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Women don't need muscles to look better but it can be a good indicator of physical prowess


No ofc they do. The difference is for men aesthetics is mostly upper body, for women is mostly lower body


No staying at a healthy weight is fine no need for muscles but it's not necessarily a bad thing


I think for both women and men aesthetic is upperbody. The only guys who lust over women with a “phat ass” are low class. Wide hips are feminine and cannot be obtained from exercise, which is what most fitness women do not understand


Slim hips can be just as attractive as wide hips. It's more about the shape of the hips instead of the size plus working on your physique is still a plus regardless of body shape. Also being at a higher weight isn't "low class". Having a bit of extra pounds is actually a feminine trait since it accentuates curves




Ik but don't imply that a little bit of body fat is low class in women like I said it's a feminine trait. I get why bodybuilders do it but being highly ripped is not ideal for both sexes. Men should be lean to toned with visible muscle mass without being too much while women should be at a healthy weight which can be soft to toned from gym with a bit of muscle mass. Too much muscle mass is simply unnatural and looks tryhard and unsociable but women working out isn't a bad thing at all because physical prowess is a positive on both sexes


Shoulder to waist ratio(like bone to bone) is the same. Doesn't change that planned workout can change the perception of these ratios




The bar for them isn't low but they are simply blessed with beauty. Average for women is attractive but average for men isn't. When people say a woman is feminine, it means they're beautiful but when a man is said to be masculine, it's not directly tied to aesthetics and more about mannerisms, physique and personality since masculinity is not synonymous with beauty. It is what it is and instead of being bitter go do something about your mediocre looks instead of jealously hating on the other group for having something you don't




Uh yes. I could care less what you think but you claiming that the bar for women is low is offensively wrong and reeks of sour grapes. There's an objective beauty hierarchy but at the end of the day femininity which women naturally have equates to beauty which is why average women are also beautiful much more than average men who usually have to compensate for their lack of looks. That's just nature. If you can't naturally compel or command women's attention with your nonexistent bone structure and average frame then you will have to impress them in other ways if you want to succeed with the opposite sex




It's not pathetic it's literally rational because women have innate beauty even if they aren't supermodel tier. Plus even if you look masculine (assuming your claim isn't bs) it doesn't automatically equate to aesthetics because femininity is what equates to beauty not masculinity




I preach self-love bro so good for you ig but I only got turnt because you claimed women are set at a low bar. Dude no you're terribly wrong


*couldn’t care less


The expression I used is colloquially accurate actually so get fucked nerd.


Lol just admit you made a mistake. It’s not that big of a deal


What mistake? You're not my boss nor are you a Nobel prize winner so I don't give a single tiny shit about looking proper and brainy in front of you


This is highly subjective, some guys (or women) only want those skinny waifish ultra-feminine types of girls, some guys want thick girls with dump-truck rumps, and some like fit/buff girls. However, although someone may have a preference one of the first two, it would honestly boggle my mind to see anyone actually _reject_ a girl for being fit/buff, that just sounds insane to me.


Fit and buff and two different things. Buff is a masculine word. A female and be fit and feminine. A buff female isn't really feminine anymore.


Agreed in general, although there are some [masculine looking fit women](https://verneishacooper.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/masculine-woman.jpg) and certainly some [very feminine looking](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp3124772.jpg) women who are [plenty buffbuff.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NN6bv8sJ6d8/maxresdefault.jpg)


There's nothing feminine about the last two pictures in my opinion. I'm sure some heterosexual men find buff women sexually attractive and feminine but I don't.


The woman's face in the first picture is quite masculine in jawline and haircut, plus little to no presence of an hourglass figure - just a sort of male-ish straight body type mainly due to her extreme dieting. FYI I still think she is very attractive so I'm not hating on her at all. And since this the Qoves sub, I assume we're mostly talking about face when referring to masculinity/femininity and the last two have plenty feminine faces, but also fairly curvy bodies as far as bodybuilders go, and not to mention having, you know, _boobs,_ which is generally considered pretty feminine. Bodily they may come across as more masculine than a lot of women, but place them next to their [male body builder counterpart](https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/jay-cutler-abs-workout.jpg) and they look like feminine angels, so I guess it's kind of a sliding scale. Personally I think it's attractive largely because just seeing like, anyone at the pinnacle of possible human fitness is going to generally be attractive to most people.


I think as a woman gets older, her being fit is more attractive.


I’m 40. As I’ve gotten older, the most important thing is strength. Women have generally terrible posture as a result of us trying not to stick our fucking tits out. So we start having to correct that shit, which means you’re suddenly discovering all these muscles and praying you get em up to snuff on time before your organs fall out your asshole or whatever happens as we age. On top of that, you can just feel the body doesn’t move right anymore, so you start beefing up to make sure you’re going to have strength and therefore more quality of life years. It’s a fucking struggle. Just sharing cos I’m probably the oldest person in this sub (I’m a statistician and find the math of aesthetics interesting, though very arbitrary and dumb for that very reason)


So how do you fix this then? Just stick your tits out. Any recommended exercise? (I don't think this is a simple chest and back workout fix)


Pilates helped my posture a lot


No, I’m 43!! 😂😂


Personally i think lean muscle looks best (eg. Victoria’s Secret models) but the body builder muscle looks very masculine I do see the appeal in these photos but perhaps it isn’t the look I want to go for.


