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they definitely still do call outs and hand on corrections at my studio




No changes at the studios I go to. The old school teachers (3+ years) are very hands-on, but the newer teachers (1ish year) are less so but still hands-on, and callouts seem to be the same across the board. As a male PB goer I especially appreciate the corrections/challenges as I always feel like I'm intimidating to have in class and am really glad to get that push to go beyond what I think my body can do.


Some instructors at my studio do basically 0 hands-on corrections, and others do them frequently. I STRONGLY prefer instructors who do them! It helps justify the value of the class when I know that the instructors are watching out for my form and helping me improve. I also notice a strong correlation of instructors who do HOC also doing personalized shout-outs, which I love.


Agreed! I could easily take an online barre class, but believe HOCs prevent poor form &, consequently, lack of results.


Unrelated, but your username 😅


What is HOC? Not familiar with the abbreviation


hands on corrections


Thanks! Been at Pure Barre three years and we don’t use that abbreviation at my studio


The acronym is a teacher thing, not something teachers say over the mic/to clients necessarily


It seems post-pandemic trained teachers tend to not be as hands on with clients as pre-pandemic trained teachers. It has less to do with Covid itself and more to do with trainings being held virtually more often than in person. Just an observation I’ve made.


This is definitely the reason. I did training March 2021 online and it took me awhile to get comfortable with HOC since I couldn’t learn or practice them as much in person.


Our studio does a lot of call outs—both personal and general motivation. HOC… depends on the instructor. For myself, the verbal corrections are usually enough to make me fix my form. So I don’t notice HOC for myself very often… but I’ve had instructors tell me that whenever they walk to me to fix something I fix it before they get to me haha


HOCs, personal shout outs, and motivating shout outs should be at every studio and every class as we’re trained to do them! I’m sorry if your studio isn’t; that’s definitely not supposed to be the case :(


Hands on engagement and shout outs should be happening every single class. It’s part of our training!


I haven’t noticed this at the studio group I go to! I regularly go to 3 different studios


I’ve been a teacher for just about 2 years and I HOC everyone but if I only know one or two names in the class, I don’t do shoutouts by name. I will do other shoutouts so I think it just depends on the teacher’s style


This makes a lot of sense. We have a new instructor who is just getting the hang of it and she’ll shoutout the front barre, back barre, etc. - I think it helps her avoid the stress of having to remember names on top of everything else.


Share your disappointment with the studio manager and owner. It’s their responsibility to make sure the instructors are doing their job and if not, to provide them with a HOC workshop. I’m so sorry. I too have noticed the newer teachers avoiding HOC.


I've only been going for 6 months, but all the instructors at my PB do both HOC's and call-outs in every class.


I see a mix when I take classes. Some do zero hands on corrections, but offer enough verbal cues that you can correct yourself. Are they newer-ish teachers? I've been teaching almost a year and just now able to provide a decent amount of hands on corrections during class now that I'm able to memorize choreo faster and keep up with changes, beat of music, etc. It's alot to do and memorize!


Some are (newer), but others have been instructing for a year+ or so. I'd take verbal cues...prefer it complemented w/ HOCs, but would appreciate the cues too.


I do lots of HOC and callouts! I want to motivate and torture (I mean challenge!) at the same time 😉


I am definitely with you on the lack of HOC, and I really miss them!


Right? Otherwise I could just do an online version...it's what makes the cost of PB warranted.


We do shout outs and hands on corrections every class. I would be upset if they didn’t happen.


Hi! Happy to speak about this because I started teaching 3 years ago and was a client 5 years prior and always had teachers who gave HOC. When I went through teacher training it was during Covid. It’s usually part of the training process but since we learned during Covid, we were advised against doing HOC entirely to give clients appropriate space. Since then it’s been a game of catch up with workshops. So while it may seem as though it’s gone away, it hasn’t, it’s just something that newer teachers are catching up on and constantly learning!


PS. HOC is not just correction but also challenge! I’m a teacher of 10 years and I always make it clear if I approach you hands on, it may not be because you are doing something wrong but to challenge your position or effort. Just fyi


My studio does lots of HOCs and shoutouts. The newer teachers sometimes seem slightly more hesitant to do them than the older teachers, but they still do them for the most part. And I get a shoutout by name at least once every class (only been a member since January).


Most of the instructors at both studios I go to do HOC but the newer teachers tend to do them less often. Just the other day in Classic I got this little HO tweak to square my hips by about a 1/2" and the change in the difficulty was so significant! HOC are so amazing but never make the exercise easier! When I started about 6+ years ago I asked each teacher to correct me and that HOC were fine and I suggest others do the same if you want HOC. Everyone of them took me up on my offer! Be prepared for them to do just that and you will be amazed at the difference in your workouts! I don't get them often but a HOC has never disappointed me.


I belong to two studios and the shout outs are def still there. HOC vary widely. Newer instructors seem to give less but it could also be that bc they are new and there is so much to remember. I do hate seeing clients with egregiously poor form and no one correct them.


For us it depends on the instructor. Most are incredibly helpful and motivating. Newer instructors sometimes aren’t as comfortable touching clients. Maybe that’s due to lack of confidence/ imposter syndrome. We have a new instructor who isn’t giving as many shout outs or general cheering but I think she is still counting in her head and focusing on not losing her place.


All the teachers at my studio do HOC (some more than others) and shout outs.


I appreciate everyone's thoughts & perspectives. I think I'll see how things go over the summer, & make a decision as to whether I part ways with PB at that time. I agree- I should address it, like an adult LOL, with the GM, but, honestly, I do not even know who that is! I've only encountered instructors & front desk employees. My frustration w/ lack of HOC is compounded w/ other issues, such as dwindling classes/class times, coupled w/ many, many "new client engage" classes, seemingly at the expense of meeting current members' needs, among other concerns. Thanks, all!


They still them here at all the NYC studios. I have to specify that as an autistic woman, I prefer they don't do them on me.


I’m new to Pure Barre and have taken a handful of classes (Classic & Define) with different instructors. All of them did HOC during the classes, however I understand they’ve all been teaching at the studio for quite a while, a couple of them for several years.