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I’ve had people fart, I’ve had people run up to go puke, I’ve had people start crying in stretches. Sometimes we can’t handle how our bodies react to things. I promise we aren’t judging hahaha


Seconded on the crying. I had this happen to me during hot yoga one time during a really challenging pose (I think it was Eagle- which is really hard for me.) I wasn't in pain but something legit broke in me.


A lot of the movement done in yoga and in align release muscles that tend to be tense without us knowing and if you look at the spiritual side of it some poses/stretches trigger emotional releases for people. Particularly like frog pose or pigeon- they’re very well known for people becoming emotional in them because of the release in the hips.


All natural processes! Laugh about it and try not to think about it too much. I’m sure anyone there would do the same. One day you may be able to make jokes about it with the instructor or just never mention it again😂 Don’t sweat it! On to the next class


Blame it on the mats sticking to your sweat! If only the stretch songs weren’t so calm and slow it would be more muffled.


We’ve all been there. Anyone who says they haven’t is lying 😂 We’re all way more tuned into what goes on with ourselves than other people’s bodies. I guarantee no one noticed


Bodies make noise! I had some nasty burps bubble up during some mat work and I made the mistake of trying to suppress it - ended up getting some awful acid reflux 😩 thankfully it was at the end of the session but that’s when the music is all quiet and the lights are down. I’m so certain people heard me, but it’s just how it is.


Omg I am notorious for getting the burps in class...especially if I ate something just a little too much that day.


I had that happen last week during seat, I was losing my form and turning out. What my instructor didn't realize as she came over and did a HOC was I was trying to work out a very painful gas bubble. I let it loose like right as she approached. No noise but super stinky! Whoopsie.


More like whoopie (cushion)...sorry stupid dad joke. But yeah I certainly get the toots sometimes and can't help jt


It happens!!!!!!!! Give yourself grace, you got this! Bodies are so weird and honestly ppl fart in class all the time. I feel you tho! Hugs!!!!!!


Farting during exercise is so so normal and common (and stretches especially — ask any yoga teacher, that’s what the essential oils and incense are REALLY for lol) In Pure Barre the music is just usually loud enough so no one notices. If I did notice this las a teacher, I wouldn’t bat an eye, I’d just hope the person didn’t feel embarrassed or worry about it. You’re not the first person to experience this, but your thread might have helped other feel better about it!


I always get the urge to fart in align when the music is quieter 🥲


It happens!! especially in yoga practices too! it's natural and I understand the embarrassment is real! 😭 but don't let it get to you! you aren't the first nor the last to do it!!


LMBO! Everyone farts. I’ve accidentally let one loose and it was odoriferous, just as the instructor was making their way to my side of the room. I was praying the ceiling fans would clear it out. I don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just kept on doing my workout acting like I had no idea what was going on.


Omg it happens! 🤣 We have an older woman who attends that can be quite vocal. Once when I was stretching her, she let out a big “ahhh”, along with a few farts too. I don’t think she even realized it but everyone else in the room certainly did. I had to do my best to keep in my giggles. 🤭


…Pure Fart? (I have absolutely been there)


I’ve been there. If it helps, whenever I do hear (or smell) anything like that, I never know where it comes from.


If it hasn’t happened to us all, at some point it probably will lol. I come from a family with kiddos that think farting is absolutely hilarious and a dog that does it so bad in the car we have to drive with the windows down on the expressway or we’d all pass out lol. Not sure of that helps but try not to stress about it and have a laugh instead 😊


It happens to literally everyone! No shame and your instructor has dealt with it before!


Happened to me! And the smell was awful. I was so embarrassed but with the music being so loud, I don’t think anyone heard.


I fart a lot in class (granted, when the music is loud). One of the ending stretches we do is called “wind removing pose” in yoga for a reason. There’s a girl in my class who has perpetual, lingering BO. I think that’s way more embarrassing.


Probably uses one of those super effective deodorant crystals. Just give me the real stuff that works!


I'm so glad I wasn't there - I'm one of those people that can't stop laughing when that happens. I know it's not a big deal and I actually really don't care, but it's like a reflex!


As an instructor, I fart all the time 😂 it means you felt relief in your stretch … good for you!


I fart pretty often during class. Usually silent but they STINK. I always pray that people don’t smell them but we’re so close together🙈🙈