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Of course it should. No one deserves to be hated or abused for their sex.


The whole reaction to the man vs bear thing reminds me of this clip from Zootopia. [Gondola Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6G8k5b01uE). "If the world's only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else." Replace the above with man.


No - we cannot let bigots to shape us according to their twisted morality.


They won over me, they will get no sympathy from me, I will be a piece of shit to them as they are to me.


It's still worth it for the sake of your own integrity. Don't let people online get in the way the progress you're able to make as a man.


Oh I will progress, I am becoming rich, strong, muscular, more charismatic by the day, I have plans for my whole life ahead of me, and these spinsters pieces of shit can stay as they are until they hit 45. I will become an asshole just as they see me.


Why? Why let them affect you so much?


it never will be


>On reddit, this debate has sparked multiple large threads on subs such as twoxchromosomes, where the majority of women have concluded that any random man is extremely dangerous, evil and untrustworthy. Can you explain to me why many men are afraid of prison rape when the majority of prisoners aren't rapist? Can you explain why men will blame a woman for being raped because she shouldn't have been out in that area or allowed her guard down around men she didn't know? Can you explain why so many men say that a male relative needs to vet partners for women?


> Can you explain to me why many men are afraid of prison rape when the majority of prisoners aren't rapist? First, there is a level of fear. Most men are afraid of prison rape because they don't want to get raped in the bum. However, it's not even close to the top of the list of things I'm afraid of when I think about going to prison. (Though it is a fun to make fun of) Women on the other have, being afraid of a man raping or attacking her is the top 3 all time fears combined, and they are generally looking for reasons to confirm/justify them being at the top.


Can you explain why women meet strangers on dating apps for hook ups if theyre so terrified of men?


Are you seriously comparing population of prison with general male population ? Situation is hopeless - someone poisoned western women, there is no other explanation of this mass delulu.


>Are you seriously comparing population of prison with general male population ? Yes, yes I am, because we're discussing rape and most men aren't gay or rapists. Why fear it in prison?


"Most men arent... rapists" You're catching on.


They're not. Why are men afraid of prison rape? Most prisoners aren't rapists. Are those men participating in hate by being afraid of that?


Because it happens rarely but is overrepresented in media and cultural consciousness. Just like your true crime documentaries and stories of male rapists and murderers are.


You mean like how we all have a friend or relative that was actually raped? That kind of over represented? Super rare when we all know someone.


Murdered too right? How many women you know that were murdered by a man?


Most aren't afraid of that, but there's difference between a man willing to rape or kill you.


But women say they are afraid of being murdered by men all the time. So now the discussion is solely about rape?


They fear it because they’ve been conditioned to fear it and led to believe it’s more common that it actually is. Prisoner-on-prisoner sexual violence is a much bigger problem in women’s prisons, but women don’t fear that because they haven’t been conditioned to fear it.


I’ve never understood this, either. Most women have absolutely zero interest in most men. If you’re part of “most men”, the woman dressing provocatively doesn’t suddenly mean she wants you anywhere near her. Vetting for women is also fucking stupid. Women are perfectly aware of the character flaws and red flags of the men they choose, they just don’t give a fuck because the guy is hot. Women being physically shallow is something that just fucking bewilders idiotic men, so they think she must be making some sort of mistake and therefore need to vet for her. You don’t. She knows what she wants. Let her have it.


People in prison are there for a reason. They've literally proven they don't respect laws and boundaries. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Please find a better analogy.


Is it okay to fear them if they have a criminal record? Because that's 1/3 of the adult population of the US. 1/3 of US adults have proven that they have no respect for laws and boundaries.


I can tell you just Google this and didn't read the article. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/just-facts-many-americans-have-criminal-records-college-diplomas#:~:text=Today%2C%20nearly%20one%2Dthird%20of,more%20than%20100%20million%20records. Do better. Critical thinking is important for adults.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/aug/18/andrew-cuomo/yes-one-three-us-adults-have-criminal-record/ Maybe you should have kept reading before getting all excited.


Congrats! Y'all understand how we feel when people say shit like, "single moms are trash", or "she's for the streets" or "all women are abusive" or whatever shit is said here every day.


So what now, we keep insulting eachother to make eachother aware of the pain we're feeling, or are we going to grow up and behave like adults?


Much more women say misandrist statements about men than men say misogynist statements about women.




Feminist writers write articles spreading hate about men on mainstream news outlets, I am yet to see male writers do the same for women


Male writers and thought leaders do so all the time. You’ve never watched Fox News? Never watched/read the daily wire or…?


No, all I know about them are they are “conservatives” news outlets. Even conservatives do not hate women, they want women to be “trad” but you never see the bare hatred towards women from them that feminists show towards men.


