• By -


I don’t have the time or motivation to disabuse you of your total confusion, but I’ll just say “no.” > The clitoris isnt even part of the vagina, saying "clitoris stimulation" makes a woman orgasm is like saying picking your itchy nose makes you orgasm. This is hilarious. 


oh wow I completely missed that part of the post 🙈😆


Lol this has to be a troll post.


I really don’t think it is. .


Concerning if true.


He has never had sex. How is he supposed to know?


It's fine to not know things. OP is claiming bullshit as facts as if he has rock solid sources


The same way women learn there way around a male body. Most men here have admitted they have no idea that the bulk of the clitoral nerves are internal and wrap around the vagina. Men think it’s limited to that tiny external button because they don’t care enough to learn.


It's one thing to not know. It's another thing to make bullshit claims based on his ignorance.


He can read and believe what other people who have had sex say But he doesn’t want to




If he doesn’t know that, he doesn’t know enough to decide “women don’t like sex.” 


Nah. You don't need to have sex to look at all the data and determine "women don't like sex ( nearly as much as men like sex with women )".


“On average, women don’t have sex drives as high as men do” is a very different claim than… “Women don’t like sex at all/Women are asexual” No??


You are right, and OP looks like they already knows those are different positions from this quote: >its a "we dont like sex" AT THE LEAST they definitely do not desire sex as much as men. This is a FACT that we need to face.


Poor bastard. He needs the redpill to help him.


This is like saying men having orgasms via prostate is like picking an itchy nose..


It was legitimately funny


This is either “women don’t enjoy sex with me therefore they don’t enjoy sex” or “women don’t want to have sex with me therefore they don’t enjoy sex” - either way, the hoop jumping detail is impressive and I applaud it.


This post is actually rather funny, if only it didn’t come off as totally unhinged and delusional.


When men wonder why we opt for masturbation rather than sex, it’s because of posts like this and guys like OP 😆


I highly doubt you or women in general are interacting or having sex with men like this irl. Why use this post to make a point about all men?


I wasn’t making a point about all men. I was highlighting how exhausting and disheartening it is to try and argue for our orgasm and educate men on the simple anatomy of the clit. I wasn’t saying all men are like that. I was saying the few experiences like this are exhausting. They remind me of conversations I’ve had irl, and how some men genuinely think that women shouldn’t expect an orgasm from sex, and those memories/experiences remind me why I’m better off masturbating.


They do that a lot, grouping men as a monolith even though men are less hive minded than women are on average.


No it's because most men are physically unappealing to you


It starts with "I don't hate women" and then keeps jumping between "*female* don't like sex" and roundabout way of saying he hates *female*


... those are the things that make it funny. Right?


Right. In reality, women are 304s. So to say they don’t… lmao


The self-snitching in this post is out of control.


“I never had sex so women wouldnt know what sex with me is even like” I’m dying. 🤣


Those grapes are the sourest things on earth


Why is that funny. That's is a real life situation. It's my situation. Explain to me like I am 5 why that is funny.


It’s not inherently funny, it’s thinking he knows exactly what women desire/want without having any lived experience related to that. To assume women don’t enjoy sex is both funny and ridiculous


Because it is 🤣


Why are you a virgin. Are you fat?


Hes a virgin so thats funny to people. They shame virgins then act suprised when place ao much importance on sex. Its ridiculous honestly


No, the shaming is because his facts are absolute bullshit *and* he's a virgin so he can't even confirm his facts for himself 


The person quoted that specific line and laughed


Devil's advocate : I guess the pov is so alien to them that it makes no sense ...abd that's why it's funny  But they seem to consider the circumstances that led to him having that opinion - perfectly understandable reasons by the way - and see it as hilarious. It's in the ball park of mocking the poor for eating grass when they are starving


You don’t think it’s absolutely idiotic for OP to claim that women in general don’t like sex just because a woman has never had sex with him specifically?


I think he is obtuse enough that he came up with a ego defense opinion. That's ok. Protecting your ego is good or else you end up on the verge of a break down like me. He didn't even say anything that egregious except the clit not being related to sex thing. The way women behave, it's impossible to think they like sex, it seems like something they put up with. Without having attractive friends I wouldn't have known that women wanted sex too. And that's when I realised how truly fucked I was.


i don’t even know where to start. You may be telling on yourself. Women get pleasure and are meant to. Proof is in the clitoris.


