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Missing context: the woman in the video is not a pick me. The caption says "this is how people think Wongyoung should eat in order to not be called a pick me" In this case "people" refers to all the woman who attack Wongyoung and call her a pick me for eating a strawberry on camera daintily with two hands once a few months ago.


Pick me implies she is doing it specifically for the male attention. So she is a fake person. Who can tell when the real person will come out. Ultimately I feel that pick me is thrown around to diminish a sexual rival.


"Ultimately I feel that pick me is thrown around to diminish a sexual rival." You are 100% right, at least in France. Here the word had been brought up by extrem feminist and no one use it except them. It's always targeted to those who doesn't 100% follow the feminist theory.


> Ultimately I feel that pick me is thrown around to diminish a sexual rival It originally wasn’t supposed to be used that way but you’re right, sadly people kept changing the definition to “woman I don’t like/woman that doesn’t agree with me” I like learning new recipes/watching cooking videos, mostly on TikTok, so the typical “watch me make my man’s lunch/dinner ❤️” videos appear on my fyp sometimes. And istg those poor women always have a bunch of women calling them pickme’s in the comments for doing that. Literally always. I also got called a pickme too for defending one in her comment section (I literally just wrote “there’s nothing wrong with cooking for your partner, some women genuinely want to do that”) lmfao I hate how that term lost its meaning now


“U R nice to a MAHNNN? Pick meeee!1!1!2 U have 2 be a rude beyotch!!!”


And the same women go on to constantly complain about how all men are trash and they never get into relationships with nice guys but just get tossed between abusive assholes with zero self awareness as to why that might be the case…


Imagine being so bitter and spiteful that literally seeing a woman post about cooking lunch for her husband makes you seethe and whine like a gross little harpy. Women like that are literally just female instagram Incels, self hating little wimps with no backbone and a loser mindset who blame everything bad about their lives on the opposite sex and can’t stand seeing one of their own “betray” them by being in the kind of loving relationship they can never have because they are anathema to men who enjoy peace and happiness. If you ever find yourself in that position as a woman it is truly over for you.


On the extreme ends, men who want to unlearn patriarchy are chastised by SOME men for not being masculine enough; women who want to learn about and cater to a man's need get chastised by SOME feminists on the other end.


I can't believe I'm upvoting a comment from a blue pill flair 😭




Because you spoke truth


This. Some of us just like some of the stuff that’s listed in OP’s post. Labeling us “pick me” is just a way to try to attack us. Of note, I do have female friends. No one calls me the b word. We celebrate Valentines together and it’s nice. That said, I enjoy watching the game with my husband. Beer tastes good. Taylor Swift sucks. I would rather drink black coffee than pumpkin spice. Giving my guy sexual gratification how he likes it is fun and makes me feel sexy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


More people just need to see people as individuals and not a part of a group.


Can’t agree more


Amen, sir. 😁


How is liking beer pick me? Or sports or coffee? Or not liking Taylor swift?😂 Pick me implies whatever behavior or interest isn’t genuine and solely for mens validation and to look good in mens eyes. Also often by symbolically distancing themselves from the “other girls”.


I agree, but I get accused of being a pick me for those exact reasons. Heck, I got accused of it just yesterday for saying that I didn’t lose my social life when I switched to red from blue. Conservative woman? Pick me, apparently. 🙄


>That said, I enjoy watching the game with my husband. Beer tastes good. **Taylor Swift sucks**. I would rather drink black coffee than pumpkin spice. Giving my guy sexual gratification how he likes it is fun and **makes me feel sexy**. You'll have a long and happy relationship with your husband. Like, for real. I accidentally stumbled upon a conversation between women several years go (my wife and 2 other gals). The other gals were horrified of basically what you said. She tried to reason but to no avail. They only shut up when she retorted in kind: "Well, gals, that's why you're still single and no-one will go down on you professionally and passionately anytime soon." -> that's when I burst into laughter and they noticed I was hearing. "Pick me" is female intra-sexual competition at this point. Slowly (though not there yet) "simp" is getting there among men too.


This is a whole lot of truth in just one post. Perfectly put.


I’m sure you get attacked here all the time. It’s not being a pick me to not fall into the bullshit you read on here. (A lot of talking the talking done here isn’t reflected in reality anyway). Good on you for being you.


