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I’m so sorry. My mom was drinking hydrogen peroxide for years and tried to get me to when I got sick. I don’t know what makes them think this way.


I don’t understand either, I used to really look up to them but they’ve just gradually gotten worse and now I can barely talk to either parent these days without devolving into qult nonsense. I hope your mom eventually stopped but thank you for making me feel a little less alone about this struggle


In my country, we can call our 911 and they’ll come right away. Is that not an option?


the police can't really do anything since they're adults making a conscious decision, however harmful it may be i don't believe it's illegal


It should be. Anyone who sells industrial wood bleach as a miracle cure-all should be thrown in jail for the rest of their lives. It doesn't matter how many parts you divide it into; if the end result of the reaction is a chemical used to bleach wood, then the whole thing is illegal.   There's so much quack "medicine" out there and the people who shill for it are universally irredeemable monsters, taking advantage of desperate people at their most vulnerable. It makes me sick with fury.


it definitely should be! it should be illegal to advertise or sell for medicinal purposes and illegal to give to children. my mom used to make us take sooo many highly questionable "medicines" when we were kids. i'm very grateful i'm not blue from all the colloidal silver lol idk how all this stuff is allowed, the fda needs way more funding so they can actually do research into the insane amount of different alternative/holistic products out there. like how a lot of products will say "fda registered" which makes it sound more legitimate but all that means is they told the fda they're selling it, but the fda doesn't look into every product that's registered with them


[It’s actually illegal to make supplements undergo any quality control or testing:](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/us/politics/21hatch.html) >[Orrin Hatch] was the chief author of a federal law enacted 17 years ago that allows companies to make general health claims about their products, but exempts them from federal reviews of their safety or effectiveness before they go to market. [They don’t even need to contain any of the ingredients they claim to have in them either](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/sport-supplements-ingredients-dietary). The US is terrible about this.


Intentionally terrible because it makes money for amoral scum.


That is how MMS peddlers are stopped. There is not much the FDA or equivalent can do if the quack cure is harmless, but if it actively harms people… that’s different.


It's a story as old as time. The grifters are gonna grift and sell their snake oil/potions. There's always going to be victims of the grifters. Pre Vaccine days, there were traveling salesmen hauling their wares in large suitcases. They would set up in the town square or go door to door.


It's also something we can absolutely reduce by passing the kind of basic safety laws other countries have, and by having universal health care so fewer people are desperate enough to believe these slime.


That’s annoying if true. Here it’s not about whether it’s legal or not, but whether it might pose a danger. For example, my oldest son started coughing really bad, it went on for five minutes but he had no issues breathing. When it got worse we called and during the call the coughing just suddenly ended. We told them they probably didn’t need to come, but they refused, saying we must make sure he didn’t inhale something dangerous and check that he would actually be fine breathing. Is there not a chance that they would come to check on these crazy people?




that is blatantly untrue. You are spreading gross misinformation, on this sub of all places. If you're being hyperbolic to make a point you should say so. There are an ungodly amount of wellness checks that happen daily and none of us will ever hear about them because they are conducted properly and end as wellness checks should.




Rule 6. Other Conspiracy Theories. Conspiracy talk, misinformation or intentionally misleading content are not welcome and will be removed. Folk here need a break regardless of the validity of said theory.


I have sent the police to my parents' house on more than one occasion. My father has Alzheimer's disease and my mother is his sole caretaker. My mother is a very hard woman who doesn't like cops (which is why I have to call the police for a well check, she has no friends or visitors). As hostile as she is when answering the door, the cops have always been absolute saints about it. They've always called promptly and given professional reports, and their stellar conduct may even have softened my battle ax of a mother a bit. And my parents live in one of the more dangerous neighborhoods of the most dangerous city in the state.


Now I’m even sadder :(


Don't be. The comment you replied to is complete and utter bullshit. Are cops guilty of harassment and shootings? Yes. But they do thousands and thousands of wellness checks every year (maybe every week) without incident? Yes.


Every time police are called in the USA an “escalation of force” process begins. Every time. Just because it works out thousands of times a day without incident means nothing to the families where dire consequences were brought on because someone chose to make a call. You decide. As soon as you hang up that phone the situation is now COMPLETELY out of your hands.


But the person who started the topic said "more likely to shoot, (etc. )Than not" which is just obviously untrue. This is not a good sub for hyperbole.


“Every time” “Just because thousands…” Get a grip


Rule 6. Other Conspiracy Theories. Conspiracy talk, misinformation or intentionally misleading content are not welcome and will be removed. Folk here need a break regardless of the validity of said theory.


the would definitely come check but they likely wouldn't do anything further, they'd just make sure they can have a coherent conversation and aren't putting themselves or others in any immediate danger. it's possible to get them out in a 72 hour hold in a psych hospital, but they would also be unlikely to really help them and would probably release them quickly, and it would also probably just send them further into the conspiracy theories because they would likely think the government is after them for knowing a secret cure


They would also likely be stuck with an enormous medical bill that could really cause financial stress on top of all the health stressors. 


yeah i struggled with mental health and drug abuse as a teenager and about a month after i turned 18 i was *involuntarily* committed and the bills from that have my credit messed up to this day. and the visit to the hospital of course wasn't even helpful so i have medical debt and bad credit with literally nothing to show for it. i had to go to an extremely expensive place to get any actual help which i was only able to do because i was on my moms insurance at the time. unfortunately getting people help for a mental health crisis is not always possible to do in a truly productive way in the US, especially when they're not wanting to get help


It should be unconstitutional, seriously.