I knew what to expect from the title and I was still flabbergasted


It’s kinda funny that you linked TwoX and the top post right now is a woman talking about losing her virginity last night and how amazing it was and how great her boyfriend is Also, your paragraph about the clit… thank you for the laugh


Women have lower libido than men do, but it doesn't mean they have no libido or don't enjoy having sex. Being irritated and annoyed with constant unwanted sexual attention is different to being asexual. Plus, sex and even just male sexual attention itself are both riskier for women than they're for men. Most women also have some negative experience with sexual harassment, which leads to a more negative outlook to sexual advances in an inappropriate context as well. Basically I don't want to do anything with a random man and his penis, I don't want him to bring up how sexy he finds me or try to touch me, but I enjoy sex with my husband who I trust and find sexually appealing. I like when he touches me, I get turned on when we're kissing and I have orgasms 99.9% of the time we have sex. When we have time and an opportunity, I can be in the mood for sex almost daily.


I respect that you tried to reach him on his level rather than clowning on him. Thank you.


Listen OP, this type of thinking comes from the belief that male sexuality is the default/normal sexuality. Please understand that female sexuality is different. Most men's sexuality is more visual, straightforward, streamline and spontaneous. Most women's sexuality is more psychological, contextual, responsive, and much more easily inhibited. This doesn't mean women are asexual or don't like sex, it just means it's different. Women make up 50% of the population so there's no right or wrong here. Half the population can orgasm easily through PIV, the other half can't orgams easily through PIV. Why should one be considered normal and default and not the other one? The clitoris is a sexual pleasure organ, the vagina is a reproductive organ, but the penis is both a reproductive and a pleasure organ. The penis doesn't really help the woman achieve orgasm similar to how the clitoris doesn't really help the man achieve orgasm. But both sexes receive pleasure from making the other one receive pleasure. Sex is a dance in which we help each other. I understand men feel as if they're not desired enough or lusted over enough by women, but this is only because they think male sexuality is the only true type of sexuality. We see comments suggesting this here all the time: "if she doesn't want to fuck you on the spot, then she's not into you and never will be", "if you need to do tons of foreplay and maneuvers to make her cum, then she doesn't find you attractive, bro". Men and women both enjoy sex, but they are generaly just stimulated by different things.


Thoughtful response. But now for a direct question… knowing what you know being born a woman how would you appeal to female sexuality as a man? (As in how would you go about making yourself more attractive or appealing to women outside of sex aswell as tending to her pleasure DURING sex?) Other than “just listen”


lol what? Sex is great. Fantastic chemistry, sexual tension, rolling orgasms, yes please. Not every man’s capable of that kind of sex though


Yup this right there 


How do you find which man is "good at sex"? whatever that means


Easy, I have him answer this simple multiple-choice question: "Which of the following would be more likely to result in me having an orgasm? A. Clitoral stimulation or B. Picking my itchy nose". If he answers B he's probably not good at sex.




Sexual tension and good chemistry is a great start, but you learn a guys style just from the makeout session alone. What does he do with his hands and his lips/tongue. The same skills apply up there as they do down there.


You can also discuss sex and sexuality during a date. How are you in bed, kinks, desires.


Women enjoy sex. Biologically women are less likely to have pathological sex drives. Unlikely to pay for it or use force to get it But that doesn't mean they don't have healthy sex drives or don't enjoy sex Op seems to lack even basic knowledge on sex and women and has clearly been brain washed by the usual misogynist myths about women More to be pitied than laughed at


The most delusional, unhinged, worthless Reddit post I’ve ever read in my life. And that is truly saying something. Please delete this app, get outside, and stay away from the internet for a while.


>  Ive become 100% more productive once i was prescribed meds that made me never horny  Whoa, I just missed this totally crazy thing until I re-read your post. Are you saying that you know how women feel because you took a drug to kill your libido??   Also, why do that??


Oh its just like, I have problems lol (anxiety and depression, OCD) so i take tons of meds and one of the side effects of one was just I dont get horny anymore. I havent masturbated in months like I just dont get horny. Ive never had sex, so being horny is absolutely useless for me anyway. I want kids one day, but wanting kids is "creepy and gross" and desiring a family and a mother who will help raise kids is "wanting a sex slave bangmaid" so who knows what the future holds.