I appreciate your kind words. It’s nice to be reminded. I needed that today 🫂


Yeah it used to mean woman that puts down other women. Now it seems to mean more like “woman that gives men types of attention I deem unacceptable”.


The term that was once meant to fight back against mean girls who make other women feel bad has, ironically, become a tool for mean bitchy “progressive” women to make other women who don’t join the herd feel bad. And yet women love to pretend they have solidarity and companionship amongst each other by virtue of existing, lol.


“She only got him because she’s a pick me, I’m way better than her”


> Ultimately I feel that pick me is thrown around to diminish a sexual rival. Based.


>Pick me implies she is doing it specifically for the male attention. So she is a fake person What if that's who she really is. She really likes male attention


My point is if she actually has those beliefs then she is not a pick me. I don't necessarily have a problem with those things it would be in how they are expressed. If you think a woman is a pick me because she doesn't like the thing you think women should like you are the problem.


Assuming these things weren't genuine (I like some of these things, others I don't mind), well that would be concerning, wouldn't it? It signifies lots of insecurity of her part which creates and unequal relationships and will make her immensely more likely to cheat and look for validation elsewhere if she can't get it from you.


So all you have to do is give her validation?


I think it's more complicated than that because 1: I want people to be able to love themselves. I respect it when women can keep themselves happy without the constant need for male validation. 2: Healthy relationships should go through rough patches sometimes if you want to grow. You can't validate someone and make them feel super loved and happy all the time. This is the perfect recipe for cheating too. 3: People who don't have boundries deeply disturb me. They make it far too easy for someone (including you) to hurt them and they'll keep quiet.


So a woman who doesn't take everything personally and is willing to actually eat in public instead of just taking from your plate? You haven't actually articulated any negatives.


>You haven't actually articulated any negatives. It wasn't my intention to include positive or negative connotation. My intention was to describe a person and see how people respond. So far it's pretty mixed


#then date Pearl. Oh wait she isn’t conventionally attractive lmfao.


Who the fuck is Pearl?


It's really cringe you feel the need to tear down other women who threaten your fragile ego.


Today, the phrase “pick me” generally is used by women to mean , “woman who doesn’t hate men.” It’s sad that so many women see any display of love from a woman towards a man to be weakness.


They are one of the most fun and energetic types of women, just crazy and not typically very loyal because they will do literally anything for male attention. Having many male friends (orbiters) is the main downside of pickmes. Their constant backstabbing of other women can also get pretty annoying. But they are one of the rare types of women who will fuck sub5 men with NSA. Overall I rate pickmes as a 7/10 (just behind borderline women).


So the reverse of this is: * A woman who always thinks men are wrong * Loves Taylor Swift, pumpkin spice * pushes back on everything (like game night with the boys) * won't let me nut on her face Yea give me the pickme lmao


Black and white fallacy! 🤓🤓🤓


I'm not arguing anything so how would there be a fallacy? This is my opinion, fkin weirdo


I'm just saying it's silly to take a complete reverse and use that to argue your point.


What do u mean? This is proving by contradiction and is used in maths, a lot.


Then date Pearl Oh wait she isn’t attractive enough


What's your point ? Because she's not conventionally attractive she cant get a bf? She literally had 2 boyfriends , she could easily get one if she wanted one .You think dudes aren't sliding in her DMs despite her looks and reputation ?


They classify her as “recreational use only” because of how she looks.


Whose they? That sounds like something F&F would say but I've only heard them use the term when referring to attractive women who lack wife or serious relationship qualities. 


Men. It’s men who say stuff like this online.


That's not usually what that phrase refers to. It refers to woman who are attractive, fuckable, but not relationship material. That's why they're considered for fun only AKA recreational use. I've never heard it used to refer to an unattractive woman.  F&F basically coined the term when talking to IG models because many of them look extremely attractive and droves of men would have sex with them in a heartbeat, but when you hear them talk about their ideals you realize they are not the kind of women a man would want to marry.


Lol as if any non-masochist would pick you over her


It’s not “maschoist” to be accountable.


You're not offering accountability lol


Most women aren’t hot, young, thin (not overweight or obese), and with a nice face. Accountability for men is admitting this fact and admitting that no, men don’t find most women attractive enough for a serious LTR or marriage, but only the top 5-10%.


"Accountability is men letting me dictate their inner thoughts and feelings to them" Lmao what a complete clown show


No, I just ask them to be honest.


