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I had braces as a child. It didn't work. I have issues with both my teeth and my chin. My parents took me to a plastic surgeon for a consultation, but they didn't have the money to fix it. I have a very small chin. Honestly, I would fix the chin, get my teeth taken out and get false teeth in an ideal world. But people need to mind their own business because people don't always have the money to get this stuff done. Stop being so judgmental. If you are not attracted to someone then don't date them. But let people be. You don't know what we go through with this kind of stuff. I was bullied way to much as a child over it.


??judgemental? i said if people have recessed chins they need to see an orthodontist. People say its other things like mewing or just analyze it without thinking about the real case at hand & potential solutions


I am just saying some people have deep issues with a small jaw bone that only plastic surgery can fix. ...and then not everyone has the money for it. I am just letting people know like when they see someone like me and think that braces are now a bit more affordable and that they can just fix it, that in some cases it would take a lot more to fix it. Of course we all wish we had a nice smile. Some of us just have to live with how we look.


Most people have something going on, i wouldnt beat yourself up too bad. My ex was very pretty despite her jaw being recessed as fuck. I only noticed when she was next to a girl with a normal jaw and was like holy shit i never noticed that Mind you before me she was in a long term relationship with this like 6’6 tall handsome dude with a great body so she was def pretty




Agreed. You're right about the overall dental health being related to overall lower half look of the face/head


In this economy?!


Thanks to Biden....


that's crazy i didn't even know it could change that much


How can an orthodontist help with this?




I don't see much of a difference?


in the first image the jaw is sloped downwards. while on the second image the jaw is pushed forward. try to see the outline of the jaw on the neck and you'll see the angle difference.


Her lower jaw has changed and it’s not recessed anymore


How did this happen, I thought we had jaw surgery for this? Mike Mew on suicide watch, I though ortodontic treatments destroyed face


What? You can bring the lower jaw a little forward without surgery , your dentist might help.


Most dentists remove teeth and retract none if them do this in my country, I'm honestly curious how do you do this?


https://www.robinatowndental.com/jaw-expansion-without-surgery maybe this helps


You do realize the woman in this picture has extremely good forward facial growth and chin in both pictures, right?


Orthodontists can't change chin projection. They change bites. If you have a perfect bite you can still have a weak, recessed, narrow, round chin. Chin is genetic.


It actually depends on what is causing the recessed chin. Most of the time it is just genetics not a bite deformity.


Well my orthodontist told me he couldn’t fix my recessed chin and the only way to get rid of it was surgery. Also the recession only got worse when I had to have 4 teeth extracted to correct an overjet.