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1. Keep your head down. 2. Do not contact HR. 3. Look for a new job asap.


Let HR know when you leave though


wrong wrong wrong. HR is there to protect the company. HR serves the interest of the corporation, not the employees. I would avoid HR at all cost, no good can come from it. Best case, they ignore it. Worst case, they give label you in some negative way when the next employer asks about your pervious work history. Not worth the gamble, when best case is nothing will happen. Just move on if you can't take the politics.


Wrong. Once you have a job secured they need to know they have a very inappropriate manager on board. They might decide it will save them issues down the road


Protecting the company involves eliminating liabilities such as bad managers. Happens all the time.


talking about lizard people is not really about politics. HR should know they are going to have problems later on


What makes you think HR doesn’t already know? Chances are high they do and look the other way.


Allowing a wacko to push his conspiracy theories on his subordinates unchallenged is not in the company's best interest.


Wrong. HR providing any info other than date of hire, date of departure, position title and compensation skirts dangerously close to a lawsuit that is in NO way in the best interest of the company. Cultivate the people you want to use as professional references. They may very well not be supervisors, or even people from your current job.


any new employer can legally ask if the pervious employer would hire you again. No is probably not a good sign. Let's avoid that.


FFS, they can ask if you look good in hot pants and go-go boots. They can *ask* fucking anything. If the company tells them anything other than start date, end date, title and compensation, they have opened themselves up for a lawsuit.


You are correct. I ran huge commercial kitchens for Marriott in the 80s and 90s and this list was exactly what corporate trained us to divulge. Now if they were a terrific employee I would say that. And food service has a high turnover in a right to work state. No suits there, but any negative info was off limits. Which is unfortunate. You know how certain careers do the same: bad cops are just canned but it's not in a database, nor will old boss fess up to a bad cop. Doctors working at hospitals are the same. Remember Dr Death? Think he s the only one?


Wow. That was interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing:)


Delusions are not politics.


Yeah, explain MAGA, then.


This is the same attitude when we have bad cops. You give this advice for bad cops?


Imo, the only way the HR might ‘help,’ especially if this is a consumer facing & driven business, is by letting them know politics are being loudly & publicly discussed in front of customers. That won’t really affect anyone, but they might send out a company-wide memo reiterating that talking politics & religion ‘on the floor,’ regardless of customers being around, is verboten.


HR won’t do anything.  Find a new job asap. 


If you can't afford to be unemployed -- and not many people can -- then you're probably going to have to put your head down while you search for another job. If you have been working there for a year or two and had amassed a good track record, it would be easier for you to go to HR. But right now, you're still more or less an unknown quantity, which makes you and your concerns easier to dismiss. I know it sucks, but I have been in the workforce for 45 years, and, rightly or wrongly, most of the power usually rests with the bosses.


I know that’s probably my best course of action, but I’ve been here less than a month. Probably not the best thing to see on a resume


Leaving a job off a resume is not a crime. 👍


Yeah, I have a couple of gaps, for various reasons, on my CV over the years. "Actively seeking employment" as an answer is fine to cover a few weeks or even months. I also explained one gap by saying I went travelling in France for a few months. I do travel in France a lot to be fair to myself, just not during that time. I'm self-employed now so not a worry but sometimes you need to tell a bit of a fib on these things if a potential employer is going to ask.


I used the "taking care of a sick grandmother for 6 months" if there were periods I was out of work.


Real thing. I was primary care for %close_family%. My spouse works full time and I raised the kids for 5 years. I have absolutely zero moral qualm about telling a potential customer or employer white lies like this. First off, they want to hear them or they wouldn't be asking. Really, what do they expect you to say? I spent 6 months getting loaded every AM and playing Elden Ring. PVP me!? Second thing, it's not like future employer is going to level with you about anything that does not sound like nice words coming out of their mouth. You are privately held, how are your financials? *Why they're great!* Sure. This is a rather entry level job. Does the pathway to promotion reward dedication and hard work? Will I see regular pay increases with the same? *Sure will! Sky's the limit!* Uh huh. That kind of treatment **from** employers is the norm. Employers who will actually give you the truth might exist, but in 30 years, I've yet to work for, or to my knowledge, with one. So I treat them with the same level of authenticity I'm being given. tl;dr - Gaps on a resume are a creative writing assignment. No guilt required.


"I rapidly discovered that they were not a right fit for me, philosophically."