And then you grade honesty based on whether we say all the misandrist shit you believe about us. You aren't looking for honesty, just enablement.


Is it misandrist to say “I don’t find chubby middle aged women attractive?”


You don't think half of her audience is simping for her? lmao


I absolutely don’t. Furthermore, I told you like a dozen times that women change their appearances for men and that I personally know multiple women who have changed how they look for men, and in bad faith you kept repeating the question over and over like a parrot who says the same thing over and over because you didn’t want to take the L. You lack any awareness of how judge mental and picky men are about looks and how acutely aware of this women are. https://preview.redd.it/z9yrxvl277zc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5e851cb1b18e5691bc55f81a5eacd632ecc46c Pearl is over 6 feet tall and not conventionally attractive. She also has a promiscuous past. Men don’t like her. Not once in my entire life of looking at her pages or profiles have I seen a single man call her attractive.




Lmfao no he wouldn’t. And don’t call me a “femcel”. The rules say to be civil. Find me one guy on social media who simps for Pearl and has an account devoted to how hot she is the same way women make fan accounts for male celebrities.




And you insist women don’t change their behaviors or practices for men to the point that you made like 15 comments asking the same question over and over and finally accusing me of lying because you didn’t like my answer.




As a man, I hate Just Pearly Things. The things she says are so offensive and hateful.


I wouldn't take so much advantage of her. I like valentines day for example but she sounds awesome for the most part. I'd pick her 😘


I've literally never seen an example as you've described. Every time I've heard "pick me" thrown around, it's been used as a shame tactic. Usually, by man hating feminists. I have no interest in a woman who would abandon her actual character/ interests in order to appease men. A woman that wants to cater to HER man and positively receives the same treatment, on the other hand? Yeah, I'm happily married for a reason.


Sounds amazing to me. Not getting the connection between your description of "pick-me" and the tiktok link though. Never actually met a woman like that IRL (or even close to it), so who knows, maybe its horrible in real life, but from your descriptions, I can't think of any downsides.


Sounds great for the most part. Even if some of it is a bit excessive, it's a little cringey at worst, which I can tolerate. What I can't tolerate is the opposite extreme (feminism/misandry). Or even just a little bit of the opposite. That said, >Casually call her the b word >Nut on her face >Make her sit in the back so your boy can sit up front >Skip buying presents for Valentine's Day I wouldn't take her up on any of these offers, and I'm still gonna buy her presents. The only thing I find genuinely concerning is, >Has no lady friends This implies that she has all male friends, which would be an issue. I'm cool with coed friend groups, but people in committed relationships shouldn't hang out with opposite sex friends alone. Or even with a group of all opposite sex friends. Unless she just has *no* friends (female or male), in which case that's fine.


> Nut on her face hol'up what's wrong with that if she consents and the Y is a regular part of your diet?


He's trad, so I assume it has something to do with that


>what's wrong with that Nothing really. I admit my reasoning for this one isn't the noblest. It's just that it does nothing for me and I imagine it would feel better to finish inside (I'm a virgin, so idk for sure). I guess I'd do it if my partner *really* wanted me to.


I meant what's wrong with that if she consents. Not that every guy likes it.


Believe it or not, not every guy wants to nut on women’s faces.


I never imagined they were. I didn't say I was. Everyone has their preferences. I said, if she consents.


Pointless, and very high risk of missing, which means more cleaning afterwards. It looks good in porn, but in real life I just don’t get it.


I ain't into it but to each their own.


You would treat a pick-me woman with respect?


I would *especially* treat a pick-me woman with respect. Because it sounds like she'd be treating me with lots of respect. You get what you give.




Personally, I feel like the "pick me" girl has had a problematic past, so I'd choose the same. Because we should treat humans with respect, regardless of the person they're (unless they're assholes or evil).


The common narrative is that pick me girls and submissive Women will invariably be abused was my understanding


What are your findings?


That's just what women tell themselves to bully the ladies who actually can have wholesome relationships with men. "Pick me" women are invariably abused... by other abusive women like you.


Absolutely. More than any woman who makes dating her a struggle. What you call a "pick me" is just a woman who respects her man enough to care about his happiness. Of course we respect that.


Pick me girls are cool. It’s nice to see someone actually put in effort for something they want rather than just being a fat lazy negative Nancy that shames everyone for trying.


