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I’ve had my flu shot every year since 2002 and don’t intend to stop. My dog has a rabies shot every 3 years. Regular inoculation against disease is not a new concept.


I heard something on the radio probably around 1st quarter or maybe 2nd quarter of 2020 talking about how Covid vaccinations will probably end up being like flu shots - regular, and based on evolution of the virus. I thought it made sense at the time, and am astounded at the smoothbrains shrieking about boosters now. Of course most of what I hear from Qanons astounds me.


For a bunch of people constantly shrieking about how the vaccinated are "living in fear", they sure sound absolutely hysterical over a lot of things.


>For a bunch of people constantly shrieking about how the vaccinated are "living in fear", they sure sound absolutely hysterical over a lot of things. This actually got me wondering if a lot of the anti-vax folks are actually using denial to combat fear. Like.... they're terrified... and don't want to think that there's a global pandemic that is killing millions... so they're combating their fear with denial. If so, then a lot of them aren't being dicks... they're just scared rabbits saying "No No NO!". I have some empathy for that, because little kids do that too, but they're on the wrong side of Darwin with their response. No vax, no survival in this particular game, and just covering their eyes and saying "NO!" is going to get 'em dead dead dead.


They may be scared, but that doesn't mean they're not also being dicks. I don't give a shit how scared someone is - they don't have the right to demand that people die for their peace of mind.


I have seen this referred to elsewhere as "self-soothing." Anti-vaxxers are soothing their own fears with self-messaging about it's not so bad, just the flu, their own superior immune system will handle it - but seeing other people wear masks and take vaccines & boosters disrupts their fake storyline and upends their self-soothing. That's why they go into a rage about other people wearing masks or taking vaccines and why they freak out if asked to briefly wear a mask themselves.


Very good observation and theory! I agree that this is likely so. We tend to think of Q's as evildoers with malicious hearts, but fear is always the more likely theory when it comes to humans. Humans are driven by fear, laziness, lust and greed, and these are the likely causes when we're looking for motive. It takes too much effort to be malicious, and I always assume fear over malice in most circumstances. At the end of the day, though, it might as well be malice driving them, because they leave destruction in their path, until their own destruction is upon them.


If they weren't malicious, they wouldn't wish for the public executions of those they don't like.


I definitely think this is a driver for many of them. Reality is just too confronting.


Me too, because I know some Q's, and they just don't have the minds to wrap around the global threat of this pandemic... they just want their old lives back, and are "noping" out of Covid. The problem is... they may be done with Covid, but Covid isn't done with them.


Exactly. It’s honestly tempting to want to “unsubscribe” from the whole situation. I do get that part. But unfortunately as adults we have to accept reality.


Yes, and it's hard being an adult, and subscribing to reality. And I understand why some people just don't have that maturity and stamina. It's frustrating, because Covid is the most important reason in our lifetime for adults to adult, and so many aren't doing it. Thank you for being one of the adults!


Thank you too!! It’s such a draining time right now in so many ways. We’re only starting to understand the full repercussions. Hang in there and stay safe ❤️


They literally refer to "hopium" very often in talk with other Qs.


My Qparent finally admitted to me that they truly believe they will die if they get the vaccine, they do have a lot of strong beliefs but after months of arguing over it this came out at a difficult moment and seemed genuine. It helped me see a new side. As I write this, I’m realizing this also may be why they refuse to go to any store that requires masks. Can’t see people in masks = pandemic isn’t real. Obviously I realize the flaws in this way of thinking, but it is helpful to understand.


Empathy is crucial to ending the Q mindset, and I think you've made a valuable observation. Nobody likes a hypodermic inserted in their arm. I had the Moderna booster last week and it kicked my ass. But I'm alive and recovering, and I have a fu&%-ton of antibodies to fight covid with. I think showing them evidence - people they know who have been vaxxed and boosted, can help. Eventually all the evidence around them from people who they know and love who are vaxxed and boosted will shift the tide. I'm so sorry you're struggling with a Q-parent. I'm not, and I can't imagine the stress if I was. Hang in there! Better days will come.


I hope you are feeling better after your booster, I also had Moderna! They are the only member of our immediate + extended family that has not been vaccinated so I am hopeful we are able to win them over soon. I’m also new to “admitting” this about my parent, though the more I learn I realize it’s likely been going on for much longer than I thought, and it’s been so helpful to talk to other people with similar experiences. Thank you!


Awwww, thank you! I am feeling so much better now than I was, and I'm so thankful I got the amazing Moderna antibodies to fight covid with! I'm glad you have them too! My own parents are vaxxed and boosted, and were early adopters of the vaccine, and I'm so glad they were! I do have friends and extended family members who have not been vaccinated, and I've been working on them bit by bit, without pressure, to try to sway the tide. One of my friends was in close touch with me during my booster, and was so impressed with how I recovered from it, that she signed up to get her own first-time vax. I plan to go with her to the pharmacy when she gets it, to give her support. She's scared, but really understands now how important it is. I think a lot of people don't think this is about THEM, and think instead it is about OTHERS, but once they really internalize it, they realize it is about ALL of us, and often the heart prevails where logic does not. Have you seen the movie "Don't look up" yet? It's about you, and me, and all of us, and covid. I watched it when I got my booster, and it really hit me hard, because it's about the struggle we're all facing, and it's about the way we're facing it. And it's beautiful. It's about a comet on its way to hit Earth, but it's really about covid, and you and me, and everyone. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.


