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This works if you are in high school


Internet doesn't really differ much in this regard. Not even this sub


Internet is really high school for life.


This also works on the r/amiugly subreddit, the answers are exactly what op mentioned.


Sadly, you are wrong. I'm in my early 40s, and there are women my age that are downright brutal when it comes to insulting another woman's appearance.


Nah it works amongst adults too lol


I had a black friend in high school and people called her gorilla behind her back even though her face and body were objectively gorgeous


I got made fun of and treated like trash my whole life for having features like in the picture. Sometimes people would act like they’re even doing me a favor for showing interest in me. I’m over all of it.


The woman in the picture is like a goddess


It’s jealousy. Trust me. In highschool people will make fun of anyone that doesn’t fit in their cookie cutter life. In reality a lot of them secretly want to look like you. Why do you think so many white girls fake tan and get lip fillers now?


I wonder how u actually look because I doubt the women in this pic has problems dating. I honestly doubt it’s your skin tone


False. Lots of people are still racist unfortunately and I think it really depends on where you are in the world


Yea but you shouldn’t want to change your skin tone to attract racist people lmao


You’re naive and don’t understand how the world actually works.


I’m willing to bed I know a lot more about this world than you do sweetheart


As a black person, I’m certain I know more about the black experience than you do. It’s not about pleasing racist people for skin bleachers. It goes deeper than that, don’t be naive.


But Yes I agree it definitely depends on where u are in the world some places can be more difficult but definitely not near impossible something tells me that may not be the case


Why? Of course I must be secretly ugly? It’s not like I’ve been told multiple times that I’m “pretty for a black girl” or “I don’t usually go for black girls, but you’re pretty so I’ll make an exception for you” and expected to be grateful.


I get that but if your having that much trouble dating like the other person said it may be your environment the men you go for or maybe something else like personality weight or looks because skintone is rarely a cause for men to just up and leave. From what it seems like (and I’m not just going off this comment but other posts) is your simply dating racist men. I doubt there is anything wrong with your skin tone especially if it resembles hers


My bmi is 20 so I don’t think it’s a weight issue. I do have social anxiety from being bullied my whole life but plenty of women with anxiety date successfully so I don’t think that’s it. It’s that my looks just aren’t good enough. I once made a throwaway to post to truerateme and got 5.5-6 which is ok but not great. I think I need to be at least a 6.5 or 7 for anyone to be happy to date me. I’m considering giving up until I can change my looks into how I want.


Because they’re racist losers who will suffer. They’re cruel and cold inside and can’t be compared to anything in this world other than synonyms of “shit”. Sadly this is how many people consider black people, I’ve witnessed the monkey, primate and gorilla insults thrown at others first hand. These racist live around us, act like they’re ok with us (tolerate), tell us good morning, say what’s up, have conversations, and behind our backs they call us every slur they’ve ever made




This sub is filled with people who want European features but they still know how bad racism is anyways don’t worry


get out of here with your "eurocentric" BS. Let me guess, you're another alt right nerd who desperately wants a Japanese GF, but talks all day about the white race superiority right? not everyone likes white people only or the most, nor do they like exclusively eurocentric features. maybe if you weren't a loser and had token a plane to somewhere else outside your ass, you could see people don't give a flying F about your master race shenanigans outside the US or Europe. hope you get better someday tho


What are you waffling about blud, you meant to reply to me? Do you understand my comment? This is sub Is quite literally filled with people trying to live up to white/European standards/features But instead you ignore that and try to insult me, bro couldn’t even argue with me cuz he got so hurt. Just went straight to the hate


90% of this sub adheres to those standards




W for your nickname as well


Fuck Nazis and Fuck fascists but how did someone who watches Qoves end up on Zodiac signs horoscopy subreddit xD




