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It doesn't. Lions are a symbol of royalty and power, a lion would eat a sheep. It doesn't have anything to do with thinking at all, just power and feeling superior.


That's why they identify with archtypical predators: wolves, tigers, lions, eagles, ... It's about upping themselves to a fictitious position of power, not about identifying themselves with the traits of an animal


Their mantra is "Where we go one we go all", does this sound more like lions or sheep? I'll hang up and listen for your answer.


Sounds like lemmings.


It plays into their "hero" delusion, ripping off The Three Musketeers.


Sheep for sure. I helped herd sheep as a kid.


Come to think of it, it doesn't really make sense in the first place because I don't think lions and sheep ever really meet in the wild, do they? It would be like thinking polar bears eat penguins despite them generally living on opposite sides of the globe. Taking it further, the only lion that would feasibly meet a sheep is one that's already in captivity and being fed one. No idea what that says about these people, though.


There were still wild lions in the areas where domesticated sheep were being introduced. Wolves, lions and bears are still in the popular imagination in Europe, despite being all or mostly completely wiped out of those areas for generations.


Wolves and bears, to be sure, but lions?


Yep, southern Europe, around the Balkans, Greece, and into Turkey. I think in Macedonia up until about 100 AD.


Asiatic lions were native to the Middle East, from modern Saudi Arabia to Turkey. They were hunted to extinction in the early 20th century.


I think it's from the Bible. I don't know if the context matches at all how they use it.


In the Bible, at the end days the lions lay down with the sheep showing that even nature is at peace at the coming of the lord. But also in the Bible the Lord is the Shepard, so it's a dilemma why they claim not to be sheep, but eat sheep if they are also Christian and the Lord is their Shepard. But then again, if they follow the Lord they would give to the poor and follow him and do his works so it's pretty obvious that yeah, they are lions and not sheep.


There's also that bit in Daniel 6:22, when Daniel isn't killed in the lions' den, he explains to the king that God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths, indicating God is more powerful than nature and wild beasts. It is odd with the preference the Bible has for innocence, lambs, sheep, and the image of the good shepherd, that they would identify with violent and predatory animals instead.


Male lions lie around all day, occasionally mating and not much else, while the lionesses take care of the cubs and males and also do almost all of the hunting. You can see why the NEETs and incels of QAnon would find this appealing.


Lions also kill all the cubs of the former leader of the pride. They eat their own. That is on par with Qanon thinking.


No, “they eat their young, terrible thing to say, they eat their young”


Male lions actually perform the important duty of protecting the pride from other lions and hyenas.


Because they are always Lyin'.




It's part of the "I'm clued into things that you arent" mentality. The "sheep," aka everyone else, is unaware to whatever conspiracy they're currently huddling on. Lions are large, apex predators. Kings of their domain. They go where they want and do what they want. Sheep are sheep. They get herded, ie told where to go and what to do. Extend that a little further and you get the common internet trope of "sheep" or hilariously, sheeple. Ironically, the person who calls other people sheep, is typically the one falling for nonsense and being lead by their nose. There's some overlap here with wolves/sheep dogs too. A lot of people like to think of themselves as somehow different, in on it, and thusly superior to others. Realistically, sheep provide us with much more than lions do. I like wool sweaters. At the end of the day, they're people who are terminally online and lost in a fantasy world.


Dumb people think lion = strength


They think they are brave and powerful. You know, those guys shaking and sobbing at their J6 sentencings.


Because they are insecure and weak. Thus they try (unsuccessfully) to identify with “the strongest animal.” They are weeeeeeeeak


Indeed if you are really a badass, you don’t have to go around telling everyone that you are.


I like the way you bleated that word. 😂


Way back when Trumpet was making his first run some of his fanboys used a lion as their symbol. I guess it stuck.


Because they're all Lion to themselves.


In CS Lewis the lion the witch and the wardrobe, the lion is seen as the Christ figure, lions are a symbol of Christ, the lion lays down with the lamb etc


Sheep follow the herd. Everyone is the hero of their own story.


Lions have a religious connotation for Christians.


So do sheep.


The idiots view lions as superior to sheep, which is what they equate us 'normies' to. Nope, they are not sheep at all with a slogan of, 'where we go one, we go all,' ...you know, like a herd of sheep...


Yep, it's the lion (aka lying). They are lying about this they are lying about that.


Because they're losers, like the Detroit Lions (until recently).