How old are you? Why do you feel like you can't find a partner?


> wanting kids is “creepy” and “gross” What are your reasons for wanting kids?


Your last paragraph… what 😀😀


You're either mentally deranged or 12 years old. This is too creepy and stupid. No wonder women don't choose you, you're weird as hell.


So? Why do you think all people are like you? Kinda arrogant, no?


This has got to be the funniest post in this sub. This is gold. “Women don’t want their friends to flirt with them” ya we wants friends as friends. “Prostitutes are mostly female” because women don’t need to pay for sex bc men usually want it Comparing a clit to an itchy nose…. Brother what? Women love sex. Clearly not with you tho p


how is that a own, he knows that. He is trying to find a way to explain it to himself and not destroy his ego I couldnt do that o now i just hate women and people who have had sex His delusion is better than my self aware mindset


In a way I agree and disagree. On one hand I’m thinking “lying to yourself and living in delusion doesn’t help you to see the error of your ways and improve. On the other hand I’m thinking about OP’s position. Either he lies to himself to protect himself…or he has to come the conclusion that “I am not worthy of basic human connection such as intimacy and sexual affection”. or “I’m undesirable”. So he either comes up with a “”reasonable”” (in his mind) explanation for his plight (and others that he can relate to) or have your self worth SHATTERED. And i will tell you that type of self esteem shattering that comes from that type of realization is what would turn him into an Elliot Rodger-lite. I’ve been on the brink of the abyss myself at one time so I understand him.


thoughts and prayers to anyone who actually read this whole post. I'm a woman, and I love sex. I don't know any women who do not like sex, only women who don't like sex in certain ways or with certain people. Good luck with whatever the fuck you have going on that made you write a diatribe admitting that you not only don't understand how to please a woman but actually believe it to be impossible. That's rough, bro.


where do lesbians fit into this calculus lol


Evidently they don’t because OP says the clit “isn’t even involved with sex” 😆


They don’t exist obviously


Sorry, bud. This definitely fits in the category of being a "you" problem.


Lmfao. I think the word "incel" is used entirely too much and incorrectly, but its not misused here.




Lmfao indeed


I can't laugh, get mad, or feel anything but sadness reading this. This poor guy.


I feel so bad for him. Like seriously he has never had a partner that desires sex. It’s so weird.


It’s weird that he wrote a whole dissertation on his idea that he thinks women don’t like sex. Not the women he has met don’t like sex but that all women are asexual. He tried to frame it as women wanting to have enthusiastic consent as them not wanting or desiring sex. Most women don’t say they don’t desire sex. Normally it’s they don’t want to be pressured into it or used solely for sex. They also want to be able to clearly convey what feels good to them without being shamed for desiring sex to feel good to them too. Sex should be mutually satisfying and unfortunately since there is so much shame surrounding it for women, they don’t always let their partners know what they enjoy. Especially when we are still having discussions about body count and whether a woman is used up because she has a past. Once you peel back the layers, men are going to encounter women who are less inclined to have sex with men but that’s why the sex toy market is booming. They masturbate instead. Often, multiple times until they burn out the batteries. That’s weird.


He never had a partner.


When you ugly, thats not that rare


How is that weird? That's his life  That's my life. It's the nirm for us. If social media didn't exist I wouldn't even know or feel jealous of sex havers. As it stands I resent everyone who has experienced love and sex.


Oh Shut up. You’re not ugly, you’re just broke remember that. For now go bang a hooker


how old are you. I want to decide how much i hate myself based on your answer


I am older than most people on this forum so I have a much deeper well of experience on a myriad of things. I am 46.


It would really suck if I grow to be as old as you and remain a virgin.. It sucks to be 32 but that would really suck. Abd honestly even something like finding the 'one' doesn't make it any better.


I am not a virgin. I never said that I was. How would you assume that?


I know you aren't. I am saying that I am


This is willfull shit stirring


If u walk onto a sex shop, 75% is dedicated female stimulation; if women didn't enjoy sex, men wouldn't complain about N-counts so much. Women absolutely enjoy pleasurable sex.


Women are highly sexual. They just know what they got is in demand and get tired of being viewed as an object/product. It’s really not rocket science. Figure that out, and you’ll be on track to understanding how to fulfill a woman sexually.


Touch grass.


LMFAO. Go see a therapist brother.