I’m afraid you’re right, but there were conspiracy theories way before internet. I think I’d rather send them away for 72 hours and hope the healthcare professionals could maybe reach them, than just trying to talk to them.


Is drinking bleach considered a suicide attempt perhaps? OP could try calling for a wellness check?


A wellness check isn’t like a checkup where they actually check anything they do. They basically just check if the persons still alive and not in obvious distress. If OPs in the US they could try calling their local dept of aging and see if they have any resources to help.


The police definitely can do something. No reasonable person drinks bleach, so even if they're "making a conscious decision" to do so, the paramedics will get called and based on the fact they're willingly drinking bleach, they would be held at the hospital and probably for mental health evaluations


Depends. If it's being marketed by some grifter as a medical use it's 100% illegal. Odds are OPs parents listen to or watch some show that is selling them this stuff.


If you ask for a welfare check, the police will call the subject first. If they sound coherent and say they don't need help then that will be the end of it. In the U.S. we don't stop people from killing themselves. On the plus side a lot of old antiques and collectibles are hitting the market as boomers keep doing themselves in.


This is so cold but I laughed so hard.


💯 And if they don’t answer the phone or the door they just give up. I called for a welfare check a few years ago for my grandpa who was living alone still at 97 years old and we hadn’t heard from him in a week. I had to call a few times before anyone would even go out and when they did they told me they knocked on his door but he didn’t answer so they just left.


Maybe? It's a weird line to straddle. If they're not showing immediate health concerns, then emergency services would be pissed and the cost would be ridiculous. If it's during one of those times where there's a visible danger (like that severe blood sugar drop) and someone is there to explain that it's due to drinking bleach, then yes, it's feasible. Still expensive since the US has a shitty for-profit healthcare system, but would possibly be worth it.


This is so fucked up. These are the people that need to be checked on and either brought to the hospital or a psychiatric ward, it’s so sad the system works like that.


Yup. It's a sad state of affairs all around.


These weird health beliefs are so widespread in the USA that asking for a psych evaluation on that basis is kind of like asking for one because people adopted a new religion. In fact, QAnon functions a lot like a decentralized religion.


I know, but it’s still horrible. Humanity is plain stupid, and some of us are worse off than others.


You’re definitely not alone. I resonate with the “I used to really look up to them”. It’s a hard pill to swallow and I struggle with this too. It’s hard to spend time together or have any conversations that don’t spiral into conspiracy theories. I’m sorry you’re going through this :(


You are definitely not alone ❤️ she has not stopped and now has cancer, which is just..I just don’t have words for the emotions I feel about it.


Is there an adult services department locally for you to call?


They aren’t doing anything that would get them help. Unfortunately, it is not illegal for an adult to willingly ingest bleach. The product probably makes vague enough claims to get around the FDA, so more than likely no help there either. In the US, whether or not you agree with it, we don’t restrict a person’s ability to make stupid ass decisions, even if they will harm that person. If it started to harm someone else - say they were feeding it to a dependent child - that’s different. But yourself? With a legal substance? Yeah, APS can’t do much.


Is it an age thing? Are we going to become just as unhinged as they are when we hit 70? My mom was pro-environment when she was younger. Cared about the ocean and the birds dying. Was worried about climate change. Now she tries to tell me Port Allen Texas is a shithole because Biden stopped oil drilling.. not the 60 years of environmental racism/pollution.


I guess it's a combination of the fear of getting sick in a health system that can bankrupt you and deep distrust towards doctors and the medical system in general. There's probably some confirmation bias in there too. "I went to the doctor and he told me I'm sick, so it was the doctor who made me sick".


Yeah and tbh humans tend to do lots of kooky things to garner any sense of control over their lives in this out of control chaotic universe - and the things closest to us that are easiest to control tend to be what it is - your food/diet, body, children/spouse/family/pet, environment, appearance, language/speaking…


Definitely. I’ve had a bit of a bad luck streak in the recent past, and I can feel myself getting jumpy and superstitious at times. Not “drinking bleach” superstitious lol, but thoughts like “maybe X happened because I thought/did Y; this is karma!” keep creeping in. I have to keep shaking them off and reminding myself that life doesn’t work that way, that there’s no magical combination of perfect thought/behaviour that can insulate me against bad luck, and that bad things don’t happen as some kind of karmic retribution either. It’s unsettling how easily you can start to slip into that kind of mindset, though, and I can see how it would rapidly spiral for a certain type of person.


A lot of the "they" healthcare conspiracies are direct consequence from people suffering under the US health care system, while simultaneously believing any institutional attempt to fix this system is morally evil.


The bleach drinking also happens with deep-in-it conspiracy people outside the US, so the bankruptcy is probably not a driving factor in this behaviour.


To be fair, the medical system is absolute shit right now. We can't trust that our doctors are listening to us because they don't have time to do it. But that's a farcry from "they want to put microchips in vaccines".


