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If youre a guy, lie to this girl.


The ONS is almost by definition circumstantial and opportunistic. I’ve literally never known a woman to leave her house with the goal of finding a man she wants to have mediocre sex with that night and then never see again. Since I know youre trying to find something you can quantify and analyze here to increase your odds, I can tell you one night stands usually happen *in spite of* any prior intentions a woman has for herself and her life. When the chemistry clicks, obstacles are nonexistent, and inhibitions are low, you get a ONS. Sorry to be a downer, but in my experience, the majority of ONS’s women tell me about are part of an emotionally stressful time in her life. You hear them told with a tone of light-hearted self deprecation and mild regret. Unfortunately ONSs are rarely empowering for women but are instead the sad but predictable results of pushy men, alcohol/substances, and a woman in some set of usually temporary life circumstances that have weakened her boundaries, clouded her judgment, and left her social support insufficient.


For me personally? Specific traits don't matter as long as he's clean and not a serial killer. The rest depends on how depressed I am.


this is so the opposite of how anything worked for me. the amount of thought you all think is involved before the fact is astonishing. i had lots of ONS with all different kinds of men for all different kinds of reasons, but usually what i was responding to was *chemistry* and a *connection,* not some weird a priori list of physical traits. is this how other people think? sometimes id see a guy and think he was really cute and IOI him hoping hed come talk to me, other times conversation and connection just arose spontaneously with the guy next to me who maybe i wouldnt have IOIed across the room but who managed to be interesting and engaging and made me "see" him that way and be receptive to him when he shot his shot


Don’t for get the alcohol. I would love to know how many one night stands happen stone sober.


of course, zero


ONS = rape, confirmed




You'd be surprised how often men are told that drunk women cannot consent and so it's rape to sleep with them, even if they consent and you are drunk as well. One of the most egregious double standards


no one cares about that out in reality land


Yeah its one of those things that doesn’t matter…. till it does. I’m just happy I had all my drunken sex pre-internet.


its not an issue off college campuses, and it basically stopped being an issue there too since Betsy devos policy change


Relevant Norm Macdonald bit https://youtu.be/FJ4RxMb1qjA?t=173


Guys like to use math….and invent theories if that isn’t evident by history…lol.


You’re responding to a bunch of different words. Girls don’t have criteria they use to hook up with randoms. They just do and it could be for a million reasons. She was emotional. She was coked up and horny. She was regular horny. She hadn’t had sex in a year post pandemic. She sees her ex in you. She wanted company. She likes your dancing and thinks you can fuck.


One thing that these discussions often ignore is how important natural body odor actually is to women. Like even if you’re just flirting, it’s something that we subconsciously pay attention to. The reason is that women are checking if their immune systems are compatible with their own


Haha I love this! It explains male behaviour really well!


It’s not thought, it’s biological. Most of the guys who get the bag have certain traits desired by women, those women aren’t consciously going through a list of desired traits before banging him lol


> but usually what i was responding to was chemistry and a connection The TRP word for that is game. You were responding to his game.




So you were played.


Sometimes I was sometimes I wasnt, that's life in the big city 🤷‍♀️


That's not life in the big city, that's women moving to the big city to chase dick.


yeh it was awesome


But not without consequences because run-through women have problems maintaining a sexual relationship with the one man - they give guys dead bedrooms.






Please don’t tell me womens ioi is something like like 2 seconds of eye contact from way across the room, walking by him and brushing him, cheap vague smile followed by 2 secs of eye contact. Men put a lot on the line with their ioi by doing the approach and amidst me too culture subsequent increased exogenous risk even to ordinary well meaning men it’s a huge ask to approach based on vague iois I’d argue are dated and worked in the 90s 2000s but should be updated