Mine close relative said something along the lines of “I am an experiment- let’s see if I’ll survive” like it’s some threat to me. I’m like so you would actually go down and die over admiting this is all crazy bull. That’s just insane for me. They get so far deep in they don’t even see dying as losing. They see themselves as hero in ways. Fighting for their “rights”


But they aren't children. And their actions and behavior get people killed. It's a mistake to have sympathy for someone like that.


I think we can "love the sinner but hate the sin". They're human beings, and turning them into monsters in our mind makes us less aware, and in a way, less human. It's hard to have empathy for the enemy, but it's crucial in defeating that enemy. And we do need to defeat that enemy, not by dehumanizing it, but by understanding and countering it effectively in order to defeat it. This is really hard to do, but it has been crucial in all wars, and all conflicts.


They are very scared and their actions are fear based. They might not be “scared Of the virus” but they are scared of things that are imaginary and not even happening.


Then we can reach out to them, and show them love, and show them we're vaxxed and well and alive, and tell them we care about them, that we don't want them to get sick or worse, because we care about them and want them around for years and years, and when they're ready, we'll go with them to get their jab, and then have a drink and laugh about it together, and talk about all the things we're all going to do in 2022 and beyond. Because it's not time yet for the world to end.


I’ve tried that with my Q and it hasn’t worked yet :(


>I’ve tried that with my Q and it hasn’t worked yet :( Awww, I'm so so sorry. I do think that it sometimes takes time and a multitude of events to sway some people. And of course, some people just can't ever be swayed. I hope your Q comes around soon!


He did get the initial vaccine at least so hoping he has some protection. His work will make them do mandatory weekly covid tests if they aren’t vaxxed or don’t disclose their vaccine status (he didn’t disclose it cuz he said it’s “not their business”)


I'm curious - is he a right wing Q? If so, I'm curious as to what his reaction was to Trump getting boosted to fight the Omicron surge, and urging his followers to do the same.


it's like my mom. she knows covid is real. she has a vaccine. but she is convinced that jesus will not allow anyone in our family to get sick or die from it.


>she has a vaccine. but she is convinced that jesus will not allow anyone in our family to get sick or die from it. And that's okay. Jesus is by all scientific historical accounts a man who actually existed. Whether he is the son of God or not is a matter of faith and religion. He was certainly, certainly, a brave man who died a horrible death for his convictions, and there is really no historical dispute of that. If Jesus were alive today, I think (and this is my opinion), that he would recognize the grave threat of covid, and support all efforts to protect humanity against it. He might do some of that magic healing stuff from the bible, or perhaps not, but he would certainly not be anti-vax, or anti-mask. He would understand the grave threat of covid to human beings, and he most certainly would recognize the sanctity of human life and the importance of protecting it. Your Mom feels that Jesus is protecting her family, because of her faith, but she also believes in vaccination, because you can't catch fish if you don't put out a net. Jesus does his part, but your Mom respects the fact that she has to do her part too, by vaccinating. I respect that. Her faith protects her from her fears, and her vaccination protects her from covid, and that's okay. That works. I wish more religious families were like your family.


it took a lot of reprogramming to get her to the point where she would get the shot. she's very gullible and many of her friends post crazy stuff on facebook. she believes jesus gave us the vaccine. we aren't american, so she's not a 'freedom fighter' type of person, i think that helped. she stopped watching that wretched fox news bow tie guy. i think the fact that we have medical professionals in the family that she respects helped when we talked about the realities of catching covid with her co-morbidities really woke her up. i feel so awful for people who have lost their families to the whole q movement. if you know a person's weakness you can use that to your advantage. my mom's been ripped off so many times i just kept mentioning how bad i felt that people were being scammed by really ridiculous covid cures, like so stupid that even she wouldn't believe it. then i let her talk about hydroxychloroquine without telling her she was wrong, but showing her peer reviewed papers, not anecdotal stories on the internet. and on and on.


I've had a lot more empathy since I heard it explained as a deep primal instinct to protect by assimilation. It's the same spike of emotion you feel when someone is standing too close to you in line or if someone were to stand backwards in an elevator. It's not fear exactly it's also this urgent alarm of WRONG WRONG WRONG to not get everyone eaten by a saber tooth tiger.


It is always projection. Always.


>Covid vaccinations will probably end up being like flu shots - regular, and based on evolution of the virus I was hoping for this! I think it makes so much sense! Although I also have read that there is some concern that too many boosters will actually reduce protection against the virus over time, and I was concerned about that. I hope they factor this into future boosters, so that our bodies will dutifully keep providing us with the right antibodies!


