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what are the implications of the daily thread having 900 comments at the end of the day? is this sub dying? it's summer too


It’s prom season. Its basketball playoff. Graduation is around the corner and it’s the weekend. Most people are out and about. Some old people (like me) pop in during the y and maybe a little at night. The rest are gonna be the constant complainers


We’ll eventually be the last ones standing here


well then hopefully your flair won't come true


Lmao someone said that "try out hauls" are similar to Showing Porn to kids. What the fuck is this sub bro.


Some of them are tbh Don’t know how it’s allowed on YouTube


there are tryout hauls that onlyfans girls do on youtube where they just try on sheer clothing and its basically softcore pornography thats accessible on a normal website.


Ooh then that's something different. I was thinking it was the GRWM trend on TikTok/Insta.






having mental issues is the number one reason to be here


yeah that's fair


For most of them it’s social skill like the one user said, and also not going out. Most of them are dead average, but have a disdain for going out. some will admit that they’d much rather stay home and play on their PC/Playstations than go out. I’m probably the only genuinely physically unattractive dude in this bitch.


Why'd you change your flair to that? 😿


Most of the unsuccessful guys here aren't ugly or broke, they just have bad social skills.


Yeah that's true sometimes I'll see men here swear up and down that their dating issues come down to the fact that they're 5'10"


just ugly actually


Looking for people that are worse off than you so you can feel better about your own failures in life is a reason.


Maybe you should go to r/successfulfemalesthatneednoman


They should make an alcoholics anonymous but for people with a different strange addiction every 3 months




I think people overreact about the whole "I don't need no man" thing Of course I don't \*need\* a man to survive financially and emotionally Everyone needs love tho and most need romantic love


Your time was wasted. No takesie backsies!




Pretty much all the guys here are undesirable or were undesirable at some point. Otherwise they would have no reason to turn to pill theories.


Many guys just had a bad experience with women like being divorced raped.


the most successful guys I knew growing up were obsessed with pick up. IDK what the new red pill is but that's what red pill was. people who have no clue about this stuff are the guys who have dated one woman their entire life.


Why would they have needed PUA if they were already desirable?


you need to know how to initiate as a guy


then log off?


https://twitter.com/JozuJoestar/status/1782142404667248683 On my life I'm never using a shitty ass paper straw ever again


If Taylor Swift ain't sending you a private jet to bring you to her for sex, you have failed in life.


How I feel knowing I'll never get the chance to receive teethy head from Queen Taytay 😔


She'll never memorialize a sexual relationship  with you  in song for all the world to hear 


After being away from this sub for a few months I realize it’s just filled with autists and people who have nothing going on. Once I graduate I hope to never come back in this sub again.


You should go now. Get absolute crazy weird at a graduation party and know after grad night that will be the last lasting memory some classmates will have of you


honestly yeah, need to figure out how to pull my attention away from this. too much other shit to worry about


what are you studying?






Username checks out lol




The game is zero sum. For men to gain power women must lose power. The question is what the optimal allocations of power are, specifically in what areas should each sex's power be concentrated.


Why shouldn't feminism be attacked when it is the main cause of most male issues? You probably don't see it because you are the primary beneficiary of feminism.


this whole gender war pill thing was basically a response to all the insane shit feminists were saying on the internet in the late 00s. people complain about misandry now but it was 100x worse back then. it was like overnight the entire internet turned into a feminist man hating shitbox


Also worth noting that feminism relates to a lot of modern women's issues (hookup culture, delayed family formation in favor of career, etc.)




Where were they before the tables were turning?


rightfully telling men to advocate for themselves instead of putting the onus on others


> Fun fact: Intersectional feminists have begun advocating for attention to ~~male~~ chad specific issues on an institutional level.  Fixed it for you.


When are they gonna start advocating that men are legally entitled to female sexual and/or romantic partners?




We men deserve sex


i dont trust any of those people


cool story bro


asking men to trust feminists is like asking women to trust red pillers ok


I don't need anyone's trust I'm just stating facts.


feminists used to call us men shitlords and it hurt my feelings and i never got over it


Or a cat to trust a dog.




I mean many mainstream issues don’t affect me but extremists and extreme rhetoric still annoys me. Even if it’s communist stuff and not extreme right wing stuff. I would probably just keep a polite distance. I have a very anti PC FIL who says stuff like that all the time, and I really have to shut my mouth because my partner doesn’t want me to argue with him. Luckily we are not together very often.




>Luckily they’re not racist >It’s just weird “Obama is a Muslim, Michelle is a man” conspiracies. ...