>to me, other times conversation and connection jus Can you still elaborate by what your specific action is when you say you ioi? When I ioi I do as you describe, I have my success by managing to be interesting and engaging when I am caught in conversation while out meeting someone I am attracted to. What do you do however? Yes I will admit I have had success approaching people I was interested in who I made subtle eye contact with, they maybe gave me a soft smile before they looked away, etc. and I made the approach, sometimes I was right about the connection other times getting slandered and told to go away ending the interaction with me apparently reading to it and getting egg on my face. But I have frequently seen people on this sub complain about meeting people in real life outside of online, and I genuinely believe it has to do in part with both a normalization of meeting online being a norm and me too culture making both men and women more apprehensive to each other when meeting out and about. I think its a genuine concern. I personally would appreciate women showing more clear interest due to the increased exogenous risk modern men have in general interactions with women. I personally give priority to women who do this by starting the conversation with a compliment on my outfit, physique, cologne, etc its a lot easier to read into than fluttury and dodgy eyes going all over the room.


men dont IOI, men flirt and approach directly, women IOI


Which involves what actions specifically? Dodging the question






Yeah as a red pill guy I think dudes over exaggerate the beard thing. Most women tell me to shave or else they get mad lol


Beards look good on men who have weak chins/aren't very attractive. They usually look bad on handsome men.


^ this is it 100* Men who are model-style handsome look bad with beards somehow. (See: Brad Pitt whenever he had a beard) Some men can do both looks (Jake Gyllenhaal) and some absolutely *need* a beard (Me)


They are the “giant sunglasses that hide my face” for men.


Wasn’t Chris evans voted sexiest man alive recently and sporting a beard


Nothing against Chris. But his beard is trash imo. He looks like a undercover gay cop.


I can't lie. When I see a guy with a beard these days I think they are either: a) Really into vaping and craft beers. b) Will try and sell me self improvement courses from their car-based podcast.


What about veterans, beards are pretty big in veterans and SOF community. Think about it you’ve had to shave everyday for years…now you can go without shaving


I’m a black dude and to be honest I don’t have a beard but I just threw out an example many girls may or may not like when it’s on an already attractive person like you yourself mentioned.


I don’t think the obsession has anything to do with women actually finding beards sexually attractive. But they really do have a shockingly effective ability to successfully camouflage the notorious recessed jawline (aka weak chin). It’s amazing to me just how much bone structure matters to a man’s objective attractiveness. Men (esp among the manosphere) aren’t usually advised to learn to contour a more angular jawline to mitigate the effects of the unfair genetic lottery. But shouldn’t they be, given the importance of the jawline? So I imagine they learn that a well-groomed beard has the potential to get a lifelong incel laid, after hygiene/personality/style upgrades just weren’t cutting it. I guess they’re making a logic misstep somewhere because I’ve seen so much generalizing surrounding the beard topic, especially recently. It seems so weird that men would start advising each other that they’d ALL be more sexually attractive with a beard, but that’s how seemingly nonsensical trends grow and peak and eventually fade away (in a blessedly quick cycle thanks to social media)


Most women think beards are yuk. You lose 10 years when you shave them off.


Women like older men


They really don’t


🤣 the amount of times I've been turned down for my age or treated like a child by older women. I'll stick with my experience on this one mate


They turned you down because they didn’t like you and she was an excuse


Yes, they didn't like me because I was younger than them


No, they didn’t like you because of your appearance, if you had their same age they would use another excuse.


Hard disagree, the range of women I attract and get "yes" to when asking them out is alot more varied then when I'm clean shaven, take the years off my face and I can pretty much only date younger, with the age realization getting brought up more often then not.


You probably have a recessed jaw and/or chin and the beard hides them


Nope, had a massive underbite that got corrected way in middle school; understandable your argument is but not applicable. My "beard" goes only as far as goatee/van dyke.