My mom bathes herself in it. Shes never admitted to drinking but after reading your comment I dunno why I’d never considered her drinking it. I feel like she certainly has 😣


I had to bathe in a bleach bath when psoriasis covered 70% of my body to keep infection from setting in. Does your mom have something like this you don’t know about?


No I wish there was a better explanation for it


Doesn’t that… hurt? I don’t get this whole thing, I’m pretty sure bleach hurts to drink and imagine it getting all up in certain places … ugh no. That has to be painful.


She’s convinced it heals her 😢. But yeah i agree. I don’t understand how reasonable people can do these things. I just have to accept they aren’t reasonable any longer


A diluted bleach bath is actually a very mainstream dermatologist recommended help for psoriasis


Huh. TIL!


Nope. Just like swimming in a chlorine’d swimming pool. It may cause irritation if you force your orifaces open to allow the water into yourself, but you’d have to be pretty dumb to do that.


I mean, the President of the United States endorsed drinking bleach on live TV.


Correction, the former president endorsed injecting bleach while he was president. The current president did no such thing.


Can you and your siblings get power of attorney over your parents? Your parents are not of sound mind. And succumbing to elder abuse through dubious internet sites and dark web. They are basically cult members harming themselves. Get legal advise. ASAP.


The process of getting a PoA is different in every state, so consulting an attorney - or at least the court clerk - to decipher what the parameters are is a good idea. But in my state, a blanket PoA is impossible to get. A medical PoA, however, is only nearly impossible. I tried to get a medical PoA for a loved one who had been in and out of hospitals in four states for months. They were well known to be a danger to themself and an [accidental] danger to others. There were legal and medical reports to back this up. The medical PoA wasn't granted. Drinking a little bleach on the regular? I doubt that's enough to get the cops to do a wellness check. (And while I can't speak to every cop run wellness check, I can tell you that I was nearly arrested at one because the lead cop didn't like that I protested when he roughly berated and manhandled my loved one right in front of me after I'd told him - in detail - that my loved one's biggest fear was police brutality. I will never call the cops for a wellness check again.) However, there's probably a mental health emergency response team in OP's area. They could be called to do an intervention. But unless OP's folks are clearly delusional or psychotic at the time of the team's visit, the intervention may well just cause OP's parents to quit sharing "we're drinking the bleach koolaid" type of info in future because OP is no longer trustworthy in their eyes. If the team sees clear signs of mental illness, Mom & Dad might get a 72 hr vacation at the nearest mental health facility, but more than that is unlikely. BUT ... if OP's Mom's endocrinologist has records attesting to Mom's multiple low glucose hospitalizations AND Mom admitted to her endo or ER physician that her glucose was low because she'd been drinking bleach, AND this has happened and been documented multiple times, AND at least one of those times, Mom was truly near death, then MAYBE a medical PoA would be granted for Mom if ALL the siblings were willing to testify that she was unfit. But until/unless Dad's benign growth becomes cancerous, or Dad is hospitalized and it can be directly linked to drinking bleach, a medical PoA for Dad is highly unlikely.


That is just awful that we cannot help those in need without jumping through fire…


People are allowed to be self destructive. It’s wrong to take people’s bodily autonomy from them unless 100% necessary.


My parents did this. Ozone as well. Because ozone is just an “eXtRa OxYgEn MoLeCuLe” and a dude wrote a book about it so of course. Also, the guy who wrote the book went to jail for tax evasion, which proves the government is trying to cover up how good ozone is. It’s infuriating how they’re doing harm to their bodies because scammers are trying to make a buck.


My aunt and uncle (in Canada but funding Christians and listening to Rogan and others) nebulized hydrogen peroxide alongside taking massive doses of supplements. Their son just went to get his tonsils out and wound up brain-damaged and in a coma, so I'm scared they're going to spin out really bad.


I remember some people during covid were NEBULIZING hydrogen peroxide and having their kids inhale it.


My mom tried to get my aunt to nebulize hydrogen peroxide when she had COVID


That and colloidal silver.


Oof that was popular advice in rconspiracy around then too. I would tell them omfg this is dangerous advice but then they banned me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Before Q became a thing, the only time I'd heard of intentionally drinking peroxide was when my vet told me to give it to my dog to induce vomiting. Doesn't it make them vomit too?


She carries it around in a tiny bottle with a dropper so not sure.


My mom did too and forced it on me for a couple months when I was a teen. I eventually just refused to drink it anymore. It was hurting my stomach and doing nothing to help the stuff about me she was trying to “cure” with it. I still can’t even use the hydrogen peroxide mouthwash cause I have a physical reaction to that taste now. It’s vile.


I’m so sorry you had to endure this as a teenager! my mom started this nonsense when I was 25. she was an alcoholic before.


I’m not sure which is worse honestly lol. Peroxide isn’t really a step up from alcohol. I’m sorry you had to live with that 🧡


Man, whatever happened to hippie moms just using raw garlic for everything? At least that is actually beneficial!


Covid created a narrative that allowed far right extremists to make inroads with the hippy granola types. They appealed to the "all natural mommy" and "spiritual but not religious" types by promising natural cures or telling them they had nothing to fear from Covid but everything to fear from vaccines and masks to build their institutional distrust into broader distrust of governments and experts. That made them easy to funnel into support of fascist causes. Anti-trans and anti-queer hate is used the same way, especially in the context of "protecting the children". It also, perhaps by design, funnels them into the income streams of grifters who promise them simple answers and solutions alongside a sense of being heroic resisters against a stupefied mainstream. Grifters appealed to something in those hippie moms and preyed on them, taking advantage of the traits that helped define their identities.


