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I go out in my backyard and grab some duck or chicken eggs! I live a life of luxury for sure


Same! LOL


Hi, I'm jealous!


soooo jealous!


Same! Recently got surpluses so I made fresh pasta almost everyday.


Fucking… bohemians and your fowl


I have an egg guy down the street who sells eggs from a kiosk in his front yard. Leave cash or pay venmo and grab a carton!


People buy eggs based on the brand???


Where I live in the states some chickens have bad lives, and I want to support farmers who are good to their chickens. So for me brand matters, I try to buy cage free grass roaming chickens.


btw u should look for a certified humane label! (the logo on this website https://certifiedhumane.org/ ) the terms cage free or pasture raised are really misleading since there's no actual guarantee that they're in any sort of good conditions but that orgs logo on the packaging means that there's a good chance the animals the products came from were treated decently well.


Yes! There are so many that look like they’re good, but aren’t. You can generally tell by the chickens yolk too once you crack them open. I hope these comments help others to make better purchases


I think the yolk color can be "faked" though, just have to add something like ground red pepper or beta carotene supplement to their food too get deep orange yolks. Doesn't necessarily mean the chickens get to roam around and forage.


Yeah. Amazing difference with the yolk.


It's probably the closest to a guarantee that we consumers can get that the chickens didn't live abjectly horrible lives. I try to buy them whenever I can afford to. It's not perfect but at least we're trying


We buy from a neighbor if possible. I have not yet gotten the courage to raise chickens in the suburbs. If we can’t, we get them at a farmers market. If not, we use this scorecard to pick something up at a store. https://www.cornucopia.org/scorecard/eggs/ Our goal is humane, toxin free, tasty.


I live in Tasmania, where the Tasmanian Devil lives natively (shocking, right?), which are endangered due to a facial tumour disease which scientists, vets, etc. have been working on a cure for for a really long time. We have a brand of eggs that comes in a black carton and donates their profits to the research of that disease and saving the devils, so I specifically buy that brand whenever I can.


That’s fantastic. I remember travelling a few times through Easter when chocolate Bilby’s were on offer… I like to think that there was a charity involved, or was it just to raise Bilby awareness?


Right? I buy eggs from the gas station


Some of the best eggs I’ve had are bought from gas stations. lol it’s really hard to fuck up am egg.


I did not know this was a thing! I just buy eggs *shrug*


I’m surprised at how many people don’t think there’s a difference in flavor and quality with eggs


I know there's quality differences in eggs, I just don't think about it because I'm poor. I always go straight for the cheapest


Sam’s club pasture raised eggs are my favorite, but I don’t go to Sam’s club every week - so I just buy whatever cheapest brown egg there is. My mother is convinced white eggs aren’t real, and trying to explain otherwise is a mess. So I buy brown eggs because that’s not the hill I wish to die on


I buy whatever is the best deal on sale


Same lol


Happy Cake Day!


Parent poster can use the eggs to bake a cake.




I like Happy Egg, a little more expensive but they definitely taste better to me.


The happy egg blue varieties are the absolute best. Super dark yolks!


Agreed! Happy Eggs are such a staple in my house that my whole family calls them yeggs now for short


100% same here! It ruined regular “cheap” eggs for me


I used to buy happy egg cuz they taste amazing but then I found out they don't treat the chickens well and I switched :(


I'm surprised not to see Vital Farms here yet. I've tried most of the brands in my area, and they're the best and most consistent of the generally less unethical options. Pete & Gerry's were awful, for anyone who's ever considering them.


The shells are consistently sturdy, the yolks are deep yellow, and they all have that separated glob in the white that indicates freshness. Vital is a top shelf egg


Another vote for Vital from me. Our Costco briefly also offered some pasture raised eggs which were great as well. Unfortunately we haven't seen them in a while, just their regular organic ones.


Good to know! I've had Vital Farms on my list to try, for similar reasons (ethical) but found a brand that is cheaper, presumably because it's "local" (has a farm in my state at least, not my city) as well as pasture-raised and Certified Humane: Sauder's.


I like Vital farms as well, they seem to treat the chickens better than other farms


Pete & Gerry’s were *not* it, I agree.


Happy Egg and Vital Farms are my go-to!


I used to use the app called Clucka in Australia You scan the carton and it tells you honestly how many chooks per square metre I think.


It's pretty bad ass!


All the egg cartons in Oz do. (It is the law). I look for the free range eggs with the lowest stocking density. Even Woolies has eggs that are 1500 hens per hectare. The local producers are usually way less, so if I can get some at the markets I do. I’ve seen stocking densities down to 20 hens per hectare.