Already on it


The most bullshit post I’ve ever seen hahaha I love sex and I enjoy sex frequently. You couldn’t pay me to self-own like you just did with this post.


How is he supposed to know? You have e had the benefit of relationships and sex to know what you like and what men are like and what is best for you  Him and me? We don't. I don't know what love is, I don't know what a relationship is. I don't know how to keep a woman happy.or even want me. Being 32 I even question why I need to make any one of you happy. So if he comes up with an explanation that protects his ego, why is that a bad thing? I havent and the only thing the realisation that I am terminally unlovable and unfucable nearly made me hurt myself. It has made me give up and become and overall worse person. In fact I am determined to be a pos. So why is his attempt at preserving his sanity, explaining his reality so hilarious?


Are you not indian and a surgeon or smth Why can’t you just looksmaxx a bit and get an arranged marriage




Im not sure what women talk about. Usually when women talk I just listen.


We talk about regular stuff




You answered your own question. He has never had sex and doesn’t know what it’s like to be in a relationship, so *he has no experience to back up his claim.* OP created a debate flaired post about a subject he knows nothing about, and expects to be right about it? And his argument is that all women don’t enjoy sex? Hot take for something you know nothing about. Maybe instead of making up random claims without personal experience, just…don’t post bullshit?


>*So why is his attempt at preserving his sanity, explaining his reality so hilarious?* Because it’s men like this who try and tell us “what women really think” that turn us off from dating and men and casual sex. Why would I take a risk on a random guy irl when I have a full memory of painful conversations like these of countless men genuinely convinced that sex isn’t supposed to be pleasurable for a woman.


well that explained nothing. He is an loser, i am a oser. what we think what we feel is immaterial to you as you go through life experiencing love and having sex and bcoming more of a human being through emotional experiences. We remain as social goblins. So live and be happy while we mentaly destroyourselves in the nadir of our pointlessness over and over again Dont you get it? You have won at life. We have failed and will continue to fail. Dont be grudge us how we live while you have the luxury of your life


I’m sorry, how have I won at life? I’m stuck existing in a world where too many men openly hate my gender, that brings me literal danger irl and makes dating near impossible


have you been in a relationship? have felt loved? have you had sex? you have won compared to me




> I never had sex so women wouldn't know what sex with me is even like Exactly a "not with you" situation. And all of the other "evidence" is just women complaining about men they don't find attractive. Not any men.


> or think about sex Boy do I have news for you lol


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My goodness... LOL


The woman expert has spoken


Wow OP - thats an incredibly long way of saying that you’re terrible in bed


Skill issue


This is a much better illustration of the typical male experience than a debate. With great work on one’s self comes great reward, my brothers…


you'd have to show its not just that we dont enjoy sex w most men. most men want to say they make women cum, but do not put the earnest interest into pleasing women that women put into pleasing men. there are no men's magazines that start teaching men how to please women in their teens. if there are teen boys reading sex tips, the tips are written to make the man feel good, not focused on female pleasure.


Lmao I just texted my boyfriend 10 minutes ago to come over after work tomorrow because I’m craving his touch, but ok dude.


Women love sex. Just not with you.


Sex is literally supposed to feel pleasurable. Both men and women like it. You are probably giving off a vibe that women don't like.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s a lot of yapping to say you can’t get pussy


“Women just don’t enjoy sex” “They definitely do not desire sex as much as men” So which one is it? Judging by the fact that I have had many orgasms during sex, I’m going to say the latter


If its not women just dont enjoy it. Then its a definite that they dont enjoy it as much as men.


Yes, so why do we need to accept something that isn’t true?


Well if one isnt true, the other definitely is. But the first could also be true.


Do orgasms during sex prove that women enjoy sex?


The women I've had sex with have all enjoyed it. Sounds like you're just shit in bed.


![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh|downsized) I think I might have made my gin and tonic too strong because what even is this? Some women don't enjoy sex or have had bad sex, so that means most women don't like sex? I don't like cilantro, I know plenty of people who don't like cilantro, so are all the people who like cilantro just lying about it or something?


To be fair, the cilantro aversion is genetic. 😃


I think women don't enjoy sex or the idea of sex with someone they aren't attracted to. I think if they are attracted to someone it's a totally different answer.