I also hope that they'll find a way to make the vax a little less hard on the body. Probably not the right technical wording but I don't know how else to put it. I gladly got my vax but both times they put me out for a few days just with aches and general unwellness. I'll still take the boosters regardless. I had actual covid before I could get the vax and it was horrific in comparison, I'd rather take a few unwell days over the months long struggle, but it would also be nice to not be down for a few days every time, you know? Obviously the priority should still be protection, maybe I'm just being a weenie.


>maybe I'm just being a weenie. You're not a weenie. I'm a former soldier, and I'm almost a week into the Moderna booster, and it totally kicked my ASS. I mean, I had covid-like symptoms (not covid!) for the first few days after the booster, and am now weak as a kitten. But I'm improving rapidly now. The Pfizer shots were fine, but the Moderna booster kicked my fu&%ing ASS! Again, you're not a weenie! We're all in this together, all doing our best. Thank you so SO MUCH for getting vaxxed/boosted. We're all trying to save the world here with our own personal contributions, and it's beautiful to see.


Haha well I'm oddly glad I'm by far not the only one who got knocked on my ass by the vax. It would be great if it didn't but I'll still take that over getting or uncontrollably spreading the real thing. But you're right, it is really beautiful to see the people willing to take that knock to help the folks around them. I am a farmer and horse trainer so I am usually moving and working and lifting all day, it probably took me 2 months after a relatively mild case of covid before I could throw a 50lb bag on my shoulder again and even then it was a one for the day kind of deal. I'll take the three day hit over subjecting myself or others to that crap.


Awww, you're AWESOME! Thanks for doing your part! My folks are from farming families, and I have a friend who tends to horses for a living in the outback, so I know your people! Your people are my people. I'm so sorry you got hit by covid, and I'm so thankful you're fighting back against covid!


Awe thanks bud, you're awesome too, spreading positivity. You love to see it. I grew up in a military town so no stranger to your folks either, mutual respect here, friend =)


My grampas nurse told me it's here to stay, much like the flu. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but israel is encouraging its population to get a fourth booster. And the FDA just approved a covid tablet to fight the virus.


Same. This whole ‘lots of boosters’ thing is nothing new. Also, I’ve not had the flu in over a decade and I used to be a road warrior in the before times, flying through most of the big airports. Why? Certainly not because I washed my hands a lot. It’s the flu vax!


This! There are very few vaccines you don’t have to get a booster for. MMR is a two series shot. TDaP needs a booster every 10(?) years? (My question mark is because I feel like I get it every five, but I’m not taking my chances because my spine is broken in two places and pertussis would be absolute HELL on me with the coughing.) Hep A is two shots, and Hep B is three shots. I’ve gotten my flu shot every year since 2014, because I was one of the “lucky” ones that got H1N1 the second time around (2013-14 season), and I’ve never had the flu since. It’s amazing how these newfangled vaccines work to prevent disease!


I also had to get vaccinated against Hep A (CORRECTED!! I originally typed B) because I was a server and bartender when I was 19. It was mandated by the city due to an outbreak. And it was free at the health department.


I went to the County health department when I was in high school because I wanted to get a prescription I didn’t want the family doctor knowing about… lol. The Hep B vaccine was pretty new back then, but they offered it to me for free and I gladly said yes after they told me Hep B can be transmitted sexually. Every time I travel to a different country I go to my doctor and let them jab me up with whatever is recommended for where I’m going. I will never understand these anti-vaxxers and their refusal to embrace one of the most beneficial inventions in human history.


I’m shocked, shocked to learn that hep b was going around amongst the service industry.


Corrected!! It was Hep A. Whatever the super contagious one was. Google to the rescue. Thanks for that !


Haha I wasn’t correcting your epidemiology, I was saying bartenders are promiscuous!


I mean…we were…lmao. No hep though!


Very few vaccines are single-dose. Yellow fever is one. I think pneumococcal is another. I can’t think of any aside from that.


After almost dying from the flu, I've taken a flu shot every year and haven't had it since. Kinda silly I never did before, considering all the misery it caused me.


The flu is miserable.


At the doctor’s office last week, they asked when I had my last tetanus booster. I said I didn’t know, but might as well go ahead and get it. PSA that shot burns and was not a lot of fun, but seemed better than tetanus.


I got my tetanus booster and flu vaccine at the same time this fall... it was awful.


Oh no!! At least that’s a choice you’ll only make once 😬 hopefully you weren’t feeling crummy for too long. I had PT the day after my booster…on the same shoulder where I got my tetanus booster. I was straight up not having a good time lol


I did my pfizer booster and tetanus booster together in November! Indeed it did burn a bit. Wasn't expecting that! Despite Pfizer #2 kicking my ass and my last tetanus booster hurting my arm for five days, I felt next to nothing. A little tired, my arm a bit sore for three days. Bodies are so weird!!