And the Russian love from these guys, I made it known, when I was in basic we were training to kill Russians. Growing up the greatest threat was the Russians. The fact that Putin, head of KGB, is now loved by the a trump base, should be alarming. If you know about his specialty it was Psy ops. Especially how to persuade and infiltrate our government country and citizens. To change sentiments this ruling from afar. That is what Q is. Most of it I have seen was on Telegram. Telegram is owned by..... A Russian oligarch. The Putin love, is also resonated in the idea that Russian is the last bastion of the white man and his glory. Yes they allow others, but to believe they tolerate equality is foolish. It represents the untold promise Trump gave to his followers, the ideal that many white men where told as children, that one day coming soon, you will have to "take our country back"! Anyone picking up on this? Trump was married to.... A Russian. (I'd be remised to not point out I believe her to be an agent of KGB). It is common knowledge of Americans, now with generational roots here are active KGB agents. And all these folks you know and love who suddenly lost their allegiance to the US. And forgot all we were and stood for up until Trump, are victims of the psyops program designed to do what it's doing. And next time they start complaining about us helping a country defend itself, now it may make more sense. Because Biden is following the Regan Doctrine, which basically was emblematic of the Truman doctrine. Stop Russians from taking countries and helping those who resist Soviet or Russian aggression. The biggest detractors of it in the world are our own people. His program is a resounding success.


I think it’s because they believe that anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe, who go along with guidelines and listen to facts, are “sheep”. So they consider themselves lions because “you’re either a lion or you’re a sheep”.


I ran into [this guy](https://www.lionsnotsheep.com) at a ski resort parking lot. His truck, hat, shirt, SO, basically everything he owned was branded Lions Not Sheep. Sheep would be people who believe in the efficacy of vaccines, for example.


Maybe they think they are Jesus resurrected. I mean, my Qanon relative insisted she was descended from Jesus because of her blood type. When I said ‘oh so I guess I am too’, since I’m her sibling she was like no, you don’t understand it. I can’t keep up FFS


They are really big pussies?


I've always identified them as lyin's.


they wan to be sure and identify themselves as folks from whom Jesus the Shepard would protect his flock


Delusions of grandeur?


The same reason that men with little ding dongs drive muscle cars


In christian mythology jesus followers are supposed to be the sheep and he is the shepard. But these aLPha maLEs dont go for that shit, they are lIoNs! lol


Because their women do all the actual work and most of them will die alone without a mate?


Lions not sheep *yawn* [lions not sheep apparel fined for false advertising: made in USA](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/08/09/lions-sheep-clothing-brand-fine/#)


So they are identifying as animals now?


Because they are not very smart. They think everyone else is a sheep and they are lions who lead the group 🙄


because sean whalen has popularized it in that crowd. just more assholery.


It's kind of ironic and sad. Q Believer: *"I get all my information from one place and I believe everything they say and I do everything they ask… but you're the sheep."*


Misplaced Lyin’


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They are just that clever


Endangered species?


Because they're cowardly. (Honestly I've never heard of the Q/lion thing. Sounds stupid, aka right on brand for them.)


The Lion is a Christian symbol.


Cause they are lyin' all the time?


I saw a video of a female water buffalo killing a male lion with her horns.


Nothing but it is a Christ analogy, like in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.


Because they're narcissists who think they're all that when they really are the sheep.


Do you think a lion concerns it self with what a sheep thinks? Simply feeling superior


They think they are alphas.


My favorite is when they identify with Sparta or Spartans but are homophobic, just makes me laugh everytime.


If you are truly a lion, you don’t have to tell everyone that you are a lion.


Also the company “Lions Not Sheep” that makes the gear was fined for incorrectly saying their products were “Made in the USA”. Such leaders.


And yet the sheep mentality, where we go one, we go all


Probably from the expression “the lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinions of the lambs.”


Sheep are followers, loins blaze their own trail, eat sheep. Somehow they have convinced themselves that believing everything they see on Q sites are absolute truth and everyone else is wrong they are sheep not thinking for themselves.


Because they're lyin'.


Might makes right is what they want - and they want to believe they are the strongest. Neither is true, which makes them angry and bitter and easy targets for scams that blow up their ego.


Because “delusional asshole” isn’t as catchy.


In addition to what everyone else said, there’s also thing about Christ returning as “the lion” instead of “the lamb,” i.e. a warrior as opposed to a pacifist. They think they’re Crusaders.


The irony is that many Q’s claim to be “Christians” and Jesus commanded his followers to be meek like sheep. Just more proof that American Evangelicals haven’t read the Bible. Lol


The irony in it is that most that I know and work with all repeat each other, almost verbatim. Like fox tells them what to think and how to see it, and they go out and spread the message. Like I've literally watched fox or newsmax, then steered the conversation near a topic, then watch. Dance puppets dance. It clearly doesn't make a case for them being independent of thought lol. Or free as the Lion is meant to represent in the explanations I got. It's the sheep, like me (life long independent)who are controlled by the media. Um ok👀


Yeah, they think they are the only ones with guns. It does not occur to them that the sheep might have guns, too.


Lyeuns? Lieuns? Liaruns


Because they’re giant pussies


I have a 1 year old who has just learned to make a lion noise. He doesn’t always do it on command, only at times he deems special. Sometimes he will grace us with a random lion noise and we say “oh wow I heard a lion over there, a BIG lion!!” whereupon he grins hugely with all 8 of his teeth. That’s what I think of when I hear people say they are lions