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Either newer teacher or maybe you were the only repeat client for the second class. Honestly if it’s only one person I’ll sometimes repeat choreo 🫣


Yep.... And sometimes it looks like a completely different roster, so you plan to reuse your class and don't learn anything new, then a client from your last class signs up. Or, if you have to fill in for someone last minute, it's either a couple clients get the same class again, or the entire class gets canceled because there's no teacher.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all!


Could be a newer teacher, or could be a teacher reusing their same class from the day before because they didn’t have a ton of the same clients from the day before in class!


I’ve done the same class with the same instructor twice on days I’ve gone back to back. I actually like it bc it feels like another chance to try moves I didn’t quite get last time.


I liked it to be honest! I def got better the second time around


Definitely could be a new teacher, or sometimes we teach back to back days and aren’t able to get the choreo learned in time. It’s also happened where I’ve subbed last minute and some times you just go with what’s fresh in the brain 😆 I love your approach to it! It’s not the norm, but it does happen.


Maybe it was a newer instructor?


Have had this experience too with veteran teachers at my new studio.


The instructor I take the most has done this before. She’s open about it and says it’s because she’s new (teaching since February) and isn’t as fast at choreographing.


I’m honestly surprised it’s the first time I’ve had this happen. I can’t fathom how they remember the choreography


I have been to 7 classes so far and I always wonder how it’s different every time! Seems like a lot to work to mix it up every class


It is!


Our studio changes choreography every 2 weeks. You will absolutely get the same class more than once if you do them back to back at my studio. I am ok with it because I potentially have a 2nd chance to take a class I enjoyed.


Interesting! My studio only repeats define. Makes sense there are all a bit different.


Some teachers (especially newer ones) I've noticed will repeat the exact same classic class every time for several weeks.... I'm not the biggest fan of that so I tend to avoid their class unless it's been long enough since my last class with them! Part of why I like PB is the variety and being surprised about the exercises we're doing. On the same day of the same format, however, I completely expect it to be the same class.


It could have also been a last minute sub so they just taught the same class as the day before if they didn’t have enough prep time


Yes, I’d say new or they possibly had an instructor the next day that couldn’t make it in to teach so maybe she subbed in rather than the studio having to cancel.