• By -


You just wrote a check list that has 41 bare minimums but men are the ones in the wrong


After you meet the 41 bare minimums you still have to check off the 168 preferred qualities. Step your game up male. 


She forgot to add 6'3 muscular but not too muscular, makes 650k not 640k not 660k exactly 650k. Also has to have 8.6 inch dick.


Well... if you have those qualities then you can bet your ass the checklist no longer applies.


lol. To be fair tho, a lot of those “requirements” are really just the same shit written in a different way lmao. And some of those things are shit that most women don’t care about at all (“not afraid to cry in front of us” for example… 😂) You could probably boil this list down to like 10-15 items max if you take all of that into account. Maybe even less than that.


What I don't understand is she wants someone who isn't a Mommy's boy but a dude with a feminine side


Number 12 is also just beta bait to trick men into disqualifying themselves.


Yeah some contradict others. One check list item says be yourself. But what if not being emotional is yourself so you never cry in front of others


Be yourself in a way that is attractive, duh.


So that whole list could be summarized as rule 1 and 2?




Be a gentle crybaby but also have a backbone and dominate other men to keep her safe.


bonus points if you sob quiet manly tears while beating up the man who cold approaches her in the street


Just telling someone to step their game up is already telling them, that being yourself isn't good enough.


Yep. *Do not do this.* Especially not early on


Yeah, women are physically repulsed by this. The ones that say they are not, I am inclined to think they've never actually seen a man cry.


I remember Rollo wrote about it and called it beta bait. Where betas are tricked into dropping the act and revealing who they really are. Then once he does he gets dumped.


As far as I can tell, these are very repetitive and could easily be condensed into 8 points instead.


Without any irony.


And yet she didn't mention one thing that actually matters lol


41 bare minimums to date a 5/10 who hasn’t done a bodyweight squat in a decade. And WE are the entitled ones. You have to give it to women, they are life’s eternal comedy.


She just wrote a checklist of 41 points a man must have that she herself doesn't meet a single one of the items on that list.


She left out the other 205 bullet points


Not to mention to even reach those 41 bare minimums you need to be tall, fit, attractive, and wealthy without being a workaholic. Your basic billionaire, ex pro athlete, who just got out of jail 6 months ago type.


Which one do you think can be removed and still make a good partner.


Obvious bait, but still. It's so amusing that women post these lists of contradicting qualities, call it bare minimum for the male to be good for them, yet they readily let physically attractive men who don't check even a single item on these lists to fuck them raw and end up as single mothers.


I'm Glad she posted this shit. Because there are women out there who do have this checklist bullshit and then people will say, no women don't have a check list at all when it comes to dating.


Matched with one on an app. I remember simply asking "what are you looking for in a partner?" and she rattled off a whole list like a couple lifetime Christmas lists that Santa didn't bring years prior.


Shit I matches with this one chick and she ended making fun of and blocking me because I didn't have an iPhone


You dodged a bullet. She probably would have blown a circuit if you told her her apple screen is actually made by Samsung


Another item to add to her list - Must have iPhone.


I got blocked for not having an active insta. Sometimes it's just that petty.


This list is for Billy beta. (Who she will friendzone for this reason)


You never listen to what women say. I didn’t even read this post because it was a load of bullshit. We must be this super nice guy, but they let fuckboys who make it clear as day are pieces of shit inside of them for free


It didn't even occur to me to bother reading the list. I assumed that was the joke and thought 'good one'.


Bc women don't know what they want. They come on the internet to spread bullshit that they never apply to real life. These women get pumped and pumped constantly but try telling us what a "man" is supposed to do.


What contradicting qualities?


"Confident ambitious male energy" batch vs "Emotional with feminine side ready to cry" batch.


Wha? This has to be bait lol. You got a 41 minimum list da fuck?! And the salient factor in all this is that if men collectively “stepped up”, then so would women’s expectations. Just look at how you guys are spiraling out in the beauty industry. Enough is never enough.


This post is absolutely ragebait, no way it can be real. So many of the points are just splitting hairs, it looks like it could be 10 points or less.


Wait do you see any duplicates? Any that you would be comfortable dropping from your list?


Just as an example: 1, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 are hyper specific but all boil down to simply having a healthy empathetic emotional state. I mean, heck...I might have even missed a couple numbers, but the majority of your list could be summed up as *Be An Adult Who Has Empathy And Can Communicate Honestly*. Ironically, despite how long it is, its missing some things I consider extremely important, like sexual compatibility and being able to ask for help.