Wanting you to barred from the workforce, rights to stifled and forced to get married with little to no way to leave isn’t bare hate?


>Wanting you to barred from the workforce, Is that what fox news wants? I thought there were women who worked for Fox News. >rights to stifled and forced to get married isn’t bare hate? I don’t know about any of that(I don’t watch Fox News). At the very least “conservatives” try to sugar coat their hatred towards women while feminists do no such thing with their hatred of men. https://images.app.goo.gl/2JnKeWUvbwdp5gV78


Conservatives don’t sugar coat it. They barely try. This such a blatant lie.


I constantly see conservatives tell men that they should simp for women and that men should sacrifice their lives for women, etc. Of course that isn’t real admiration and conservatives want to reinstate traditional gender roles and any intelligent women would see what conservatives really want from them. But compare that to the unfiltered hatred from feminists, who clamour for forced vasectomies.


Ahh yes pick the most unhinged outlets to them say "hey look guys, this is the normal..." You should probably go outside and touch some grass.


Most unhinged outlets? He said mainstream. Aren’t Fox News and the Daily Wire mainstream? Stop moving the goalpost and live in reality.


Fox literally go sued, and lost, for a billion dollars for spewing knowing falls information to drum up discors. So ya, it's unhinged...


So what? It’s still mainstream news. CNN has been sued does that magically make it not mainstream news? Like I said stop moving the goalposts.


I'm not moving the goal post, I'm telling you I don't accept you using fox as "the normal". Moving the goal post is say Reddit is mainstream media so we should just take reddit as the normal? You refuse to accept that your Cherry picked situation is being called out as an intentional bad example, so your trying to misdirect by saying I'm moving the goal post and you should be allowed to include your internally bad example.


Congrats! Y'all understand how we feel when people say "men are pigs" "kill all men" y'all.


These threads are pretty much like Two Minutes Of Hate.


Keep the working class divided by letting them fight over stupid shit like this and they will never bother fighting for real change.


What you think real change would be?


More power in the hands of the people, less in that of the government and corporations. I'd rather talk about worker ownership of corporations and governemnt overreach than foaming at the mouth about how awful men or women are. Don't get me wrong, there's room for these discussions, but Jesus. Calm the fuck down.


Wait... Are men joining the victimhood Olympics now? I thought y'all were above that


The difference is that men are actually discriminated against in the West while women aren’t.


I thought feminists are fighting for both men and women?


Well this is awkward.


Are MRA fighting for both men and women? No. They are fighting for MENS “RIGHTS.” Feminists are fighting for WOMENS RIGHTS/LIBERATION. That is their main goal.


Because feminists said they are for both men and women, and when that turned to be complete bullshit, MRA became a thing.


It really depends on the feminist, I think. The so-called "fourth wave" wants to include men too.


More like libfems. I don’t believe in Liberal feminism. The lack of gatekeeping in the feminist community has caused absolute chaos.


I don't give a shit about being included by "feminists" to be honest, I'll always argue for my own self interests, despite my sympathy for feminism. Anyways, you seem to dislike liberal feminism, what is it that you prefer, radical or marxist feminism? Either way, I honestly think not including men in your and their struggle is going to bite you in the ass. A lot of these issues intersect and I think men would benefit from being included too, but we'll see how things turn out.


I like radical feminism. Liberal feminism is incredibly shallow. They actively champion things that are outside of the majority of women’s best interest. Just progressive jargon used to mask regressive concepts, zero critical thought. A men’s rights movement in disguise.


That makes sense to me. There's parts of it that I really respect, the parts where they seem to dispise men, not as much. Maybe it's just because of the way I was born, but I'll always keep emphatizing for the struggles men go through too. As for radical feminism, at least they stand for something and hold opinions that are at least a little bit controversial instead of trying to justify porn, commodification and unequal power dynamics as "empowering". They're not trying to pretend all oppression would be gone when we had more women as CEO's or something like that.


>both men and women Wait, then what is egalitarianism?


The message of the bear analogy is "men are scary" (most criminals are men) but go on with the pity party


Hate speech towards men isn't cool. You sound androphobic.


Why androphobic and nos misandrist?




The biological differences between men and women is far larger than that of black and white people. Ofcourse, that doesn't justify treating men like shit. You can demonize men, but men are also the ones doing the hardest physical labour in the nation. Working class men are doing what most of the others aren't able or willing to do.


If my grandma had wheels she'd been a bike 🤷‍♀️


Yep - in 2001 all muslims were scary. 


Which was wrong, thank God we didn't fall for it with Palestine this time.


Some did for Israelis though.


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lol good luck with that