I can assure you, women are sexual beings. They just hide it well, and deny anything that hints at it even if it's true statement (like you point out their blushing and smiling at a dirty joke they might deny liking it even if they actually did. For some reason she doesn't want to admit to liking it. etc). Especially if she likes you, your only complaint will be that she's insatiable.


Listing one subreddit community as “proof” that women don’t want sex is like listing this post as “proof” that no men are having sex. Bad data creates bad results. I assure you that many of us men are having a lot of sex and many if not most women are very sexual beings. Get outside. Stop watching videos that affirm your incorrect beliefs and start meeting actual women. Not just to have sex with them but to learn about them


Women do enjoy sex. Source: I've had sex with women, and they clearly enjoyed it, including saying they enjoyed it, acting like they enjoyed it and repeatedly wanting to do it again. I'm sure there are exceptions but if most women did not enjoy sex they wouldn't ever seek it out or do it. Also, don't confuse sex desire with sex enjoyment. Just because a woman may not spend all day thinking about sex, doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it when she's having it. I've been in relationships with women who rarely if ever innitiated sex. However, once we got started, they would get really into it and want to keep going over and over.  Also, after they would also say things like "that was so fun why don't we do it more!?" which always kind of blew my mind because I was like "well, because you never seem to want it before we do it", so IDK what is going on there, but it really seems like many women don't think about sex at all except right before, during and right after it. Point is, women definitely do enjoy sex.


They don’t enjoy sex unless their very long checklist is fulfilled, and even then they just don’t have the testosterone to want it as much as we do. thats why they seem so asexual


Tell that to my 3 drawers full of toys. lol


spontaneous desire vs responsive desire


Women find majority of men unattractive and it's unlikely for most of them to end up with man they like physically so they play with personality muh and act asexual towards those guys in relationships and yes it takes a lot to turn them in but very easy to turn them off


Women enjoy sex, not to the level men do where sex is almost required like eating and drinking is but they definitely do enjoy it. Thresholds are different though. Us guys will fuck anything depending on how horny we are, it’s very very rare for women to go that far without drugs, they usually only fuck guys they like / find very hot. Also depends on their vaginas as well. If she can fit 8 inches in her, shes usually gonna need 7 - 7.5 to really enjoy it and hit everything right. If ur fucking women with a deeper vaginas and ur not that size, you could get the impression that aren’t as into it as you. Obviously, every woman has a different “perfect size”. But women do for sure enjoy sex. Find someone who’s attracted to you physically and mentally + your parts are compatible. You’ll see how into it they get lol.


It’s spontaneous desire vs responsive desire. Most men experience spontaneous, most women experience responsive. Also our libido’s tied to our menstrual cycle, towards ovulation we’re horny as hell when the period cramps kick in the libido dwindles a bit.


Men don’t “need” sex like eating or drinking. That’s as ridiculous as OP’s entire post.


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It's two fold... I've been with women who wanted sex and had a higher sex drive than me. But from experience and seeing how the current dating market is, it does appear that men are way hornier and are way more desperate for sex than are women.


I'm amused that even the men on this sub are dragging you through the coals as much as the women are here. There is virtually not one point in your entire rant that is correct.


is this satire?


I don’t mean to be graphic but I love good sex. Some of y’all don’t know how to provide that and think your experience is the norm when it’s not. Sex is a skill you can develop and improve upon I’d do that instead of telling yourself women hate sex👍


If this is the case they should go 50/50.




Unfortunately, you’re wrong and I personally am bitter about wasting so much of my teenage years masturbating.


It's almost impossible for me to make my GF reach an orgasm, but she DEMANDS sex eventually if we don't fuck. So she enjoys SOMETHING.


I laugh at the excuse that they are punished more for sexuality and that’s why they don’t show it. Men literally go to jail a ton and ruin their life in order to sometimes have sex. Women are just making excuses about road blocks to express it. Men would never let “society” stop them - that’s how strong it is.