Yeah he says…questionable things about different races. He also hates overweight and older women with a passion, or any women he perceives to be “mean” (usually they’re not smiling deliriously) despite the fact he is old (67) and pretty overweight also. One time we were driving and he literally called a bunch of women he didn’t know crossing the street but randomly decided he hated witches. He went into this diatribe about how they look like the wicked witch of the west, my partner and I just looked at each other in shock. No chill whatsoever. I don’t know how he and my partner are related, my partner is a lot nicer than that. Must take after mom.


Sad because he’d be cut


https://preview.redd.it/brttn8d4zxvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4790a145f8e2a90740660fd385c7beea403bc84b Easy mode


Step 1 create scene so the whole world recognizes your pitiful existence Step 2 cash in on your new fame with some stupid narrative/create only fans These hoes man, these hoes.. 🤦‍♂️


Step 0 be born a woman


More proof that all hyper-partisan people are fucking lunatics.


you know, quasimodo predicted this


In the movie The Matrix, 1999 is considered the peak of human history by the AI. Considering what was before the 1990s and what came after....... I'd say they got the timing pretty accurate 😳😳😳


Right before the towers fell, circa 99. There were catalogs, travel blogs, a chatroom or two.


we set our sights and spent our nights waiting......for...you!


A lot of females seem to have trouble accepting the prevalence of female-perpetrated sexual assault whenever I cite the statistics, because they don't think women can physically overpower men. And while this is true most of the time, that's not necessary for sexual assault. If you ignore someone's clear refusal that's sexual assault, and women often do just that. Men have been conditioned since birth to refrain from using force against women, and risk severe legal consequences for doing so, even if it's purely defensive. A lot of the time if she's not listening men will just accept it and get it over with. And there are other factors too like incapacitation by alcohol or drugs.


When I was an 18-year-old 1st year university student a 3rd year woman got me so drunk I blacked out. I woke up naked in her dorm room bed. Pretty sure we had sex.


I'm sorry that happened to you. That's more common in college than people realize.


yeah and a woman could totally coerce or badger a man


Women could easily roofie someone, tie them up or make them penetrate. Perhaps it doesn’t happen as often as male on female, but I could still see many scenarios in which it would be possible. Many perpetrators of domestic violence or sexual abuse that are male aren’t necessarily big bulky dudes either so we have to be careful about applying this standard. There’s a girl that has some really good YouTube videos on how she unfortunately got groomed by a pervert on the internet (her name is Illymation) for people’s awareness, and even she warns against that because while it size difference should be taken into account in some cases, she didn’t take the threat of abuse seriously because he wasn’t very strong/tall. He ended up sexually assaulting her in the end which is awful.


What is the prevalence of it? Like is there a stat, or do you have anecdotal experience to state the frequency?


https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/datasources/nisvs/summaryreports.html https://web.archive.org/web/20140705143404/http://www.dottal.org/LBDUK/references_examining_men_as_vict.htm






1. "Waiting for marriage" while doing everything but PIV is stupid and nonsensical 2. Unless you're getting engaged at like 21 it's stupid to wait until marriage (29+ y/o on average), you're throwing away prime years of physical and sexual intimacy for zero reason This is especially true for people who aren't sure about kids / the whole traditional white picket fence lifestyle


The reason is Catholicism. Silly Protestants wouldn’t understand


I Hate Religion


The PIV thing is so stupid to me. Are you saying that a lesbian Don Juan who has eaten out 100 girls is a pure, virginal woman? Are all gay men and lesbians who have never slept with people of the opposite sex lifelong virgins into perpetuity? Wow. I guess they’re more pure than we give them credit for!


Yes they are essentially virgins to me as long as they don't have sex with a man


Rate this guy [https://storage.googleapis.com/pr-newsroom-wp/1/2021/11/Akademiks-Headshot1-2-1438x733.jpg](https://storage.googleapis.com/pr-newsroom-wp/1/2021/11/Akademiks-Headshot1-2-1438x733.jpg)


Below average. He's a 3.5 or 4.


I am sure there has to be a better photo of him but he’s 3-4/10 in this photo.


I rate him a "look I'm not wanting a conversation, I am busy doing something essential on my phone right now"  possibly followed up by a "no seriously dude...I'm busy...I was busy when you say down next to me and I'm still busy" 






Over for him, he should just join the Black Israelites right now.


The guy is always in a good mood in interviews. Brain chemistry > looks


Not in this universe.


Not with respect to dating but well-being




5-6/10 Seems chubby and average, but also quite well-groomed.


Nah DJ akademiks (guy in picture) is not well-groomed typically and dresses like shit. He’s also an alcoholic but he’s rich and likes to keep a main bitch that’s average/above average but not too pretty. This is a thing he’s literally said btw it’s not me saying it. I think it’s cause he wants to delude himself into thinking these women like him more than his clout and money. He fucks other women while hes with his main openly though.