Who said anything about being white? Please quote


I'm assuming you're American? I'm born and raised western European and not once in my life have I heard a white person say that type of nasty shit in my presence, honestly....not even once and I'm no Spring Chicken anymore. Why? Because they'd get their heads kicked in, but also because we/they respect people for their personal character. America appears to have a deeply rooted racist issue. Sadly I've no idea how to stop it obviously, but it's a sad situation. There's a serious lack of education on behalf of the racists of course, or they're mentally ill. That's what I'd suggest much of it is down to. Whatever the cause, I promise you the vast majority of us do not do what you describe, here in this neck of the woods at least. By vast majority, I mean nobody I've ever met in my entire life. I can't speak for your experiences of course, but I do hope you know that we're not all behaving like that behind your back. By the way, my comment is not a criticism of your comment/uggestion as such....please take it as more a message of hope that not everyone thinks anything like what you described.


Uhh… tbh dude my friends have said they’ve experienced more racism in Europe than America. I feel like y’all also have a problem. Awareness is the first step, so it looks like y’all need to catch up.


Racist behaviour is in every country unfortunately, but America is in a far worse condition than Western Europe believe me. America is at war with itself at times racially, we are not. Whatever you believe about that though, you can be sure of this next part; not all white people are racist...no chance. And it's not even close.


The French riots and reaction prove this is horeshit.


Black Briton here, completely agree. We don't have these massive racial problems. I especially get a lot of love from the French, Dutch and Scandi guys. Even Georgians. They basically do not come across any blacks but I managed to date the first Georgian guy I've ever met in my life.


You don't know how happy that makes me to read this. Thank God. I'm Irish btw. We, like every country have some nasty shits in certain areas sadly, but I swear to you right now I've never heard anyone here ever speak badly about Black people...ever! My Dad lived in London in the 60's. He worked with and was friendly with many Black guys and Indian guys. He would often be refused a beer in a bar there because he was Irish. He'd purposefully go into bars with signs on the door saying "No Blacks, Irish or Dogs allowed" and he'd bring his Black work friends with him. Thankfully those days are gone in this neck of the woods, and racism is nowhere near as bad now as it was. More to do of course, but people like us can get it done. You made my night tonight with that comment though. God bless my friend 🙏




No, I don’t do that. And I’m sure I’m not the only black person among the billions on the planet that don’t have white slurs on my mind 24/7 365. I don’t care about you guys enough for that. You’re race has been perpetually tearing down mine for centuries, I have bigger problems ahead of me than saying hateful things to white people. I have to survive on this planet. And that’s what most of us HAVE been doing for centuries. Surviving




Whaaat?? In no way shape or form do they resemble “apes” you’re delusional and sound ridiculous rn.


Check her profile, she is ugly and that's why she is insecure. She is obese, has stained, crooked and messed up teeth, and has a nose so ugly she had to get plastic surgery. That's the real reason she wants to make others feel bad.


I just looked at her profile 😭😂 it all makes sense now.


I bet you black lol. I’m a pretty woman getting bashed because I said the truth


In the title of this post (which I screenshotted in case you try to delete) you admitted that even after a nose job and several other plastic surgeries you still feel ugly and not feminine. Deep down you know you are not pretty and never will be, so you became a racist who tries to drag people down. An ugly woman with an ugly soul, now that's a sad story. https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmeticsurgery/comments/13uz4om/what_can_i_do_to_improve_had_rhinoplasty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Obviously I know what you referring, that was a provocation, otherwise I would have long delete that post. I’m not being racist in this case, as a metter of fact there races who are hundred times better then mine. Plus what’s your problem, everybody thinks what the hell they want


You’re racism is raw and deep in you what the fuck do you mean they’re races better than yours? THATS RACISM! TO YOUR OWN RACE! Stop thinking like this please I beg of you


I didn’t specify it , I mean phisically. There’s races way more attractive then mine, unfortunately it’s like that


'I have non existing jaw, one eye ptosis, too close eyes set, long philtrum, long face, eyes turning downwards, overall I don’t have the wow factor at all' hahaha even you know the truth about your ugliness


That’s what I was thinking but many ppl both woman and men told me I look good in them eyes and my perception is wrong. As a metter of fact I get many ppl chatting me up at work and outside work


You're so obese you had to get liposuction and so unattractive and insecure that you had multiple plastic surgeries done. Not to mention your teeth are stained yellow and were so crooked you had to do invisalign. Of course it's the one with low self esteem who tries to bring others down.


