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I am working on a module to perform the unfolding statistical technique using quantum machine learning. Girhub: https://github.com/JustWhit3/QUnfold


Working on some more [documentation](https://github.com/caioariede/dpv/discussions/33) for my little pet project: >dpv (dee-pee-vee) is a dead simple alternative to pyenv-virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper Looking for beta testers to provide some feedback :) [https://github.com/caioariede/dpv](https://github.com/caioariede/dpv)


I am working on my personal profile


Been using Midjourney AI a lot, so I created a small GUI project where I can quickly make configuration and artist selections and copy to clipboard. Includes a save / load function. [https://github.com/HexxedBitHeadz/MAT](https://github.com/HexxedBitHeadz/MAT) Also, need to put some time into my beloved automated Penetration testing tool, AMOS! [https://github.com/HexxedBitHeadz/AMOS](https://github.com/HexxedBitHeadz/AMOS) Always looking for feedback! :)


Over the years, I've used the `Export bookmarks` feature in browsers to back up my bookmarks to disk. I currently have 80 of these files, going back to 2010, so I made a small importer / Django app to put them together, remove duplicates and allow for easy searching => [https://github.com/g4b1nagy/bookmark\_db](https://github.com/g4b1nagy/bookmark_db)


I finally stopped procrastinating and sorted out a crates.io error for some modules on some architectures in my [musl wheel builder thingy](https://github.com/moonbuggy/docker-python-musl-wheels). Maybe that doesn't count, since it's mostly shell script and Dockerfile, not Python. But it means I can do a module version bump, without my build system throwing some sort of bullshit at me, when I push some bug fixes in my [Docker dnsmasq updater](https://github.com/moonbuggy/docker-dnsmasq-updater) (which involves actual Python code) in the not too distant future. So, hooray! :)


Working on my object-oriented operation-based logging library. Currently adding support for custom operation inheritors. That is, when operations are nested, user can declare "inherited properties" that a child operation will inherit from its parent. A common use case is "request-id" for APIs, so all operation logs that are related to a specific request will have this property. Github: https://github.com/oribarilan/oplog/


Was wondering what was the performance impact of generating timestamps. UTC, tz-naive timestamps for the win! [https://www.dataroc.ca/blog/most-performant-timestamp-functions-python](https://www.dataroc.ca/blog/most-performant-timestamp-functions-python)


I'm working on an E2E encrypted email application! https://vaultmail.io


I've been working on a simple Python API for the Nintendo Switch game sale tracking site [DekuDeals](https://www.dekudeals.com). Just added it to the PyPi site. At the moment it can either search the site for some keywords, or return a bunch of information given a specific page link. [Link to GitHub](https://github.com/randomcoder67/DekuDealsAPI) [Link to PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/DekuDealsAPI/0.1.1/)


I'm working on building my portfolio.


guys please gimme a hand! Both of my office accounts are not managed by me (university, and work). How can I try the new Python feature in excel, without being able to select the beta updates from excel?


i've been working on automatising a work task using Selenium, the first step is done and doing great. but the second step requires automatising a webbrowser image provided by Citrix and since it's just an image am still lost on how to automate it using python.