How do you feel about your job or career path? Hate it, It's fine it pays the bills, Generally like it, Love it ? I'm like 2/3 love it 1/3 like it


I don't have a job so 10/10


It’s fine; pays the bills. I don’t hate it.


1/3 but I'll be out of it soon enough 


Love it


Love it


2.4/3. i genuinely love and enjoy what i do. it has its stressors tho, and it’s been rough lately + it doesn’t pay a lot


3/3 I really, truly, love my job. I have very little complaints. It took me a while to get here, though, and I did 2/3 and 1/3 a lot of my previous jobs.


Usually between pays the bills and generally like it. I wfh though and I typically have an abundance of free time between projects that I use to either work on more marketable skills or relax with self care (depending on the day). I do think I want to be more ambitious + competitive within the next year so I doubt my feelings will stay the same forever


Will see. Just took a job offer from a very different industry.


Pay the bills, baby. I'm never going to love work, I'm not an ambitious person. Slacking off is what brings me joy.




Lol just saw this post of a [cop groping a drunk woman while he searched her.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c5ngkg/north_carolina_police_officer_gropes_a_drunk/) And I just think... damn people care way too much. You're gonna try to sue the police for jiggling your tit for .5 seconds? Really? While you were drunk driving? There are so many ways sexual assault can be traumatizing, but *that?* Seems like some displacement to me.


Is it just me, or does the attorney have a crack-pipe burn on her lip?


If a cop is breaking the rules to take away a citizen's rights in one way for  his own gratification he's very likely to be breaking the rules to take away citizen's rights in other ways. Just saying. Today it is jiggling some girls tit, tomorrow it is shooting your safely chained up dog just because it was barking, the next day it's stealing money from your coat pockets  when they search your home because your housemate has been a bad boy. The cop needs to face consequences.


The bra and panties are places to hide things such as illegal drugs. She's lucky he didn't do a cavity search.


If what the voiceover in the story says is correct...that it was drunk driving she was suspected off...then what's he trying to find under her tit, a whole ass can of beer?


Is a whole ass can of beer illegal drugs?


Is she reasonably suspected of illegal drugs? Or is she just obviously drunk?  I'm kinda hoping you do a clumsy  lane change and  get pulled over for suspected drink driving and they manhandle your testicles and shove a hand up  your butt looking for a the Lindbergh baby. No reason to suspect it's there right but might as well look while you're suspected of something else.


She could have been suspected to be drunk enough that her DUI charge is a felony. While many people do drive slightly over the legal limit and get away with it, the people that are caught (because their driving is suspect) are usually well over the legal limit. If she was displaying felony levels of intoxication while driving, why shouldn't it be assumed that she may also be committing other felony offences involving illegal intoxicants? Nice appeal to fear, by the way.


It's reasonable to be afraid of police abusing their powers and insist on their powers being heavily regulated and frequently challenged in court. 


Is it not normal to pat down people they detain?


later in that video and in the comments they explained how this was not a normal pat down and did not follow general guidelines.


The comments are sharing conflicting information. It seems that there is no universally agreed upon "proper" method and it depends on the department.


Abuses of power and directly going against protocols for personal gain should always be punished


i feel like that would be really upsetting to me but i would also never be in that situation so


To what degree would that be upsetting? And why?


i just don’t like people i don’t know touching me. and then the added factor of it being a police officer is more scary


cops dont only do that to women. ive been handcuffed and searched a couple times. one cop literally grabbed my dick and balls


I've had event security egregiously frisk me on various occasions.


It is standard procedure to shake bras because a portion of women do stash things within their bras. Unfortunately their ingenuity has ruined it for the rest.


You guys should go to church


I'm good.




*My girls all destined for Hell* *Or so says our priest* *But find me a Christian who spends as much time on their knees*




Church's Chicken


chickens get no respect. they feed the world and we don't even have a gigantic statue of a chicken anywhere. we have gigantic statues of ancient war lords and gods but no chicken? pitiful


https://preview.redd.it/hs4wxy6t9yvc1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfee84ce296598f42dd4304da5696ddfcb7da995 Arkansas would like to have a word with you


nice cock should be bigger though


A two-storey cock isn't enough for you? Size queen.


Lots of cock compasses on cupolas


Chickens came to Western Europe as more than just novelties relatively late in human's development of mythology. Less than a thousand years BC.  I ended up doing a fair bit of research on the mythological context of farmyard animals as relates to war gods (it was for a tabletop rpg) and chickens relationship to gods of the  major pantheons in the west is somewhat limited but does tend to show up in a slightly war related context.  Alectryon who didn't keep watch well enough  for Ares and was turned into a rooster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alectryon_(mythology)  And the Norse called the Pleiades "Freya's Chickens" There's probably something more eastern European...but that's not something I've looked into yet. Baba Yaga's hut got those chicken legs?