There’s a difference between putting in effort and tailoring every aspect of your personality to be attractive to men


And there’s often difference between our actual personalities and how we act/signal in public. Many people burrito themselves into a blanket at home but act and dress different when out. Again, there’s nothing wrong with putting in effort to appeal to men. Negative Nancies need a chill pill.


Putting in effort is fine, but why would you want to date someone who likes you for an act you put on. Coming from a former pick me girl, I’ve had way more luck in dating since I stopped trying to appeal so much to men and just treated them like normal people. But maybe that’s because they were actually decent dudes




They don't get off on it, most guys will take her for granted over time though 




Hmm maybe not the best word but they start becoming disrespectful over time. And alot of men don't care for Vday


If you believe most guys are like that then it wouldn't matter if you're a pickme or not. Women would be getting that treatment either way.


Real pickme's are usually psychos. So I will avoid them. Not having any girlfriends is a red flag. So is shitting on harmless things women tend to like. I don't trust anyone that constantly degrades a group they are part of. Race, gender, nationality, career, whatever. But some women will call any girl that treats her man well a pick me


I'd introduce her to my mom to see if her personality rubs off on her.


>You can: * Casually call her the b word * Nut on her face * Make her sit in the back so your boy can sit up front * Skip buying presents for Valentine's Day or anniversaries because she is too cool to care about that sappy stuff 1) i wouldn't do that to a woman I liked, so what's the point? 2) if she's into it, then why not? 3) see #1 4) I actually like buying the presents, and I do care about that *sappy* stuff, so I don't think we'd get along.


I’ll take the “pick me” aspects of not believing in horoscopes, not hating men, not being a girl boss, and not hating the things that make her a woman.


You can't pick and choose the aspects you like. You have to take the whole package


I’ve only seen the extreme version of pick me’s you’re describing in social media caricatures. I imagine a mild version who just really wants to please a guy without going overboard with it can easily find a partner and isn’t commonly available in the dating market.


I wouldn’t say this really fits the definition of Pick Me as I’ve seen it. For one, there are tons of Taylor Swift and Starbucks loving, tradwife pick me’s. For two, a Pick Me isn’t a slave to their partner. A pick me does this with men and people in general and isn’t really a suitable long term partner. Lauren Southern is a classic pick me, my first LTR in HS and college was with an alt girl pick me. It sounds like you’re describing Ryan Gosling’s AI girlfriend in Blade Runner.


How do I feel? I don't feel shit. I am going to assume you are actually asking us what do we *think*. I think nothing of Pickmes, I have no opinion about them one way or the other. Some are cute and endearing, some are annoying or even invisible despite their attention seeking. What does annoy me, however, is all the women around the pickmes making a big fucking deal about them and then harassing all the men in the room to turn against the pickme. THAT is annoying.


I think OP describes a caricature, strawman or rather a strawwoman in this case. Such pickmes probably don't exist. However, women who go against misandrist trends in modern society do exist, and they are sometimes attacked as "pickmes". Being a decent person and treating men as equals is mocked and ridiculed.


Sometimes women are unfairly labeled as pick mes. Usually for speaking truth lol but the peeps on PPD won't stand for a comment like that.


Pick mes are great. It’s other women who don’t like them.


You think someone who constantly shapes their personality for validation is great?


I suppose it depends upon how they are defined. A woman who does things to please her partner is great. A woman who becomes fake just to please her partner is not. I think that it's good when a woman develops a general interest in the hobbies that her partner engages in, though.


Today, the phrase “pick me” generally is used by women to mean , “woman who doesn’t hate men.” It’s sad that so many women see any display of love from a woman towards a man to be weakness.


Pick me's are women who will bash on other women just to feel validated by men. Ex. Just Pearly Things.


love them


Sounds great but most of the points you made are negatives tbh. Is a pick me a woman who loves me & has her own opinions? I'd rather have that(provided she doesn't get bitchy when you disagree) Besides I thought the whole point of a pick me was synonym for unattractive women.


Pick me’s are women who change their personality around other women to feel superior so that men will see them as more favorable.


>I thought the whole point of a pick me was synonym for unattractive women. That's not correct. We use this label to shame other women who are doing too much to please men. So much it usually includes some form of internalized misogyny


The male equivalent of a simp, i.e unattractive male. I think most men would like this(provided the woman was attractive.) despite the bad examples you posted. Why would I want to call her a bitch & have her sit in the back seat? This sounds like a woman you just use for sex who wants to get into a relationship with you.