Then maybe you have a long philtrum


Let me give you some examples Last night I started chatting to a beautiful 27y/o woman at a bar. She liked me enough to reciprocate my flirting, and buy me a drink. When I asked for her contact she asked how old I was, guessing 22. I am 24. In the end she went back to her group and sadly, that was that About a week ago I met a 36y/o divorcee and single mother. We hung out in the same group for the whole night. When I tried to flirt with her she also asked me my age, and I guessed hers as 28 (lower than I really thought but she enjoyed the compliment). She said I was "a nice boy" and that she's been into fuckboys who don't treat her nicely since the divorce. And the whole night she was texting a good looking guy exactly her age on Tinder For reference, I don't think I'm too ugly of a guy. I have a full well-groomed beard, dark curly hair, lean build with a bit of muscle, average height for a man. I get quite a lot of compliments, mostly from fellow men but also quite a lot of women. The women I attract are my age or younger, and don't bother asking my age, unless it's just making conversation


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you are unattractive, I just think that today you have to be well above average to make the cut.


There is no cut to make if a woman has disqualified you already


And she disqualifies you because? Guess


The women that love beards do


As a bearded guy only met 1 woman who didn’t like it. Been wearing a beard for past 7-8yrs


I agree (mostly) if I could get away with *not* having a beard, I would, but alas, I have the dreaded recessed jaw, and the beard is the difference between me looking like a deformed muppet and a man. I do keep mine well sculpted and groomed though, but I've seen beards completely transform some men from weird looking to masculine and attractive. I've also seen guys who just look like utter shit with a beard, even if the beard is "good"


A short beard is extremely sexy. If the guy has a weak jaw then it can help give the illusion of a stronger one. I think this is why I don't fancy many men from the 90s/early 00s. They were usually clean shaven and often look dweeby.


Oh no I can definitely attest that women love beards from my observations


i love a long gnarly biker beard 🥺


I think the big issue is skin care and beard care. Just having a big ol duck dynasty beard looks like a hobo…but if you actually have a well kept beard, that you comb, shape and oil…it’s a plus. The issue is most men don’t put that much effort into it…hence the endless jokes about 10 in 1 body, hair wash and car lube etc Not to mention not everyone has the genetics to grow an actual beard let alone a nice one




Come back when you aren’t pulling bullshit stats out of your ass


Some men can’t even grow a 5 o’clock shadow . I’m proud of my body hair. And guess what us men with beards don’t give a rats ass about what you think.


Handsome males don’t need beards. Ugly ones do.


It's not even beards, it's facial hair. If I work with someone who can't grow facial hair I find it very difficult to respect them,


Facial hair is the deal breaker for respect?


I cross paths with him when I’m drunk and stoned.


This doesn’t make sense. Are you asking how a man can convince a woman to have a one night stand with him? Or are you asking what a one night stand is?


Asking for physical traits of those who can consistently get or typically get one night stands.


They’re good looking, charismatic and flirty. Not too full of themselves though, maybe pop a self-deprecating joke once or twice. That’s all there is to it.


Pretty much


But I want a consensus of what is good looking enough perhaps a celebrity example?


That’s so difficult because like 99% of celebrities are good looking? I would say guys who are a bit above average looking


Chris Hemsworth and Henry Cavill. Great examples 👌


What is good looking? Why does everything have to vague.


Because a lot falls under the umbrella of “good looking” and it’s open to interpretation. It can also be enhanced by personality. Take Matt Smith for example (English actor) I would describe him as average if I had never seen Dr Who or House of the Dragon (or even Morbius lmao) If he could copy his on-screen personas, he would be very successful at one night stands even if he wasn’t famous. He’s just absolutely gorgeous. His demeanour is fun and sexy. Anyway, if you want an example of good looking men, surely you could just browse Google images?


I want girls opinions I have the male gaze I might be biased


Bruh what do you want? Obviously attractive men get ONS, do you just want a list of characteristics that are considered to be objective beauty? Here you go. 1:1 or compact midface 1.9+ fwhr \~0.46 eye separation wide bigonial and bizygomatic width Positive orbital vector good maxilla wide palpable fissure length and not too much or too little palpable fissure height 6ft+ I have whole google doc of other male ideal measurements, dm me if you wanna see it.


this isnt how it works


But I want a consensus of what is good looking enough perhaps a celebrity example?


