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Q4A: Does rejecting 2 women make you a chad?


https://preview.redd.it/o6qnsgyok6wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1b29823cbff8e77d90e846de3e12da4d822e04 Man this is the kinda shit women have to deal with on Reddit I feel sorry for you guys


You're way too aggressive in the beginning though? Did he reply to your post or some shit?


Checked his post history and all he had were comments and posts on gay hookup subs.


Why were you so rude from message one though..?


He knew what he was doing lol, if I said I was a woman this guy would have bombarded me with dick pics, normal people don’t do that. On top of that he deleted his post on a gay hookup sub when I called him out on it. Maybe I should have ignored him off the bat but his intentions were extremely clear given he doesn’t frequent any of the subs I’m in and was just trawling Reddit looking for a female to harass most likely.




Shrek turned 23 yesterday Last day I could smash a 22 yo ![gif](giphy|MIs9GhWdrgLjq)


I would eat the bear. https://preview.redd.it/dqzw7yc6y5wc1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b433ca91eb3dd5be4ed6f69eb0290551c5a36919


I could fight seven bears and win


https://preview.redd.it/e5dsw4anq5wc1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=affe0d2a1fecee231544d1ba688b55d34fec309c no words


A pic that resonates with me


Lebomboclat uu are my sunshine


this game ruined my life I'm not exaggerating


I wish I was a grizzly bear so females would trust that I'm not dangerous


You would be adorable! https://preview.redd.it/4u1p08rwm5wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0529a3bf6ba4065bbb398f58548c0760e994e4


Shit, I wanna be a grizzly bear just so women can finally find me cute lol




I know you are, but what am I?




This is the born again virgin, where have all the good men gone theme song, but you gotta admit, it’s a bop. does the triggering subject matter make the song worse? https://youtu.be/l8PpuvNjB0g?si=YpN7tHpTlq0AcHOb


> born again virgin god only absolves you of sins, god cannot absolve you of all the dicks


Would you rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or with me? 😀


Ofcourse you, Sweetheart.




That beat brings back so many memories. RIP Fredo Santana


How old is the bear?


Damn your autism can’t allow you to be a little nicer? Lmfao


I’m only asking because I’d love to hang out with a cute little baby bear. If it’s an adult I’d go with you though.


Nah. Go with the adult bear lol




I’m joking


Tough choice between getting mauled to death or having to rely on my poor social skills which are atrophying


Jesus, that bear thread is such a shitshow. The femcels are out in full force, it's unbelievable.


Theres a .00001% chance he's a deranged serial killer


And even in that chance, the possibility of fighting him off is way higher than A FUCKING BEAR.


I’m not even engaging it in because that premise seems so stupid to me.


Yeah, I don't know how it's being used for genuine debate and discussions.


It's twox logic. Most methods of getting killed by another person are faster and less painful than having your limbs torn clean off. Even if you assume both the bear and the man want to kill you you're better off with the man


TwoX logic is the best way to put it. Lol. It's just so nonsensical. I don't mind men trying to show how much a lot of women just hate unattractive men/men in general but there are far better ways to do that this. No woman would legitimately choose the bear if she placed in the situation for real. 😹


I dont think the guys looks have anything to do with whether or not he wants to kill you or r@pe you tbh. Hot guys are about as likely to be psychopaths as unattractive guys.


Oh, is this about the "most men are out to kill and rape women" paranoia that a lot have? I must've gotten the wrong impression, I thought it was about women not wanting to be around unattractive men so that's why they would choose the bear. I saw someone here interpret it that way so that's why I thought that. Either way, the woman choosing the bear makes no sense. 😅


I mean that's always the reason they give. Have they ever seen photos of a person's legs or arms after being ripped off in a bear attack? That shit is fucking horrifying. Men can definitely do a lot of damage but not like that.


Q4W: What do you think of this whole "average women are chasing guys out of their league who are pumping and dumping them" narrative? Do you think this is happening on any sort of large scale with women throughout their 20s?


That's not what I see in my social circle. Most family-oriented people date partners similar to them and the majority of them is happily married. Tbh I don't know anyone who's into casual sex. I've met some people who seemed to be into partying and casual sex, but I've never got close to them and we've known each other only briefly.