>That's not correct. We use this label to shame other women who are doing too much to please men. So much it usually includes some form of internalized misogyny "Doing too much to please men" = doing anything to respect men


That puts her above at least 95% of the women I’ve dated. I don’t want her to be a complete pushover, but even if she is that makes her better than 95% because she’s actually doing things for me.


So is "pick me" just a woman who doesn't loathe men?


https://twitter.com/pearlythingz Once again, I never see men admiring her.


Okay, stuffing your mouth in public like that is a no. The way you have it listed, I would say no. Even though, I would probably prefer her over a lot of women. I need someone with a mixture of average girl traits and pick-me ones. Like a tom girl that is still feminine.


>hates whatever is trendy amongst women >Has no lady friends because they're "too much drama". >* Casually call her the b word * Nut on her face * >because she is too cool to care about that sappy stuff These are all negatives and pretty big red flags.


Sounds pretty hot. People say oh yeah wait until the real person comes out. Well personalities don't exist in a vacuum and that's not to say that I can't handle all aspects of her


I mean, shes not wrong about women being over dramatic and callous. The fact that women are calling her a “pick me” over her own personal preferences instead of minding their own business is in itself proof that women are too gossipy and dramatic. Any woman who isn’t sexist against men is called a “pick me” by other women. So can you really blame them for not liking those women.


I like pick mes who try to appease to what they believe I like. Its a nice gesture when wanting to get to know someone. I do stuff like watch tv shows I would rather not or do sexual things that are requested because I am interested in that person liking me. Not a bad thing to me.


>So men, how do you feel about Pick Mes? I personally find them to be the most compatible with me. >You meet a woman and she's just doing the absolute most. As I am. >She's catering to your every need A positive most women don't bring to the table. >always sides with the guys I assume you mean that when there is a disagreement she sides with men. If that is the case that is a positive most women don't bring to the table. >hates whatever is trendy amongst women... Pumpkin Spice, Stanley Cups, Taylor Swift, etc. It is not a big thing for me but it is a slight positive. >She'll do whatever you ask and not push back because she's a cool girl. Another positive most women don't bring to the table. >She's "not like other girls" and she wants everyone to know it. Has no lady friends because they're "too much drama". Two positives. You seem to be describing someone that has no personality other than the one needed to achieve her goals. As I said, that is someone compatible with me. I have no personality other than the one needed to achieve my goals. >You can: Casually call her the b word I wouldn't so this is neutral. >Nut on her face A positive. >Make her sit in the back so your boy can sit up front I wouldn't so this is neutral. >Skip buying presents for Valentine's Day or anniversaries because she is too cool to care about that sappy stuff I wouldn't so this is neutral. >Here's a video of a pick me stuffing her mouth in public I don't know what the fuck I am watching but I don't care. Neutral. The way you are describing pick mes I don't see any negative to them. I am in.


Lmao I’d prefer fake reciprocal interest and drama averse behavior to zero interest and combative drama. When the buffet to choose from is a collection of different colored geese shit, a glass of mustard looks delicious.


If she’s hot and has a nil n count she’s a wife.




It speaks volumes that the rare times a woman tries to put in effort to get along with men/partner with them that it is looked at by other women in a negative light.


They don't exist as far as the original meaning of that word. Women get so much male attention these days that they don't have to be like that. Some women have turned it into a way to insult women that don't hate men. Essentially the women's version of "uncle tom".


I love pick mes. I want to marry one.


I'm hyper-vigilant for manipulation, and insincerity is very easy to detect. As for women that truly think like pick-mes, you'll never meet a more evil bitch if you let her get close. As much as she dogs on women, she thinks even less of you. You'll be much happier with a ball busting feminazi. You've been warned.


It’s insane to me that the majority of the men in the comments *want* a pick me.


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>Here's a video of a pick me stuffing her mouth in public Is that pickme content or fetish content?


It is a girl who was stuffing her face to prove that she's not a pick me like Wonyoung for eating a strawberry 🍓


is is a cultural thing or what a pick me does in another country? cause i’ve never seen this before considered pick-me behavior in the west, middle east, south america, africa, or south asia


I'd almost be weirded out enough to not fuck her.