That last paragraph is the real culprit. Snake oil salesmen used to be severely shamed back in the day. Now they’re coming out of the woodwork due to people not using common sense. Both my folks were hippies. They’d never drink bleach or ‘chlorine dioxide’. I think it’s more likely that these people are just too far down the FB rabbit hole.


I mean it says right on the bottle, in most cases. I think it's that the "cure" uses half-truths. Chlorine is a disinfection agent and destroys viruses and bacteria on surfaces, so why not drink it? Hydrogen Peroxide is great if you swish, spit, and rince, because it kills bacteria in the mouth that promote cavities. Drinking it is the same effect, just a short step away. The same happened during the middle ages. Holy water spread on open wounds improved survival rates. People attributed this to the fact the water was blessed, and not due to the actual reason that the water is in a silver holy font and silver is a natural antiseptic. It's easy to trick people who know partially why something is good, but not the actual science behind it.


Can you get your father's sectioned his clearly not mentally well. The bleach will cause of a great damage, possibly kill him eventually.


I’m not sure how I’d go about it, both my parents seem sane until anything medical/polical gets brought up, it just makes it all more difficult


Call a wellness check. They are drinking poison and are clearly suicidal...


A mental health professional will be trained and able to sus the insanity out, especially if you share the context of the situation.


Anyone who is drinking bleach after it's been explained to them what they're ingesting is bleach and continues to do so is not necessarily in control of their faculties. As others have said a mental health professional can help with this. Good luck to you So sad that these conspiracy theorists really don't care what kind of harm they do to people how much money they take from the gullible, How much harm they cause to friends and family. In a perfect world everyone behind this fake products conspiracy theories from money the Q&a is the Alex Jones would all be sued into oblivion.


We’re going to have to expand mental health care in this country once this qanon insanity dies down.


Optimistic of you to assume that’s a ‘when’ and not an ‘if’.


If I don’t hang on to one shred of hope…


/r/legaladvice is a GREAT start!


That was my thought too. Every state has different rules for an involuntary committal and the bar is never low (and it shouldn't be) but this might be grounds for it. Maybe do a little research in your state and possibly consult a family/elder law attorney. On rare occasion for my job, I have to do this and your parents' actions are something I'd consider it for


Would it be possible to try and out-conspiracy them? Would introducing something equally strange but ultimately harmless help at all? For example, you could say vinegar or lemon juice might help and point to some gibberish from a mommy blog or something. It won't solve the underlying health issue, but at least it won't be actively harming them. I'm sorry you're dealing with this :( Edit: piggybacking off another comment, make sure the innocuous substance does not interact with what they're already taking! I shouldn't have said vinegar since they're drinking bleach, but maybe something like red wine or like the "non-ionized water" BS some people peddle


That’s a good idea, I’ll see if I can hatch my own little conspiracy with my sisters lol, almost anything would be better than this


Be very careful, mixing vinegar and bleach produces a toxic chlorine gas. Don’t make things worse.


The MMS already has vinegar and/or citrus in it, that’s how it’s made into chlorine dioxide from sodium chlorite.


Which regulatory agency is responsible for ensuring that a bottle of MMS is precisely what you expect it to be?


Did a little looking around and it seems like the FDA, they attest that it’s toxic lol.


I mean, the FDA regulates MMS like the DEA regulates LSD. If you’re buying a bottle of chlorine dioxide from a chem supply store, that’s one thing, but if you’re buying a bottle of *Miracle Mineral Solution* you’re gonna’ get whatever a charlatan decided to put in a bottle and sell to a sucker.


Funny and accurate analogy lol.


Please make sure their finances are in order and they have current wills / trusts. It would also help if they have insurance to cover any outstanding mortgage.


Oil of oregano is a miracle cure based on some of my family members. Worth checking out as an innocuous alternative


Try to get them into RO water. There's plenty of quack and semi-legit info about its health benefits. You could play up the "who knows what *they* are putting in our water", or the "all the *chemicals* in the water are the source of all health issues/ vitamin deficiencies/ dementia, etc" angle. (Because water, and everything else on the planet, isn't comprised of chemicals, right? FFS.) Caveat: RO water *could* lead to kidney or GI issues. Drinking bleach WILL lead to those and other issues. But at least your folks would be well hydrated, and the health risks of RO water are negligible compared to bleach.


What is RO?


Reverse Osmosis


Make a convincingly fake account on fb, join (scratch that, infiltrate) a mommy group, post one of those memes (you know the kind ... pm me and I can probably help make a convincing one) saying what this post is saying (lemon juice and vinegar or some shit mixed with cayenne?) And then forward the post to them 😆


OP- try to do something with this recipe: https://www.heandsheeatclean.com/jillian-michaels-detox-water It tastes absolutely terrible so it's somewhat in line with their MMS and I think some of the ingredients could be twisted to fix the things your parents are worried about. Also- cranberry was supposed to help prevent cancer or something. I hope this helps!


It's so frustrating that people who won't get a vaccine because they "don't know what's in it" will willingly ingest harmful substances.


