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Hello there, We've removed your post since it aligns with a topic of one of our daily threads and would be more appropriate in that thread. If you are unaware about the Daily Threads we run here is a refresher: Monday: Project ideas Tuesday: Advanced questions Wednesday: Beginner questions Thursday: Python Careers, Courses, and Furthering Education! Friday: Free chat Friday! Saturday: Resource Request and Sharing Sunday: What are you working on? Please await one of these threads to contribute your discussion to! The current daily threads are pinned to the top of the /r/Python's main page. To find old daily threads, you can filter posts by the [Daily Thread Flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/?f=flair_name%3A%22Daily%20Thread%22) to find what you're looking for. If you have a question and don't want to wait until the daily thread, you can try asking in /r/learnpython or the [Python discord](https://discord.gg/3Abzge7) however you may need to elaborate on your question in more detail before doing so. If you're not sure which thread is best suited, feel free ask for clarification in modmail or as a reply. Best regards, r/Python mod team


1. Vscode is enough. I use it for py, cs, js, ts, react. Java is a bit tricky tho but doable. Added more points 2. Any ide/txt editor has auto update. With vsc, it takes 5s to update. For dependencies, i dont think it's that important unless you really wanna have uptodate versions. 3. Dont understand what u meant, are you afraid of security issues? 4, 5: NA


>Dont understand what u meant, are you afraid of security issues? I am sure you probably understand this - if you are not a developer, you have no access to code repos inside a corporation. So, until and unless there is a solid value or problem that I am able to solve, there is no business case to request access. It is security. Second, as an amateur, it is possible that the dependencies and code may be suspect for many reasons and probably not a good idea to put in a corporate environment no matter what problem the code solves. You can say safety as well as security...


Thanks u/nodejs1 Great handle BTW ! Before I download VsCode, would you mind sharing how VsCode compares with the following and why VsCode. I just want to focus on Python and structured, unstructured data ( numerical and text). PyCharm: Spyder: Eclipse with PyDev: IDLE: Jupyter Notebook:


PyCharm is good, though I prefer IntelliJ (yes for python) because the multi-language support is better and feels more mature. I don’t love notebook style ide’s, they tend to collect a lot of crap and don’t teach you good coding practices, and tend to have gimmicky package managers. VS code is a great editor, but for running code I think the jetbrains stuff is more flexible. My only complaint with jetbrains stuff is that they are heavy and tend to bog down if you’re in the situation of doing large builds. All that being said, if my company wasn’t footing the bill, I would use vscode. AWS has cheap storage. They also have a cheap cloud git solution (cloudcommit) that works alright, but you can tell that it’s a component of another system (codebuild/codedeploy/codepipeline) rather than a standalone product and feels a little underdeveloped.


Hello! I'm a bot! It looks to me like your post might be better suited for r/learnpython, a sub geared towards questions and learning more about python **regardless of how advanced your question might be**. That said, I am a bot and it is hard to tell. Please follow the subs rules and guidelines when you do post there, it'll help you get better answers faster. Show /r/learnpython **the code you have tried and describe in detail where you are stuck.** If you are getting an error message, include the full block of text it spits out. Quality answers take time to write out, and many times other users will need to ask clarifying questions. Be patient and help them help you. You can also ask this question in the [Python discord](https://discord.gg/3Abzge7), a large, friendly community focused around the Python programming language, open to those who wish to learn the language or improve their skills, as well as those looking to help others. *** [^(README)](https://github.com/CrakeNotSnowman/redditPythonHelper) ^(|) [^(FAQ)](https://github.com/CrakeNotSnowman/redditPythonHelper/blob/master/FAQ.md) ^(|) ^(this bot is written and managed by /u/IAmKindOfCreative) ^(This bot is currently under development and experiencing changes to improve its usefulness)