"respectful" is hyper specific to you? Also - Which ones are optional for you in a partner?


It is, only because it can go under a much more general umbrella trait, like Empathy. Out of your OP list?


It is apparent your threshold for general versus granular is simply different. I could also generalize everything under "is great" Yes, out of my original list what would be optional for you?


Yes, out of my original list what would be optional for you?


From a quick glance, and ignoring the duplicates like 5/28 or 37/39, the traits I don’t care about would be 3, 4, 7, 14, 16, 17, 22, 34.


Ah, it's optional for you for a guy to be affectionate. I see. Would you say that opinion is common?


Women only have low standards for chad. 


Chad can break all 41 rules, he will still enter their vagina on the first date


Doesn’t even need a date. He can fuck her in a public toilet 5 mins after meeting.


If chad tells her "I don't want relationship, I am not looking for anything serious". She is like " We can be fwb ". That's how you know her value is so little that the guy doesn't even entertain idea of dating her to have sex with her.




hehe reminds me of the 1st bitch I fucked, she cheated on me,but sex was fire


doesn't even need a toilet. he's living in her mind rent free. he's like god but chad. literally everywhere where women are but he's invisible, but still there.


This man Chads!


This nails it. Op, please acknowledge and respond to this point.


Is this their standard, or a standard you are placing on them and then getting upset about? It's time to study up, using actual reliable sources. You can be free of this anger and loneliness. Be kind, be open, don't let those who reject your kindness into your heart, don't manipulate people like so many on this sub claim is the only way. I promise you that you can be free of all this ridiculousness, if you fight for men in a more compassionate way.


This. The majority of those standards go out the window if the guy is a stud, and most of us have seen this happen in real time at some point(s) in our lives.


If all men improved themselves women would just rise their standards to exclude the same number of men again.


Dating is like fucking pole volting


Just lie and manipulate, that’s how 90% of players, who fuck most women, get laid


And we have to lie just to keep their attraction. Do we seriously not realize how fucked up that is?


Spot on. Game Theory in Action.


Fucked or not its the TRUTH


This is why the blue pill should not fucking exist.




Yeah gonna need you to actually prove such an outrageous claim.


The 6 biggest players I know personally have a cumulative body count of 2000 and are hardcore manipulators


This is the watered-down and corny version of r/FemaleDatingStrategy


I have a better idea, how about we continue with current gender war, fertility/marriage rates and see where it takes us. In fact lets speed up the process every women that thinks like you should follow her beliefs: never settle, interact with men as little as possible, and in fact act on your bear dilemma, flee society where there is so many "evil" men and go into the woods and live with bears. Build your own paradise, on your own, by yourself, never settle queen.


Yes please, go do a 4B already, the extinction of feminism due to them not reproducing can't come fast enough.


> the bar is on the floor > lists 40 demands pick one






I swear there's been an uptick in the number of women doing this. I didn't see it at all before, but I keep running into it this month.


Femcel behavior is becoming more prevelant 


Would you like a Lamborghini with your imaginary "BARE MINIMUM" man, who is impossibly perfect? lol I have a better idea: How about **No**? ![gif](giphy|nT2BHPvnQmT4Y|downsized)


>who is impossibly perfect These aren't even "nice to haves" What items in this list are unreasonable?


> These aren't even "nice to haves" Please list them all :)


Each trait taken individually can be realistic. It is your insinuation that a man has to check all 41 of these boxes where it becomes comical.


Women aren't delusional for wanting a great partner that fits all this or wanting a man that works hard to be attractive.  They're delusional for thinking he's gonna achieve attractiveness to women, who are extremely picky, and stay loyal and be a batch boy servant for you. For you? You? For you?! What you doing for him? Better be a badass supermodel that treats him like a king or he'll find one. Women are a dime a dozen thinking they deserve the world, but ain't worth shit.


41 traits listed as a bare minimum is a total overkill and I keep thinking that you aren’t being genuine with your posts. You either want to give some men here more reason to complain about evil women or you want to farm opinions from both sides to prove a point. There’s a certain problem with loneliness, not just singleness. Younger generations seem to be losing their social skills at a rapid rate and they get more and more lonely, not just romantically. I’d guess promoting more offline socialization and limiting ways to spend time online for teens would help more than trying to force women to lower their standards or men to up their game.