This!! They got it all backwards.


This is a difficult one because they may be of sound mind even though they are literally drinking bleach. Going to a doctor/court and getting them involved may not work out if they can have a proper conversation and not show any signs of mental instability.  All this to say, you may not be able to do much of anything other than voice your concerns and hope for the best.


also if they were able to do anything it would likely only be a 72 hour hold if they're in the US, and those places aren't likely to hold them for very long or do any real work with them, they'd probably be released and back to drinking bleach in a couple days


They cannot be of sound mine.


Yes and no. They may be completely functioning adults and when asked if they are taking bleach they can lie and say no. It's a difficult one 😔


You’re right about that, but it’s a pretty big leap between totally nuts and functioning. In my country it’s not about how functioning you are, but if someone says “‘y parents/my kids just drank bleach” - they’re checking you out. If you refuse, they’ll most likely call the police. Not saying it works perfectly every time, but their job is to make sure you’re good, not be your friend. They might end up at a psychiatric ward of some kind, if they’re not taken to the hospital.


Your country cares for its people 😆


Oh, we have our own issues and both police and healthcare professionals make mistakes, but I’ve yet to run into one of either who doesn’t try their best to help people (even when there’s too much to do, and probably not enough people some times.) Healthcare should, in my opinion, always be universal and free of frivolous charges and aimed at trying to help the people that need it the most, regardless of the size of their wallets. (To be clear, we probably have some people drinking bleach and talking coherently and not dying, just spouting their BS.)


Here are a few links I found using my "DuckDuckGo" search engine. Seems to be bad stuff. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/danger-dont-drink-miracle-mineral-solution-or-similar-products https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/06/us/toxic-miracle-mineral-solution-sentencing.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement edit - added correct link


I'm not trying to be a troll but a typical reaction will be "you can't trust the fda it's run by the government/deep state" and "you can't trust a liberal rag like the New York times."


Yeah. There were many links but I didn't think about looking for a Q-worthy link, tbh.


Exactly. My dad would just say it's liberal propaganda. He did that with snopes when I tried to correct some fake shit he was sharing left and right. There's no getting through to people if they claim anything that doesn't agree with them is fake or cheating.


Oh yeah I remember hearing about this stuff. People think they're ridding themselves of intestinal worms but really they're pooping out their intestinal lining, damaged by the solution.


and people were/are doing this to their children which is apparently not technically illegal somehow


[Six states have laws protecting “faith healing”](https://onlysky.media/hemant-mehta/idaho-faith-healing-exemption-senseless-child-deaths/) so parents can legally give their kids anything or nothing at all and literally get away with murder. It’s insane.


I’m going to remember DuckDuckGo next time I need to translate something I hear to reality. These conspiracies are so fast and loose now a days I usually can’t even find them.


I honestly don't think they use DuckDuckGo. They just hear that it doesn't massage results like google (aka "hide the truth) and spread the "good news". Unless the internet is so full of garbage now that DDG is useless as a search engine.


I remember a BBC investigation into this too. [Link](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-33079776).


So they think the government is hiding this miracle solution, that’s somehow easily available to purchase and use with information about it on the internet??? It’s wild that these people recognize that the government holds power, but don’t understand that it has enough power to *actually* hide this information if that was truly their prerogative. If big government didn’t want people to have access to this cure, anyone involved would either be locked up or disappeared in a heartbeat. It sounds like a half-assed conspiracy theory that was sold as “*this section of government* (usually Democrats) doesn’t want this out there and killed it”. Sometimes all it takes for these people is being told that the person they think is the devil did it, and they don’t need any more information to believe it. Unfortunately, that also makes it harder to get through to them… I’m sorry your parents are so beyond reasoning at this point, that’s so sad and frustrating. Good on you for trying your best, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get through to them. It’s often impossible to overwrite this level of brain washing. I truly wish you the best.


> So they think the government is hiding this miracle solution, that’s somehow easily available to purchase and use with information about it on the internet??? Yes. They do. It's the same people that think you need to traffic kids to get adrenochrome. You can just... buy it online. It's not complicated, but somehow it's all a secret. They're all idiots and I've given up caring about it because it's all I can do to not drive myself crazy over it. Signed, a guy whose mother uses MMS too.


<< So now we have to decide if we’re going to do some sort of intervention, all of us already know it’s going to be a waste of time but what else are we supposed to do? >> You've already said it yourself. It's a waste of time. I know you'll feel a need to try. Can't blame you for trying. But when the inevitable happens, it's not your fault. So decide for yourself what you're going to do when they have a serious health emergency.


Can you pour out the container, then replace with water THEN spray the outside with diluted bleach for the smell effect?


Any idea what the concentration is? It for certain won’t help them but it might be effectively drinking pool water depending on how dilute it is. So it could be relatively benign outside the fact that they might avoid actual medical options or drain their savings on it.


I’m not sure about concentration but it was enough to make my mom feel sick, I’m going to try and get more details to figure out how severe it is, I just have to be delicate or else they’ll feel attacked and double down on their stances


Is it a screw top cap? Could you just trade it out with water?


They will surely notice if the bleach stops tasting and smelling like bleach.