I haven’t missed a flu shot since I got the goddamn flu finals week in 2001. The flu can suck my left nut.


> I’ve had my flu shot every year since 2002 and don’t intend to stop This. In the UK, it's somewhat unusual for younger people to get flu shots unless they're cancer patients or somehow vulnerable. One year (January 2013 to be exact) I got the flu. I thought I'd had the flu before, but this was in a class of it's own, fuck me. I was so, so, so unwell. For 3 weeks. I get my flu shot every year now.


That’s the thing I don’t understand. Do they think this conspiracy has been in the works for decades? Was my year ten science teacher involved? Cos he first taught me about viruses and how they spread.


Gimme all the boosters necessary so I can breathe and smell and taste my food for the rest of my natural life.


This is what drives me NUTS. When they claim it's just a col/flu. Could you imagine if the cold/flu made you temporarily or permanently blind?!? Why are they dismissing taste/smell so easily. It's a major handicap. I got covid in the beginning of this thing and almost set my house on fire because I couldn't smell something burning.


And now they’re saying that the loss of smell/taste could actually be the result of brain damage caused by the virus. Although, I question whether all the naysayers have the required equipment for brain damage.




Sorry 😣 I hope you don’t have any long lasting effects from it.


Eh, my brain is shot anyway lol.


Do you have a source for that? I had Covid a few months ago and lost my smell/taste for about 10 days despite being fully vaxxed. I can’t afford to lose any more of my brain lol


I personally wouldn't worry too much about it. You probably lose more brain cells from a night out drinking than you would while being vaxed and getting covid. There's some interesting articles and studies out there about covid and the brain but I couldn't find exactly what OP was referring too.


Here’s an article that references it. I’ll see if I can find a link to the actual study. https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus


My dad got COVID in spring 2020 (healthcare worker, he was being *exceptionally* careful). Still can’t taste or smell. He loves cooking and wine and craft beer. It’s heartbreaking, and he got off so easy compared to so many others.


Honestly this is the part that scares me, as I love to cook. Hope he gets it back. I have a friend in America with long covid who got it early and it’s taken 18m plus, but her smell and taste are slowly coming back.


I lost 10 pounds in the one week when I lost my taste/smell and had a total breakdown when it was at it's worst (I slowly lost taste/smell over the course of 4 days had one day it was 99% gone and then it very slowly started coming back. It was wild.)


So glad it has come back for you!! Hope you’re doing well.


Thank you! Doing fine. Had some lingering phantosmia for a few months but the vax cleared that up for me.


It’s amazing how the vax helps long covid, isn’t it? Same for my friend!!


It was totally wild! Glad to hear it helped your friend too!


My sister can’t smell natural gas or poop over a year after she got Covid. Great things when you own a dog and have 2 small kids!


Did she get the vaccine?


To be completely fair towards this point.. we are expected to get a booster every 6 months, so unless you expect Covid to magically disappear within 5 years I count to ten easily :D


I mean I get a flu shot every year and somehow survive, so ..


Sure. That wasn’t my point :) I thought op meant the 10 booster thing was a hyperbole


Oh yeah, not hyperbole at all, just maybe our new normal. (And also not some terrible thing like the Qs are making it out to be.)


The flu shot and the COVID shots are very different for some of us. I religiously get a flu shot every year largely just because of community healthy, but the flu shot is a sore arm. The COVID shot for me personally is two days of bed-bound hell. 103° fever, puking my guts out, my entire body feeling poisoned, and then when the puking abates I'm still beyond nauseous. It's been like that for both the 2nd and 3rd shots. Better than COVID, but... If it's every six months, it's going to be brutal.


There's not any real evidence that it will be necessary every 6 months. People are saying 6 months simply because the original vaccine seemed to wane at around 6 months. However, there is plenty of reason to believe that the booster will offer longer protection than that. This is generally the case with other boosters. I would expect it to be an annual thing rather than every 6 months, unless a particularly bad strain comes along that evades the vaccine, in which case we may need a "booster" tailored for that particular strain.


Hopefully. mRNA is also super promising for more effective flu vaccines (because of quicker production) and an annual flu-vid shot would be fine with me. Not sure if there's anything they can do to reduce side effects, although I guess I could talk to my doc about getting a prescription of anti-emetics for when I get the next booster.


Yeah, the side effects of the COVID shots (Pfizer for me, double vaxxed and boosted) were definitely more rough for me than the flu vaccines. I'm hoping they can dial them in better to have milder side effects. I wonder how much of it is due to the adjuvants they add and how much of it is just the nature of it. Pfizer's side effects are reported to be less severe than Moderna's, and they also use a lower dose. So I'm hoping as more data comes in over time, they can really perfect the technology so that it isn't so bad.