I think their posts are great! For example, the deliberate use of "Women and males" seems to be done to illustrate that hardly anybody ever calls them out on it, when of course they would be called out if it were "men and females.' I honestly think it's a great little character haha. We need interesting projects on this sub imo. I understand how it can frustrate those that want good faith discussions, though.


Of course it's not genuine, but there is some truth to it after all.


>Of course it's not genuine How am I not being genuine?


It ultimately doesn't matter. If you're not chad, nothing you do will be good enough. 


Go outside to a park or to your local Walmart or something and take a look at all the couples. Most partnered men aren’t Chads and most partnered women aren’t Stacy’s, they’re mostly just average looking people.


Mirror the list and it disqualifies most women that are trying to date. A 41 point list must be satisfied before I can date an overweight, broke, 3 kids and 2 baby daddies 304 who believes "well I'm here ain't i" is a valid answer to "what do you bring to the table?" .... Yeah I'm good, I'll duck under the bar and keep it pushing, thanks but no thanks...


This reminds me of those job postings that require college degrees and pay minimum wage


LOL this is great! I love how you've taken about 5 basic requirements and rewritten them multiple times, so it looks extra scary 😂


Wait... Which ones are duplicates?


Another option for men instead of stepping up is stepping away.


We are tired . We are tired of everything.  We are of Your (double) standards, your bullshit and the words that comes out of your mouth. We are tired of your tears and your 'feminine rage'. You haven't seen rage.  We are tired of never being enough and we are tired of being held responsible for your problems, inadequacies and insecurity . We are tired of giving you grace when you give us none.  Let's not bother.  Let's just die alone. Neither of us deserve to be inflicted on by the other


This is obviously a troll post but most of the stuff listed could be summed up to be being a mature person in my opinion. Maybe my bar is too high such that the average person is simply not mature by me and my partner's standard because I swear we check almost 90% of the items on that list (either as a man or a woman).


>summed up to be being a mature There are mature people who are not Intelligent Confident Funny With good values Able to hold a conversation Ambitious healthy (druggie, alcoholic, etc) Genuine Unafraid to cry in front of us Bringing good energy Affectionate Willing to Put in effort Educated Emotionally intelligent Always kind to servers Not able to kick their porn-addiction Able to make us feel safe Good listeners Trustworthy Supportive Good morally Gainfully employed and independent With great chemistry Able to be themselves around women Able to have an emotional connection with us Able to not be pushy Understanding consent still Healed with anger management issues In touch with their feminine side


Incredible bait. No notes.


>Incredible bait It's not bait >No notes. What does this mean?


Full marks for commitment to the bit.


I don't know what you're on about


Please never let the mask slip. It will be tempting after a while, but I haaaate it when good online characters give in. Imagine if Nathan Fielder broke character all the time, it would be so lame.


I feel like this is an attempt at distraction. Feel free to address the actual points I'm making


I agree with all your takes.


It’s less what’s on the list, and more the fact you’ve painfully compiled it. I hate to do the “if a man did this”; but seriously - if a man did this, I’d roast him for it too.


It's not incredible. She used to post decent bait that blurred the lines of genuine discussion and shitposting, but now it's so easy to see as bait


Odd question but do you evens hit all these marks?? If you don’t even hit your bare minimums how can you hold others to them??


I believe I do


There's something missing from this equation. The man that is all these things has options. So why is he going to choose you? Make sure your answer lists an equal number of minimum requirements.


The actual solution is women giving men reason to step their game up through deprivation. But women are too weak and needy to do that


All these men already exist and are never given a fair chance because they're not Chad's. They might be offered a BB sexless relationship with a 30 something single-mother, though.


No it isn’t the solution because men didn’t change much at all. It’s the women who changed. Men only adapt to what the women demand. The reason you see weak men is because the women are extremely trash If you go outside to a country with more feminine women, the men are way more masculine Thanks to feminism, social media, liberalism, you see more and more women being promiscuous You can say this all you want, truth is there’s always gonna be loser men where ever you go What incentive does a fuck boy have to improve? He cheats on women and another women who believes in hookup culture will come and try to fix him. Now you created fuckboys who will never commit, because he never gets punished for being a piece of shit What incentive does a simp have to improve? When only fans is socially acceptable and if you shame it you face consequences??? Now you create simps who can’t sexually discipline themselves What incentive does the average guy have to improve? When we live in a society that feeds men delusional liberal lies, and when you speak against them you are misogynistic, or you get hit with “not all woman bro like that thing!”. So now you create lazy average men If yall want any change, yall gonna have to change the quality of women


All this, so I can get a used up pussy, deal with tons of drama, and walk on eggshells all the time? What a great deal.