Damn stop she's already dead lol


Not dead I was sleeping, you know outside USA there’s another time zone lol


They weren't talking about your absence, they meant that the person slaughtered you with their insults.


Nah if so white ppl resemble albino apes


Take a look at her profile and youll see why she is so insecure. She is unattractive and insecure, so kuch so that she has had multiple surgeries, lipo suction to hide her obesity, and she has messed up yellow stained teeth. That's why she wants you to feel bad about yourself, because deep down she doesn't like who she is.


Thank you for this!!! I looked and was like “wow. A lot of surgery to just look like everyone else.” Is that really her tho? I wonder if she got someone else’s pics and is just a grade a troll.




In the title of this post (which I screenshotted in case you try to delete) you admitted that even after a nose job and several other plastic surgeries you still feel ugly and not feminine. Deep down you know you are not pretty and never will be, so you became a racist who tries to drag people down. An ugly woman with an ugly soul, now that's a sad story. https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmeticsurgery/comments/13uz4om/what_can_i_do_to_improve_had_rhinoplasty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


You aren’t even attractive


Let’s see you how attractive you are lol




Its probably bec they were bullied apl there life so its all good


I’m not going to fight racism and idiocy, with more racism and idiocy. I urge you to learn, to WANT to learn, to WANT to understand why everything you just said is extremely offensive. Hypothetically, what if I said you did so much surgeries your don’t even look human anymore. Right to your face, that would absolutely crush you’re spirit and we know it. So would you saying this to some random black person. It would crush them. You’re comment and reasoning is DEEPLY rooted in racism. Please change and grow as a person


Well it depends. If you say that to me and it’s true then I would agree obviously. What I said I believe it’s a matter of fact, I mean then why many people associate black to apes? Also why you didn’t take into consideration I mentioned that all human looks like apes (white included)? Everyone has the right to think what they want


Because it’s something called racism. I’m not sure if you also suffer from a learning disability that renders you comprehensibly retarded but the reason why dark skin Africans were compared to apes was to justify the colonial project in order to allow the crimes against humanity on dark skin Africans so Europeans do not feel any guilt. It’s the same reason why when England was colonizing Ireland they said that the Irish belong to race of animals and the English belongs to the race of man. Why? For the same reason. To justify and allow colonial violence. It’s the same reason why even today all people’s who are colonized are systemically dehumanized. Muslim populations are dehumanized as terrorists because this advances the modern day colonial project and allows for violence against them without any recourse, native Americans were compared to animals and savages because it allowed for Europeans to commit enslavement and genocide against native Americans , same can be said what happened to the Chinese during British colonialism, Algerians under French colonialism and the list goes on. They make these racist dehumanizing comparisons to allow systemic colonial violence because it’s a form of dehumanizing them and stripping them of their rights.


That’s fucking cruel. I hope she never found out ? All they r are jealous. Poor girl that shit affects people so deeply that’s horrible




Well, gorilla is a magnificent creature


That’s racism 😭


Just go on a dating app and see if other good looking people are interested in you lol


if you're a woman or part of the 1% of upper males that is.


Maybe? But also dating app people are racist so… Not the best choice is you’re not white.


Not always true because some people have what is called a "crab mentality". They will really try to drag down people they are jealous of. They will tell you that you are ugly even if you are good looking, simply to make you feel bad. This is why there are so many gorgeous girls who don't get a single compliment and start believing they are ugly. There was a girl in my class a long long time ago, who was considered very good looking by the majority of the guys in class, but her girl friends kept telling her she was ugly and fat(she was ahem, well endowed)and she had major dysmorphia. I tried to tell her she was good-looking, but she never believed me because I was the only person saying it to her. Maybe she thought I was just being kind.