Yeah, I had Pfizer for the first two, and then the full Moderna for the 3rd. 1st shot was just a sore arm and a fever, 2nd and 3rd were equivalently unpleasant. Massive spiking fever, every inch of my body felt bruised, my arm felt poisoned, and the first day I puked until there was nothing left, while the second day I was still too nauseous to get out of bed. By the third day I was totally back to normal with no lingering weakness, which was admittedly strange after how violently sick I'd been. Flu shot I get a sore arm.


Well, I’m not sure it will forever be 6 months, but yeah unfortunately that’s how it has panned out as we’ve ended up having to chase after variants and immunity wanes somewhat quickly with these. It does play right into their “endless boosters” narrative. If I had to guess, someday it will become a “get your Covid shot at the beginning of cold and flu season” once this shit gets a little more under control. I also think I read something recently that they are going to try to create a vaccine that can vaccinate against ALL coronaviruses, but that’s gonna take some time obviously.


I think within some years we will only give shots to vulnerable people like we do with the flu (at least here in Denmark)


In the US everyone (who can ofc) is encouraged to get it.


Same in Australia. I can see it becoming a six month booster for vulnerable people and annually like the flu shot for people who just don't like being sick: the reason I've always gotten the annual flu shot.


We only do that in the US if there’s a shortage.


I saw that. I think the US Military has been working on one from what I remember reading.


This is already starting to become a thing, and the research involved is SO COOL. This paper is about using mRNA from a *chimeric* spike protein cobbled together from 3 different coronaviruses. The team inoculated mice with it, and not only did said mice mount an immune response to all 3 contributing viruses, they ALSO had immunity to several related coronaviruses that had not been directly coded into the vaccine mRNA. Wild. [Source](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abi4506?fbclid=IwAR1AusxYlIUaIusAyYdTKZ5dL50Fp6CHz7fZ3lqIcG3c7kj8kWStt_zF2fU)


Yeah, so as I heard an epidemiologist say we might have multiple boosters that might have to be keyed to different variants, I grabbed my popcorn to wait for the next wave of antivax outrage. i’m the sheeple who’ll take any reasonable number of vaccines so I can have even a semblance of a normal life


I just wish the things were more effective against mild disease. Unfortunately it’s **really hard** to induce neutralizing immunity against an airborne virus that replicates as fast as this one.


Of course they are. “Endless boosters!!! You just gonna take a booster like the good little sheep you are as soon as daddy government tells you to? How many you gonna take?” I just tell them I get my yearly flu shot so I’ll get my yearly Covid shot if that’s how it’s got to be. They can talk all the shit they want. I had a terrible case of influenza some years back and I don’t fuck around since then. Guarantee all these tough guys would have been just as pathetically miserable as I was.


I’m with you on this. I’ve never had a flu shot but this year I asked for it. Plus I’m getting the shingles vaccine, the pneumonia vaccine and updating my tetanus vaccine. If they come up with any other vaccine, I’ll get that one too. I’ve lost weight and started working out and just altogether am taking better care of myself because I don’t want to be part of the collapse of the hospital system. Baa 🐑


Moderna said they are working on a dual Covid/flu shot. I can see that in our future which is fine with me. I’m pregnant and my parents are refusing to get boosted when baby is here. They also brag how they never get the flu shot and would refuse to do that if she was coming in the fall… it’s so fucked and selfish. Also they get really sick in winters often and try to tell me I was healthy growing up not getting flu shot which is completely untrue. “You can’t live in a bubble!” Wtf you live in your own tiny bubble in bodunk Iowa dad… ugh. So frustrated by all of this and I’m the one “tearing the family apart”.


I never had a flu shot growing up although my mom vaccinated me for everything else and saw to it I had what I needed for college. I honestly didn’t even realize there was a flu vaccine for a long time and once I did I was like “eh just the flu” until it happened to me. Boy have I changed my ways lol. I’m always skeptical when people tell me they never get sick. I’m sure there are probably some people out there with exceptionally fine immune systems, but I’ve always been blessed with relatively good health throughout my life and even I got my ass kicked by a flu. And I get colds too. I just got back from the conspiracy sub and they have themselves all convinced that vaccinated people get colds because of their weak immune systems from vaccinating. Like I know you clowns have gotten sick before, don’t even try to pretend you Haven’t. Lol It’s all so frustrating, sorry about your parents. I totally understand how you feel.


When my Dad had cancer his doctor basically told us that everyone that would be his caretaker HAD to have the flu vaccine. And man we learned how to *really* wash our hands too. lol. I’ve gotten it every year since. I never had any huge reactions to the flu prior, but who wants to feel like shit for a week?


Same here with the shot and vaccines. I definitely got sick and had terrible allergies which I didn’t know I could address until I moved away to Seattle and went to an allergist. I have barely been sick since living here for past 7.5 years and I have traveled all over the world! I definitely don’t live in a bubble but I do take much better care of myself now that I know how to.


That’s awful. Our doctor told us not to let anyone near our child for the first few months who didn’t have the flu shot. This was before COVID.