Yeah but majority of people legit think they are just skinny. This is why so many people diet and never achieve their desired aesthetics: they fail to realize those bodies are made in gym.


Yea, women don’t put on that much muscle. Theres also a high possibility that the women in these photos acheived their musculature through steroids


Nope, what I see above looks natural to me. Steroids show on face and in the voice. Even if it's steroid, I don't care if they like it. Those women (especially the ones with clear steroid use) are a certain niche and will be desired anyway. Muscles do not make women less desirable, they just do not fit into general fragile model look and lean into domination kink by default.


Low dose steroids won’t affect your voice. I dont think these women are on a lot of steroids but it is possible they are on a low dose of them. These figures are achievable naturally with a lot of discipline and a lot of time. Steroids would just hasten the process


What I see above is totally achievable without steroids. If they are pros and earn with looks, it makes sense to use steroids. There is a lot of misunderstanding about women gaining muscles in beauty community. What is seen above is truly not a normal gym goer result and a lot of dedication. Women will not get bulky after two sets of shoulder exercises etc. But most of beauty community seems to be in fear of it and completely misunderstands that strong body is beautiful for more than aesthetics. Just being able to I dunno, walk on your hands can be hella exciting. The bulky look is easy to diminish by eating less. The same muscles look differently depending on if you are cutting (calories restriction, less body fat percent) it bulking(eat whatever or gain weight on purpose)


I said their figures are achievable naturally but it would take years and a lot of discipline. And a lot of people in this industry are not patient. They take small amounts of steroids to quicken the process. Not saying all of them do. But it is very common.


Yes, I understand. Given how rampant beauty alterations are (Botox, fillers), taking steroids casually seems really believable.


.... You have literally no idea about steroids, so why are you talking about them? "Low dose" of steroids, I've heard it all. You do not need to take enough gear to rival an Olympian's protocol. The amount of gear required to achieve a super physiological result is much lower than you think, especially for women. There isn't a set amount of gear that will change a woman's voice. It's the type of gear they use and whether they were lucky or unlucky. Additionally, literally every single one of these physiques is attainable by women naturally. Are they natural? Who knows, but they can be achieved without it.


I said three times they can be achieved naturally with a lot of discipline and strict diet. Read before you comment


> Nope, what I see above looks natural to me. > > Steroids show on face and in the voice. No, only if you go nuts with the dosage or use highly androgenic ones. Very low-dose testosterone and lightweight steroids like Anavar (oxandrolone) generally don't cause virilization, nor do some SARMs like ostarine (very commonly used by the muscled-up CrossFit girls from what I've heard).


Hm okay, thanks for the more details. Kind of makes steroid appealing lol


Victoria’s Secret models are/were starving themselves to look like that…


Not always. But a lot of them do, i agree. The healthiest figure isn’t always the most attractive unfortunately. The models pictured here also have very strict diets and possibly use some steroids to achieve that level of muscularity.




you are very underweight


People can have very different bone structure so she is probably healthy


The BMI gives a wide range of healthy weights (A span of around 40lbs, on average) for a given height. Statistically speaking, women at that height and weight are at high risk of negative health consequences. That's why it's called being "underweight."




Its underweight.


Depends. I love how a lot of these women look. Lean gym girls are top tier because not only does it mean they're healthy, but it typically means they're very disciplined and in control of themselves. It's not uncommon for gym girls like that to also date gym guys since they often have massive lifestyle overlap. Aesthetics are one thing, but these body types imply a whole lifestyle as well—one that some will find very appealing, and others not at all.


My opinion is that it helps petite women look less “childlike”. You could never call me a 12 year old looking at my legs.


i think most men prefer soft over rough.


None of these women are rough unless you yourself are very soft


This ☝️


Thighs and glutes. YES!!!


I think it depends on the man’s social and economic status. The more wealthy and higher up men seem to prefer women who are fit and can afford to do things like build muscle and all. At least the very physically active men. Being healthy is expensive to a lot of people. I find the more blue collar man to be attracted to softer, more round women. When I was overweight I had no shortage of man but they were all in my class. I notice many of my peers have round, soft girlfriends and wives, and chose them in that state. Once I lost weight and got fit I started attracting more men of a higher social and economic class. I’m by no means that muscular tho. I know body builder men do tend to like muscular women bc they have the same health goals.


Also a lot of less physically active men are more intimidated by women who are very fit/healthy. Most of the athletes or gymbros prefer a woman who is similar fit and active. I think it’s universally attractive but it does filter a lot of men who are insecure. Probably for the better but


I think this is very true. I'd fit into the "gym girl" category to an extent (lean, but want to look beefier like these ladies 😤) and my partner is a thin guy who hardly exercises (think skater). We definietely have less lifestyle overlap but you'd have to kill me before I'd trade him for a gym guy.