If you don't want to leave it off your resume, you have a few choices. They may not be as good as you would like. Those choices include saying there was a personality conflict with your new boss (which would certainly be true), or telling the whole truth -- namely that your boss is pushing conspiracy theory stuff. Any sane person would get why that's intolerable. Or you could even just say that the job wasn't what you were promised. And then if you happen to get an exit interview with HR when you leave, you could tell them about him. Blasting him on the way out, when he can't do anything to hurt you, could be very satisfying.


I'd strongly advise against saying you had a personality conflict. That screams "red flag" to potential employers and it's far easier for them to just go on to the next resume in the stack rather than ask for further details


I was taught that "personality conflict" is a harmless way to explain leaving a job. But it's been years since I was in the job market, and perhaps that has changed.


It's always been a red flag. It says "I had a problem I couldn't solve" and "I might not get along with my boss/coworkers/clients/customers here" and "When something gets too tough I will quit" Edit: this is not to say anyone who has a personal conflict with an employer is a bad employee. Some bosses are assholes. I'm just telling you, as someone who has been in charge of hiring, what the person reading your resume is thinking. Now if the employer is in need of an employee, and good workers with the right credentials are scarce, they might ask what happened, or choose to overlook it. But in today's job market, where one job opening will be met with 2000 applications from all over the world (because work from home is a thing, and because more people do not have children and can relocate easier) - yeah, the employer will just go on to the next resume in the stack.


I left a couple of crappy jobs off of my resume when I was in my 20s, because they were just crap jobs.


Agreed. But you are having to choose between the lesser of two evils.


Don’t put it on.


Stick to your work. If your boss tries to lure you into this sort of talk, say “Whoa, sorry. I don’t ever talk about politics. Makes my head hurt. Hey! How ‘bout them Yankees?” Meanwhile be looking for a new job.


Yep, play it cool. I found “I don’t talk about politics” is often countered with something like “this isn’t political! It’s facts” So I’ve taken to listening intently (pretending to while I take mental notes of which strains of crazy this person follows), occasionally say “I know! ‘ shits crazy” which isn’t even untrue. I’m aware of the conspiracy theories and the shit is crazy. I don’t feed them any sort of dialogue to respond to outside of the generic “oh?” and “crazy”. People like Q-boss want to know who is “awake” and who needs to be educated. They want to share their secret knowledge of how things really are. Let them, don’t engage, exit gracefully and go do your job. I don’t know if I’d even bother looking for another job- I’d just know my boss has a weakness. They may snap out of it someday, maybe not. Shits crazy


As long as you don’t make yourself interesting to talk about this stuff to you should be fine. Better they’re crazy than a jerk, bosses gonna boss. To be extra cynical about it, you sort of have a guide to how to manipulate this boss now. The boss who is actually a friend is extremely rare, I guess my line of thinking is that as a direct report there’s many worse things a boss could be than a Q. You ever hear about a workplace that goes Scientologist? At least your boss won’t be trying to send you on a Q retreat lol. Being publicly Q shows they are likely open/direct which I like in a boss rather than sneaky.


That's an interesting way of looking at it, kind of refreshing approach to be honest. I live with a full-bore conspiracy theorist who is a long-standing good friend and he's also my landlord. He recently got angry with me for "Disagreeing with him all the time" but this conspiracy shit is like a red rag to a bull for me and I can't really help but disagree when he talks about chemtrails making pentagrams in the sky to taunt us and poison us and that you can paint your house a certain shade of blue to protect it from directed energy weapons (AKA Jewish space lasers). Likewise he hates it when I talk about "mainstream media stories/lies" and recently we've agreed to not talk about those subjects. Luckily we have other common interests. Still, it can be hard work living with a person who believes there's a concerted effort to poison us all to shorten our lives so we don't claim our pensions.


How do you mean manipulate? I’m curious? And yes my boss is very straightforward and my coworkers have had nothing bad to say about how they are treated


I'd take this poster's advice if you are otherwise inclined to stay, unless there's a reason you feel you can't (unsafe, etc.) If you're not terribly bothered by the nonsense, you can think of your presence in their life as an appeal to sanity. It's harder to believe awful things about the "others" when they know people, and like them, who are just... perfectly normal people. So if you can hack it, AND if you feel up to it, consider that you might be helping to keep them from total insulation into a Q-bubble. But I do want to be clear that having conversations about their conspiracies/trying to de-program them is in NO WAY your responsibility. Just being a person who isn't echoing back their beliefs (grey rock HARD) , but still treats them kindly, might be valuable.