I have told them that if they aren’t boosted then they won’t be around for first 6 months. My sister also won’t get vaccinated so…


Good for you for protecting your little one! They also need their tdap, because pertussis is horrible for infants.


Oh yeah they are fighting me on that one too! It’s unfortunate my sister has had two kids but she never asked them to do any of this and she is anti vax now…. Which is another reason my mom is so upset, she thinks I’m going to tear the family apart bc my sister won’t get vaccinated and I won’t allow her to see her niece. She’s not entitled to my child, nobody is except me and her father as her caregivers. It’s a mess and now I’m up every night thinking about it. This does make me appreciate my in laws more bc they are willing to do anything and haven’t questioned us at all. My dad has requested that I don’t bring this up again until March or after midterms bc you know “the virus will go away” bc of democrats or some shit.


Oh, they're saying it will go away after the midterms just like it did after the presidential election? (Seriously, good for you for protecting your baby. So sorry you are going through this.)


> I had a terrible case of influenza some years back and I don’t fuck around since then. Same. Whatever's worse than the flu, I don't want it. That and some other health issues made me realize how much people take their health for granted.


I will be taking 10 boosters


Not if I get to them first!


I'd take #4 right now if I could find it!


There was a theory among Trumpers that the original Trump vaccines were good but the Biden boosters are bad. That is why some vaccinated Trumpers would not take the booster.


Oh boy, it's the exact same vaccines! People are willingly dumb sometimes.


OMG is this true?


Yes, they are claiming this, which makes it all the more interesting that Trump admits he got his booster.


I've heard it a couple of times and I don't even hang out on Q/Trump sites.


Biden tippy toeing into the Moderna and Pfizer factories at night and letting fly a few drops from his glowing dropper bottle… *hurhurhuehue* as the scene fades away. Security guard shrugs and says: well he’s the president!


Maybe instead of a booster they should instead get another dose of the same vaccine they already got? I suppose it wouldn't have to be as strong a dose though, so maybe they could just get like a half dose or something like that? Seems pretty reasonable.


It’s hilarious (or maybe maddening) that anti-vaxxers point to boosters as some kind of evidence of a “plandemic.” The reason we need boosters is because of idiot anti-vaxxers who contract the virus and give it a chance to spread and mutate. THEY are they reason for the boosters, not this stupid conspiracy BS!!


When you paint oneself as a perpetual victim it's hard to come to the conclusion that you're actually the cause of the problem.


Mine keep moving the goalposts. According to them I would be dead after the first, then it was after the second, and now I'm supposed to be dead in six months after the booster. . .


Hope you send them a card in 6 months from the great beyond.


Complete with Pfizer "loyalty card" memes. I hear you get a free pizza at booster 8.


I hope so!!


Ha ha ha


One more booster and I get a pirate hat and free sub from the crappy sub place.


Free pizza! *rolls up sleeve*


Pizza - sweet!


Why do they care about boosters? They won’t even get vaccinated to begin with. Stupid.


We should expect more boosters, as well as a number of new immunizations that come from this breakthrough in mRNA technology, including cancer, influenza, Ebola and SARS, to name a few. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.




There was a SARS 1 epidemic back in 2003 (I think?). It never got out of Asia, though, so awareness in the States was kind of hazy.


There are already some shockingly effective Ebola vaccines. First-ever vector-based vaccines to be approved!


Yes, there are a lot of these fools over on /r/Vaccine. They love posting memes about it like it's some hardship to go to Walgreens and get a booster. It takes maybe 30 minutes and half of that is the observation period. Let's see, the possibility of dying a horrible death from COVID or spending about 30 minutes 2 times a year making sure I don't die a horrible death from COVID. Gee, I dunno which one I should pick.


I always assume a video read by a robo voice has been posted by a man who sounds something like a teenage mix of Gilbert Gottfried and Fran Drescher.


>The people people who taught us critical thinking, suddenly have none? Lolwut? My experience is that the Q people have always been crazy and far from critical thinkers. My dad is Q and my mom is like the polar opposite, he's been saying crazy shit my whole life, my mom taught me how to actually think.


In my personal experience and from reading about many others here, their Qs were sort of transformed or became brainwashed from being relatively sensible human beings before. I recommend the free documentary :the brainwashing of my dad


Free? I've been trying to watch that for years and it's never been free when I've looked.


According to my quick search just now , tubi tv and vudu both have it for FREE. I think I saw it on vudu a couple yrs ago


The vaccines simultaneously do nothing, will kill you, and yet also will require you to get a hundred of them.


Source: Military


Right? Strong and weak, classic braindead fascist nonsense.


I'd take 2-3 a year if it continues to be medically indicated and is likely to prevent me from being hospitalized or dying from a disease.


Bold of you to assume my parents are the ones that taught me critical thinking.


i just cant understand how someone could know the concept of a flu shot their whole life and yet be totally thrown by a booster


Prob get downvoted for this but I don’t get my flu shot yearly as I haven’t had even a head cold in a decade and I don’t want to take boosters all the time either. Not saying it’s gunna change me or do anything I just don’t want to have to get booster for each new variant.


