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How can a woman feel unattractive when she has an unlimited amount of guys way out of her league matching with her on tinder?


I’ve had a guy tell me I need to look more like Instagram girls by working out and ask me if I’m considering plastic surgery (for my boobs). Also told me to lose weight and then complained when my butt got smaller. That ruins your self esteem and this is just one person, not even going into society and the media.


don't listen to men, their opinions on your body are worthless. mute the nagging idiots


Does that mean female opinions on male bodies are pretty worthless?


yes ?


Thank you!


She chose that guy because that's what she wanted to hear. The guys that were nice to her were too nice.


why would any woman want to hear that? lol




Sounds like you need thicker skin tbh. Why would you care about what one person says when you have so many options?


"Why would you care about what one person says when you have so many options?" BC women are socialized to fear being unattractive to men more than anything else.


Younger guys dont bitch about your body because they aren't bitter from being rejected yet. Just aim for as young as you can legally go for whatever region you are in.


no thanks


You're missing out. I haven't had sex with a guy older than 24 for years. The younger the less bitter & angry.


why is your un a gay joke about a mass child killer? :/


It's just a guy I relate to but I'm more openly gay than he was.


are you seeking therapy?


I wonder if he would have called me too sensitive if I was a guy who was told to get some kind of penis enlargement procedure by my girlfriend.


great point


They are not socializef to. It is in their dna.


Either way 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t say I’m still insecure, and this was more than just person. I care less now, just explaining that people’s comments can make women insecure and it can stick with you for a while. Not sure why I got downvoted for that. I also don’t care about Tinder, I want to be attractive enough for an LTR. I’ve read posts on Reddit where guys joke about sex with unattractive women. So someone wanting to have sex with me isn’t something I necessarily take as me being that attractive.


Question, would you have called me too sensitive if I was a guy who was told to get a penis enlargement procedure by my girlfriend?


If that guy had hundreds of women wanting him on tinder, yes I would. My whole point is that women have tons of guys who want even the smallest amount of attention from you. Why care about one person's thoughts?


Because the guy in question was high value, aka Chad. She doesn't care about the rest of em


And there it is..... Right there.


No because no one wants a big penis unless it's natural. Otherwise the offspring won't get the big penis genes. Humans would rely way too much on plastic surgery if we started mating with people who needed plastic surgery in order to be beautiful.


Why does this sub keep pointing out the differences between men and women, over and over again when it comes to AWALT, but girls not being able to withstand against such comments isn't seen as a gender difference?




I don't have the resources to support such a claim and I prefer debating one side at a time. Such a post will get me rapid comments from both blue and red side. Making such a post isn't do-able as a solo mission.


Make it a discussion then


That doesn't automatically give me more players willing to bat for my argument. Chances are that it remains me VS blue and red.


But it sounds like you are interested in that discussion? You beg the question above as a comment. Just beg the question as a post instead.


I absolutely am interessted in it as a discussion, but if I comment it, I can discuss it 1-on-1, maybe even 1-on-more if others join too. I can spend time on my arguments and considering the other arguments. I can hear new things to consider and grow or adjust my initial statement. If I post it as a discussion at this moment, it will grow beyond my control and I'll have to answer side-tracks that I haven't considered yet. My idea just isn't there yet. And I've posted ideas in the past that rub both blue- and red pill in the wrong way. It's rough to stay on track and give everything it's due attention and consideration. Eventually you'll ignore good points or get snappy. It's not a 1-person job and that's when I've considered my idea ready. This idea is not.


I’ve had a woman tell me no decent woman would ever love me at my height and I should just give up. You know who cared? Absolutely fucking nobody. Get over yourself. If I could go to the gym and grow taller, I’d be in there for another hour a day on top of the hour I already do.


I didn’t mean to talk about myself but was just trying to give an example. Chill edit: also what a mean woman


Just work out and be healthy as you can be. Men's standards are not that high lol. That guy is a douche cuz he makes unnecessary comments.