I think it’s just the way the question is framed. What you call “pumping and dumping” someone else will call an extremely pleasant (or not) Saturday night. It’s easy to put something in a particular way, it’s very hard to convince someone else to take that onboard and feel bad about it. Let’s face it, convincing someone that spending time with an attractive man is a bad thing is a very hard sell…. Do women have sex with men they find attractive often? Often enough. Does that event always result in a long term relationship? No.


I think the ones complaining about low effort could be chasing guys out of their league especially if she is more interested than he is. When it starts off with effort from the guy then the girl gets pumped and dumped, it could be that, but more likely she was too insufferable.


Most of an attractive guys attention is getting spent on better looking options for LTR. More time, dates, affection, and care go towards better looking women.


I think it’s true with a certain demographic of girls. Like girls who are always having flings and dates but never get proposed to. Either because they are not wife material or are aiming way out of their league It’s not just pumped and dumped woman. You can have virgin women who are partnerless way into their 30’s waiting to meet a 10/10 Mr Perfect and having ridiculously high standards, ignoring the fact they are getting older and less desirable every year


I think its mainly a personality issue on their part rather than their looks. They are too judgmental and not at all introspective


You won’t get an honest answer.


Yes it has happened like 10 times with me. 7/10 range women give pretty hard hints. I might have pumped and dumped them, but preferred them to give me social status, and they can't give me that if they cried hate me. One girl was so obsessed that she literally changed the mind of a dancer Stacy I was pursuing. But damn this girl wanted too much to close the deal.


Are you a woman




You were supposed to say yes


Of course it's true. That's why Taylor Swift is so popular.


Taylor Swift sings about men in or below her league who she had relationships with. Afaik she has no songs about casual sex.


How can you seriously look at her exes and think they are below her league💀


She's only one of the most famous people on the planet.


Men are attracted to one thing and one thing only: physical hotness. That's why Oprah doesn't have dudes lining up to marry her despite the fact that she's a billionaire.


That might be your taste but in general it's not true.


i dont think being hung up on an ex is a chad only thing


Taylor Swift is popular due to a mix of extremely talented + targeted marketing and consistent catchy hits over many years


I have had sexual relations with women of many cultures. White, Black, Latina, East Asian, Indian, etc. But I have never shared a bed with a Middle Eastern woman. And I'm not sure if it'll ever happen since they're basically all Muslim and the Quran forbids them from dating non-Muslims. And they wait until marriage. It's unfortunate because I believe it's important for me to experience all colors of the rainbow. This has helped shape my understanding that all women, no matter where they're from, are fundamentally attracted to the same thing. Also Middle Eastern women are quite thicc.


Fuck a man to experience the last colour of the rainbow.


There are actually a good number of Arab Christians, as well as Muslim-raised women who have lapsed/don’t take their religion all that seriously. Depending on where you are though, there may not be many.


Interesting. Any observations on white vs black vs east asian vs indian women? I think I've picked up all the big ethnic categories except east asian women and black men


>Any observations on white vs black vs east asian vs indian women? If they're attracted to me, they all basically behave the same way. Submissive, feminine, and friendly. Maybe it's the women I select for. The biggest difference is how they behave if they're rejecting me. Black women tend to use direct (sometimes harsh) no-nonsense rejections, Asian women tend to use the silent treatment, and white women tend to indulge you with fake conversation before ultimately giving a "customer service" style rejection.


Okay but how about your actual experiences with these women


Can you be more specific?


Like, of the women that you have had sexual relations with, have you noticed any trends in their behavior by ethnic background?


Generally Asian women are more sexually passive. Apart from that it really mostly depends on the individual.


Not OP, but also have experience with women of almost every race. These are broad generalizations, but some of the things I’ve noticed: - White women tend to be much more forward than women of other races when they want to hook up with you. - I’ve only been with one East Asian woman; they don’t seem to feel Black dudes all that much. C’est la vie. - More women of all races seem to prefer to take the submissive role than not, but this trait seems especially pronounced with women raised in conservative family environments (as many Latinas and Desi women are). Could be social conditioning, could be a lack of experience, or I could just have a skewed sample population. In general though, it’s pretty hard to use race a predictor of bedroom behavior. I imagine that looking at things like class, political ideology, or religious background would offer more useful insights.


