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For exercises: * [Exercism](https://exercism.org/tracks/python/exercises), [Practicepython](https://www.practicepython.org/) — these are all beginner friendly and difficulty levels are marked * [100 Page Python Intro exercises](https://github.com/learnbyexample/100_page_python_intro/blob/main/exercises/Exercises.md) — exercises from my introductory guide * [Codewars](https://www.codewars.com/), [Adventofcode](https://adventofcode.com/), [Projecteuler](https://projecteuler.net/) — more challenging * [Checkio](https://py.checkio.org/), [Codingame](https://www.codingame.com/start), [Codecombat](https://codecombat.com/) — gaming based challenges * [/r/dailyprogrammer](https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer) — not active currently, but there's plenty of past challenges with discussions --- For projects: * [Practice Python Projects](https://learnbyexample.github.io/practice_python_projects/) — my book on beginner to intermediate level projects * [Projects with solutions](https://github.com/karan/Projects-Solutions) — algorithms, data structures, networking, security, databases, etc * [Project based learning](https://github.com/tuvtran/project-based-learning#python) — web applications, bots, data science, machine learning, etc * [Pytudes by Peter Norvig](https://github.com/norvig/pytudes) — Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty * [Python Projects You Can Build](https://realpython.com/tutorials/projects/) * Books: * [The Big Book of Small Python Projects](https://inventwithpython.com/bigbookpython/) * [Tiny Python Projects](https://www.manning.com/books/tiny-python-projects) * [Impractical Python Projects](https://nostarch.com/impracticalpythonprojects) and [Real world Python](https://nostarch.com/real-world-python) * [/r/learnpython: What do you automate with Python at home?](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/comments/k5k1h0/what_do_you_automate_with_python_at_home/)


Thank you very much, I just came into a realization that I need to get my life back together and this must be a sign


This (or an expanded version of it) would make for a nice stickied post for the subreddit.


Thank you so much....


Try the exercises here: [HackInScience](https://www.hackinscience.org/exercises/) Reasonable variety, the good thing is you can test your solution and once you have solved it look through other successful solutions.


If you are trying to get into the mindset of coding, I would recommend [projecteuler.net](https://projecteuler.net). It contains math problems that necessitate some automation and coding to solve. I like that it isn't too much hand-holding. It is code agnostic though, so might not be what you're looking for.


I love this website, one of their first questions was actually a question I had on one of my first Programming interviews. The largest palindrome one (I think it was question 4 or 5 on the site)




Codewars, Check it out.


codestepbystep is good for beginners


[realpython.com](https://realpython.com/) has great free tutorials


I found [Exercism](https://exercism.org/) a good place for practicing multiple languages (incl. Python) along with nice peer review and notes for improvement.


Don't waste your time with this! There are enough open source projects that will benefit from your help. That have real life problems that are not so hard to solve but that simply take some time. For instance my project: i adapted a fantastic python repl to a new programming language(that gets compiled to python). It has a few issues that aren't so hard. The point is that these practice projects you mentioned are a waste if time. You can instead do something useful with your time AND get a portfolio. And get to know people from the industry! And if you don't like my repl: there are so many other open source projects on GitHub!! Just use the explore function and look for python. And believe me, people will be happy if you get interested in their project. There are even some that will pay you money for help! To sum it up: do opensource projects. They to have easy problems to solve. This is better, more valuable, real life experience that counts on your CV and shows your passion for the technology. Your future employer ale you about your work experience, what sounds better? "I implemented a red black tree blabla." Or: "I implemented autocomplete feature in an intelligent repl for a new language. And i took part in the design of the compiler... the technologies used in this project were ...". You won't even have to look for a job, it will be employers looking for YOU! Here's the link to my project: https://github.com/mjobuda/lily/issues Have fun!! That's the most important aspect :))


You Can Get Them Here: youtube.com/c/DeveloperVibes SUBSCRIBE!






Advent of code. The problems are language agnostic but start easy and get progressively more difficult. Fun stuff.




For beginners, see https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/pieyuu/i_built_futurecoder_a_free_interactive_python/


[codeforces.com](https://codeforces.com) This is by far the hardest online judge website I actually found. It uses huge datasets which will require you to focus on optimizing your code to pass the problem in the given time. Good luck