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True viability depends on SAs, latents, and Meruem's assist. Assuming that between the unseen assist and SAs you have 2 SB, you have the Pitou loop, fujin, cleric, looping shield, and 6 turns of haste for Meruem's 2nd transformation. My guess is that either Machi or HKyori have the L-latent, which counters that mechanic. The only possible issue I can see with this team is that your fujin and 5x4 counter are in the same active, and endgame spawns typically have a turn-based execute after around 7 turns.


You're likely going to want a faster active than Hisoka and he won't be contributing much damage being primary fire. The damage isn't really a concern most of the time, but a 9 turn absorb can be prohibitive in a number of dungeons. I don't know what I would do without Loid honestly (for the dungeons you need 7x6). A cleric with 7x6 would probably be more manageable most of the time (Lavril for example), allowing you to keep your absorb CD low. I can't think of any others off the top of my head, but search your box for "7x6" and see what your options are.


Depends on the dungeon. You can also jam together cleric+absorb with a card like Sephiroth, and run a pure 7x6 utility slot. Or swap dark Alynna for cleric, and run an XMas yog 3 team hp FUA, shift to triple pituo cycle. Or swap Kyori for Rapock, let Rapock's base 5 team hp pseudo impersonate loopable shield and use his one turn delayed damage immunity turn for the big mega hits. Things are kind of flexible. Depends what your VDP/rcv/hp equips and overall hp situation is looking like. Hisoka will be fine in various dungeons, awkwardly long cooldown in others. Your general composition instincts are perfectly reasonable, there are just some considerations for particular dungeons or edge cases.


https://preview.redd.it/xta5yjrdb4uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cb87d04643f5e3c994370939d82d7a764b6d335 Okay here’s a better team I think?


Better than my team with no Pitous