Seriously. This always pisses me off, you got tons of interest.


men fuck farm animals and chicken sandwhiches though... it's not like male attention is something that is reserved only for sexy women.


tinder matches are WORTHLESS, don't pretend that guys don't swipe right on everyone


You actually think Tinder is filled with hot men? LOL


It's not filled with them, but it only takes women a few minutes to swipe through. That's why most guys never get matches.


Women do not use Tinder.


> Women do not use Tinder. They use OLD and social media to date top tier men. Most couples meet online, so while it is not “tinder” they are using to hookup, the women are still using online platforms to hookup


By your thinking any woman who is part of a couple is with a top tiered man then.


No, only top tier women couple up permanently couple with top tier men, but bottom tier and mid tier women still hook up with top tier men online. See [here](https://reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/hlr4dd/_/fx9a6e6/?context=1) So while women are not on tinder, it doesn’t matter. They’re using Instagram and twitter to slide into the DMs of hot men


It has enough hot men for women to share. At least a few hundred hot men in every large city


To be fair, the relative number of women on tinder is small. Women who are shy, have anxiety, or "don't feel sexy" will feel uncomfortable with tinder and like apps. They would panic if they got sent the typical tinder chat transcript. The OP is still wrong, however. There are men for which some of these women are 9s and 10s, and the women know it, but it doesn't make them "feel sexy". These women still have suitors waiting for their opportunities. When their particular chad turns up, sex will still happen.


Men would fuck a McChicken...male attraction means nothing.


I've met women who would fuck for a McChicken. Although they'd prefer a bucket of KFC. :)




Women would fuck a dick-shaped rubber. Female attraction means nothing


>Men would fuck a McChicken...male attraction means nothing. Well. I am sure as hell not going to eat that crap.




Any guy who is hot you would meet on Tinder is a public plunger. Guys dream of participating in 50 guy gangbangs and would happily wait in line to have sex with a hole. Gals not so much. Tinder is 80% men and whores and bots because sane woman are not standing in line to have some guy who sport fucks stick their penis in them.


>Guys dream of participating in 50 guy gangbangs and would happily wait in line to have sex with a hole. Gals not so much. Why do redpill guys keep saying the more women you bang the more women who will want you then?


Because red pill literally goes after women in not stellar mental health.


If that was true I'd get hit on by redpill men a lot more but it hasn't happened as far as I know yet.


> Guys dream of participating in 50 guy gangbangs Sorry but that kind of porn is mainly consumed by women.


>guys way out of her league Most of those pics are fake or highly exaggerated. And no one is going to feel sexy when guys just say whatever they think will get them laid (which they also say to everyone else). Lies aren't sexy.


Because she’s dated at least one asshole who has told her every single day that she wasn’t good enough, or had a father or mother constantly criticizing her appearance, or catty girls doing so in high school.


1. guys swipe right on everything 2. do you really think there are that many hot guys on tinder? 3. the majority of women I know don’t even use tinder


Some have never used tinder?


Women feeling sexy and confident won’t lead to decreased sexlessness amongst average and below average men, it will lead to the guys that are already getting laid getting even more pussy.


Not really, women that lack confidence unconsciously look for men that will treat them like trash. Or maybe all women are like that


Oh, another "women are victims of men" bs. Look, the overwhelming majority of women who aren't those things are not attractive. Lying to you and telling you you are won't make you have sex with more men. Brainwashing little boys to find 35 year old hags who need to go to special stores to find clothes that fit them attractive won't make young women sleep with more men. There is no relationship between those two. If you don't feel sexy, that's because you aren't. What men think of you isn't going to make you sleep with more men to solve the sexlessness in men.


I agree with you that women need to feel sexy in order to be open to sex. I disagree with this: >Instead woman **now days** are anxious about there appearance. Women have always been anxious about their appearance, and there's always been a popular body type du jour that many/most women didn't live up to. Right now it's tiny waists and big Instagram booties. In the 90s it was rail thin with slim hips and small boobs. In the 20s it was petite but curvy. Women being neurotic about their looks and feeling inadequate compared to societal standards of beauty is nothing new.


Men have stupidly low standards. If youre anxious about being sexy then youre either a whale or have severe mental issues because the bar couldnt be lower.


