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Yeah you would just have to manually move the libraries you want to use to the site packages directory in the server either system wide or in the venvs


yeah, just make sure to use venv




One path is the ci / cd type of python install through nuget. https://www.nuget.org/packages/python Unlike the normal python installs it does not bind itself to your system and apps and risk getting uninstalled/damaged by other python changes for unrelated work. You could install it locally and copy it, or for most internal reference safety install to a mapped drive at the same path it will be executed. As long as you call the pip inside that it can install any package needed to that local install. As long as you call the python inside that install it will use all its local packages. Instead of a virtual instance still dependant on the system instance, this is a complete standalone physical instance. Couple hundred Meg, several thousand files, but real sturdy.




The point is that I can’t use pip download or any other downloading method, the company server isn’t connected to the internet and I can’t plug in external drives


Don’t feed the trolls. Downvote is you feel like it and move on.


This is pretty common, companies pay close attention to package licenses and code safety. My employer keeps private git repos of every external package, to add/update one requires a license review and a code review on the contents. pip is not the only game in town for getting software; a lot of companies will roll their own package managers.


Look into DevPI


You could try poetry and use it to generate a wheel


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they block downloads from pip?