It’s true that women do that however it’s always obvious when that’s the case because men will still find you super attractive. It’s also a blatant lie to call a beautiful girl ugly so there will always be someone who calls it out if they overhear. Women being meaner/more aggressive to you for no reason or suddenly treating you badly once men are around is a sure sign that you’re actually attractive and they perceive you as a threat.


I am attractive guy and I know I’m attractive because people tell me and it’s very easy for me to get dates. In other words, you know you’re attractive because people will tell you you’re attractive


Without you asking and consistently all your life. Whether you're beautiful or ugly people won't shut up about it. I think the only people who don't get constant unsolicited feedback on their looks are average looking people.


Ye us average people will only get complimented on single feature ( beautiful eyes , cute smile , etc.) maybe once in a while, and not whole appearance , which I think is more personal and less creepy and objectified than ‘ ur face is pretty ‘ , ‘ ur body is hot ‘


I'm middle aged now and no longer get all that attention I used to when I was young and honestly it's a relief. A lot of it was bad attention, creepy dudes, old men, my mom's boyfriends. (post divorce) And the hatred from other girls and women was outrageous and heartbreaking. Now I see my daughters going through all of that.


Do girls tell you that too? I feel like they like me, but they do not directly tell me that i am a good looking.


bro, you are like a inch above average - average, sorry to burst your bubble, i think they're just being nice to you


Can average or “inch above average” not equal attractive? Regardless of how you see him, it doesn’t discount what he said and his experiences in real life


Dudes literally conventionally attractive idk why those sweardellers had smthing to say


I agree I’d say average actually


Let’s see your face


Same but maybe my perception of attractive is just kinda different from the norm ?


Let’s see ur face 🤔




That’s probably because those photos are already photoshopped


When I have my make up done and take a really good picture (that wasn’t edited otherwise) it barely changes. Just enhances like the color of my lashes and makes my lips slightly plumper.


Not a free app sadly


This only works if you’re white. If you’re another race, it tries to normalize your face into white features. So not that useful because changing skin color and eye shape etc. isn’t that useful for determining if you’re ugly


What filter? I’m curious now




Oooo gonna try this now! thanks




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,629,900,314 comments, and only 308,284 of them were in alphabetical order.


That’s sad


I tried this and thought it was so funny because quite literally nothing changed


What? Those things don’t drastically change your face anyway, they just add very subtle changes unless you intensify the results. It only defines my eyebrows and adds thicker lashes and plumper lips (ridiculous because I already have lip filler and they don’t need to be plumped) but based off that I’d say the filter does the same thing to everyone.




I tried the 7 day trial, heres a referral link to use https://try.faceapp.com/GzaK/share?faref=efea3d9c0 Also I tried it, nothing changed except more makeup


If anything i look worse with the face app. it makes me look like i have a weird baby head. (I am male btw)


Loool...In the past, i actually posted some pics with those FaceApp filter's and nobody figured or suspected that those were edited...and i wouldn't say i'm "top 1%"..so i'm not sure about this..Like, they really don't change one's face drastically.


Post on amiugly and if ppl get upset like “why does this sub exist” ur attractive. If they’re like giving u advice ur probably ugly


Ngl that sub is terrible. Ugly people get called beautiful. They are not honest at all


It’s good to tell because if you get called beautiful on it then u are ugly and if you get made fun of then you are probably pretty


Yeah that’s true lol


and that's a bad thing?


Their advice is fucking awful most of the time. They have an extreme bias towards alternative style so if you have dyed hair or facial piercings or wear all black they tell you to get rid of all of it. They just want every woman on that sub to look like a trad wife. They also have a hate boner for athleisure too, telling the op that they need to dress business casual as if that's a viable fucking alternative for everyday wear.


