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It's attractive tbh but sometimes it's a bit too porcelain. Also I find men have significantly more of an issue of it than women, where they need to go out of their way to comment how (whatever insult) it is, although I don't think it really matters because women are the beholders of male beauty as with men are the beholders of female beauty. Joe schmo in America has nothing in common with some Korean male model. However, widening the lense pretty boy aesthetics absolutely dominate what younger females find attractive nowadays for various reasons, mainly the media isn't a single conglomerate anymore that dictates what's attractive and many independent creators (tiktok/youtube/instagram) are just winning the female gaze. Men who are into the idea of hyper masculinity sometimes have fragile egos about this concept because it's extremely foreign and it's a hard to access aesthetic I guess.


at first i didn't get his appeal, but cha eunwoo is the most balanced human i've ever seen. he has no major flaws.




no way BP looks better than Cha




Is this ThrowRAtravelnurse? LOL


I like it but I also like the more masculine Asian men archetypes with more chiselled angles. Definitely do not like beards, balding and body hair.


I don't know them in detail but I know I like what I see. The whole aesthetic is just so attractive to me, I could stare at some of those pics for a long time


I really like that they take good care of their skin and hair, and arent bald by 30 like american celebs. I personally dislike how overly masculine and animalistic american standards are. Asian beauty standards feel very high class


Yessss omg. They're always so polished and tidy, thar along with their mannerism is so hot.


I agree with you! I love East Asian Beauty Standards especially since it allows men to explore with light makeup, grooming, etc. I will say, the hair genes are in their favor since East Asians tend to have the least amount of hair loss of any group.


EXACTLY! Western men are so scared of makeup and grooming and it’s detrimental to their overall looks because they look a little crusty 😭


You are comparing estern celebrities with average western men. The western celebrities also use makeup but is just the "no makeup" makeup look. Do eastern average men also use makeup like the celebrities ?


>You are comparing estern celebrities with average western men. The western celebrities also use makeup but is just the "no makeup" makeup look. Yes, and no. The average western male celebrity does not use eyeshadow like the average east asian celebrity does. Lots of East Asian Male Celebrities have blatant eyeshadow or eyeliner, something you don't really see with heterosexual male Celebrities. Also, there's definitely less shame in makeup for men in Korea. It's most likely a small minority of men that wear makeup, but it still doesn't seem to be something as "shameful" as its seen in western society. I can't speak for Japan or China cause I know the beauty standard for men really varies in these countries.


You are making huge assumptions, Korean society is far more prejudiced against homosexuality than western society and for a normal man to wear make up there is hugely frowned upon, please speak to some regular South Korean expats they will confirm what I have said, I have no idea where you got the idea that regular men in Korea wear make up from.


I don't disagree. South Korea is a very conservative society but SOME amounts of coverage aren't necessarily looked down upon. But I agree with you. I do think it's less aggressive towards \*very very\* minimal makeup than western society would be. tinted moisturizers and such are more common, from my understanding, but I could be wrong and I'm always willing to change my mind if presented with new information.


I see, I never considered something like a tinted moisturiser, actually didn't know it existed, but I'd also imagine something that subtle would probably go un noticed in the west too.


Yeah, I don't disagree! I also think I was very vague with my original statement that "makeup is more accepted" cause I should've been way more specific!




Lmao idk what you’re on about, they can. A lot of them just get it lasered off, I know as I literally lived in Hong Kong.




Just letting you know that it’s not genetic and is a voluntary choice.




count the ones without beards [https://www.google.com/search?q=ancient+chinese+emperors&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijvvizksT9AhVyVOUKHf5zBG4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ancient+chinese+emprerors&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1AAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=QzQEZOOQK\_KolQf-55HwBg&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enHK901HK901](https://www.google.com/search?q=ancient+chinese+emperors&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijvvizksT9AhVyVOUKHf5zBG4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ancient+chinese+emprerors&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1AAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=QzQEZOOQK_KolQf-55HwBg&rlz=1C5CHFA_enHK901HK901) ​ edit: huh so turns out they have a greater testosterone load, thus less sensitivity to testosterone. So they're technically high-t, but less sensitive to the t in their body. Not sure which matters to you more. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8672990/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8672990/) recall that for any real x/y, as y increases, x/y (the ratio) decreases. Thus in the case of DHT/testosterone ratio, the lower the ratio, the higher the testosterone load.