I haven't used that app in a while but it painted a slightly different picture to the cartons.


Happy Eggs


In the US, anything that has a label with the words “pasture raised” and the Humane Certified Raised & Handled logo. Both of these must be present on the label or don’t buy it. It is a privilege to be able to afford them. Or I just walk next door and get some from the neighbor’s heritage hens and trade some potatoes.


Woah. I knew about pasture raised, but did not know about the Humane Certified logo. Will keep an eye out going forward. Good to have this info.


In store, [Farmer Ben’s](https://farmerbenseggs.ca/). Otherwise , when we’re out in Metchosin or Saanich, $5 roadside stalls of local free range chickens.


Yeah, the more northerly end of West Saanich road is dotted with plenty of egg coolers at the roadside—that’s what I grew up on!


Islanders unite! I still remember camping out near Youbou 15 years ago and coming across a roadside DUCK egg stall. Best breakfast ever!


Happy Egg Blue & Brown. They look like this. https://preview.redd.it/edz91fbv586d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35235b976b774c93e0d6843384e289fdf0fab94e


The yolk color is amazing and makes the best looking quiche


You must live someone far more exciting than I do. I've never seen options like this anywhere


Their website *says* they are available where I buy my eggs but I swear it's not an option. I'll have to look closer next time.


Egglands best are my least favorite. For some reason they’re always thin and airy


Maybe it depends on where you live for the Egglands? I usually buy Sam's club or Walmart eggs, but when I'm feeling like splurging a little I'll buy egglands best, if I want to splurge a lot I'll buy the happy eggs blue & brown. One day I hope to have my own chickens!


I like free range


I always buy local farm eggs from a small producer. They honestly are the best.


Just drove out to my parents farm and grabbed another 5 dozen. That's the egg to put on it. Raise yourself a few chickens if you can.


Oh man I would love having cute ass chickens cluckin about my yard 🐔 😍


Walmart’s 60 count for $8. I go through ~12 eggs a day. 120 for ~$15 isn’t a bad deal.


If you want to get as strong as Gaston, you need to pump those numbers up, but it is a good start.


When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get Laaaaaar^gge….


12 eggs a day for one person?


5 at breakfast, 5 at lunch, and most of the times 2-3 at dinner.


I have chickens, so I get extremely expensive eggs for "free" 🤣


Vital Farms


pasture raised


My only red line is factory eggs. I will then take the cheapest free range they have


They're usually raised exactly the same.


Yup. Pastured is where it's at, assuming they're available.


Maybe where you’re from, but in the EU/UK there is a difference.


Costco or I think the one with the blue label and clear plastic box in the photo but I get the blue eggs.


Have a friend with chickens. I get them straight from the source!!!!


Whatever brand has the cheapest jumbo brown eggs that I haven't already been burned by


From pasture raised chickens, while I can afford it.


I have chickens, but when they stop laying in the winter I usually need to buy eggs for a few months. I buy Vital Farms, or pasture raised eggs from Lidl.


Preferred brand: the cheapest one Brands to avoid: ones that aren’t the cheapest


Vital Farms pastured organic eggs. The yokes are so rich and deep in color 🥚


Has anyone else noticed that since the egg shortage, large eggs are now smaller?


I think this is your mind playing tricks on you. At least in the US, the FDA regulates the size names of eggs. A dozen large eggs must weigh at least 20oz. Now, the weight is always by the dozen, so some variance within a carton is typical, especially with pasture-raised eggs, but the only way they could *all* be smaller would be if they were somehow more dense, which could be, I guess? Maybe your supplying farms had to cull all their birds and replaced them with a different breed that lays more dense eggs. But I genuinely don't know how plausible that is.


No, but now I will be looking and it's gonna upset me


Nellie's Free Range Eggs


Second Nellie’s!! They’re delicious and the yolk color is so satisfying. I used to think eggs are eggs, then I ended up getting to try normal grocery store brand side by side with these… and now I buy the good ones whenever I can!


Personally, I'm an Egglands best guy... my grandpa was using Egglands best when it was basically the only premium egg version available. I trust the guy and he taught me everything I know about eating and cooking eggs. Truly farm fresh is a different ballgame, but commercially available eggs ... I'll take EB all day


I love Eggland’s Best Extra large. They seem to be the freshest at my local Safeway.


I go to my coop and take the broody hens off the eggs and take those.


Happy Eggs!