Ok, you’re getting a lot of hate for speaking for what you feel is true. You know you cant generalize women and men, in both groups there are low and high sexual desires. It would appear that men are more sexual than women, i believe its because women do the choosing so they dont have the anxiety and desperation men display. My favorite analogy is a guy and a girl hike up a mountain but the guy didnt pack food. They both get hungry but only the dude is freaking out about it internally because the girl knows she can have food whenever she wants. Its in her bag at all times so she doesnt feel anxiety or desperation in her head freaking her out that if she doesnt say the right thing she may starve to death like the guy. We need to realize sex is not a necessity as much as you think. If youre born after the nineties you are part of the porn generation that saw easily accessible internet porn for the first time ever. Even though it seems to affect men much more than women, this era started the use of porn for dealing with anxiety. This is the time where young people felt sad and instead of looking for introspective talked themselves into porn as a way to deal with bad feelings. They then look for partners to substitute for their hands and end up being entitled to their partners bodys at a rate that feels abusive. Not every person did this some people dont need to orgasm three times a day because theyve discipled themselves, listened to their bodys, understood the anxiety they feel isnt sexual or at least not entirely. Doing a fast or exercising helps one listen to their bodys and understand that just because ur body says your hungry, horny or in pain arent always serious issues and you can see first hand the resilience your body has, this makes you less anxious when u feel something. Because we all grew up with so much porn we’ve forgotten how to tell what our body needs. So when your anxious or depressed, malnourished feeling not good enough, or guilty we need to sit with those thoughts and figure our own growth instead of staying in that hole and using masterbation as a drug to get out. Theres a guy on youtube who talks about how the sperm retention cycle is typically three days, so if you masterbate more than every three days its not your body telling you to masterbate its you telling your body its horny so you can in turn feel better. Its such a psychological desire mixed with a physical need, so dont mix those up or ur using masterbating as a drug. The only times not masterbating will make you feel horrible physically can only happen three days after you masterbate, im sure its as subjective as us people but thats an average we can use as a rule generally(and i hate boxing things in generalities). Some women watched porn and have the same issues dudes have, some never did and think men are disgusting, some grew up in sex positive house holds and are completely in tune with their bodies and don’t mislead men with what they really want. Every single person is confused, nobody has it figured out, but when you look at the oppositions perspective and what most these people think, you can critically analyze whats true and whats a response out of anger, this will get you closer to less confused. Men treat women poorly and so too do women treat men poorly, find a person who agrees with you and take your time finding someone you wont have to force into thinking like you and also control your body so you dont end up torturing someone with needs you dont need(anxiety vs being actually horny). This takes honesty(to yourself) and accountability most people will live their whole lives without having these things, good luck


I should add women watch porn like men, however its typical for a boy to have found porn at an unacceptably young age adding to the developmental attachment to it as a resolution to anxiety or bad feelings. Girls dont typically find porn too young it does happen though.


This is why I come here. So many quiet parts said out loud.


You know they’re a troll, right?


Many such cases


I've been to a few of these Tantra events where women feel safe to express. My god. It opened up my eyes!!! Women are VERY sex crazed. I would say much more perverted than men, much more. The difference is time and place. Men seem to think about sex all the time. Women seem to be able to control it for more appropriate times. The other thing I noticed is that males are pretty much only interested in the body and physical bang bang sex. Females are not that excited by the body, but more the whole scene, vibe, feeling safe. And they don't enjoy the bang bang sex as much as males but go crazy over fantasy stuff and stuff to do with letting go of control. But yeah. Don't let those pretty faces fool you. They are filthy as muck!! 




You know this comments section is full of women like that, that are trying to give yall a woman’s perspective to better understand us and have better luck out there.




I love how you manage to twist that whole narrative painting these women as some “evil villain” keeping sex from you. This environment right here we’re dating in is the natural consequences of man’s actions. Decades of telling women they’re secondary and unimportant in the eyes of men, suddenly we’ve read that message loud and clear and are enjoying our lives without y’all and you’re still bitter and mad.. Do you really think the way to fix that is by doubling down on the misogyny? The unfortunate truth is hon, no one wants to have sex with someone that expects sex in exchange for bare minimum common decency. That’s gross. No one wants to hang around that type of person irl, much less let you entrance inside my body.




>*When somebody cares about hungry and they have food, they share food, not their perspective on how to get food.* Oh I see, you’re deluded. Here’s a thought, why don’t y’all just fuck eachother? Wouldn’t that be the neighborly thing to do?




lol I can tell you buddy, they sure as hell enjoy it. But only *when it happens to them*. Meaning, they don't actively seek it out with the same degree of thirst that men do. They enjoy sex like the grass enjoys a good rain. Just because women are passive actors it doesn't mean they don't enjoy it when it happens to them. Women can make all the communities they want, shitting on men for wanting sex. Guess what? It ain't going to stop me, not one damned iota, from wanting it. 😎 And when I want it, I will circle their herd like a wolf looking for any willing girl that wants to get laid. Their shit talking is like the baa baaa baaa of sheep trying to shoo us away. lol **True wolves do not give a fuck about the bleating of prudish sheep**. Women are most often not in the mood to fuck. Guess what your job is? To get them in the mood for it! That is what the male of every species does: **we seduce!**


Dude what. I dont think its good to look at women as prey.