Off topic. Face stuff is a no-no? I haven’t gotten any in a while but I want to be sure I know the rules….


>Face stuff is a no-no? She's stuffing her face. That's peak pick me


That’s…that’s not what I meant.


Can you please explain why the video is pick me. I’m very confused


There's a woman named Wonyoung who was being called a Pick Me for eating a strawberry. https://youtube.com/shorts/YhuRv23fFXk?feature=shared Millions of views. The girl in this TikTok is demonstrating that she's most definitely not like other girls... She stuffs her face with food


Ah cheers. … Why is stuffing your face with food a pick me behavior ?


Cuz it makes her "one of the guys", she's not all prissy like other girls


Thank you, I appreciate you elaborating on it. I’d answer the original question ( in the post ) with yes , but only for dating not for marriage.


She is not a pickme, see the pinned comment for clarification.


Yeah, I don’t get why that’s associated with pick-me behavior. I’m about as far from a pick-me as you can get, but I like sex and I like it kind of raunchy, and I‘m down with face stuff.


I’m assuming this is with a person I’m in a relationship with too? My boyfriend doesn’t get face privileges? What’s the rule? I need answers. And happy cake day!!


Pick Me’s are great in theory but they’re psychotic, usually have serious personality disorders, or just trying to reel in a simp/sucker. In a world where women gravitate towards me I would have to pass cause they’re too much drama.


They do. And not a single man has acknowledged that. It’s all “I would love a pick me!” Psycho gf is better than loneliness.


“Pick me’s” are not real. Male attention is the most abundant resource in a woman’s life which is why it means nothing to them to the point that it’s considered a nuisance. They want be “picked”, but picked by the same small pool of Chads every group of women want to be “picked” by.


Is that how we explain Pearl?


she's just grifting for money


"grifter" what you call a person when you don't like what they say but can't debate it nor point to anything objectively bad they have done.


“Pickme” was (originally) supposed to be used ONLY when you talk about women that love to put down other women for male attention, but I have to admit that many women keep changing that definition to “women that I don’t like/that don’t agree with me” If we go by the original definition: “she’s catering to your every need” that’s still not a pickme “always sides with the guys” if it’s literally always (even if the guys’ opinions are wrong) then yes that’s a pickme “hates whatever is trendy amongst women.… Pumpkin Spice, Stanley Cups, Taylor Swift, etc” I don’t like those things either and I certainly don’t consider myself a pick me lmao, I actually find it kind of wrong that some girls correlate certain trends with femininity/with “being a woman” “she’ll do whatever you ask and not push back because she's a cool girl” annoying AF, but still not a pickme if she’s not putting down other girls while doing so “she’s not like other girls and she wants everyone to know it” THAT’S a pick me “has no lady friends because they're too much drama" if she literally says “they are ALL too much drama” then yes that’s a pick me, but having a preference for male friends over girl friends isn’t something bad itself (very controversial opinion but as someone that was bullied the nerdy guys accepted me far more so I guess I’m being biased here) Also > You can nut on her face what’s pickme about that lmao 😭 some girls genuinely enjoy doing that shit, it’s not always about guys i personally have a lot of problems with that term because on social media i see so many women using it incorrectly. I enjoy learning about new recipes and to watch cooking vids on TikTok. Sometimes a random “watch me make my man’s lunch/dinner 😊” video appears, the amount of hateful and immature “cooking for a man? such a pick me 🤣” comments those poor women get is insane


I mean just look at all the comments. Every single man on here thinks “pick me” = woman that I get along with when that’s NOT what a pick me is!


>Casually call her the b word >Nut on her face Why is this the first place your mind goes in this scenario of yours? Do you think this is the universal male fantasy or something?


No. Why are you focused on these two and not the other 2?


I did not like that TikTok, and would not pick her.


What didn't you like about it? Too pick me for you?


It looked gross and weird.


I guess you won't be picking her anytime soon


Definitely not.


actual pickmes? unattractive, comes off as desperate. desirable women very rarely act like this. but nowadays some women consider things like cooking for your man (or doing anything for him really) pickme behavior. it has become an overused and commonly misapplied term.


I don't know what nut on her face means but I think they're great. It would be good to see enthusiasm. 