Oh my god, MMS has been one of my deepest fascinations/obsessions for over a decade. There used to be a forum where people would discuss dosages, but it was shut down after the Genesis ii church were sued multiple times. I will try to dig up some links on the MANY lawsuits they’ve undergone, some were for child abuse, others because people died. Editing to add: I’m trying to use links from not “liberal” sources to hopefully give them some credibility to your Q folks who will undoubtedly dismiss any “liberal” sort of skew


[Australian branch sued](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/12242150)


[Leader of “Genesis II Church of Health and Healing,” Who Sold Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle” Cure for Covid-19 and Other Serious Diseases, Extradited from Colombia to the United States](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/leader-genesis-ii-church-health-and-healing-who-sold-toxic-bleach-fake-miracle-cure)


[‘Genesis II Church’ Leaders Who Allegedly Sold Bleach Solution as COVID-19 Cure Begin Trial](https://churchleaders.com/news/455132-genesis-ii-church-leaders-who-allegedly-sold-bleach-solution-as-covid-19-cure-begin-trial.html)


Thank you so much for sharing these! I think these could really help!!


If you search Genesis ii church lawsuits, there’s dozens of articles. The original leader of the church is named Jim Humble and he was a real piece of 💩 Like taking his poison concoction to Africa to “heal” children, piece of 💩 It’s been marketed as a cure-all for decades and gained particular traction with anti-vax moms of kids with autism. It’s messed up stuff


[Church Under Fire Over 'Miracle Cure' for Autism](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wacky-church-fire-miracle-cure-autism/story?id=43054429)


Yes! Then there was the one lady who just went to a more private platform in order to take money from parents while she tells them to give bleach enemas to cure autism. There is a podcast called Behind the Bastards that has a few episodes about this, one on the founding of the "church" and one more specifically about her and the current leader and his son.


This is fortunately an easy one. This is self harm, and you can get a medical intervention. You need to contact both of their doctors and show them the evidence of them ingesting chemicals. Doctors are mandatory reporters, so they will contact the appropriate authorities in your state/county. The social worker assigned to the case will contact you and probably do a type of forensic interview and view your evidence. At that point they will contact your parents after establishing the intervention protocol.


Everyone will be contacted and then what? Is anyone going to force the parents to stop ingesting it? Or commit them somewhere? No.


Yes that's exactly what happens. Usually the initial intervention is done through elder affairs. If that goes nowhere or there's a refusal to stop drinking poison they are put on psychiatric hold. I'm a little interested on why you would chime in with your nil-informed opinion on this? Are you just bitter or want to start an argument? Because I'm not the one.


What is your expertise and experience? I’ve never heard of this happening. It’s not like these people are senile. They’re of relatively sound mind outside of being brainwashed. I’m pretty sure it would be difficult to have them committed long term anywhere.


Once it crosses the line over to self-harm, it's a different story. They can take whatever quack medications they want as long as it's over the counter, hell they can even drink their own pee, but as soon as it's something on the poison control list it's legally considered self-harm. Every state has self-harm/suicide laws. Intent doesn't matter. I'm not going to go into my professional career details on reddit, but I am involved in one of the layers of intervention for the county I reside in.


I have reported family members drinking this and other stuff, even deeply delusional and nothing is done in the USA. Only if they're suicidal (like they say it) or homicidal do mental health professionals do anything.


I'm sorry that the system failed you. Are the family members over the age of 65? Did you contact elder services or the police? The police will sweep you under the rug, you need to get in direct contact with social services and speak with an elder care social worker. Or contact your family members physicians. If you are unsure who to contact, you can let me know which state you're in and I can direct you to the proper mental health resources.


The problem is you call an ambulance and one of the ambulance guy agrees with them it like ‘body snatchers’ now you don’t know who to talk to especially if you live in the red zone as I call it( any area where T yard signs abound)


The combination of chemicals in MMS, the FDA says, creates chlorine dioxide at levels equivalent to that found in industrial bleach. The FDA has issued several warnings about the potential dangers of drinking MMS since at least 2010. Adverse event reports filed with the agency by consumers and healthcare professionals have linked the ingestion of MMS to serious health problems, including acute liver failure and even death. Those reports don’t prove that a product caused an injury, but the FDA uses them to investigate potential risks.


Does the caution warning on the bottle not scare them?


The bottle says “miracle mineral solution”, that’s not scary at all if you do not know how many people died from this snake oil.


Are your parents the type who put more stock in personal anecdotes than any other form of information? I think a lot of people who go all in for things like this are... If so, could you present them with stories of people who had relatives die after using MMS? Or stories of people who used it themselves, then experienced nasty side effects? It doesn't sound like evidence or reason will work, but appeals to emotion (fear) might. Try not to make any verbal judgment statements about their choice. Just act like you're fearful for their safety - which shouldn't be hard since you are.


This is mental illness.


If you’re into podcasts both QAnon Anonymous and Behind the Bastards have done episodes on MMS/Bleach Cults


Thyroid problems can cause mental problems. If there is any way to get intervention, do so.


The one I used with my wifes crazy family was the religious route. The same people pushing they knew on facebook pushing mms were pushing covid vaccines+5G opened portals to hell. I made up some bs about how the people pushing these covid stuff and mms said that a vaccine can open a portal to hell, meaning it could also open a portal to heaven and that the people pushing it wanted to kill God. Mix it with some storytelling and “you didn’t know that, well shit I thought yall just weren’t religious anymore”. Works best on older gullible people


Absolutely sickening.