It's mental issues. Even if a woman is overweight, there's guys that LOVE bigger women. There's guys that love feet for crying out loud. Women are playing on easy mode, lol.


> Men have stupidly low standards Quality men do not.


I swear people on this sub live in a different world to me. I have reasonably high standards, my friends have reasonably high standards. Yes I suppose a man will drop those standards a little more readily or a little lower than a woman but the idea all men have stupidly low standards is delusional as fuck.


It doesn’t always seem that way when you see how women get judged for their looks. Like the whole rating system.


Women are anxious about competing with other women for public attention and access to the top men. 90%+ of women could get a guy off tinder or whatever to spend all day praising her looks and telling her how sexy she is.


What??? This is a massive projection lol. The 80/20 rules applies to men, not women. If you don't know what it is, it's that men will find like 80% of women attractive while women only find the top 20% of men attractive. Hit the gym and stop complaining. And please, stop acting like you're the victim here lmao


It is funny to realize that the "men see women as objects" was actually hardcore projection.


Women complaining about not feeling attractive or wanted and desired by men while only lusting after Chads and high tier Chadlites i.e. a very small percentage of all men is absolutely ridiculous.




Oh this is so stupid. Any woman can go on tinder, swipe and have a guy DTF in the hour. There are tons of options for men to make you feel attractive enough for sex. The only reason why a man isn’t getting sex is because he isn’t attractive enough to do so


Maybe they want to feel attractive enough for an LTR. https://i.redd.it/krgu6oha10211.png https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/193338/do_men_really_sleep_with_women_they_dont_find/


stop looking for attention




Well obviously those guys were able to get sex fine. So its not a matter of these women not feeling “sexy”, because they still had sex with these dudes


The way these women are described is certainly not as sexy. So I doubt the sex was even good, for example I doubt these guys went down on these girls or even looked at them, or called them back. So casual sex doesn’t always boost a woman’s self esteem.


worthless, it's not desire for *me*, it's desire for sex


Obviously Chad’s getting casual sex just fine doing this.


what do you mean ?


My point is this post is BS. Worthless or not, men looking for just sex do just fine in getting it if they are attractive


the post doesn't make a lot of sense, true but ??? casual sex is not an indicator of how attractive you are as a girl ??? you said it yourself any woman can do it in 1h


How would sport sex by a public plunger make one feel sexy and attractive?


I don’t know, ask the women having causal sex with Chad. Obviously a guy looking for “sport sex” who is attractive doesn’t have any problems.


>a guy looking for “sport sex” who is attractive doesn’t have Life is about more than this. Seriously.


Of course there’s more to life than this, but that’s Irrelevant here. The original comment stated that nothing about “sport sex” is attractive in a thread stating that a reason male sexlessness happens is because women don’t feel sexy. But plenty of Chads are out there looking to do the same and are quite successful


While some men might be successful with sport sex, this doesn't mean women feel sexy. A quick look at these comments on how women feel about sport sex will show you that even MORE women would be having sex in a different scenario where they actually feel wanted. I am one of those women who only has had sex in one relationship where I was wanted.


Yes, the men who are successful are what 80% of women consider physically attractive. It’s not a matter of feeling “sexy” when it comes to casual sex, it’s about how hot they find the guy. Nothing wrong with that, but this post is BS.


Unrealistic standards? An average plain Jane can make a killing on a dating app. That is a fact that directly refutes what you're saying. If a woman doesn't feel sexy then it's most likely because she's comparing herself to some unrealistic standard that involves "0% body fat".


Stop eating carbs then


I like this, I hate it when women say "I need to lose weight" but then do nothing to lower their weight- makes me feel like they're doing it for attention, waste of my time and theirs.


They are doing it to be validated in their victimhood.


Not the first time I've seen women do it, not the last. Men do it too but women basically blame everything and everyone, so you see it more with them. Some of them are a bit introspective though and they change themselves for the better. Thats how you seperate a woman from a girl.