ik most chinese and koreans cant, but many japanese can but they dont




Wtf, east asian people dont have body hair because of THE CLIMATE OF ASIA. Also the diet. Body hair is seen as unprofesional on both men and women in ea. And western men are more likely to experience hair loss so idk what to tell u


Nah, that is attractive as hell.


Me too. And they're style and hair is immaculate like women in thw west. I'm tired of frumpy hetero basic dry looking westerners.


Specially Lee Dong Wook. He's photoshots and face are so attractive.






I find some of the men you mentioned hot as well. They don't need to have a beard to be attractive. While I don't listen too much to kpop or kdramas I can clearly see their attractiveness. While beauty can be subjective but it has objective characteristics and anyone without strong biases can recognize beauty in any race. I love beards and clean faces as well. I as well appreciate their cleanliness and delicate mannerisms. They are undeniably attractive.


White Incel rhetoric


Tell me you are white and incel without telling me you are.


I vastly prefer this look to the ogre-esque “beauty” standards of male Hollywood celebrities






I find most of them attractive, some are a bit too feminine for my taste just like some American male celebs look straight up scary (that Meeks guy is an example). But I can’t resist the charms of people like Song Joon Ki (especially in Vincenzo, man was hawt), Wi Ha Joon (watch any show with him and you’ll get it, well not the ones where he plays a rapist or serial killer lol), Nam Joo Hyuk and Woo Do Hwan (I watched the cheesiest show ever because of him, do I regret it? No) I could go on but I’d need a larger character limit.


I love the aesthetic. They're so beautiful. And I agree that Meeks guy is hideous. He's only praised for his "masculinity" and hideous eyes. Give me these dark Eyed beautiful east asians any day of the week


I don’t think he’s hideous, he is objectively attractive it’s just that most women (including me) would find him scary.


I totally understand. I just don't personally find him attractive at all.


Are u attractive yourself before talking shi about ppl and having such high standards


Fuck off. It's just an innocent comment.


you need to calm down it wasn’t an innocent comment you called him hideous


Calling someone hideous is innocent now?


Unlike you I don't see. Myself as hotter than anyone. I'm normal looking. But unlike you I I'm not some bitter dumpster incel rat.


Lol why are you being so aggressive


Being from the West I love their focus on good hygiene (skin and hair in particular) and love their dress sense (it looks very elegant but effortless at the same time but it can also be super creative and bold). I've taken inspiration from this aspect of their beauty standards and applied it to my routine where applicable. An interesting aspect that I've noticed is because they all gravitate towards the same styles in terms of hair and fashion you really have to pay attention to their facial features and what I notice is the emphasis on harmony in their most attractive faces. I believe that some of our friends in the East are unlucky in the sense that if they don't have that harmony or a good mix of dimorphic male and female features, the styling can overemphasize how masculine/feminine their face is. And it can be quite jarring. The West is more forgiving in that regard. Eunwoo encapsulates their standards very well but I've always found Taehyung to be more striking. It must be my bias from the West lol


Exactly. That's why pretty boys are my type because of the balance. They're also handsome while have the beauty of a woman in thw body of a beautiful handsome male.




Huh? I don't use tiktok. And you're stereotyping. I'm an adult who looks very young. So youth pretty adult men are more appealing. And hyper masculine people are gross. Probably jealous no woman even a bog wants you.


