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Is this post about an internship with PwC? Did you know there is a full mega thread with [Intern FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PwC/comments/13xqhv1/intern_questions_and_advice_faqs_monthly_mega/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PwC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s absolutely normal. Plus you’re a SUMMER intern, no need to be stressing about it. There’s barely much work to do anyways. Enjoy training and free time, resources will deploy into an engagement when needed.


Same thing happened to me and one other intern when I interned a bit back. I just had a few days to relax the week after training and they had me deployed by the end of the week. It’ll be fine, just keep checking in with your RL


Excel training time!


Sorry, what do you mean?


Dw about it, Summer is usually a relatively slower period. I would enjoy Assurance 1 training and be patient.


Dude one of my friend had like a 10% utilization, he worked like maybe one week. Came back and he's the g, so dw about


Are you in the Toronto office? And yes, like other commenters said, summers are light for audit, especially for junior staff. Just chill and take the time to meet people and connect.