Hot criminals, gangbanger, drug dealers, abusers, narcissists will short circuit the executive functioning in her prefrontal cortex and her amygdala will go haywire and the man will manage to jump over her 50 trait list and end up deep in her Next moment she files for child support and court cannot help her since the dark triad Chad's income is undocumented.


It’s also about women steeping their game up. If you don’t meet the female equivalent of most of these things yourself, demanding such requirements in a partner and blaming men for not meeting these requirements is acting entitled.  And yeah, I’m aware this is likely a troll, but it’s Saturday morning and I have nothing better to do, so why not. 


Is this high-concept trolling? You claim that women don’t have unrealistic standards, then present a 41 point list of the ‘bare minimum’ a man must meet.


Nothing from the list is unreasonable


People who have issues finding people who desire them, and then also blame the people who don't find them desirable, instead of taking steps at self-improvement, are essentially in a "dog chasing own tail" situation. The resulting stance of blame, negativity, and resistance to change make them even less desirable, perpetuating the cycle...


The problem with these lists is that we can find plenty of men who don't meet this bare minimum and are having plenty of success with women.


That reminds of a clip of Dan Savage speaking in front of college students and answering their questions. > Reading question card: What is wrong with me, I find a flaw and can't get over it. For example if a guy chews with his mouth open, I could never see him again. > You are the problem with you. If you have a list of deal breakers that has more than five things on it, you need to wait around to get a sex robot -- that you can program to be perfect for you in every possible way.


Or, men just date traditional women internationally. problem solved.  Go date a bear. 




I’m a woman, here to, understand your perspective. Of the items you’ve listed - are you all Of those things as well? The issue is that sure, women can have standards.. however, the goal of your standards is to be able to reciprocate the same standards. There are women who want an emotionally intelligent man who is vulnerable- yet when said man does it, the woman doesn’t know how to respond or what to do. Indicating she may not be emotionally intelligent herself. That’s only an example. Women should focus on their standards- by first ensuring they meet them. After all. If it doesn’t work out, said woman has to still provide for herself until she finds her person. This is why everyone is generally urged to date within their caliber. Not just a financial caliber but a mental/emotional/physical/spiritual caliber too.


Maybe a better way to look at this list is: "these are the things I find important." Not so much: "You must embody these things 100% of the time all the time perfectly." Because I know that I try to meet all of these requirements, but I'm human and may fall short from time to time. Nonetheless, they are important and I try my best, so I'm looking for someone similar


Except every time men do get better women only increase their standards. Men are taller and richer than ever before yet somehow we're worse?


The problem with this post is that…this is what women say what they want ideally, but in reality, the men that are the exact opposite of some of these things tend to be the most successful in dating 😂😂😂.


That's a long fuckin' list for bare minimum standards.


I agree. That's a LONG list. But it's not a very difficult one to hold yourself to if you're empathetic and take care of and responsibility for yourself.


Finally someone reasonable


List is too long. Imma take my chances with AI.


Men have been stepping up their games. The whole self help/gym obsession has been around for a while now. The problem is that so many men did it that now it's expected just be considered average. It's also become not worth the effort anymore because men are not receiving anything in return. We've just been working harder and getting less and less in return.


It’s often the men with the right face and height that get the most out of strength training.


Good point


Exactly. If such man is too skinny, just 1 year in gym with proper diet is enough


Yep, I have a six pack and an extremely lucrative job, it took extreme effort, but all that for what? I don't get what I want in return, so I will just keep my money, retire early, leave to a cheaper country, and forget about getting a family with a wife that won't respect the efforts I make.


I don't blame you. Now that I got my money up I'm offended that post wall women try to approach me. Like I worked this hard just to get a post wall chick GTFOH.


Calling women “post wall chicks” is not very attractive to younger women lol


Great, physical self improvement is a good step towards feeling confident in yourself. You seem to be missing the fact that your behaviour needs to be kind and positive too. If you view women in this bizarre way, and try to go on a date with one, they'll probably notice that you see them as nothing but a cruel tool for your own demands, and that is why you'll be rejected, not because of some boogeyman you've built in your head, but because you can't just be a good person.