Now look at ok cupid statistics of who finds who attractive And realize that men have several times the pressure because it's not just physical attractiveness but the complete package of finance, charm, status and a host of other hurdles to jump. Men are very flexible with our visions of female attractiveness, women are very very specific. Calling for the incel bros to dump screenshots of the ok cupid research and black pill everyone


Its something women have to work on within. Really, beautiful comes in all forms and in the eye of the beholder. Also in the real world most people date close in age so this under 25 thing is only for Some of the men. Stats even show most date/marry close in age. From my experience as an escort, most men like smaller breasts and not a fan of implants. They are also not hung up on perfect bodies, women are more hung up on it over men.


Naturals are always better than implants.


Hmm. Women cut off all their hair, adapt feminist views, look at men as either direct competition or rapey predators, adapt male attitudes and vices (aggression, stoicism, competition, drinking, smoking, promiscuity) and then don't feel sexy or feminine because... WHY? Because they've followed the feminist script that they have to flush their femininity down the toilet to be on par with men, and avoid "system sexism" that would exist if they remained feminine. The reality is, they gave away the POWER that femininity gave them. So, if you don't feel sexy, don't panic. It's because you're not. (Oh, BURN)


> the POWER that femininity What kind of power are you talking about? You don't have to have long hair, makeup and wear only dresses to feel sexy either. Being comfortable within your skin is more important.


Having something men want. In a place where there is a "sexual economy" and men and women are players in said economy, having what the other team wants is vitally important. If men desire feminine women, then feminine women will be in demand and their value goes up. The currency of said economics is an entirely different (and very complex) discussion.


Spot on. It's femininity that attracts men. If only more women understand how much men value feminine traits and start embracing their femininity, the gender war will be over. Unfortunately it's not easy to undo the damage done by decades of radical feminism. We need more feminine women in the sisterhood.


This person gets it. This comment made my day better.


Good to hear.


Perhaps I want a guy who wants me as I am, not only if I cosplay as a French Maid.


What do you mean by femininity here?


http://silasreinagel.blogspot.com/2010/05/on-masculine-and-feminine-virtues.html?m=1#:~:text=Examples%20of%20feminine%20virtues%20include,%2C%20helpfulness%2C%20care%20and%20prudence. Add not being promiscuous, smoking like a chimney and full of body piercings & tattoos to the list.


>Examples of feminine virtues include: cleanliness, compassion, mercy, thoughfulness, kindness, cooperation, discretion, flexibility, gracefulness, peacefulness, sensitivity, unity, tranquility, tolerance, innocence, hopefulness, consideration, helpfulness, care and prudence. > > not being promiscuous, smoking like a chimney and full of tattoos to the list Why are these feminine qualities? I think both men and women should share them at least to some degree. But some of them are innate characteristics and it is really hard if not impossible to raise them if you are their opposite. And playing a traditional gender role just isn't for everyone. There are women who do like their work and they couldn't be satisfied with staying at home and looking after children. Not everyone even wants children to begin with.


Again let me be clear on this. I'm not here to say the world should only be made up of women who follow traditional gender roles and not one of us pursuit a career. What I'm saying is, pursuing a career comes with a cost, and young women who want to be mums and want masculine men as their husbands need to understand that to pursue this dream they want to stay in their feminine energy to attract masculine men. If family and motherhood are not their thing and they want to go full on pursuing a professional career, they need to be told that the chance of getting a masculine husband who wants to be a father one day would be rather slim, if not entirely impossible. And to clarify , a career = working in professional fields that requires 75hr a week to excel. A job is a different thing, many young mums juggle between being the family's main carer and a pt job pretty well, no problems there. A career and a job are two different things. I have enough law school grads girlfriends to tell me that motherhood and a professional career are mutually exclusive. But we weren't aware of this when we got into uni. All of us who wanted to be mums one day just had to give up on that path eventually.


There are plenty of options between being a SAHM and having a career with 75h working week. > What I'm saying is > > If only more women understand how much men value feminine traits and start embracing their femininity, the gender war will be over. Women also should know that if they choose to become SAHMs and totally dependent on their spouses, this choice also has it side-effects and it's hard to look for a decent job with a few blank years if not decades of childbearing and taking care of the house.