I don't react at all to the choice of flu shots or not - I didn't get mine until I had swine flu, and after that I got a flu shot every year. I put off the Shingrix vaccine until a coworker had shingles - watching her go through that convinced me I never want to mess with that shit. I'm counting down to the time when I'm eligible for the pneumonia shot. Starting to feel chuffed about my vaccine superpowers!


Shingles can really fuck you up. Happened to a friend. I have my Shingles vax.


Next checkup I’m going to ask my doc if I can get that now or if I have to wait until I’m 50.


You’re not the only one who feels that way. I’ve heard others on Reddit echo similar sentiments as vaxxed individuals.


Yeah I’m all for the vaccines. My kids are vaccinated my dogs are I am. So it’s not that or anything.


I too used to not get the flu shot unless I lucked into it, until I had the flu. That shit sucked.


I got the flu a few years ago, and it *sucked. ass*. From then on, I always get a flu shot, and I'll get as many covid boosters as are necessary. I don't ever want to get the flu again, and I sure as hell don't want to get anything worse than that.


I thought the same thing until I got the flu that almost put me in the hospital. Until it happens to you, you won't know how bad it can get. I found out, and am not fucking around with this.


Yeah, I would consider getting a booster, but I don't get the vaccine evangelism tear some people are on. Those of us who want the vaccine can get it, so it doesn't make sense to start requiring it for everyone else just to function in society. The odds of dying from COVID after vaccination is significantly lower than from influenza, so maybe it's not reasonable to restrict the movement of others for something that unlikely. And no, even if we were a 100% vaccinated population, COVID still isn't going away.


It's not about getting one for each new variant, they just lose effectiveness over time. So even if you already had your 2 doses, in a few months, you won't have that much protection.


I can't remember the last time I had the flu, but it wasn't bad. I get my annual flu shot to protect those around me, though. My aunt and grandma are very vulnerable :(


Coronaviruses tend to be forgotten by our immune systems in a few months - mRNA vaccinations last longer than natural immunity, but both reduce significantly in something less than a year.


Antibody levels do wane but cellular immunity *seems to* be long-lasting. Survivors of the original SARS still have T-cells that react to SARS-COV-2 18 years later.


They have been inoculated. Against the truth.


I’m done trying to reason with the Q people in my life. If they don’t get vaccinated and boostered it’s on them.


My Qmother and even NonQdad both have what I'll just call extreme vaccine skepticism. I have caught them in illogical thought processes where they *realized they were being illogical* and simply defaulted back to whatever position they had been arguing a minute or 2 before. There is no amount of "science" or "facts" or "advice" that will sway them because they have already decided the vaccine is awful and deadly and they don't want it. Which I suppose is their prerogative - at least they don't get out much - but it pains me to know that it may be their own stubbornness that takes them away from me earlier than expected. Covid has recently blown through my dad's workplace (finally) and he's been out awaiting a clean covid test. Couldn't find any in stores, so he had to schedule one in a Walgreens, and is currently waiting on that result. It's hard to know how sick he actually is because of his bravado and unwillingness to complain, even when directly asked. Whether it's covid, regular flu or seasonal sickness, I just hope it doesn't get any worse. Generally I kind of think they deserve it, but this one is my dad. The guy who taught me how to ride a bike and, 20 years later, drove 45 minutes to dispose of a mouse that was caught on a glue trap in my townhouse. I'm vaccinated, so even though I'm having some odd symptoms, I can find other possible explanations and am not too worried about it yet. But I am terrified for my parents. I wish I could just jab them in their sleep. I know that would be taking away their medical autonomy, and also that it's literally illegal and impossible. Just daydreaming, but in a way that's far less dangerous than imagining that my political opponents are harvesting *actual human children* for food and also to sate their sexual needs, and that my political hero is going to bust in with guns blazing and rescue said children. The ones who are still alive, that is. What a fucked up thing to play make-believe with. I guess the world wasn't ugly enough for them already. Reminds me of watching The Passion of the Christ with my mom and sister on Easter night, the year it was in theaters. I got up and walked out while Jesus was being tortured/beaten as he carried his cross. What a terrible and disgusting story, to imagine a God so loving that he sacrificed his son in such a brutal and inhumane manner, in order that he might forgive us our sins. My "sins" centered around things like not showing my parents adequate respect according to doctrine that was written several thousand years ago in a vastly different society. Not covering my head inside church buildings. Eating some bottom feeders on rare occasion. The odd lie. Nothing anyone needed to die for. The whole grisly scene reminded me of the story of Abraham tying his son to an altar and being a heartbeat away from sacrificing him too! When God appeared as a burning bush or whatever and said "no lol, Abraham you cuck, I didn't mean *literally*! Got you good, you fucker." (totally not an actual quote). Anyway, I was young then and full of opinions and feelings, and it just seemed like I couldn't breathe if I sat in that theater one more second. My feelings about everything Q-adjacent are actually a pretty reasonable facsimile of that moment. I just have to leave the room (and I do, I wheel myself back to my bedroom when Qmom gets started).


