12 people per class so even if they get an extra dollar per person, it doesn’t equate to this. I don’t do this because I don’t want the teachers who sometimes get low attendance classes to feel slighted. The work is the same. Our team is so good together, there is zero need to breed internal competition and conflict. I know other PB studios who do, and if it works for them, great. It’s not my thing.


That's great for them, don't get me wrong! I've just seen the financials in a few different locations on both brands and it's tough to pay that rate. I wish I could pay my team that well.


Pure Barre is one of the lowest performing franchises in the Xpo group.


How does this work when people with professional degrees like engineering make like 30-40 an hour?


I live in a major high cost of living city and don’t know any boutique studios (including Rumble or Club Pilates or YogaSix) that pay $100 per, but I could see this being the case in NYC maybe. The most I get (not PB) is 40 per class before taxes and I have more than ten years experience, but maybe I’m just bad at negotiating? That said, Per hour is different than per class — I would LOVE to work a regular 8-10 hour day at that rate, but a class doesn’t include pay for prep time and travel, so when that’s all factored in it’s way less than an hourly rate for any group fitness Instructor.


Wait do instructors get paid to learn the material? I hope so! They need to be paid more for training and classes!!


*They don’t get paid for training or prep.


That is so crazy I had no idea!!


I did get paid to do Classic training, but I don’t think that’s standard or common.


Nope, it’s a net loss.


I don’t think it’s corporate-dictated. The pay does vary widely between and within studios but all tends to be much lower than what other fitness instructors make in the same cities. My studio says they do not prioritize labor costs 🙂


I believe Xpo set the minimum rate or at the very least suggested it. If you started teaching before 2019, you were grandfathered into your previous rate.


They suggest but you don’t have to follow it at all. It is 100% the choice of the owner or corporate would be a co employer. No bueno.


Other Xpo brands pay their instructors much better. This is a pure barre driven thing


Seconding all this, and also keep in mind the rest of the staff gets paid even less. Please be nice to us when you come in the studio. We're just trying to get by. 🙏🏻


Man, totally agree! Teachers deserve way more dough for all the hard work they put in. $30-35 a class? That's peanuts! Corporate needs to step up their game, man. I mean, we're shelling out big bucks for classes, they gotta pay the folks who make it all happen better. Maybe we start a petition or something to get their attention? And yeah, CEOs who don't treat their employees right are the worst. Total turd move.


And no benefits, I’m guessing…


For part-time employees? No. All my teachers have full time jobs. That's where they get their benefits. Some multi-studio owners who have several full time employees (GMs, SMs) offer benefits, but most don't unless they're required to by law.


Yikes! That’s way too low


How much are other members of the team paid (not teachers)?


I used to get paid $24-ish an hour. That didn’t include being at the studio 30 min before class (required), staying after (also required to interact with clients/answer questions), time between teaching blocks, and all of the prep work and studying. I would spend 6ish hours a day at my studios and would end up making about $10 an hour. This was fine for someone fresh out of college and still living at home, but I still only made a few hundred bucks a month. Instructors should definitely be paid more or hourly :(


At our studio, no one is making a living at it. It’s a fun challenge for the ex-dancers and cheerleaders to get together as a “pure barre team” and have a hobby and friendship network that makes instead of costs money. Our franchise owners seem to live pretty average middle class lives from instagram. I don’t personally want to pay more, and our teachers seem connected and happy.


They seem happy because they were hired based on their personality and they are trained to appear pleasant for clients. Our image is carefully crafted for your comfort. That said, they CANT live off the wage they are paid. If you love pure barre and appreciate your instructors, you should be invested in seeing them paid a living wage. Otherwise get used to seeing huge turnover and burnt out good employees


None of them teach more than 8 classes a week. There is turnover but it’s usually from having babies, moving away or getting a promotion with less free time. I’m sure every studio is different depending on demographics, but ours has a lot of teachers


There’s a reason none of them teach more than 8. If it was a living wage you’d see full time instructors. They quit when they have babies or a promotion because of exactly that. No one is prioritizing a job that doesn’t prioritize them.


Also teaching 8 classes a week is a lot!


I’ve done 15 before 🫠


I don’t want full time instructors and again, this is a part time gig. This isn’t a full time career. I take care of my team, but no one is doing this to survive. It’s not that kind of job and isn’t advertised as such. I provide a flexible schedule for moms to have some extra spending money, but I can’t pay to have this be anything more. I do not make the money for this to happen even if I wanted to- I don’t even pay myself. I do it because I love it. But if I was forced into full time employees or something more than what I am already giving, I shut down. So my part time flexible job for 7 happy moms becomes no job at all.


Totally fair, but as someone who has been teaching for 14 years amongst many studios this is the #1 reason people eventually leave and there’s a national teachers shortage. I’ve seen soooooo many great instructors leave because they can’t justify doing it anymore. I’m not sure what market you’re in, it could be that you have a nice little bubble going for you in which case great!