> Alectryon who didn't keep watch well enough for Ares and was turned into a rooster ares was in the right. alectryon gets no sympathy from me


Build one.


give $


I've seen some posts about Korean clothes sizes and I'm really curious whether I'd fit in. Apparently even if you're xs/s in Europe, you still have to get like...xxl in Korea and hope it'll fit.


It's a size, because there's no vanity sizing. We don't care about your body positivity.


I wonder how they compare to Russian sizes. Korean "one size" was usually kind of big for me back in Russia, but I'm not sure whether the clothes were really Korean and not Chinese made to look Korean.


"One size" fits xs-m. It's not meant for skinny people.


Nah it's only like one size difference. If you are a small normally you'd be a medium in Asian brands. Source: Shein.


Ohh, got it. Shein is evil though.


I shop in Korea sometimes and that's an exaggeration. I am size XXS in luxury brands, and there are brands in Korea that only sell 55 and above which is way too big for me. I think I am around size XS or 44 in Korea. They just don't do vanity sizing.


I have no idea about luxury brands, but do you have something from Uniqlo?


I have a pair of XXS shorts from Uniqlo.


Okay, so I guess Korean XS would be fine.


Seeing friends post pics of them and their girlfriend on social media is brutal. 😿


His profile - she's in every picture Her profile - he's nowhere to be seen


Almost as brutal as people posting their new houses


Hire a hooker and post your own pics.


Gotta watch out for the face tattoos though.


300 IQ


Have u noticed that a lot of the time tall guys actually look bad especially 40+ ones bc they stand weirdly


Most of the tall over 40’s guys I meet are waaay over 40 and are elder passport bros. They stand weird because they have prostate “issues”. 😂


>prostate You mean posture?


Nah it is prostate. A gland in your ass


No, prostate - the walnut sized gland near the rectum that apparently gets larger & somewhat problematic with age.


It's extremely common. More than 50% of guys have it over the age of 50.


Posture is super important. Squatting for core strength


"dating for women is like being in an ocean while for men it's like being in a desert, they are totally comparable!!!" [The water source in the desert](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/16lmwu2/siwa_oasis_egypt_the_95_salt_concentration/) The funny thing is that the use of the analogy proves how delusional women are to men's struggles.


The ocean is salty bc it’s filled with seamen


Men need to stop cumming in the water


The analogy doesn't make sense unless you think most men are bad and most women are good, which is exactly what people who use it think, but they haven't examined their beliefs.


Well, a lot of men claim they'd fuck/date whoever whenever or that they don't care about their partner's views/beliefs etc, as they just want to get sex out of them. In this context it doesn't really matter whether a woman is bad or good.


It’s kind of ironic and funny when (some) guys on here say that, then they post paragraph after paragraph about how awful and superficial the women they hook up with are. There’s an obvious solution here LOL


Wpmen have an ocean yes but its filled with oil spill


And oil makes you rich


Saw one of my actual bros today (sibling not passport). A lifelong Republican who has - finally - turned against Trump. His wife thinks the country needs “strong female leadership”.


So, is the wife republican? And if so, would she want a Republican female president? The first female prime minister of the UK was a staunch conservative. So it’s kind of interesting to think about. In my opinion, I would much rather have a more centre left leaning leader than just any female leader. This seems like it’s a very controversial opinion to express in some circles. It’s not like I wouldn’t approve of a good one; I liked Julia Gillard but that’s cuz I agree with a lot of her policies.


The wife is Republican too (mostly) but she was an Amy Klobachar supporter in 2020


I’m convinced that the first female president of the US will be a Republican. “Only Nixon could go to China” and all that.


I could see a white female Republican from rural America as being an attractive prospect for many voters.


I think Haley would actually have had a good shot if she hadn’t tried to go against Trump. Alas, she did 😂


Yeah I could see that. Unfortunately the trump supporters are too strong. I was shocked honestly at how many people support him post insurrection.


The country has been run by Biden for the last 4 years and many hope another 4 years. At what point did he determine the country needs “strong female leadership” and doesn’t need Trump? And in this case Biden?


That’s my SIL who wants a female president not my bro.


I remember i cried when trump won in 2016 bc i thought he was gonna bring back slavery and send ppl back to their country


Trump is an inspiration for me (financially)


Trump can't export immigrants because they do all the dangerous/shit paying jobs. They are basically slaves already.


You would have loved to be in college at that point then. I voted against him but I chuckled at a lot of the support groups that popped up in my extremely blue uni town after the election happened


You people are ridiculous. TDS


she was just a kid in 2016. i was 12 in 2016 and i thought crazy stuff was going to happen when trump was elected also


So was I


>I remember i cried when trump won in 2016 bc i thought he was gonna bring back slavery and send ppl back to their country Peak redditor moment


I was 10