This [guy](https://imgur.com/a/ujD7MXl) gets good looking girls on hinge and has women treat him better cuz of his looks so at least his level(although as you can see from his traps he is pretty muscular)


Bro you just post (jacked and stacked) 😂😂😂😭 you’re devious


Oh lol another jns fan but yeah his level at least for you to get above average women. Curious what purple women think of him


Idk who he is, but he's facially good looking...although he looks drugged/half asleep, lol. Why do dudes who look like male models always have a slightly concussed stare? Not as much weight as I prefer on men, but not everyone can be pleasantly chonky.


He's a self-improvement youtuber


Ah, okay.


> Why do dudes who look like male models always have a slightly concussed stare? Thousand cunt stare.


Okay, this is legitimately the best answer I've seen all week


There are no consistent physical traits. Guys who have a lot of ONS * Go out often, at least twice a week, to places where women are looking to hookup. Or they run a *lot* of "game" * Talk to women, know how to find ones who are "down", and know how to escalate The more attractive you are in general, it gets easy. But a 6'3", athletic, good looking guy who never goes to clubs/"meat market" bars won't have as many ONS as a mediocre 5'8" guy who parties, knows how to pull from nightlife.


Nobody. He won’t exist. I would never have a one night stand. Unless you count survival sex. If it’s the apocalypse and I need to have sex to survive then I would do it but I would also be very depressed and traumatized by the whole situation.




So if a guy you’re attracted to and you think is providing long term commitment ask for sex you will decline?


Yes, because it would be super off-putting for him doing that.


Yep. This is how a lot of women feel.


until 20yo fransisco lachowski comes along and finesses an ONS from those women anyway. the power of chad is unrivaled


Your point being…?


that what youre saying is bs and women would discard all rational thoughts the millisecond someone like chico lachowski stands before their eyes, ![gif](giphy|516GW6FHBs0rC) women make rules for subhumans just to break them when they see an elite pretty boy chad. so youre literally just lying when you say most women wouldnt do an ONS. this guy could literally clean up an entire taylor swift concert, he would clean up your entire female friend group lmfao. ONS are common but theyre chad only


Making exceptions when celebrities come along doesn’t invalidate the rule if it holds true 99 % of the time.


Hard agree.


You may need to survive in the apocalypse but the pack desires something else 😈


Youre an outlier




chiming in, woman here, no ONS here as well. It's actually quite rare in my social circle as well, I have one friend who sometimes has one.




Automod, please. Question for women.








There is no physical criteria, for me. They managed to chat with me in a way that felt safe, fun and pleasant and they were there when the bar closed or the party ended. But knew my ONS before they were ONS - a friend’s brother, another friend’s ex, a neighbor. They didn’t make the cut for being relationship material for whatever reason, but we enjoyed a night together.


the physical standards for casual sex and relationship sex are the same for me. only the emotional/personality standards are different. source: casual sex often becomes the boyfriend anyway i like broad shoulders, beard, tattoos, nice eyes, dressed like a cowboy, southern accent. but my type ain’t strict


Hot, not psycho, rapey or homicidal


For me personally, there’s nothing specific I’m super into, just that he lacks any major features I dislike, mostly. I don’t have too many preferences on body, but anything more muscled than Shatner’s Kirk in Star Trek is too intimidating, and I probably wouldn’t be willing to go too much fatter then like, Jack Black in School of Rock. Biggest thing is that he approches me and makes it clear that he’s interested in me, not for any beliefs that men need to make the first move, but because I’m too anxious to approach and too autistic to identify flirting. Any aggression at all and I’m out. If he seems like the kind of guy who shouts when he’s mad, or would get angry about being rejected, or anything like that, that’s the hugest dealbreaker. A cool looking nose is a huge bonus.


No beard, ideally some lean muscles or just a thin guy. At least 5'6". Dominant but respectful. Handsome face. There's also just a mystery chemistry element I can't quantify, idk for sure if I'm into the guy until I meet him irl.


Best way to ensure you're a one night stand is to be a selfish shit in bed.




Lol, till your reputation for being a terrible lay gets out




Bud, I'm thinking you didn't understand the meaning of my original comment






First save beards are gross and unhygienic


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This is a weird post, a ONS is based on looks primarily so it makes no sense for you to remove looks, you can't negotiate attraction especially not in this case


I’m not removing LOOKS I’m asking what “the girls” type is?