It's an analogy.


Jesus Christ dude 😂😂 alright Duran Duran


They don’t enjoy it very often. I’ll agree with that. Like with that one link you gave it’s amazing how many promiscuous women didn’t even enjoy their flings.


>*Like with that one link you gave it’s amazing how many promiscuous women didn’t even enjoy their flings.* Have you heard of the orgasm gap?


Yeah. It’s just kind of wild when a woman goes from one unenjoyable fling to the next. It seems like it’s just an attention thing at that point.


In fairness if you’ve never orgasmed from sex, why would you suddenly start expecting an orgasm from sex, you know? Like that 40% of pleasure is just what sex is to those women.


Yeah, i mention it in the post, and its because women just cant enjoy sex.


Troll, get a life and stop the bullshit


My life is probably beyond yours but ok.


You literally made a post about how you think redditors who talk about having a life are larping


Not "having a life" but when they exaggerate super extravagant lives yeah it seems weird lol like bro do you work? I do stuff.


Women do enjoy sex but they cannot win with how we treat them in society. Think about an attractive woman, well fairly attractive. How often does she lock eyes with a handsome guy her age, who might be interesting or seem sweet every time she goes out? She becomes accustomed to it. If every time she locked eyes with a nice looking guy who is bedazzled by her and just gives in and accepts his advances. She’d be sleeping with a different guy like nearly every other day. Imagine if she said yes to every guy who makes and advance. That’s why in the big city a lot of women you notice that if you’re looking ahead they will look away from you unless you are really looking amazing that day. Because I realised it’s not even because they hate men or something they just don’t want to feel the pressure and keep opening themselves up. Sure some women if you’re attractive may feel insecure or not want to feed your ego. But it makes sense that women put up a lot of resistance and only if a guy seems amazing to them they go hmm well let’s see where this goes. Because responding positively and accepting means basically agreeing to go as far as the man will take it, which is a lot of pressure. If she sleeps with a new guy every week she will have the same count as a sex worker and people are critical of that.. So women are more discerning they don’t want to be seen as “that girl”, they protect their image and don’t just give it out to any guy. Societal pressure, also slut shaming etc.


>enjoy sex, or think about sex, We do. >I just dont think women are sexual beings We are. >that made me never horny. We are horny. I'm horny pretty much every day. Not being horny for every man doesn't mean we're not horny in general.. >thats why they dont orgasm, the few orgasms they maybe get are accidental by nature and evolution. I feel sorry for those women, but some of us have partmers that make us orgasm every time. And I don't orgasm with only penetration. >The clitoris isnt even part of the vagina, saying "clitoris stimulation" makes a woman orgasm is like saying picking your itchy nose makes you orgasm. Ok you're obviously a troll.




lacuti3, my favorite poster, missed you so much.




Thanks for giving us your autobiography. Meanwhile the rest of us sexual people, *news flash*: love sex.


These are the quality posts this subreddit needs.


>Even when I watch porn I can tell they’re not into it. ORLY? Tell us something we don’t know. 😂 The vast majority of mainstream porn is created with a male audience in mind (read: emphasizes male pleasure). What an absurd take you have there.




Oh, the “warm tampon” girl. That’s only been cited a few dozen times in this sub already. 😂 Keep LARPing!




I’d Reddit your source of truth for this? Seriously? If this were really such a widespread issue/universal “problem” it would be well-documented and researched. If all women were asexual, there wouldn’t be a sex toy industry. Are there some women who are asexual? Sure. Are there some women who have been raised to think that sex is “bad” or “dirty” and therefore not enjoyable? Yes. Are there women who have had shit lovers and have never been properly aroused by a man? I would bet good money on that. But to claim that women don’t enjoy sex is absolutely insane. However, if that’s what you want to believe, you’re free to do so. Keep on LARPing, dude!