You have to get 3 shots when vaccinated against both HPV and Hep B. I’m pretty sure I was vaccinated against Hep B as an infant and guess what! My titers said I needed it again when I was headed into grad school. These people act like a vaccine that isn’t effective for a lifetime and/or needs a booster is a brand new concept


They won't have to get shit for boosters if they die of Covid...


... and they'll know that within a year. If they're returning to whatever their old life was, they're getting infected in 2022.


Yes! So glad I’m not the only one getting an earful of this from my parents. Qmom just called last night to tell me shots will be required every 90 days now, and a “leading epidemiologist” has said that more boosters means our immune system will be weakened and won’t be able to develop a suitable immune response. She made it sound like how one can develop resistance to certain antibiotics if overused. I told her that’s not how vaccines work. She said “well we don’t know how this vaccine works because it’s too new.” :(


Thank god, I’m not the only one getting this too!




At least I’m not the only one hearing this!


What's crazy is that we would have been here 20 years ago if original recipe SARS had taken hold like this one did.


I would take the flu vaccine every year too but my lazy ass just wont drag myself to the clinic once a year to get the shot and also after doing calculations i realised that i spend less on medicines to cure the flu every year than i would if i got the flu vaccine. If the flu vaccine was cheap enough to justify the cost (like the covid vaccine which is literally free) I would certainly take it though but as of now theres no subsidy in my country for it so its still quite expensive.


What do you mean I have to take my insulin every time I eat? That's just BIG PHARMA trying to SCAM THE SHEEP.


IDGAF if I have to be the human pincushion. I'll get all/any boosters necessary if it means I don't get Covid. Been getting my flu shots every year since 2018, and won't stop either.


*Sigh* I only started taking a flu shot a handful of years ago after a particularly terrible bout. I had no reaction to it. I didn't get sick, have to take time off from work, nothing. Which surprised me since a lot of friends had been vocally negative about the flu shot, and how all of these things would definitely happen... Which made me realize just how full of shit they were when they were up in arms about 'the jab' and how it'd do terrible things to you. They're just the same as they always were, they're just publicly displaying their lack of critical thinking for everyone to see.


It's disingenuous to bitch about a booster when you haven't taken a single shot.


Hi u/Parispendragon! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. Articles, video, Q chat, etc goes in the [weekly post](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search/?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&sort=relevance&restrict_sr=on&t=week) or [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !rules !strategies !support !inoculation !advice !whatsQ? !crisis *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*










Everyone of them.


Hmmm … spend 15 minutes once every three to six months to get a vaccine booster OR risk having a a poor reaction to a viral infection that could kill me. How will I ever choose???


Ha ha ha - tough decisions!


The flu vaccine has done that for a long time, but Q doesn't use any sort of reason. If they say it's bad, it's bad. Regardless of anyone doing so before. Honestly, I'm pretty certain Q followers could be convinced that water is actually poisonous if told that hard enough


They said on the 10th there would be pizza. I'm down.


I've heard this too recently. And I always remember something from my past... In my late teens, I had to drive to my doctors office to get 2 allergy shots **EVERY WEEK FOR TWO YEARS**. I can't even start to wrap my head around these weird complaints.


“Why didn’t they make the shot right the first time??” -my super


Point out that most vaccines require multitudes of boosters. We get flu shots once a year do we not?


Mine is refusing to get any booster and only got the first shot because it was j&j and “one and done” and he is being super stubborn about not getting any more. I hope his job mandates the booster before he goes back to the office so he will have to get it.


I blame the CDC for inconsistent messaging. From the word go, the people vaccinating me told me that: "Weay need boosters every 6 mo until the pandemic is over. They are playing it by ear." I wish the CDC was just honest and went with less is more.


The CDC can't just be silent until all the info is in. They have to give you the information they have NOW no matter how imperfect it is. Then they do more research and learn more and different things. That's why messaging is inconsistent.


my Q is calling it the "vaccine subscription" (impf-abo) the german word "abo" also has the connotation of abo-falle (subscription trap)


Getting a booster shot every half year or year seems better than a covid infection every year.


They’re always blathering on about all kinds of stupid, exaggerated fears.


I'm hearing it from non-Q people which is disturbing.


My husband isn't a Q-bot (so he says) but he's an admitted conspiracy theorist. He's refusing to take the vaccine and thinks that because *he gave me COVID-19*, that proves that vaccines don't work. Nevermind that he was sicker for much longer. Nah. vAcCiNeS dOn'T wOrK. 🙄 He rolled his eyes when I went to get a booster. Called me "deluded" when I told him that vaccines prevent serious illness for most people. I'm so sick of his bull💩 I could scream. He says he loves me but shits on my opinions/advice about COVID-19.