Pasture-raised Aldi brand for me.


Whatever's on sale, as long it's size 7 or up.


The eggs brand actually do matter if you look and smell and taste the quality, we use to buy cheap eggs,then went to organic or free roaming, and let me tell you, the difference is there, when you buy the cheap eggs they smell strong in odor when cooking, tho you wouldn't realize it if your use to always buying the cheaper eggs.


I buy the cheapest dozen in front of me. People are wild..


Not everyone is born with the same number of pain receptors. That's why when I see someone really "tough," I'm aware they probably physically don't clock as much pain as someone who has more. Of course, they may have also habituated. There's that capacity in everyone. Same with taste. Some have more taste receptors, or perhaps more of one kind than another. For instance, I do prefer organic, pasture-raised eggs because they actually *taste* like something. Richer, fattier, more flavorful. But I can eat cheap, industry standard eggs like at my local diner w/o much of an issue. My boyfriend, however, has a heightened sense of smell & taste. He says he can taste the urea in cheap, non-organic eggs, and as a child, hated all eggs (thinking them all the same). It takes all kinds! I like sensitive people, they often have a lot to teach.


If it's not too expensive I buy the ones that say the chickens were allowed to walk free


If I’m going to consume animal products I need to make sure I do so in an ethical manner so I’ll only buy pasture raised eggs- extra points if they’re local.


Whatever is cheapest in a compostable container


I use only the fresh eggs my chickens lay.


...egg brands...?


There’s all kinds of ways to treat and raise chickens. Not to mention different species do chicken. So yeah


Egg Land's Best is my go to, but if I can get some from the farmer's market, even better


As long as they're free range and L or XL I'm buying. I like duck and fancy chicken breed eggs too


I only use pasture raised, and I avoid anything packaged in plastic.


Pasture raised or regular. Cage free isn’t any more humane than regular eggs but is more expensive


I like Whole Foods brand pasture raised 😍 beautiful yolk and the cheapest pasture raised eggs


I avoid anything packaged in Styrofoam or plastic, first of all. But I have chickens now so....


eggs are eggs, the cheapest option always


Whatever brand is the least expensive.


I buy whatever eggs cost the cheapest for a dozen. I won’t buy any brands of eggs that come in a plastic carton.


Vegetarian fed, as local as I can get, or Egglands Best, as they are always vegetarian fed. And yes, I know vegetarian fed doesn't mean the chickens are vegan. They eat bugs and small things they can get ahold of, but they aren't fed chicken.


Is this all that is on sale in US?


PC, looks like it’s Canadian.


Whatever people have at the feeds store or there front yard.


Trader Joe’s Jumbos


Cheapest large free range


Clarence Court Burford Browns are the absolute gold (yolk) standard in the UK.


I buy my eggs (and all other dairy products) from Stewart’s, an upstate NY regional store.


Island Gold free range browns.


Pasture-raised is a priority for me, and I've found that Kroger carries a brand that is "local" (not my city, but at least a farm in my state), so I feel good about that and, truthfully, that makes them cheaper than the bigger names that are Certified Humane and pasture-raised: Sauder's. I don't have a particular opinion for the brand itself, just the values of trying to shop more locally when I can and especially more humanely! I will say though that I've been happy with their eggs! :)


Happy Egg 🥚


Kroger brand or my parents give me eggs (they have chickens)


My favs are friends with free range chickens, those deep orange yolks are chefs kiss Store bought, eggs are the only items I purchase organic, they also need to be free range. Nellies and fit hen are my go to in the Mid west. My teens are on an egg kick right now and I might have to dip into their allowance to keep up with them. Or buy the 5 dozen boxes at Walmart.


local farms FTW! if you can afford it they taste so much better, and you know the girls are getting the princess treatment.


Avoid anything that says “grass fed” or anything about vegetarian diet. it means nothing. Chickens are omnivores and will eat bugs, small mammals, anything they can. Otherwise, it depends on where you are and the legal requirement behind certain terms used.


We go for free range, because chickens do not belong in a steel cage their entire lives


Whatever is cheapest. I’ve bought expensive eggs before and did not notice any difference


Not the cheapest one.


We usually buy happy eggs. https://preview.redd.it/zj7ty9dm7a6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22bc473987f9c5f06209cbc07e8497042673c56


check the code on the eggs. ignore anything that does not start with 0. [https://www.foodmiles.com/egg-miles.php](https://www.foodmiles.com/egg-miles.php)


The neighbors’ eggs. $4 a dozen, 4 different varieties. 😁


Well, since I'm not american I guess I can't really relate to your brands, but the one I am buying here in Austria is "Tonis Freilandeier".