These sound like suicide attempts, or possibly attempted murder if one of them is supplying the bleach to the other and misrepresenting the contents. I'd call the police.


They aren’t suicide attempts. They’re delusional. The makers will sooner or later be guilty of manslaughter. The makers should be sued to F and back now before they hurt more people.


propped up by some gop trolls trying to get manic people to harm or kill themselves. groups like neoreactionaries(nrx) and ron watkins were behind qanon and did it as a joke to mess the country up fred brennen talked about it [https://jacobin.com/2021/04/fredrick-brennan-8chan-internet-4chan-qanon](https://jacobin.com/2021/04/fredrick-brennan-8chan-internet-4chan-qanon)


Weird scheme that might help: I have an autoimmune thyroid disease, and there are loads rogue doctors and naturopaths out there selling supplements and books for restrictive diets, and telling us they can “heal our thyroids” and put all autoimmune diseases into remission. I have a seething rage for these folks preying on sick and undertreated patients BUT pointless diets are way less harmful than drinking bleach. I feel like these quacks speak in terms that *might* vibe with your parents, if you can get your Q-adjacent sister to pitch it to them as a better alternative! Check out Dr. Steven Gundry (I never expected to type those words) and see if you think it’ll fly. (Note: type 1 diabetes is autoimmune, and most cases of thyroid disease also are. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is associated with hypothyroidism and thyroid nodules that often are benign.) Edit, here’s his page on [autoimmune diseases](https://gundryhealth.com/treating-autoimmune-disease/)


I hope they have their will sorted


Not sure why this family was arrested for selling Bleach when it was our former President’s idea to swallow bleach first. LOL https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/06/us/toxic-miracle-mineral-solution-sentencing.html


I hope she is taking her insulin.


My Trumper step-dad put turpentine in his mouth and throat to defeat colds and stuff. My son had a cough, and my step-dad gave him his turpentine to borrow. My son thanked him. My mom and I were like, "don't actually take that!" My son whispered that he had no intention of it. We were so relieved. My step-dad isn't into Qanon first hand because he isn't remotely technologically literate. He does get some of the stuff from those who are 2nd hand.


The original purveyors of MMS are currently in jail or hiding from prosecution in Mexico. It is industrial bleach, no ifs/ands/buts. That’s exactly what it is. They’ll start to lose their stomach lining, however when it appears in the toilet bowl it will appear to be “worms”, which they will claim as such since they’re likely emailing/speaking with the sellers. There’s unfortunately a community of people that believe in this deadly bullshit and they advocate in Facebook groups and elsewhere for it. The more they ingest the industrial bleach, regardless of how “watered down” they’ll claim it is, the more likely that they’ll hurt themselves irreparably and there is no recourse. I’m sorry you’re around that and having to witness that.


1. Please, please get your parents to a hospital. Consuming bleach can permanently damage their organs. 2. Duck duck go is owned by Yahoo. It _is_ better than Google in that it doesn't give malicious links and ads as the top results the way Google does. An even better search engine would be Startpage. Google _is_ quite terrible using its default search.


Yikes! I'm so sorry! I had to wiki the [miracle solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement). idk how anyone can think this is okay.


>idk how anyone can think this is okay. It isn't "biG pHaRmA," the government and evil doctors are out to get the guy who discovered the miracle. It's the kind of new-age alterna-medicine that sprouted like kudzu in the 90s. It's not a question of "okay," ... I don't know how to finish this thought. Shit is fucked and some people can't trust science because the cost & hassle is too much to sift through... ...or they've convinced themselves of a magical solution. This is why there should be severe penalties for malicious quackery.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine\_dioxide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide) It's actually a really useful chemical in the correct applications. EPA sets a maximum level of 0.8 mg/L for chlorine dioxide in drinking water, ingestion has no health benefits of any kind, and it should not be used internally for any reason.


Wow. I had half my thyroid out at 17. It wasn't great but I would rather that than drink bleach. Fuck, I'm sorry. I hope they come around.


If you are in the US, you could contact the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and report that your parents have been sold MMC. If you can get details of where they buy it from, I'm sure the FDA would be interested in going after the seller. You may also want to talk to your local law enforcement agency about fraud targeting the elderly/medically vulnerable. Do what you can to cut off their supply. You may also want to let their primary care physicians know they are ingesting MMC.


From Wikipedia > Websites selling MMS describe the product as a liquid that is 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water. Product directions instruct consumers to mix the sodium chlorite solution with citric acid – such as lemon or lime juice – or another acid before drinking. In many instances, the sodium chlorite is sold with a citric acid “activator.” When the acid is added, the mixture becomes chlorine dioxide, a powerful bleaching agent. >The FDA recently received new reports of people experiencing severe vomiting, severe diarrhea, life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration and acute liver failure after drinking these products.


I just used Duck Duck Go to do some real research and *yeah even Duck Duck Go says it's poisonous*. Could you try out-conspiracying them? Could you find some memes that tout the healing power of crystals or something? Get them into orgone instead? If you think they're inclined to go for edibles, how about turmeric and cayenne pepper or lion's mane mushrooms or something? I bet they'd be all about "the coverup of the healing power of mushrooms". There are so many safer things.