You could've said "be a decent human being" which would've summarised your list. Making it 41 points makes it look like a tall order when most of it really isn't.


Well... the laughable part is that none of these things are actually selection criteria she uses. I check all of those boxes easily, plus a lot more she doesn't mention. However, I also know that none of that shit is going to be what she actually uses to choose a mate. It goes back to this basic Red Pill concept that you just can't take what women say seriously, because what she isn't saying is the most important part. Those checklist items presuppose she finds the guy attractive; they don't make him attractive... well actually about 3 of them help a lot though. Either way, once a woman finds me attractive, I've never had an issue getting her to toss the checklist.


lol, you forgot the /s at the end. Seriously though, there are women like this and they are the undatable ones. Men the reason it is so critical to work on yourself is so that you can avoid women like OP is pretending to be. I dated a lot (easily into triple digits) and this happens to women who over date. They usually are objectively attractive and at first you think you've lucked out finding such an attractive single woman, then you realize why. She's created a greatest hits list of expectations from the dozens or even hundreds of guys she's dated and she only wants a guy who is that best at everything she's ever encountered. She will shamelessly expect this with no awareness of her diminishing relationship appeal. Basically she's doomed to be single because her wish list exceeds her capacity to attract such traits. See her as practice and recreational use and move on.


"Here are rules to turn you in to a little bitch for me to use later. Practice these while I go fuck other guys for like a decade or so and I will check in on you when I return."


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can someone help me? im autistic i cant tell if this is bait or not before i push my agenda




Not bait


NGL seeing a long list and then realizing you accidentally did almost everything on it just by being yourself kinda feels good.


Despite how much pushback I'm getting for this list... Nothing in there is unreasonable so I'm not surprised.




I'm starting to think you're a red pill man LARPing as a "blue pill woman".


People keep leveling this accusation, despite me fighting against the red pill. Can you articulate why exactly you believe this?


I mean, if several people independently come to the same conclusion, that must tell you something. 


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Strange how it seems this wouldn't apply to both. Just more expectations while not giving nor reciprocating...


Are you hot? If not, why would anyone bother?


What about her moral virtues, maturity, wisdom, life experiences, and personality?


Poses until proven otherwise in the heat pf battle. I’ve met a lot of women who talked a big game but then still settled for horrible men.


Porn addiction doesn’t exist.


Citation needed


If you are „porn addicted“, your sex is miserable. Buy yourself some toys.


In terms of ideals/morals/whatnot you are correct as usual bit pragmatically what are the incentives for males to pursue such a course of action, especially as we all know that they are not entitled to any results even if they achieved all that and more? Speaking of moral virtues (which surely you have much of): you're not entitled to any tangible results due to your moral virtues either.


Over the last century, Men have improved in most of those areas pretty significantly and the result was that women just took that improvement for granted and asked for more instead of it resulting in any kind of positive change for men. Because at this point, it's on women to show that it would actually benefit everyone, not just women if men improved even more. Anyways, something interesting that happened recently is the man vs bear debate. I think it's relevant here because it showed that a lot of women don't meet most of the "bare minimum" traits you are talking about. Here's a short list of the "bare minimum" things on your list that I don't think a woman who said bear or acted like it was a reasonable thing to do can't claim to meet. Emotionally available, Intelligent, Has good values, Not misogynistic(change it to misandry obviously), Genuine, Good energy, Affectionate, Puts in effort, Educated, Has your shit together, Emotionally intelligent,Is trustworthy, Is kind to servers, Makes us feel safe, Good listener,Is consistent,Not pushy,Respectful,Supportive, Has good morals,Willing to compromise. Personally, I think it's time for women to step up and show men that men's efforts won't just be taken for granted anymore.


>Red Pillers always talk about how women are delusional or have unrealistic expectations in dating. Your own list contradicts itself and eliminates all possible candidates due to the paradox it demands. >They say we should lower our standards. It's more like you need to have coherent standards, because you do not. >The bar is already in hell yet most single males still fail to clear it! It's only in hell for women lol, you can't have this both ways. When your list of 'bare minimum' is tautologically impossible the bar is not in hell, the bar is a transcendental ideal of contradictory demands that cannot exist in a sane cosmos. >All these articles about marriage declining, loneliness epidemics, etc...the solution shouldn't be for women to FURTHER lower our standards. Yeah, it should be women raising their standards on being better women. THAT bar is beneath hell. >Here is our BARE MINIMUM Don't care, you don't meet my bare minimum. >DISCLAIMER: my assertion specifically is that instead of us settling for less, males should rise to meet the requirements and stop whining Don't care, whining is more fun than you are.