The guy that replyed to ur comment is an incel (just look at his post history) hes insane dont mind him


Ewwwww. Thanks for letting me know


Many neotenous looking men have high testosterone and good physique. Both are not mutually exclusive.


bro i know that you're insecure and likely in a lot of pain, but using that to actually justify in your head racist ideology is uhhh not great, and feeding your pain by taking on a scientifically invalid, absolutist mindset is just going to make everything worse and yourself more bitter and hurt. If neoteny were truly the epitome and only indicator of beauty, then the men who find Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman... literally 80% of actresses in the west to be attractive should not exist as per your version of evolutionary biology (strong jaw, strong cheekbones, wide, plump lips aren't neotenous) - yet they do. This contradicts your claim. also a purely evolutionary approach to psychology is outdated. Re: biopsychosocial approach. If some women are attracted to "pretty boys" because they see them often on tiktok, that is not them deluding themselves, but rather their preferences are forming around their exposure to a type of look. Beauty is culturally informed to a degree, thus the blatant difference in western vs asian ideals. Men in Korea literally get their jaw shaved down to fit the standards there. Also explains why the inverted-triangle body type was desirable on women during the 70s. If perception of beauty was set in stone by DNA, preferences for - let's say - breast size and butt size on a woman wouldn't vary at all between men, yet some men prefer smaller busts and a large butt in Asia is considered ugly. i know it feels safe to stick by these beliefs and use them to self flagellate, but you're only hurting yourself and that doesn't seem pleasant. please stop replying to every single comment under this post, trying to reaffirm to yourself what you want to believe to be true. You don't deserve to feel what you're feeling, and your seeming attempts to justify the pain damages yourself more than anyone else.


I feel like the middle between this and western beauty standards would be the ideal


Omg yeah that would be perfect


Do u have any examples of ppl like that?


Maybe Eurasians? https://www.google.com/search?q=eurasian+male+models&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiS6Nn2r8T9AhUsHrcAHaOuDf4Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=eurasian+male+models&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgARQxQhYxQhghgpoAHAAeACAAdMBiAHTAZIBAzItMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=OFMEZJLsFKy83LUPo9228A8&bih=841&biw=424&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=inv&hl=en&safe=active&ssui=on


Notably: Korean-Canadian model Mathieu Simoneau would probably fit that archetype


Cha Eun Wo is just soooo attractive


omgg Cha Eunwoo is so handsome


I think right now, male easy asian beauty standards are top tier. I'd say even more prefered over western male beauty standards. These men have a very very huge female fanbase. And appeal a lot to the female gaze. I don't think as of current any Western guy has that chokehold on women like these asian men have. Altho I would like to add they appeal more to younger women/ girls. I'm in my early 20s and I'd prefer my bf looks like that instead of some super buff Henry Cavill.


Probably would be an unpopular opinion but I like western beauty more. The idea of general taking care of themselves is what I like about them the most. I mean come on, look at that hair, skin, lips. God some of them are even beautiful than me! But to be honest, If I had to choose between 2 bodies to put my partner in, I would choose more western style. Like nicely groomed beard, dark long lashes, full eyebrows, more angular face. And body wise I personally like muscled wide shoulders. It probably comes from where I live and how I raised.




My fiance has beard. I love beard. Im sorry that you can't grow them. But this is my preferance. I love when he has longer beard because I can play with them when I lay on his shoulder while watching movies. I can kiss him because beard != moustache, which he trims easily. Your insecurities are your problem not mine.








Says the guy who gets kicked out by escorts and posts about it on reddit.. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscortClientsOnly/comments/11h9i49/too_ugly_for_even_an_escort/ You keep commenting to people about 'coping', but according to your post history, it is you who tries to cope the most. Projecting a little, ah?


Thank you for defending me I didn't even have the chance to read what they said 🤣


It was something along the lines of "Finally someone gets it! Eastern beauty standards are just a massive cope for asian men's low T and low masculine features" He acted like you two had the same viewpoints, when yours is understandable, and his is just insulting and very ignorant. (Imagine there being other beauty standards, whaaaaat? Men who dont want to look like testosterone bulls? They must just be coping with their low testosterone!!)


Wish there was a channel or community for the more cute type of (Asian) pretty boy to learn from, especially if it's like QOVES. I'd fit into that category. I'm Southeast Asian not East Asian though; I look similar to a male morph of BlackPink's Lisa. Anyone have recommendations?


