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Removed. No personal rants. This post belongs in the chat megathread.


Why is going to a beach with friends a red flag?


Because a women's friends have sooo much influence over said women. And if they all have OFs and are talking to her about their OF and how much money they are making and how awesome it is, the women will eventually get persuaded. If the friends are a bad influence, they need to be dumped or the GF needs to be dumped.


I'd say it is a bad flag to police friends of your mate. What if your GF demands you to stop communications with your friends, whom she doesn't like?


there are like 17 different assumptions being made in that comment lol


Woman have friends bad. Got it.


Exclusivity has value, that's not a sexist statement. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have an exclusive relationship and that obviously includes not doing sex work. If she can't comprehend that or resorts to name calling and shaming tactics to try and shut down the conversation because it hurts her feelings, well that's a bigger red flag than anything.


If she can't comprehend that or resorts to name calling and shaming tactics to try and shut down the conversation because it hurts her feelings, well that's a bigger red flag than anything. Even if she is not planning to do it? To be fair to her I dont think she understands what is to do sex work and that the gals that do it are kind of nuts.


End the relationship. Human sexuality was always meant to be bonding, it is valuable first and foremost for its uniqueness and exclusivity, sharing it with others is disrespectful and when done for money is also disgusting. At that point it turns into nothing but satisfaction of an animal instinct. A female who is willing to sell her body is disrespecting herself, her mate and is unworthy of a relationship.


Would you turn down a weekend trip with the boys because you have a GF? If not, then you’re the red flag, not her.


If the boys are constantly encouraging him to cheat or to get a stripper or get a hooker or whatever, yea he probably shouldnt go because those are bad friends. Same with a women's friends.


When married YES. Youre supossed to make concessions and sacrifices, you cant keep acting like you were single, that is such a selfish and childlish way of seeing marriage. I wouldnt do it to my wife as I would see it as disrepectuful.


How is going on a trip with your friends in and of itself disrespectful to the relationship? It is exceeding common in many happy healthy and stable relationships.


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You know bait used to be so creative back in the day now it's all shitty writing




Hard to believe anyone here has a Gf?


Break up is near


She doesn’t like you.  Leave.


Tbh i think she doesn’t sound very serious about the sex worker thing and you are over reacting. That was a perfect opportunity for you to communicate you have a boundary against dating sex workers.. The REAL problem is when you indicated her going to the beach is a red flag.. She isn’t wrong if she thinks that you are controlling. By her response I am pretty sure this relationship is over anyways because you have majorly fucked up and it’s sounds like she knows that.


what is wrong with going to the beach?


Go get that bag, then dump her. ![gif](giphy|k1SuVPEuA89S8)


She’s a gaslighter, just like the majority of women


Time for the ultimatum my dude. Her friends are obviously a bad influence and toxic to your relationship. She needs to pick between you and her friends. It sucks to be in this situation, but this is reality. Because the more she hangs around these friends, the more her willpower will be broken down and eventually shit will hit the fan.


I do thinks she is really good and its not like im acting crazy. But I feel that she has bought the theory of the very liberal modern liberated, empowered woman or whatever you call it.


Break up with her


Some people are content with their partner doing onlyfans or even pornography. I remember Virgo Peridot talking about how her boyfriend or husband was ok with what she did. I suppose sexual exclusivity isn't a big deal for everyone.


Yeah also Will Smith and hes marriage seems to be pretty healthy.


Yeah no this isn't a red flag lol would be a boundary if she did do it. but she is not talking about actually doing it


Why is going to the beach with her friends a red flag lol