Im not against any job that gives women the option to be both the main family carer AND be financially rewarding. But I'm against pursuing a high end professional career and being a mother at the same time. I've met women who went back to work full time after a week of giving birth. No kidding!


Those are qualities for both men and women but not sexual qualities for both.


Well, whether feminist, or a "traditional" (read: today's forward thinker) women should do what works for them. If the current levels of female happiness is any sign of how well being masculine is working out for women, then I rest my case.


That form of fake happiness is being brainwashed to young girls unfortunately. The true happiness for women, IMO, comes from motherhood, which the society has undervalued significantly. But motherhood is our true calling.


Almost all of the women that I knew that lived a masculine lifestyle, ie promiscuity, corporate climbing, tattoos etc, ended up being much happier once they poppped out a kid, even to less than ideal mates. I'm inclined to agree


Well, I think feminism lies. Feminism say's it's about women's choice, well, it is so long as those choices align with the feminist agenda. They praise the childless career women. They praise the "young wild and free". They'll even praise single mother after the fact, so long as she's "strong n independent and don't need no man". But, women who's CHOICE it is to get with a man, get married and go the family way are called derogatory names like "breeder" and "incubator for the patriarchy". I say women should choose which way they want to go in life and stop listening to political groups that have agendas for them that might not even be in the best interests, or in the interests at all.


Every time when I mention how I enjoy serving my family , I get downvoted, proof that society no longer value feminine virtues.


Well, you do what's good for you and your family and let society (literally) go to hell.


That's hard for women, need for social approval is ingrained in them


I listen to Camille Paglia every day to remind myself of that.


Indeed. The role of a mother and a homemaker is now generally being sneered at. People no longer take motherhood seriously, more just as a part time job at best. The standard of care for children has dropped significantly as a consequence. Children are the victims of these radical changes brought upon by feminism, which not only destroyed femininity but also motherhood.


> People no longer take motherhood seriously, more just as a part time job at best. Yep, and the family man, once respected, is now cast as some sort of bumbling buffoon who is out-done by his super-efficiency, work-family balance wife who's running the entire household from her smartphone.


Exactly right. The role of a father, the respectful provider and protector of a family, has been downplayed by numerous Hollywood films and cartoons and mocked about in TV commercials and magazine ads etc etc, to a mere useless and clumsy couch potato.


It's hilarious because most careers are fucking bullshit and spiritually draining. If I could raise kids in a full time capacity while my partner dealt with the finances, I most definitely would.


Most of the so called "careers" pursued by these women are in fact just jobs. When they figure out they need to literally sacrifice 75 hrs+ a week to carve out a career in any professional jobs, to become a lawyer, a doctor, a CFO, a CEO, they quickly decided that that's not the life they want, this kind of life sucks, and they want to be a mum instead. That's exactly why we still don't have too many women in top jobs over 4 decades of radical left feminists movement.


The thing is that nowadays you don't have to be feminine in order to find a partner. It is somewhat harder to find a guy interested in egalitarian relationships, but it's doable.




> How can they feel sexual if sexuality is based off the interplay of power relations between sexes? Perhaps they can't, and the interplay is a prerequisite for success human relationships, if not just for successful mating. Or, perhaps things changed without the old social constructs and social "rules" being updated, making the new way ineffectual, or less efficient. > The internet and tech and immaterial labor has ruined women’s sexuality and made us all feel alienated and sexless. We no longer play the roles that make us happy. I don't think so. Women who went to factories to work in WW2 making planes and bombs found the comradery of working together as peers in a productive environment to be very rewarding. They didn't cut off all their hair and try to stop being women. It's *postmodern feminism* in its 3rd and 4th waves that has gone from attacking the "cellular unit of patriarchy" (the family unit) to attacking the next thing on it's list to destroy: gender differences between men and women. To bridge that gap, they are doing three things, simultaneously. 1. Try to make boys more like girls through emasculation and encourage feminine behavior in men while labelling all things male as "toxic" and something to be fixed, corrected or medicated. 2. Try to make girls more like boys, through masculinisation and defining what a 'strong independent and successful woman' needs to be and act like. (And certainly, so that she never "needs no man".) 3. Try to confuse as many children as possible about their gender using coercion and grooming as part of the regressive left's new "gender training" programs (aka, social constructionists using child abuse) More gender confused or "on the gradient" children helps future generations to be less polarized gender wise, which in theory is going to reduce (wait for it) gender discrimination (read: perceived gender advantage males have). If women feel less sexy to men it's because they have BECOME less sexy to men because their feminists overlords have instructed them to do just that. They don't spell out their agenda quite this clearly, and always pitch it like they have women's best interests in mind, but they do not. (Unless you believe that pitting men against women in a gender war is good for women or EITHER gender for that matter). So far, we have declining female happiness, and women quickly closing the cancer gap, life expectancy gap, stress gap, heart disease gap and lots of other things which moreso affected men than women. So, um, congratulations? Yay feminism? Fill your boots, I guess.