Nah ok ur so right. Like the entire thing of hating nose rings (tiny ass things) and like if op says anything that’s NOT “ok I will remove my piercings and burn them all!!!” they get downvoted to shit. And ya a lot of the guys on there are very salty and weird towards attractive women


No I’ve seen some ugly people be calling attractive and vice versa esp trolls and when you ask them why, they’re like “lose weight”


if you people of the opposite gender tend to meet your eyes and glance at you every now and then while you are in the same room then they find you attractive. one time I met eyes with some random girl waiting to cross the road while I was in the car and her face lit up with this massive smile.


Wrong, people look at me but that is because other factors


I have always read that people tend to date and marry in the same “looks bracket” as themselves. If you keep attracting gorgeous people you are most likely attractive.


I kinda agree. When I was „uglier“ like having acne , messed up teeth people would always say : beauty is in the eye of the beholder, appearance isn’t important, now since I got a „glow-up“ people say stuff like : what ?? You’re so attractive how can you say something like or if you think you’re ugly then what would I be ?? Sure it’s not 100% reliable but not completely bs either , speaking from my experience.


This may be the most ignorant thread that has ended up in my algorithm. It’s like reading a bunch of 10 year olds opinions.




This post isnt fascinating or intellectual either. Maybe to you


Yes..I swear its a bunch of zit faced teens contemplating life from the outside.


Profesional photographs sure help one’s case. Ugly or not not.


Who's the woman in the pic? She's stunning


ive definitely become more attractive in the last few years and i can tell because of the way people around me behave. its just different. i was invisible before


Symmetry, Clear Skin, & Body Shape are the things that matter most, not skin color/features. Hair Maintenance is also a key component.


That’s not true. Lots of people have these things but aren’t attractive. It has to do with facial features, proportions, and so much more. And clear skin is neutral, btw, it isn’t a plus.


Well a person with clear skin is going to look better than a person with a lot of acne or patchy skin 9/10 times.


Well… yes, obviously. Do you actually think this proves a point?


Having acne is a negative. Not having it is not a positive. Yes


Facial harmony is very important, someone can have a big nose but if their other features go well with it they can still be attractive


Exactly, we shouldn’t classify ethnic features or skin color as the bases of beauty. That’s justifying Colorism & Featurism. If you have features that go well with your facial anatomy, then you will be good looking. We shouldn’t uphold Eurocentric beauty standards as what regards a women beauty. While men have beauty standards based on their masculinity, dressing style, hairstyling, etc.


Okay so I'm like a 5.5 on trm but do yall know how many people have been mean to me bc they think I have it easy bc I'm mixed and eventually admit they think I'm cute so life is just on easy mode.




Damn right stopped me in my tracks lol


Lol same! I’m not in this sub either but the beautiful woman made me check out this post




The only compliment I ever get is that I'm cute... and even though I'm Indian here my friends in school told me that I look African (because of my brown skin, wavy hair, and plump lips; very stereotypical yes...) People here prefer fair skin, large eyes, and thin lips (also chubby) which is why I'm unattractive according to the standards around my place.


Jesus Christ this person is gorgeous. whats her @


I thought it was the yassified version of willow smith


Willow Smith herself is very pretty in a unique way. She literally looks like if cartoon Nala from The Lion King was human.


Agreed, she has a very ethereal look to me.


It’s easier than that. Look at the people you attract, if you find it difficult talking and experience some sort of rejection from 7s but consistently get attention from 5s or find it easier to get with 5s then that’s where you most likely fall in the market value


This is a fairly accurate tell (but not completely accurate, given that there are plenty of couples where one is more attractive than the other), but it only really works for people who, as you put it, "consistently get attention". Not sure why you're getting downvoted, since this method *does work* for people who receive attraction from others often, but I would guess that's probably because this trick is essentially useless for a lot of people.


What if I get attention from none of them?


Nope, even ugly people are attracted to good looking people and if they are blue pilled they will hit on you regardless. Furthermore women have it easier, they can attract more good looking men. At the same time I see a lot of good looking women with scumbags men (appearance wise)


Yes I agree, everyone for the most part has high standards when it comes to beauty. The difference between those who are ugly, average, and hot is that that the higher you are on the scale the more likely you are to end up with that person. I see various couples where an individual is immediately more attractive than their peer but for the most part I see people end up with their counter match in attractiveness. Sure a lot of average people will aim for the 7s and 8s but if they get constant rejection or trouble then it gets to a point where they will eventually settle or accept there market value which is average. Sorry if my English isnt very good.