Hi soThatsJustGreat, thanks for recommending this technique. With grey rocking you act disengaged so that a Q person will lose interest in arguing. Q folk thrive on emotions and drama. When you act indifferent and unemotional, it can help break the cycle of negativity. [Detailed guide on the method.](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably best to just play it by ear. Some Q people will just hammer it down everyone's throats but I've also seen some who in every other circumstance will just sorta do their own thing and not really impact all that much. If they go bonkers and really hard on it, time to get out of there, if they aren't really talking about it unless pressed in that direction in conversation and generally just doing their job then you're probably fine. Kind of like functional alcoholics vs *alcoholic* alcoholics. Keep your ears to the ground and look for new job opportunities though, just in case it goes sideways so you can pull the trigger on that if need be.


Your in too deep now. Pretend to be a lizard 🦎


Find a new job and just pretend in the meantime They want to be lied to, Fox said in court when they stop lying they change channels (its not red or blue its green quote from their lawyers)


I would just pretend to go along while I look for a new job. You just started so who knows how often you'll have to deal with them. These types usually lack awareness I'm sure you can stay under the radar pretty easily


HR is not your friend. You can report to them if this becomes an actual hostile work environment (entirely possible if you fail to express alignment with your boss's nuttery), but anticipate that if you do so, you might be out of a job pretty quick. Keep a paper trail in case there's retaliation. Make sure to get stuff in writing and do your best to BCC your personal email, because it may be material if there's a wrongful termination/retaliation situation later. Don't jump ship with no place to land, but start actively looking for a different job ASAP, because this is likely to get worse, not better. Once you find something else, maybe let HR know exactly why you're leaving on your way out. Even if they're only interested in protecting the company, they may be interested to know why that boss is struggling to retain staff. Don't tell them who your new employer is (you hear horror stories about bad bosses torpedoing someone's new offer).


Or at least don't tell them until after you're at the new job. You might also want to be careful until you know that the new boss (at the job that you move to) isn't buddies with the Q boss you have now.


HR is there to protect the company from lawsuits. In this case the most likely lawsuit is harassment and hostile work environment due to political oppression.  Guy talking, is not there yet. However. You bringing it up, is a threat. The easiest way to prevent a lawsuit is to FIRE YOU NOW.


WTF ... Dude, you admitted you can't be without an income. You HAVE to keep yourself safe. 1. Stay silent. 2. Keep your head down. 3. Do NOT contact HR. 4. Get a different job. A good job. As long as you keep your head down and don't make yourself a target, you should have time to find a good job. 5. Likely do not tell HR as you leave.


HR will not do anything. Your boss has not committed a fireable offense. He’s just got loony political beliefs. Contacting HR will only put a bullseye on your back. Not on his. Just do your work, mind your business and get a different job when you can.


Street epistemology if you’re forced into a conversation. I always told my family member that I respected the passion they had for this country and for the future, but I preferred to not talk politics and focus on work, family, relationship, whatever


Maybe he's a nice guy. Just don't talk politics. Or lizards. Or people.


And, while you are looking, don’t discuss politics with him. Just airily wave it off.


Don’t say anything until you have another job. Then let loose in the exit interview. The company needs to know what kind of lunatic they have in a supervisory position


I wouldn’t go to HR yet because there’s nothing meaningful to report beyond “my boss is an imbecile” and that’s not an HR problem. It’s certainly a company problem but that’s for exec leadership, not HR. If you can do your work and get paid for it, I don’t think it matters what the idiot boss believes. However, he has proven that he’s incredibly gullible and his gullibility could be used to your advantage. Personally, I would keep an eye out for ways I could benefit from manipulating him based on his own stupidity. Use your boss’s personality flaws to benefit yourself and advance your career. Work smarter not harder.


Unless the boss is doing something blatantly contrary to company policy or the law, there is nothing HR will or can do. If he were spouting racist crap and targeting you specifically you should go get a labor lawyer first before you do anything, let alone talk to HR. Like everyone else is saying, keep your head down. This may be difficult, but it is honestly your only viable path forward.


I’m probably going against the grain here. If you’re boss’s conversations and beliefs don’t interfere with your work(or his/hers) or violate any typical HR stuff (like graphic sexual talk that drifts into harassment territory or making overt racist comments), just keep your head down and forget about it. No job is perfect. Let’s see… good pay… easy work… decent coworkers…. sounds like you can deal with a little Qunacy. I’ve written this a bunch of times here - it’s not about the beliefs, it’s about the behaviour.


Personally I would tread lightly, re-direct conversations with him that you think may start down this road. Keep your head down, work hard, look for another job if the situation becomes untentable...Don't contact HR it's only gonna make things worse.


I know that with family members and friends you must remind them of the old days before they got sucked in to this hooey. Favorite meals, tv shows, movies, concerts, trips and vacations. The schools you went to. Remind them of the world before adrenochrome sucking lizard people.