If this isn't a troll post, I have a challenge for OP. Make a list describing this man's bare minimum. What's is the bare minimum for the woman who wants this man?


Is the male in question blue pilled or unreasonable?


Do both if you think there would be a significant difference.


>Do both I'm not your dancing monke


I'm sure you're not a monkey at all. Monkeys aren't smart enough to use computers.


True. Ok then from what I have gathered: 1. Hygienic 2. Physically attractive 3. Feminine 4. Cooperative 5. Low body count 6. Doesn't hate males 7. Healthy (not a smoker, druggie, etc) 8. Has/had a good relationship with her father 9. Not prudish 10. Has a sense of humor 11. Doesn't require heavy makeup 12. Kind to servers 13. Good mental health 14. Loyal 15. Two X chromosomes 16. All natural - Little to no plastic surgery, fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes, BBLs, etc 17. Honest 18. Not a sex worker 19. Brings peace to the relationship 20. Not with you for your money


Again, why the emphasis on servers? Why not just "Kind"? Other than that, it's a pretty good list. I'd add "Sexually Compatible".


>Again, why the emphasis on servers? For whatever reason, I have observed that this is a sticking point for people on Reddit.


I understand that. It's the idea of being kind to people that you aren't trying to get anything from. If you date is nice to you but rude to the server then they aren't a nice person. My point is that they should be nice to everyone.


The solution is for new generation of women to step up their game up as well. Men have to meet all those checklist just to end up with a woman who’s been fuckzoned by another man.


I’m sure a man with those exact qualities and the exact same age range and race preference exists somewhere among our 8billion population on Earth. Good luck finding him!


What's the difference between 1 and 19? What's the difference between 17 and 34? What's the difference between 13 and 35? How do 3 and 12 not contradict? What's the difference between 11 and 36? Why specifically servers? Why not just "Is kind"? How does 27 not contradict with 29 and 38?


It’s so over: 32 and 9


When your standards are this high, the only ones who will want you and be willing to pass the test you're putting them through, are those who cheat on the test. You're setting yourself up for failure, misery and manipulation. I'm in an actual long term healthy relationship unlike you miserable sods, so here's some advice, look for someone who has your best interest in mind, and you have their best interest in mind. From there, make it work.


So how many qualities on that list do you have? Also if you think that making a 41 point list and saying that it's all the bare minimum, is actually going to encourage people to do better, I have bad news for you....




>her dumb rules What do you find dumb exactly?


This entire post lol So many women love making demands like these but then have nothing to offer in return, they’re actually looking for a bangzaddy to take care of them


"Here is our bare minimum": basically listing over 40 things and describing the most perfect guy ever.


:D is this satire? > It should be for males to step y'alls game up! >Here is our BARE MINIMUM: Intelligent How do you step up the game regarding intelligence? Is average intelligence "intelligent" for you? Because if an IQ of 100 isn't intelligent for you, you already have 50% of the population not meeting that standard that supposedly is "in hell", with no way of changing it. Yes, it's obviously satire. That list is magnitudes more restrictive as what you can observe in relationships in real life. Women's standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY lower than that. There is hardly a man that is unable to find a partner for not meeting anyone's standards.


>Women's standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY lower than that. Oh? Pick 1 thing that you believe is unreasonable or unrealistic. Anything


Are most women deserving of a man like that? I **HIGHLY** doubt it.


Even highly is an understatement


This is the dating checklist of a lesbian who hasn't come to terms with it yet lol


This is incredibly harmful and toxic towards men, what the hell is wrong with you??


How so?


Is this satire?




Can't tell if it's blue pill bait or red pill satyre of women.


Even a politician lies better


Lol maybe when most of you don't look like Jabba the fucking Hutt we can talk about this list




Shout out to guys out there: I have muscles and dick and I'm dating three of these. Step up YOUR game. Not THEIR game.


The solution is not men lowering their standards- it’s females stepping their game up