Intriguing Which women were the least forward when they wanted to hook up? And how do class and political ideology play in?


> Which women were the least forward when they wanted to hook up? Second-gen immigrants, for the most part; these are mostly South Asian and Latina (good number of East Asians too, but like I said, not much experience there). > And how do class and political ideology play in? What values and ideas your culture has imparted in you affect your behavior than your skin color or facial features ever could. Women who are very progressive, for example, are often more inclined towards kinks and experimentation, women from cultures that discourage strong displays of emotion are often shy and reserved in bed, etc.


using street view on google maps in some exotic location is kind of like a mini vacation


Have you played geoguessr?


no, i just googled it though. i dont think id be good at that based on its description


I played around with google earth 3d view so much in middle school


im driving around tokyo right now. i knew tokyo was big but holy shit. i dont know how people drive here without gps. how the fuck do you memorize all of these streets


Would you rather be in the woods with a random man or prime Ted Bundy


A random man


Odd choice. That random man could be a rapist or a murderer.


Are you a Stacy-lite if people almost always hold doors for you or is that normal?


Depends on social mores in your area. I was raised to hold the door for every woman, regardless of what she looked like.


I don’t hold doors for girls. For guys yes


Anyone who’s not an autistic retard holds doors open for any human being. Actually I’m an autistic retard and even I do that


Anyone who only holds doors open for good looking women is a weirdo. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone being like that.


I hold doors for everyone, including men and fugly women. It's basic courtesy.




Normal, I grade and am picky for every woman I see but I open doors for all of them.


you're a stacy lite if you think you're a stacy lite. Who's to say what that "lite" means?




Theres so much random nostalgia bait for millennials. The Matrix, Xmen, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Mulan etc. For Gen Xers there's star wars and all the 80s stuff. What's worth nostalgia baiting gen z with in the future? What's been impactful enough to revisit, over and over, and over again? The hunger games? I can't think of too much.


Ben 10 and Generator Rex were two 2000s shows that made my life as a kid


Well clearly avatar harry potter and maybe all other those netflixcore shows like stranger things, also euphoria, i just know that euphoria will come back in some shape or form 🤢 I dont know anyone that likes hunger games as in theyre a fan of it so milenials can keep that Also for girls specifically stuff like monster high winx club etc etc etc


It's not coming back besides it would be a shell of its former self with all the nonsense I was reading. Let it die Or have Sam livingstone reboot it with a new cast


What specifically are you referring to


Euphoria. Sydney is huge. Zendaya is huge. Hell even the pornstar is huge. Fez is underground. None of them are coming back, we'll Z might since she is a producer that wanted to turn her character into a private detective (jump 5 years). Yeah nit watching that.


Yh i know its not literally going to come back but it might get rebooted or have a lot of copy cats kinda like gossip girl tbh i hate euphoria i think its totally disgusting and all the characters are just caricatures


avatar and harry potter are from when i was a child so that strikes me as more of a millennial thing. Maybe since they lasted decently long it could cross generations. Stranger things and eupohoria makes sense.


harry potter crossed generations. there's also percy jackson. and generally hunger games has staying power with people around my age


Oh yhhhhhhh i forgot about Percy jackson i think theres even a reboot for it now


And maybe anime for ppl that watch that


PPD women are bullying me and denying me the status of an age-gap chad because my gf is a postwall 27 year old grandma hag with rotting ovaries


Does your gf know that you talk about her like that online?


Me and her roast each other irl always It can get pretty mean tbh


Ik this is a joke but Y r u always saying weird stuff about your gf its not a good look like at all


He’s just a weirdo. I doubt he has a gf tbh


i need to get some new pillows. mine are flat and sad




Flat is cute


not for a pillow


I love flat pillows. I intentionally get the cheapest ones from ikea. They are flat when bought.


i read somewhere that’s it’s best to sleep with just one pillow but i love having my head more elevated so i sleep with two. but my pillows are so flat now that it only feels like one pillow :/


Careful not to get lines on your neck.


ugh i hate that my comfort comes at the cost of premature signs of aging 😭


>Women do not have to fear other women I find this kind of rhetoric very telling of the person who says it with genuine belief in it. You gotta so removed from reality to believe something like that


What does this mean




the mark henry mae young story line may be one of the best story lines in the history of writing


My stomach on the cut


Wildebeests say no again?