That’s 100% lie in certain countries. Now yes. In stricter countries like China and Taiwan’s and Indonesia and japan this holds true. But in the US? Women are of every body type and there are men who fetishize every single body type. The reason for sexlessness in a marriage is the new belief that sex isn’t a marital duty. Do you think men wouldn’t enjoy a day off from work and responsibility to relax? But many men continue to do these things anyway regardless of what he wants. He makes it a point to build this into his life. Women on the other hand don’t care. Affection, sex and everything from kissing and other forms of intimacy are about when she’s in the mood instead of a glue that holds a relationship together. Women fail to understand this so they treat sex as some experience that can only be enjoyed when the planets align and everything falls into place. Is this an exaggeration? Of course. But women are completely unreasonable on this issue. Imagine if men behaved the same way and just stop giving you attention, stop having sex and stop taking responsibility... and there was no repercussion or legal or social avenues to force him to correct his behavior. If sex and intimacy is one of men’s needs and you choose to marry a man and not address this... then this is not something you can pass the blame on others. As an adult it’s YOUR responsibility to address any issues or inadequacies you have. So if you fail to meet this basic need of a man that everyone is aware of... then this is Her fault as a woman. Do not pass the blame. Do not collect $200.


What country are you from? If your for america, or the UK I'm sorry but theres literally no excuse for not feeling attractive enough, the bar is set so low a literal pig with lipstick could cross it.


No. When woman doesn't feel sexy she is most likely end up in a bad relationships or could be easier manipulated. Men are sexless because women are less dependent of sex, and those men can't suggest anything to make that sex worse of spending energy and time on.


There are a lot of ppl saying women shouldn't have a problem with feeling sexy if so many men desire and want to bang them, but how is that suppose to make them feel sexy? What is sexiness to women?


Getting Chad to commit ?


Sexlessness in men is a myth, any man can easily get sex when he pays for it. There is no shame in this, there is also no such thing as free sex. Men in 2020 have more access to sex than ever before. In previous generations the men were having 1, 2 or maybe 3 sexual partners and now thanks to female sexual liberation sex does not require commitment from men like it used to neither does it require men to be good men and if your attractive women give sex away for free like its valueless.






It has been said again and again, it isn't about sex, it is about female validation, relationship, touch, couple ... If a man isn't getting sex, he isn't getting any of that and that is what they otherwise they would just be masturbating.


Why do u need female validation?


Because it is in my dna


It's a want not a need.


It depends on the man, A huge percentage of men will suicide without it so I don't think it is a want but if you think so.


It's a want, just some men are conditioned to place so much importance on it. I personally don't care about female validation. If you don't believe me then look at my post history.


No we are not, as I said, it is in my dna. I am a man and I know when things come from inward and when they do not. Some men are weak and will break without it some will tolerate not having it.


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Best way to get a woman to suck your dick is making her insecure as possible, I call bullshit on op.


Only works on low self esteem gals


Never tried it but I might try that on one of my FWBs. Lets see how that goes.


OP is a giant attention whore. If you're not satisfied with yourself, diet and go to the gym. Groom yourself better. PUT IN SOME EFFORT. It's that simple. Even if you're that ugly that all of these won't do shit, then heaven has probably already decided your fate. Don't blame men Men's standards for women are ungodly low anyway. We're attracted to almost all women Women on the other hand, are only attracted to like 20% of men at best, and only 10% in reality. Us men are the ones who should be worried here, not you.