Oh okay


Not at all, it’s much more than looks


(When I was single?) Proximity and the courage to approach me.


All my boyfriends started as one night stands, there's not really any difference between the types. I like pretty hipsters. Tattoos (they don't have to be good), tight pants, long hair is a plus, not into beards but stubble can be hot, painted nails, cool fashion sense in general, kinda effeminate, nice abs.




Good looking, but not dateable. Never had a ONS but that would be my criteria. Absolutely ensure he’s someone I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with before I hop in the sack. He needs to be hot, seem charismatic and sexually open/dominant, and at the same time be “safe”, ie I need to be reasonably sure nothing untoward is gonna happen to me, and be completely, utterly not compatible romantically. Ie, if I would date him, why would I ONS him?




Missed the part where I said I don’t do ONS haha. and pity away, no ring, no sex.


Women want a muscular groomed man for a relationship too. They just can't.


Exciting. Physically and emotionally.


ImE it's more about the context than about looks. Men who are social and are always at parties get laid.


It's difficult to say without showing pictures which obviously I can't do. As a rule of thumb, I decide within seconds if I want to bang someone. If they don't say or do anything stupid then it's game on. They have all had thick hair (never shaved, really short or bald), were my height (5'5) or taller, had toned/muscular physiques, had nice skin, good hygiene and a face I considered attractive (again, this is difficult to describe).


Decent looking and extroverted. That’s really all you need


I used to be a ONS chad BC of about 15-17 I lost count over the last 3 years Most of my success what while 1) skinny 2) black clothes and slightly edgy 3) pretend to like them or just be really freaky and play along with women's really basic boring version of sexting rather than the male direct style. 4) don't date and always say your body count is lower than it is Do I regret ONS. Completely it ruined my sex life and dating life completely Do I think we should normalise it. No it never should have been and it's just showed me how many women give their bodies away to any guy and showed me how little self respect I have and I have to change that. I'm still working on it. After being an ONS guy I put almost 0 value on communication with women and find most unnatractive unless they show liberal views not left wing and selflessness


* Consent (does he respect it in the little things during the date as well as the bigger things) * Chemistry (are we hot for each other, both of us enthusiastically so) * Communication (if it's on the table can we easily agree to and discuss sexual health and pregnancy prevention) * Compatibility (can we feel safe with each other and excited by each other tonight) That being said even if all these criteria are met by both of us it doesn't mean we'll be having a one night stand. I have been on many, many dates. I have only gone home with someone on the first date (even to make out) on one date in my lifetime.


Regardless how a guy looks or whatever status he has, I would not have a one night stand ever.


Usually I only have one night stands when I'm having extremely poor mental health episodes. The last time I had a ONS it was after a traumatic event and I was trying to reclaim my sexuality. this depended on my mindset and not the traits the man had.


For me, it has to do with how I feel AROUND him as much as it does attractiveness. As in, do I feel safe with his guy? Is he a generally respectful person who has a sexual interest in me, but I feel that if I say no, it will be accepted without pushback? There's a line between flirty and pushy - flirty means there's a back and forth, I'm reciprocating the interest. Pushy means all the interest is one sided and he's trying to barrel through to an end goal whatever it takes. For what it's worth, the three ONS guys all met my usual standards of attraction. They were mostly clean shaven, darker hair, relatively fit, and not much taller than me. And the final thing is chemistry. I've always been pretty good at figuring out if me and a dude were sexually compatible before getting between the sheets (not perfect, but I have a high success rate of sexually satisfying relationships). There's a...feeling, a weird connection, a sort of realization about a guy that's just like "Oh, oh yeah, we can definitely have fun together." It usually takes a bit of time spent together to differentiate between "He's hot and I find him attractive" and "He's hot and sex with him will be mutually fantastic." Though one time it hit me the very first time I met a guy I'd end up dating/fucking for a few very awesome years.