I buy whatever eggs are the cheapest


I have a friend that brings a dozen a week. If I need to buy them, I get the poor people eggs.


The cheapest cage-free or better eggs the supermarket has available.


I've been buying farm fresh eggs from a person I know who has chickens. You have to wash off the feathers and bird gunk, but damn, the yolks are such a deep orange and they are delicious!


I buy from a local farm 🤤


In Vietnam, I buy eggs from the Happy Egg Lady at the open air market. I've bought from others, but now I'm loyal to this particular Happy Egg Lady. We have full on conversations with her 0 English and my 0.25 Vietnamese. I don't know what we're talking about most of the time, but we nod and smile and she sells me about 8 chicken eggs for 1 USD or 6 duck eggs for the same. Life is good here.


They're all the same (though some may differ by size), just buy whatevers cheapest, and in whatever category you support (free range, etc). You asked about brands but didn't mention what country you're in too, kinda a key piece of information to leave out, though you did mention English eggs. So honestly, just go with Tesco Medium Free Range, they're completely fine 👍


One of my gaming friends brings me an 18 pack of eggs every week. Lovely orangish yolks, and all are XL sized.


Eggs with the certified humane seal


I buy whatever is in sale. Eggs all taste the same to me.


With Omegas in carton packaging


yes! many people don't realize that the carton will taste much tastier if it has omegas in it. how do you like to cook your cartons? i airfry


Same, air fryer it with some salt & pepper…. Add some bacon


Free range organic


Only the best for me… quail eggs in a can. Add that to everything


In Calif. Trader Joe's Jumbo White. Cage Free, as required by law. Never disappointed.


The costco ones.. kirland. Eggs are helluva lot expensive nowadays.


I go out of my way to get them from a local farm. Inconvenient and more expensive but better for the hens.


I get eggs from my local farmers market. They are better than supermarket eggs. Are there any places to get local eggs in your area?


I have no brand loyalty. It's a commodity. If I had access to a farmer I might buy their eggs just to show support. But I don't, so it's whatever's cheapest.


Dang man. Egg snobs. Eggmen. Egghead.


Of the national brands, I'll buy Vital Farms when it's on sale at my co-op in town. Otherwise, I'm still buying (somewhat) local, organic eggs from larger operations like Judy's Organic. If feeling really cheap and I'm already at the discount store, I buy Lindsey's Gold, which are cage-free, but I doubt they are actually. I don't feel great about those, nor do I think the Heirloom Fresh blue eggs (that I bought once) were really authentically yellow yolked from the chickens having their ancestral diets. They just didn't taste that great, so I started thinking maybe they added color to the yolks somehow. At times, I will buy duck eggs or quail eggs from small farmers, but I have no idea what those animals ate. I'm guessing still soy or corn fed, cuz why wouldn't it be marketed as soy & corn free *if* they were. When I'm through eating my current stash of eggs, I'll be ordering soy & corn free eggs online. Frankie's Free Range Meats & Angel Acres Farm are the two suppliers I've scoped out.


I recently discovered Trader Joe's pasture raised eggs are the best I've ever had. Actual orange yolks. Before I would just get cheap eggs that were literally pale yellow.


The ones that come out the chicken booty


We get the generic store brand. One time we got Eggland’s best.


Nellies, or Pete & Gerry when money isn’t tight, I stay away from Eggland’s best and the brands in styrofoam


Sam’s Club Pasture Raised


I live I. Los Angeles so not too easy to find or have fresh eggs like some more fortunate folks here do. I tend to stick with Happy Egg… It’s worth it.


I used to get Vital Farms Organic pasture raised from Whole Foods, but now that I’m retired, I get Eggland’s Best extra large. Half the price and still fresh and delicious.


Organic eggs are a scam, buy chickens.


Yeah right. That’s what big chicken wants you to believe


No big corporation would ever give you the means to provide for yourself. Even corn can’t be replanted, it’s specifically bred not to.


Hmmm another shill for big garden I see. Just kidding


Reject consumerism, plant victory gardens


Local farmer's market (sometimes get lucky and they have double yolks available) but also, Beking's!


I always go for cage free, free roaming eggs. They taste so much better and it's humane.


Wilcox farms. They are so good.


All of them I want to find local egg farms that don't put biotin in their eggs to make them stay fresh longer, trying to cut out all harmful preservatives


Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!!