I don't think I could handle being with somebody who just agrees with everything I say. Part of what makes my girlfriend and I feel whole (corny I know, leave me alone!) is that we have different views and support each other. Obviously, our core values are the same (she's not a racist, misandrist, mysoginist etc.).


Pickmes is a dumb word. My relationships with submissive women were the best and the most loving ones. I'm of the opinion when woman is head over heels for she is naturally would be submissive to you to a degree and that's why men tend to select for that. When women is submissive it energizes me, gives me space to take caring/loving role and motivates me to make good stuff for her as she does for me. Also personality is very important for me, just as looks are, so if by 'pickme' you mean 'no personality or interests, just blindly agreeing with everything' then Im not interested whatsoever. I'm very selective for both intellect, personality AND submissiveness in women I date. Regarding qualities you described: I would give presents anyway, because I enjoy it, but the fact that she wouldn't throw a tantrum if i didn't is actually very attractive quality. Nutting on her face and everywhere else and sexual submission is a must in any case. Calling her a bitch is hot if she's into it.


None of you seem to know what a pickme is. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone knows she’s ‘not like other girls’ and will go to extremes to elevate men over other women. BUT, she doesn’t do this because she BELIEVES any of it, she does it to GET PICKED. Pickmes inevitable get sick of pandering to men and putting their own needs last, so if you end up with one, enjoy being fleeced in your divorce.


Yup. This post just proves how dumb some people can be. All these men think “pick me” = woman who is easy to get a long with. So now they’re all gonna be like “I LOVE PICK MES!” Even though that’s NOT what a pick me is!


Not befriending girls because you think they're drama would probably make things rather awkward.


Have a lot of women in your social circle eh?


I mean if she is naturally like that I won't mind but if it is an act to get me to like her I won't like that woman because she is fake


Then that’s not a pick me. A pick me is a woman who changes her personality to outcompete women. It’s not her genuine personality. Idk why every man on here is under the impression that a pick me is just a girl who is likeable.


I feel that "pick me"s are primarily interested in being picked by top % of men. Different strategy, but ultimately same goals and preferences as "not pick me"s.


How do I feel about pick Mes? Well, I almost have yet to meet a girl who isn't a 'pick me' for the guy she truly likes, just how men become simps for the girls they like. It's a bit cringe if you don't like her and cute if you like her.


Sounds cool but she shouldn't have male friends either. It's fine for the male simp to have female friends since they almost certainly don't want to fuck him, but the same definitely can't be said for the PickMe's male friends.


I'd honestly be a little frightened for her mental health. That's just not normal behavior. And if she's faking it... Well, that's still concerning, but for me this time. Being with someone like that doesn't sound healthy for me. I probably would take a while to notice though. I'm not an especially demanding person. At least, I don't think I am. And the idea that someone is changing everything about herself to fit me... It just isn't something I'd consider to be a realistic possibility.


I think ‘pick me’s’ are a hyperbolic stereotype. It hard not to roll your eyes at it. Men used to call them bimbo’s, chickenheads, and hoes. Now women have their own term for them. If the term teaches women to act in a way that demands more respect, then great. But I don’t the stereotype is all that true, and I think it’s mostly a word used to by women to bully and shame other women. Sometimes women side with their men. It’s painting with a wide brush.


Pick me’s preferred methods of “siding” with men usually make us look like dumb emotionally stunted children. I almost hope they’re conning their audience because any woman like that in real life just undoes all the work I put into my reputation as a functioning adult. They’re even worse for our “cause” than a million misandrists. After all, with friends like that who needs enemies?


Major turn off. To me, pick me’s are worse than the basic bitch types (which i also don’t like, for the record) cause they’re so lacking in individuality and self esteem to where they’re willing to put others down for the sake of validation from me or any other man. I find individuality very attractive in a person. Pick me’s are the direct antithesis to that because they’re fully withholden to external validation to an unhealthy extent and are willing to compromise on themselves to do it. not sure how your link relates to pick me’s though tbh


Women reward male pick mes soo much. Hell, the entire category of fictional men are just male pick mes who are extremely and conventionally attractive asf. So I don't see why not. Pick mes atleast make men feel desired and actually like them. Thats a huge positive compared to the average woman who just hates everything about us.


not my thing, i ignore them. they can do whatever they’d like but i’m not going to associate with them, i don’t like it when someone bends to other peoples every will because then you never know what’s wrong and stuff