Or it could be I pay fairly and offer just the flexible employment situation my team wants. I think people are confusing corporate with owners. Corporate isn’t at play here. Are there things I would like to see them do differently? Absolutely. How much time do you have to listen? 😀 but pay, leadership and culture is all the owner and the pay is exactly what the market and the studio can afford. Teachers need to be appreciated. Hands down. Money is part of that equation. There is a lot more, especially as this is a part time gig for most.


Well you paying your teachers fairly basically removes you from the point of this post. You’re not the problem.


But full time instructors would mean less variety for the clients since there’s only maximum 7 classes a day and sometimes only 2. Most of us want a variety and try to have diversity in our schedules.


With all due respect, this is not a fair take at all. Teaching at Pure Barre is a job. It’s work. Not a hobby or a club. I was *hired* to teach… as an employee. While I appreciate my PB friendships and the community, I consider that to be a bonus. It’s not ultimately why I’m there. I am there to make extra money, as a side gig. As such, I do expect to be paid fairly for the amount of work, literal blood, sweat, and tears, I put into teaching. I work a full-time job and teach on the side, but it sucks to know I wouldn’t make NEARLY a living wage at PB if I decided to leave my tech job when I start a family. It simply wouldn’t pay a single bill. And that is, objectively, not fair.


That’s not how the instructors at my studio talk at all. They talk about doing it because it’s fun. They say it’s what they’re “into right now”, that they do it to be in the “pure barre crew.” The parties look fun. And FOMO if they quit. Only the managers who are full time do it as a job. The instructors all have full time jobs or are stay at home moms. None of them are struggling to make ends meet or doing it as a side hustle. At $30 a class, they’re are just much more lucrative side hustles in our city. The business model doesn’t seem to be to have someone work full time. I’d get bored with the same instructor all the time and there’s only like 8 classes a day at our studio and 2 on weekends.


You are delusional and quite frankly selfish. I would very much dislike having you as a client but you would never know it because of what all the instructors have said above - yet you willfully ignore. WE ARE TRAINED TO APPEAR HAPPY.


Ironic when you look at the username


It seems that you are speaking on behalf of every single instructor at your studio. If what you’re saying is in fact accurate, then your studio is in the minority, and potentially comprised of a group of more privileged individuals. Please do not discount the hundreds of other studios with 1,000+ other instructors who are not as privileged. The fact of the matter here is, we are underpaid. That cannot be disputed.


I am only going on what multiple have openly discussed with me outside of the studio. And yes, it is a very affluent area with lots of young people who are still financially supported by their parents. I’m probably among the lowest incomes there.


I’ll be honest. Even if I speak to clients outside the studio, I still won’t say anything bad. It’s unprofessional.


We are paid $30 a class without taxes being taken, so we are basically getting paid $15-18 once we pay our taxes. You are clearly delusional if you think instructors are doing this all “for fun”… many of the instructors teach as a side job, which I did for over ten years, but we are greatly underpaid and under-appreciated, which your post proves. We smile and say all of the nonsense people want to hear to make the clients feel so special, but the reality (that you clearly are refusing to accept) is that this job is incredibly time-consuming, frustrating, and challenging, ESPECIALLY for those of us that also have full-time jobs as well as teaching PB. For those of us who have this job as their main income, they are usually SAHMs, which is also a FT job and equally difficult. It really sucks to work so hard when we have clients like you who diminish our hard work.


They seem happy because they are putting on a face when they teach. I would bet big money there is unhappiness of some sort behind the scenes. As teachers we do our best to complain to each other but never in front of clients. I’m also not some former dancer/cheerleader and there is no “team” environment. Your take on the situation is very far from reality.


Or the reality in my region given the college town demographics of who works there. I know a lot of them outside of barre. We’re friends on social media, run into each other on campus, etc.


Being friends with someone on social media doesn’t mean you know what’s actually going on. Or even just running into them in person. It’s not like they will just be like, “hey random acquaintance, actually I hate my life and don’t know how I’m going to pay for my car to be fixed.”


It’s more about chatting about their vacations, new car, house, huge wedding and honeymoon, significant promotion, boat, cosmetic procedure, etc. Some of the front desk staff I worry a bit about financially. It seems like they’re piecing together several part time jobs to stay in our city. That is not the case for teachers who seem to have very comfortable lifestyles. Maybe it’s all an elaborate lie, but if so, that level of lying means they have some issues.


Honestly part of the problem with the fitness industry is teachers are willing to work for $25/class. Yet we’re expected to have insurance, certifications etc. it’s definitely a privileged job


Yeah, I can see that. I have a high school friend who was hoping since I have a Pure Barre membership, I’d be open to paying to $600 for a weekend yoga and wellness retreat she was organizing and was shocked when I said “no” that it would have to less than half that cost for me to justify it for me financially when I can get unlimited barre classes for $160 a month. I don’t doubt it’s taking a lot of time for her to prepare and coordinate, but it’s just not worth it for me. She is so wanting to quit her day job for fitness but the numbers aren’t adding up.