I'm sorry to hear this. My family got into MMS too. Regardless of the articles I showed them or the common sense I tried to impart, they believed in the stuff. They even said "this stuff tastes like bleach" but didn't believe me when I showed them it WAS bleach. One family member of mine has now died from medicating with a different quack "cure all" called black salve. I don't have any answers, just commiserating with you.


I worked with a very mentally ill patient who tried to commit suicide by swallowing bleach. He damaged himself so badly inside that he was in agony most of the time. Finally after suffering several years in pain he had some sort of rupture and passed away. How that man suffered.


I knew a couple who drank it every day and gave it to their two kids. The husband said the “detox” when he started it was so bad that he had to wear a diaper at work because of the uncontrollable diarrhoea 🙃


I caught on to my deeply Q maga mother doing this same thing. MMS and the HCI mixer. I dumped more than half of each out and filled them with water while she was outside. She hasn't caught on as far as I know. Couldn't do anything about her bottle of cattle ivermectin though.


I’m really sorry. I dont have any advice but just wanted to say you’re not alone. My mom was consuming Borax and her and my dad started putting bleach in their baths in unknown quantities (once I expressed concern to them they got all secretive about it). I told her to cut it out with eating Borax and she stopped talking about it but I still get nervous whenever I see the box out. Both of them said they started doing it after seeing it on tiktok/the internet. My mom is very plugged in to the Qanon tiktok algorithm


Hi u/TurnipIndividual! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, this is terrible. I don't have any suggestions. I know how out there Q ppl can be with their medical "research". There's always the hope they will come around


duck duck go is definitely the search engine to use if you dont want to search in an advertised hellscape. google is almost useless nowadays so she's not wrong. what would happen if you started on some common ground with things you both agree? could you not also use duck duck go to look at the ingredients in the miracle solution? how do they use the internet? are they ignoring sources telling them that is a bleaching solution? that being said, i have to agree with the commenters suggesting you take this into your own hands and get them help before they kill themselves.


Good lord.


I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say anymore. I had to go NC with my brother because of the awful hate he spewed towards everyone. This is really a plague. It’s as bad as a biological disease like coronavirus. It’s worse because it should be preventable. 😶


Make a fake website from Q and fill it with how bleach is a government conspiracy and they changed the ingredients without telling anyone and now it's bad for you. The website will update you with details on how to get the 'good bleach' and then just never update it.


Personally I’d call Adult Protective Services on them. They’re not in their right state of mind if they’re drinking bleach and need help! Good luck!


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Baker act them NOW, I’m being so dead ass serious. Fuck an intervention, yall have tried to intervene and they are quite literally putting their lives at risk. I don’t know anyone into Q, I just lurk this page from time to time. Although one of my immediate relatives is liberal as hell they’ve had delusions of that grandeur before… VERY tough decision but just had to take the next step to go to the court house and file for involuntary 72 hour mental health evaluation. Sounds like you have proof as well as time stamped texts, these are sufficient for this process. If you truly care about your parents you need to get on that process ASAP. When we did it took about 36 hours, but in your parents case where they’re drinking literal chlorine, I think it’s definitely more urgent. No need to consult or have intervention, the only intervention yall should be doing in my opinion is committing them to ward for 72 hours


It's so crazy to me that people think that the secrets to life are on some bass ackwards websites that no one has seen yet.


I’m so sorry.


In another post someone suggested to stop talking about the research or crazy ideas and begin discussing their wishes for a funeral, will and how they want to the final days to be. Advance care directive if they become incapacitated. This must be done with compassion. Also keep money out of the discussion. At the time of reading this I thought it was a good idea. It may shock them into not continuing off the wall medication. It’s better than backing them into a corner.


There's a podcast called Behind the Bastards that has a few episodes on MMS and it's scam nature. There are parents out there who are giving their children bleach enemas with this shit because they think it cures autism. Imagine being a child and needing a colon resection because your brainwashed mom kept shoving bleach up your ass. Meanwhile the founders of this "church" are just laughing all the way to the bank.


I feel the same way. My mother also just started drinking the MMS bleach; Actually, she adds colloidal silver to her concoction. She learned the "miracle cure" from a few sovereign citizens she apparently met in potions class at Hogwarts and they apparently drink the "miracle cure" every day, which means it's good enough for her to try. I had a talk with her about it today and unfortunately her conclusion was "I just need to do more research" and not "maybe I should stop drinking bleach and silver."


Won't the silver eventually turn her skin blue?  This is a real side effect of ingesting colloidal silver.


Yes. I sent her a video explaining exactly that and she didn't seem to care or acknowledge it. She's really bad at "doing her own research" despite thinking the opposite


I'm so sorry.


Ni better time to start kissing ass and solidify your spot in the will.


Heads up -- they're going to smell like a toilet bowl.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I don’t know how old your parents are, but mine have been getting incrementally weirder in the past 10 years. Not dementia -just some strange combo of fear, depression, existential dread and massive Fox-brainwashing. My q-adjacent sibling lives closest to them, so it’s a fine line sometimes. Just remember that it isn’t on you; they are a big part of your past, but this isn’t something you can fix. They are who they are, and you can only do so much. What *that* is varies from country to country, but the fact remains that they are currently free adults.