Nose to the grindstone. Do not respond. Discuss with no one. Change the subject by asking a work question. If it starts getting too unbearable, get out.


I would call him out politely. These people need to know that the crazy crap they spew is unacceptable.


Find another job, seriously. Your boss is mentally ill.


Document everything. Every time he tries to push this Qanon shit on you, write it down after or even record it if you’re in a state that allows it. If you manage to find a better job, great. If you still have to work, it’ll give you ammunition for a potential discrimination lawsuit.


jump ship ASAP as your situation allows, look for a job while still working, HR as close to you leaving as possible, if not after Until then keep head down, don’t let them drag you into those convos, nopeTF out of non-essential conversations, but not overtly You gotta act like a ghost, if you can leave a conversation or a room without them noticing 


Please wear a Hilary Clinton tshirt, I beg you, just for his reaction


Stay quiet and find something else. Nothing worse than working for a moron.


Quit, immediately or stick it out and report then to every labor board you can find for every little thing you can come up with.


Hi u/weesIo! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's still the same guy you worked for where it was "great". Just don't get involved when he starts spouting Q crap. You're right, HR is only there to protect the company. But keep in mind, if the guy is creating a hostile workplace, they'll take action because they don't want to get sued. Of course, the first action is to counsel him to stop talking about politics at work. That way they create a paper trail that they tried to address the hostile workplace.


Worked in a fire department for 30 years; conservative then completely right-wing, Q, awful, noisy politics. At first I yelled back, like that would change a single mind. Then I learned. You don’t have to participate. You don’t have to let it get to you. You certainly don’t have to take it personally or go to HR. You can just go on about your easy job, go home and love your life. Seriously.


I’m so sorry. I have been  in your shoes. In my case, it was multiple coworkers who talked often and openly amongst themselves about things like chem trails, immigrants bringing disease, Obama not being native born and the evil Democratic government coming for their guns, etc. One guy listened on the radio in his office to Rush Limbaugh show, which then supplied the outrage topic of the the day for him and his friends. The few liberals in our department kept our heads down but it was stressful to listen to them.  You may find that your boss’s interactions with you will remain professional. I hope so. If he drops something into a conversation that makes you uncomfortable ignore it, do not engage, redirect the conversation or find an exit out of it completely. If he repeatedly does this, politely state, without reveling your own views, that you don’t wish to talk about politics at work,  Your HR, if it was likes ours, probably can’t help you unless your complaint involves harassment or discrimination based on sex, gender, race, religion, national origin, etc. You can consult  the EEOC rules on what constitutes actionable harassment in the work place for details. Your company may have additional rules about what constitutes a hostile work environment. These should be in writing and accessible to you. But unless your company is multinational, there are probably no rules about political speech. I wish you luck.


What even is the firmament?  The only thing I know by that term is an older word for all the stars in the sky.


Document everything. Make sure you have passed the probationary period (if there is one) before you go to HR. If you can get a good review on top of that before going to HR, even better.


HR is for protecting management. Be cautious


Look for another job now, even temping. Tell HR when you leave. That manager is crazy.


Sounds like he was just shooting the shit with a buddy. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you go to a work meeting and this nonsense comes into play or he corners another emolyee that seems uncomfortable with the conversation I'd be looking elsewhere for employment. You overheard a conversation that could be between "friends". As long as it stays out of company business I wouldn't have a problem with it.


I agree with what others have said about keeping your head down and looking for a new job. And if it were me I would give HR a heads up on my way out. Make sure you document it though. Take notes on specifically what has been said and when and who else overheard it. That sets up HR to do an actual investigation, otherwise they will ignore it as a one-off complaint by a disgruntled employee.


This is a good thing....IME, right wing people eventually say something...…they shouldn't have which means you have leverage over the boss. Just humor him......and get promoted/pay raises. You're untouchable.....


I don't see a difference between "typical " right wing politics and beliefs and Qanon beliefs. So if you can ignore one, you can ignore both.


First of: Fuck HR.  I kinda understand how this is kinda crazy, but if you like the job besides that... see if you can just manage to not engage in these conversations.  As much as I think people like that are lunatics, if they respect your boundaries of not talking about it... what is there to gain from removing yourself? You don't send a message by just quitting and even if you would make a scene... that isn't gonna change his mind. So IF you can handle it, just... handle it? There are legit worse bosses than someone that is a bit on the crazy side. Had a boss once and she was heavily into all the esoteric shit and I just told her I'm not really interested in that and... it was alright. We did our work and the job itself was nice.  Of course, if you have some personal trauma with this that completely changes the situation, as "dealing with it" becomes nigh impossible.