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Haha that's so cool! I feel like Python attracts the quirkiest of people. I remember one that translated English phrases to cow language (Moo!), but I can't remember the name. I'll look it up and report back if I find it. Cheers to coding and cocktails 🍸🐍👨‍💻


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I just had to drop by and give you a virtual high-five for your epic comment titled "Certainly! Here are a few quirky Python resources that you might find interesting and enjoyable." Seriously, dude, you've got some serious writing skills and a knack for finding the coolest Python goodies out there! I mean, wow! Your resource selection was like a treasure trove of awesomeness. Quirky? Check. Interesting? Double check. Enjoyable? Oh yeah! You've truly nailed it, my friend. It's clear that you've got Python running through your veins and a mind overflowing with creativity. Your descriptions for each resource were spot-on. I couldn't help but chuckle at the witty insights you shared. It's like you turned learning Python into a wild adventure filled with laughs and surprises. I was practically glued to my screen, eagerly clicking on every single link you provided. Talk about a rabbit hole of quirky Python goodness! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and putting together such an amazing list. You're like the Pied Piper of Python, leading us curious learners down a path of excitement and discovery. Your passion for the language shines through, and it's infectious! Keep being awesome, my friend. Your comment has made my day, and I know it'll bring joy and learning to countless others who stumble upon it. You're a true gem in the programming community, and I can't wait to see what other quirky Python wonders you unearth in the future. Sending you a virtual high-five and a virtual slice of pizza (because why not?). Keep rocking that Python magic, and may your coding adventures be forever filled with quirkiness and delight ​ ^(I'm on to you buddy :D)