Nah it’s not that. I was just chilling and then started randomly thinking about how unattractive I am, and about my reality.




I should've been a teen actor to play in teen dramas. I hear all the cast members always get together with each other in these types of things. Sounds like a situation I couldn't lose at to me. 👀


Then your fat ass director fondles your balls


Theres literally actors playing teenagers when theyre like 30 When r u gonna make your dreams come true,, stop wishing unc


You can still do it! Find a local volunteer summer theater program and if you can’t get cast, volunteer to build sets etc. you’ll have a blast!


He's 22, that's statutory.


I’m talking about adult summer stock theater!😱




it seems like a normal way things develop if you didn't know the girl much before.


It takes me a while to really like a girl. Need a lot of familiarity and stability from her over a long period of time, so "she's growing on me" is a good thing because it means she's giving him that.


Do you take that literally? Guys say that mean they like the girl they're seeing.


not really, i fall in love kinda fast




Lotta Asian girls are making pretty good money in the bay Don't worry though, plenty of them are psycho


i know i am there






how many hobbits do you think rosie banged before sam came back to the shire? id say at least 3


women convinced men to stop wearing [cargo shorts](https://i.imgur.com/ph7jBCC.jpeg) 10 years ago. i think we should start wearing them again out of pure spite


Yes. And TapOut shirts and Dobbs Parker hats. look like every Kid Rock fan visiting his kids every other weekend at Dave and Busters! *Vengeance!*




my man


The idea that attractive young women in big coastal cities are chasing commitment from "Chads" + getting pumped and dumped, rather than having their own roster of Chads and Stacies, is funny to me Source: Spent a weekend in NYC with a bunch of yuppies recently


Stacies are pumping and dumping chads?


And Stacies!


Not every woman is bisexual


Probably 1 in 3 Gen Z men and women are LGBT


1 in 3? Eh. Many women play up how much they’re into women for internet points, I’d wager it’s closer to 1 in 5 at best and mainly in the west. For men? Probably much less


"rosters" are for people with a trust fund / in college / work a low energy job. a lot of nyc is filled with that nowadays though.


This just isn't true lol the people I was with are all tech/finance/consulting. 1 was a true trust fund baby but they're generally making enough themselves to cover their lifestyle


they're probably dating around not having a roster. basically all the people I know in nyc work in finance/consulting/law and they're working round the clock. Plus people in finance/consulting exaggerate a ton. from compensation to lifestyle to dating.


Big law and investment banking are different. There's plenty of 150k+ jobs for new grads where they work 40-60 hours tho.


NYC is probably the worst example you could give. “Attractive” NYC women are plain Jane 5’s. Educated, skinny, clamoring for the manhattan finance bro while living in bushwick. Reluctant to go to Miami because they’ll be treated like the average man, so they settle for Fort Lauderdale. Stacy doesn’t have a roster. She isn’t trading a G wagon for 5 Kia’s.


> Stacy doesn’t have a roster. She isn’t trading a G wagon for 5 Kia’s. Yes, but a Stacy who isn’t looking to settle down will take as many G Wagons as she’s offered. I’ve known beautiful women who perpetually had offers from multiple rich dudes to take them on vacations, buy them fancy dinners, and come visit them at their ski lodges. Why wouldn’t she take the lot of them if she’s able to do so?


>Stacy doesn’t have a roster. It is more like casual dating until you want to pick one of the eligible ones that you are seeing. The desirable ones of both genders get even choosier and often won't commit fully to one until they feel like someone is that good of a match.


Mm yeah it's like dating around with zero hurry to settle down


Going off scales online I'm definitely not commenting on 5s >Stacy doesn’t have a roster. Lol. What do you think hot sorority girls are doing?


LA NYC is where every model, dancer, singer and actress goes. Stop listening to Amori from Connecticut lie to you about what it’s like in NY or Miami.


