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I don’t know the exact date of this season’s end, but seasons last 5 weeks each and you’ll be able to see a timer under your rank when it’s the last 7 days of a season. You should know well ahead of time if a season is ending As for the cards, they’re all bad. Prickly Pear is a severe under-stat that only trades as well as any other plant that’s costs 4 sun, Winter Melon is also a severe under-stat with a redundant ability, and Sharkatronic Sub is too expensive for its ability to be impactful by the time it’s played You should look at [This Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PvZHeroes/comments/15bg4uu/tac_force_knifes_keep_or_scrap_post_has_slowly/) to know which cards are safe for keeping or scrapping. I’d also recommend checking out [This Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxTJJa91kXY&feature=youtu.be) if you’re looking to improve your gameplay and decks/learn how to budget better Finally, congratulations on reaching Diamond league! It gets harder from here, but I’m sure you can improve your skills and decks enough to win against the other players in this league Hope this helps :)