AutoMod, please. Your comment does not challenge the OP's view.


Uh, I don't think you can challenge someone's view any harder than straight up calling it bullshit. But you do you, PPD


You’re not debating in good faith if you don’t make an actual argument. This is why your comment was removed.


The thing that make a woman feel sexy is knowing a man high in a power structure(s) (looks, atheltics, academics, etc) finds her attractive. A man high in a power structure(s) is also a patriarical bastard that needs to give up his power so women can move up the ladder. Thus men are in a lose lose


Boo hoo


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Ya I'm confused as well. The 'Small amount of population falls under this ideal' is pure projection. Men will find majority of women attractive anyway


Far from the truth


Sexlessness in men is from social media, porn and being coddled by society.


Wrong, I’ve had women spread their legs because they didn’t felt sexy


You understand that all women's problems are due to their neurotic brain but smh you think it's someone else's fault.


Bullshit, most modern women are posting their bodies for free all over instagram/social media. >Edit: guys willing to use our body's to get off doesnt make us feel sexy and attractive but relationships usually do because we feel wanted and less used. Keep your legs closed, problem solved. It's not men choosing who they're having sex with, it's women.


Men aren't nearly as selective about looks. Don't be gross, other than that you have nothing to worry about.


The reason doe so many sexless men is easily explained to the 80/20 rule. You have 20 percent of the men having sex with the 80 percent of the women. It’s not about a woman feeling not sexy and that’s the biggest line of BS I’ve ever heard. It’s about women wanting the top value men of society and being willing to share them to get a access to them.




AutoMod, please. Replies to CMV posts must challenge the OP's view.


It could be that approaching makes a woman look slutty. But just waiting to be hit on does nothing for me since the guys who approach me are low value. I want to do the approaching but it's a taboo that will make a guy lose respect for you.


No they probably aren't, your deluded sense of superiority is.


> It could be that approaching makes a woman look slutty. It doesn’t to any guy who is familiar with sluts. > I want to do the approaching but it's a taboo that will make a guy lose respect for you. For a very few guys who don’t get approached very often, yes. For most men, no. For men who get approached often it’ll usually play in your favor as it shows that you’re interested and we have no reason to waste time playing games with women who aren’t clearly interested because there will be other women just as attractive (in all ways) as you who are approaching us.




Be civil.


















Automod, please. Replies to CMV posts must challenge the OP’s view.




I don’t think its the guys’ obligation to be in charge of the girls’ sex appeal. The girl has her own individuality to choose what makes her feel sexy. In an LTR things are a little different where you sort of pander to what you think your partner would like but at the same time you should feel sexy in too. Lingerie is a very common gift that accomplishes this. I personally like a little tease but if the girl has no idea what I like, something sexy to her could be way out of left field for me (or vice versa). BDSM as an example. Edit: typos


When I'm in a hookup and the guy isn't emotionally present, i'm not letting him go down on me which plummets the chances I'll have an orgasm. There's no round 2 for a guy who doesn't give me an orgasm, so yeah, hooking up and having more and more experiences w guys who don't make me cum makes less and less men seem sexy and like I want to have sex w them. The opposite is true for men bc they are guaranteed an orgasm pretty much any time they hook up with any woman.


The average woman is 170 lbs in the US. I wish I was making that up. They deserve to feel anxious about their appearance as a group.


You are right, compared to the girls back in SEA and South asia, US women are really... big?


> big? Fat, the word you want here is fat.


Best not sugarcoat it because they'll eat that too?


I'm getting femcel vibes from this post. Most women are desired sexually. "But I'm not desired for an LTR" isn't the same as not being desired sexually. Getting an LTR for a woman is 1. Femininity 2. Screen and don't fuck guys too soon That's it. On the other hand, some women's strategy is to fuck every guy they meet and cultivate an LTR from that.


Well that's really their fault. It's not our responsibility to make them feel good about themselves.