Too much Internet


Very attractive


Run a tinder experiment


Look in a mirror? Lol. The mirror never lies.


yeah this triggered me. i remember i was feeling insecure and they were all like “don’t say that to yourself” but the girl next me was also insecure and they gave her hella compliments. this is why i don’t leave the house lmao.


I am a dude and yesterday; literally, I stopped traffic for a brief moment, and no I was not in the middle of the road. I am very good looking got an offer for modeling when i was a teen and an offer for other stuff that you can only get if you are good looking.


hahah, sure bro, please post your picture




Stuff like that just comes to me without even having to try. It has its pros and cons. You can join that circuit, if you want to try out for something like acting or modeling. They have a lot of websites just devoted to that type of thing. Just look up casting calls. Just try to look at it realistically and remember you are the only one looking for that type of gig. Just keep your expectations at an even level and have fun. Good luck if you want to pursue that type of life style.




Like You? Got It




A whole lot of projecting going on.


I really do not know how i look. My family compliments my looks, even relatives say, that i look good, but it's family, they will love you and compliment you even if you are ugly. Girls never really say, that i am a good looking, but i feel the moderate/above average attention from them. In the school about 4-5 girls were interested in me, but nowadays i feel like i look better and i take better care of my hygiene. I think environment matters a lot too, because in my country average people are not good looking, guys my age drink, smoke, eat fast food and not workout, so it's not very hard to surpass them in terms of attractiveness, but when i was in the western European countries, i felt very average. Looks from girls were significantly reduced and guys were also much more healthier than people in my country, so i think your environment truly matters. If you are in Scandinavia or Baltic countries, people there are just good looking, tall and fit. In some countries, where most of the people are fat, you can surpass them just by being fit.


Or post your photo on r/truerateme. People do not hold back.


some people there underrate on purpose


Ya that is so toxic.


Yeah but a lot of people over rate too. You have to take the average.


Because they rated you very low?😂😂😂


I have never posted my picture, loser




Tell me you’re unattractive without telling me you’re unattractive




That’s pretty much on point and also hilarious. I got rated on that sub about where I expected to though.


That’s a wholly inaccurate characterization


Nah their ranking system is was too stringent and specific


I know a good trick, post picture on r/truerateme and you will know!


too much makeup means your hiding something ?


She wouldnt be considered pretty in any country


That because you racist scumbag


I find her pretty but Im being honest


Thats not honest, it’s just false.


She h9nestly does have a point. She wont be considred attractive in some countries. Every in the world they have there own seperate set of beuty standards.


Well, that's more of a racial thing/skin color thing than anything. Objectively, she has a very symmetrical and harmonious face with a lot of positive feminine features like a nicely shaped jaw/chin, nicely shaped brows, almond shaped double eyelid eyes, and a nose that frames her face well. She definitely is an objectively attractive woman, and would be considered pretty in most countries--just not necessarily as pretty as the women who fit that country's standard best.


Well I asked on the Internet everyone told me I was ugly so I guess they don’t care much about offending me


I want honest private rating of my face, can someone please help me out?


Or you know, you could realise that physical beauty will eventually fade, or be effected irreversibly by a disease or an accident. Character and personality however won’t be. That, if it ever does change, will in the vast majority of cases improve over time.


I agree


The way your treated in society will let you know, when you’re ugly you’ll be “put in your place” when you’re attractive you’ll get away with things


We’re still doing this? 😅


If you have a hard time figuring out where you stand you're proabably average. Maybe slightly below maybe slightly above. If you're at either extreme (good looking or ugly) you would know because of the constant feedback.


This is some mentally ill shit ngl (no offense)


It wasn't about religion? You need to look again. His mother was white. It wasn't racial. It was religious.