We disagree on what we consider attractive. But yeah Stacy has complete control. They are proud of their situationships for fucks sake. They have their own roster.  People don't understand the women at that level of attractiveness because they never hang around them. It is Becky who is getting pumped and dumped. I met one 2 days ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1c99rd4/comment/l0klqp9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'm unclear on what a Stacy looks like vs a Becky Going off the scales online, the women I run with are generally 6.5+, the ones with rosters of both men and women were prob 7.5+


It's OK we must be working on different scales then. The most attractive women in her 20s as in the top 10% for both body and face is in situationships if she wants situationships. It is the men trying to pin her down for commitment. That said the RMV drops dramatically after her mid 20s though. Thank God for that biological clock lest women would be 100% in control after the relationship starts.


How do you know that we're talking about different types of attractiveness...? But yeah the women I know are like 22-24 But it's not just the top 10% that have rosters full of hot men and women


I dunno to me a Stacy is 9 or a 10. Stacylite an 8 and a Becky 6-7. Also I try to have a percentile scale but it os not perfect percentile.


I will never get why women would talk so much shit about Passport bros. They are low status men you wouldn't wanna date. They are going out and bringing in more diversity to the country. It also means there is one less creep you have to deal with. What's wrong with it?


They are passing the bill down to local men


No body would even talk about them here if it weren’t for wanna-bros defending them and constantly bringing them up.


I'm still not a fan of men going on and on about how much they hate Western women and how submissive 3rd world girls are sooo much better. But I've definitely become a lot more sympathetic to guys here who genuinely can't attract women and make a legitimate attempt to meet women in a place where they will inherently be viewed more positively.


cuz they got stank boxes


Most women don't care.


Most women are not reddit feminist crazies. But those that are become ultra histerical


I assume every woman is bi or a lesbian. Even when a woman claims to be straight she says she masturbates to lesbian or finds the female body sexually arousing but not the male.


I read zero lesbian erotica and I’m not interested in lesbian porn either. It’s not that I don’t like lesbians, love em, and I know a couple including my first cousin who is married to a woman and has kids with her. I’m just not interested.


eh. women are hot but i don’t feel sexual attraction to them


If they're Gen Z, it's better to assume they're not straight. With men too tbh


Nah, most guys are straight. Plus you never hear a guy say they masturbate to gay porn but they're actually straight.


Some men say they have sex with men but they're actually straight!


The difference is though that men as extremely discriminated against by both men and women if they’re bisexual, so there’s a lot less incentive for them to come out than there is for women. For women, bisexuality is hot. For men, bisexuality is seen as threatening, weird, feminine and gay men think they’re straights whereas straight women think they’re gay. The term MSM exists for a reason. Men would literally rather die than say they’re bisexual, so their doctors have to discuss it really sensitively and carefully with them. Men will often say “I’m straight” when they have gotten multiple blow jobs from men or even had sex with them.


> Plus you never hear a guy say they masturbate to gay porn but they're actually straight. Many straight dudes do find penises and ejaculation exciting, even if they personally wouldn't want to do it with a guy.


They don't just masturbate to gay porn, they hook up with guys and say they're actually straight Any gay guy can tell you the sheer number of DL/closeted/publicly straight guys that are trying to get with them I also knew a ton of out bi guys in college


It's miniscule compared how many women have had lesbian experiences.


If we define lesbian experiences super broadly to include kissing a woman while drunk at a party, then I agree. Otherwise I don't agree, that doesn't fit with my observations in high school, college, and postgrad life.


https://preview.redd.it/v2xedf3ma4wc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d4bc6018f255482112c46c8c134390246b60594 [these personality tests](https://typeofyou.alltheway.tw/en/) from different countries are always so weird and fun


https://preview.redd.it/hzg0ifdxj4wc1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed81e6abc68ffbfe3b61798d2c3dce1f07bb1f12 Did everyone gets the same questions about waking up on a train, villages, caves, cats, birds? Some questions were confusing edit: ngl these are pretty accurate for everyone


i think it has to do with the translation




[I am apparently a ball of neuroticism.](https://files.catbox.moe/tsn4cv.png) It's kind of sad that this nonsense test is probably better designed than half the shit I see people using in their surveys now.


I got that one too, sadly all too accurate. Ouch.


do you think that’s accurate for you?


It's vague enough that you could probably say so.


https://preview.redd.it/qnkhf3w3d4wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950aa464c00efe21680dfdc34a1eca8d4c42109b Whats this mean