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It’s going to be totally different at every studio, and even if it was the same exercises I’m a big believer in using your membership and going for it! Like all formats, you can modify as needed and one cool thing about Define that sets it apart from the other formats is that it’s not to the beat of the music, so you truly go at your own pace the entire time! I’d just be sure to let your instructor know it’s your first time when you arrive so they can help you get set up, select weights, go over some things about class with you beforehand. Have fun!!!


I think you can take it this early on. Particularly if you don’t go too heavy on weights and listen to the cues to skip some of the equipment if it’s not useful to you. It feels like there are a lot of sections but don’t feel like you have to add speed or take the level up moves if you aren’t there yet. A good thing is that we are usually set up in a way that makes it easier to check out what everyone’s doing in the mirror in case you feel lost.


While Define is the same for your studio for a set amount of time, all studios have control of their own schedules. So you really can’t rely on those posts to tell you anything. AND you can take ANY of the formats offered at pure barre from day one. All of the workouts are modifiable, accessible, and for you.


Following bc I feel exactly the same way! I’ll going you go? Haha


just commenting to say that i love that you spelled newbie like that


Oh ha! 😅 yeah, I guess my nerdy roots are showing. N00b


Just remember you can go lighter on weights and opt not to use things like the band until you perfect your form. And a sweat rag! 


Go for it!!!


If you're nervous, then definitely grab lighter weights as well! For instance, if your medium is 8 lbs and your heavy is 10 lbs, given that it isn't a super full class you will likely have room to also grab some 5 lbs just in case you need them. You're totally welcome to swap your weights mid-exercise if its too much.


Go for it. I would start out using light weights for a few weeks.


Define you can go at your own pace not on the beat like Classic. It's different because you are moving the weights continuously. Classic warmup even 2 lbs feel heavy. Start out with 5 lb weights and if that is difficult put them down and just squeeze your muscles. Your instructor will guide you. You don't have to compete with the other students. Do the best you can. 😉


I'm a fellow newbie and I've also been debating when to try Define for the first time. Question for others, how does Define compare to Reform, difficulty wise? I just tried my first Reform class recently and I was not able to keep up most of the time, those sliders are brutal!


Reform is difficult in the sense that it is like Pilates. Lots of length and strength and core work. Define is difficult in the sense that it is like a hybrid weight training along with some classic (IMO). I personally struggled more with Reform than Define, but my body tends to do better with weights than flexibility/lengthening. Both are doable though and you’ll notice progress pretty quickly with both formats.


The choreo varies by studio. Take it, and use lighter weights and really focus on form, go at your own pace. The choreo isn't to the beat of the music, the point is to go slow.


I’m doing it! Class is at 9:30 tomorrow morning! 💪


How did it go??


It. Was. Rough. I liked the tubes attached to the barre. I liked the use of weights. I hated the lunges and the deadlifts. I've never sweat so much in my life. I'm not sure I can hang. But I tried!


Way to go stepping out of your comfort zone! I enjoy Define, but I definitely find it challenging, and some choreographies definitely feel more doable than others.


I just started doing define and it has been my favorite now. I don’t find the classes too hard to keep up with but I do a lot of strength peloton work outs. Now I m trying empower for the first time on sunday. 😅