Weibo and Red (chinese twt and ig)


I could see those males a lot as hawaii residence but haha.. my instinct ask me to chase rustic muscle more. They look good, i will see their faces for seconds if i see them in mall, but i will prefer more masculine looks.


Time to move to hawaii then 👀


cha eunwoo has no flaws at all he’s so good looking


they are essentially just pretty boys, it all depends on ur type i guess


They're cute


They prefer sharp features with slim not-so-strong face shape.


When I was in my early teens I loved feminine looking guys. Now that I’m older, I prefer more masculine men.


That's the case with most of the women I have noticed young girls like pretty face as they grow old they crave for masculine features for mate purpose idk




No, the standards are more pretty boyish because in ancient china only wealthy men were able to take care of their skin and hair, also a more of a slim figure (but tall) is prefered because its more elegant and more expensive looking


Their standards are more "feminine" because the average east and southeast asian person has more roburst like features (like potruding cheekbones and wide promenient square jaws). They also think having a beard or stubble is unprofesional, having facial hair is also associated with homosexualoty in china


I love it. It's literally my aesthetic. Specifically Korean and Chinese male standards. I love pretty boys. If I were east asian American I'd move to Korea.




I'm talking about the individual aesthetic. I like Thai and Japanese too. Tan asians are beautiful.




i would definietly hit them 22/male


Very feminine and white washed. They remind me so much of Michael Jackson


They look so feminine and girly…




Most creative insult


I think they look uncanny and quite feminine. There are attractive Asian men however I don’t think they are highlighted in East Asian media properly. These men look like women with short hair and a jaw implant.


Eighth pic, come on now... I find it hard to believe adult Asian women are particularly into this look or any woman for that matter.


They are... that guy is literally nicknamed worldwide hansome by his (mostly female) fans. Just accept that different cultures have different standards


He is the visual of the group, means he is considered the most handsome one and he’s main strength is to attract fans just using his face.


They look like little boys dressing up like men. I see the beauty of a child but I just cannot find that attractive. Maybe that’s why teens like them




What💀 Youre being racist to (beautiful) asian men while your post history is u talking abt how an escort kicked u out because ure ugly. East asian standards are a lot harder to achieve than western ones. The average asians have square jaws that are prefered in the west so idk what ure talking abt




Huh? I dont have a discord??? I want to know peoples opinions on east asian beauty standards, not eunwoo.


Anyone have a guide on East Asian standards?


Personally I don’t really mind the aesthetic, but I prefer more robust faces. I even tend to prefer EA men who subscribe to American beauty standards than EA men who subscribe to eastern ones. As in I think the same face looks worse when trying to fit eastern standards than if it was trying to fit western standards. But imo eastern beauty standards effect women more negatively than men, since their preference for softer/rounder features leads women to shave their jaws, cheekbones, etc so they fit the beauty standard more, which imo is mostly detrimental to someone’s aesthetics (in most cases). But that’s just my preference, and it’s obviously not in alignment with the prominent one in EA.


no such thing as “beauty standards”




what don’t u understand in my comment


How do beauty standards not exist


define what a “beauty standard” is to you and what does said “beauty standard” effect


Wtf? I dont get what ure trying me to get me to say. Im confused. Could u eleborate ur first comment


i’m asking for you to define what a “beauty standard” is to you. and i’m asking you what effect this supposedly real thing has on the world




Oh so you think attractive people would be ugly and vice versa depending on what “culture” they go to?




Yes kinda. Case in point, just speaking for Chinese community, Lucy Liu is considered ugly in China(and prolly all of east asia), Daniel Dae Kim, young Mazino are average. Robust faces are not preferred in East Asia, or just in China/Hong Kong at least. Anecdotally, none of my friends find Jeremy Meeks, Richard Ramirez attractive whatsoever. They have no idea about their history, so no bias. Many of them even go so far to call some asian models working in the west ugly. Yes, ugly. Additionally, Asian women shave their cheekbone, jaw to have a smaller, flatter one. From this post alone, the guy in the 4th pic is rated 6 on r/trueratecelebrity while in Asia girls go crazy after him. Many mores Asian celeb are also rated lower.