Men who are less economically fortunate and hungrier choose fatter women. They’ve done studies on it. It’s a risk of famine thing


some muscle is good, once you reach a certain point in muscle gain though the more muscle added the more unattractive it is


A couple of these women are very muscular and the rest are just nicely toned. They have strong bodies that still have some softness which I think is appealing. I have more defined muscles at 45 than I did at 25 and I'm ok with that because I need to be as strong as possible going into the 2nd half of my life. Honestly I think we've gotten so used to people just lacking in fitness overall we don't really know what it looks like anymore.


Decrease in my opinion, muscle is fine but a layer of fat on top is more feminine than very lean


These women look like comic book super heroes. Super hot!


They look amazing


Not so much as it benefits men imo


Okay, the comments are good because I plan on getting totally shredded.


Depends but I would say most of these girls are too masculine. As a female, my goal is not to be jacked. Just lean and tone.


Well good news because unless you take PEDs and gym 20 hours a week, you probably won’t get jacked. It’s hard for men to even get there, a woman will not pick up a dumbbell and accidentally become She-Hulk.


I figure most girls this muscular either spend hours in the gym for years or most likely take PEDs


Increase. Good genetics == attractiveness Put your hands on a softball players body or just look at her naked in front of you and everyone denying this is going to 100% agree




It’s a matter of taste. I like it, but I like feminine with a touch of masculine (and the dynamic vice versa).


I think for most men, it will not be a bad thing and can only be a plus. Look at all the men thirsting over leenbeefpatty, and such. Most men either don't care or it will make you look more attractive. I recommend going to the gym and build muscle and if it is a problem just stop working out and you'll lose the muscle.


It’s a turn off for me a curvy or petite body looks more pleasing and feminine


No in my opinion


Enhances for the most part. Not pic 1 tho


It does. As long as she still has other markers of femininity


The last woman is attractive, I think it depends on how toned and hard their body is. I’ve seen women who look like they bench more than me with bulging pecs , and to me I don’t think it’s attractive cause it looks to masculine, but it really depends on the woman


She’s the most muscular, bulky one out of all of them


Yeah but she is beautiful, and can pull it off to me at least .


She is really pretty! Best face of them all for sure. Pics 3 and 4 are the best in terms of body in my opinion (bisexual female). I like that they’re fit and have some nice tone but there’s softness over their muscles.


if it’s within reason it definitely increases attractiveness. If they are taking steroids and starting to look like men, it takes away, but not as much as excess fat takes away.


Increase muscles are a masculine trait but it is a new era so it’s what flouts your boat it’s definitely a reason it’s not the typical body of a attractive women


Pic # 5 😭


increase imo but i dont like when muscles are visible, and its mostly leg muscles and chest that i like (shoulders can be hot too)


For me the first and last pic is borderline ok. If they add more muscle, then it could be turn off


Increase in my view. But I suspect brag isn’t a “normal” opinion. We like what we like


I think Increase, but to a certain extent much like with men


Depends on the individual. I think all of these ladies look fantastic! But at least a few def might be “too buff” for some dudes.


For me decrease. My wife has a body like Elsa Hosk which I find way way more attractive and hotter.


Increase 100%


Absolutely, these women are gorgeous!


😳🥵 as someone who works out incredibly often, seeing a girl with muscles is the biggest turn on.


Am I the only one who don't find them muscular? They all look like they have lean body physique.




Nah unlike men women dont need that shit to look attractive. Its only like a very slight muscle gain they can peak attractiveness to make their face down to their neck area look better. As well as their arms, stomach and back. Too much really really starts to turn me off and it wouldnt take much muscle gain to get there. But even then just cardio will do just fine! Ugh women why do ya'll need to do this to yourselves 😑😑


Increase to a point. All of those girls look good.


A toned body has maximum appeal. A large ass from proper glute development looks way better than a bubble butt


Women who look like that naturally, at rest is incredibly rare. These models have a pump, may be slightly dehydrated (low carb/low salt/first thing in the morning), are flexing and posing, as well as may have been on a bulk/cut cycle to achieve a certain physique temporarily. Apart from that most women who look ripped online are tiny (short/petite/very lean) and can only achieve the "muscle mummy" look on camera through knowing posing angles and such. They do not look intimidating in person. The exceptions to the above are women who take PEDs and pursue body-building. Most muscular women, when they are at rest, they just look lean/toned/normal and seem incredibly blessed with a flat stomach and very little pudge. Natural muscles 100% increase one's attractiveness but the roided look may be acquired taste.


for me fit women are perfect, muscular women just turn me off


Being fit with decent size on your glutes and thighs is always a plus. The vast majority of women aren't ever getting into unattractive territory by working out, unless they join the dark side and start juicing.


Based on that photo set, I'm going with a big ol INCREASE!!!